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1、初二学生国旗下讲话稿完整版初二学生国旗下讲话稿初二学生国旗下讲话稿第一篇:初二学生国旗下讲话稿尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:早上好!我是初二(12)班的卢晓娜,十分荣幸能在国旗下谈论自己的学习方法。蓦然回首,假期却在灯火阑珊处,挥手自兹去,留下我们顾影自怜 挑灯夜战,笔触也不该是困倦的。 书山有路勤为径 是学生族夜以继日的宿命。 勤 并不在于一天学习了多少小时,而在于一小时学习了多少知识!时刻讲求高效率,高标准, 学海无涯苦作舟 就大可不必了,谁会想让自己的大脑时刻不息地运转呢?劳逸结合,方才位列前茅。中国有句老话 温故而知新 ,外国著名的心理学家也有 艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线 。资料显示,一个人的记忆若


3、是我们广州市的市花,是花园酒店、中国南方航空公司和广州电视台使用的标志,也是201X年第一届亚洲残疾人运动会的吉祥物。每年四月,当北方才刚刚有绿色的影子的时候,火红的木棉已经灿烂耀眼,它火红火红,一朵一朵像绽放的笑脸,像一片一片熊熊的火焰燃烧在枝头,它象征和平、幸福、友谊、安康。(它的花语告诉我们-珍惜身边的人,珍惜眼前的幸福!)可是最近,由于木棉花的花期短、覆盖率少,民间发出是否可以评选 第二市花 的建议,这也使我再次关注我们广州的 英雄花 木棉。记得小时候,在珠江沿岸,每年燕子唱歌的时候,滨江路的木棉花总是开得最旺盛。吃过晚饭下楼散步,总能捡到一、二十朵掉落的木棉;有时在树下跑过,总能听见


5、在地上,也随着风,回到生它养它的木棉树旁,用自己的营养,反哺哺育自己的母亲;用自己的身躯,孕育下一代鲜艳的花朵 它高标出众,天天向上,热情似火的崇高品德,鼓舞人们奋发向上!而作为一个学生,难道不应该学习木棉花的精神吗?当我们出生时,我们应该坚定一个信念,那就是努力成长,成为社会的人才、国家的栋梁;当我们求学时,就要做一个品学兼优的学生,在各个方面力争上游;当我们学习时,当我们参加社团活动,就应该拿出自己的活力,迸发出青年的激情和斗志;当我们离开学校,走向社会,我们也应该给母校一份好的成绩单、一段美好的回忆;当我们渐渐变得可以顶天立地,我们就应该好好奉养生我养我的父母、生我养我的社会、生我养我的



8、:初二学生国旗下讲话稿告别童年,走向成熟大家好!我是来自初二(9)班的吴佩臻,今天我国旗下的讲话题目为“告别童年 走向成熟”两天后,就是儿童节了,首先我在这里祝大家儿童节快乐。而对于我们初二的同学们来说,这是最后一个儿童节,也将标志着我们告别童年,带着早已沸腾在血液中的成熟,早已准备着跳动青春的气息,真正地成为一名青少年,去拥抱五岁的天空。时光荏苒,蓦然回首,这十几年,我们在成长的道路上,印下了一个个或大或小或深或浅的足迹。十几年来,我们用天真烂漫的情怀,编织了一首人生中最难以忘怀的童年之歌。还记得月光下和小伙伴在庭院里洒下的咯咯笑声吗?那是我们快乐的童年。还记得冲刺外校前奔波于各个培优点之间




12、建和谐校园需要我们大家共同的努力,任前方荆棘丛生,我们将持之以恒。茫茫学海中,我们要做勇敢的水手,乘风破浪、共赴前程。青春的脚步如行云流水,青春的岁月需要知识的滋养。让我们把握生命中的每一天,向和谐校园的彼岸前行。附送:初二学生英语演讲稿初二学生英语演讲稿第一篇:初二英语演讲稿初二英语演讲稿:future is no hat is future?ever time i look at the stars in the sk,i ask mself.its real a hard question to anser it.the universe is boundless,e dont kno

13、here are e from and here shall e go.i stand there,at sea. last sunda,there as a rain of meteors.i ent to the belon toait for their ing.above m shoulder,it as the ind.above the ind,it as the sk,huge and blue,ith sparkling stars.suddenl,a shooting star appeared.i hurried to pra for her happiness,stari

14、ng at it.i anted to pra for more,but it had alread died out.i realised ,future is not arved on the meteors,but its no,around us. hen a fortune-teller look at our palm,shell tell ou ho our future ill be like.thats a a ou plae our hope on.but its not realisti.the future is the things and people around

15、 ou.hat ou should do is to tr to do everthing ell,dont are muh about the kind to all the people around ou,and love them.although the orld is not full of love,the life is not a bed of rose,ou should sdik on our belief.hen time passes,oull find everthing ou do is orthhile. ears is glorious.

16、beause no a ou an stop time from elasping.ho time flies!just like the floers in spring,the sunshine in summer,the moon in mid-autumn and the sno in inter.mabe one morning oull never ake up,oull never see the sunrise or the sunset;oull never see our seatheart or talk to her,oull never hear the sound

17、of the nature or ander on the path among the trees,oull never sim in the lake or limb the mountains. time is gold.ever minute is preious.e should make best use of it.dont aste even one minute.spend time in orking,in laughing,in plaing games and in loving. eah of us has a kite fling in the sk,and e a

18、lso have a string eah. hildrens kite is hildhood,the string is gron. lovers kite is love,the string is dail life. i have a kite,it is alled dream,the string in m hands is realit. the ind hih makes kites fl is future.kites are not free,but e still have poer to ontrol them and let them fl higher and h

19、igher.the string is in m hands,future is no in m hands. future is no,forget the fortune-teller,lenh our fists! 第二篇:初二英语演讲稿范文初二英语演讲稿范文初二英语演讲稿:future is nohat is future?ever time i look at the stars in the sk,i ask mself.its real a hard question to anser it.the universe is boundless,e dont kno here ar

20、e e from and here shall e go.i stand there,at sea.last sunda,there as a rain of meteors.i ent to the belon toait for their ing.above m shoulder,it as the ind.above the ind,it as the sk,huge and blue,ith sparkling stars.suddenl,a shooting star appeared.i hurried to pra for her happiness,staring at it

21、.i anted to pra for more,but it had alread died out.i realised ,future is not arved on the meteors,but its no,around us.hen a fortune-teller look at our palm,shell tell ou ho our future ill be like.thats a a ou plae our hope on.but its not realisti.the future is the things and people around ou.hat o

22、u should do is to tr to do everthing ell,dont are muh about the kind to all the people around ou,and love them.although the orld is not full of love,the life is not a bed of rose,ou should sdik on our belief.hen time passes,oull find everthing ou do is orthh(转载自XXX转载自XXX,请保留此标记。)ile.ears

23、is glorious.beause no a ou an stop time from elasping.ho time flies!just like the floers in spring,the sunshine in summer,the moon in mid-autumn and the sno in inter.mabe one morning oull never ake up,oull never see the sunrise or the sunset;oull never see our seatheart or talk to her,oull never hea

24、r the sound of the nature or ander on the path among the trees,oull never sim in the lake or limb the mountains.time is gold.ever minute is preious.e should make best use of it.dont aste even one minute.spend time in orking,in laughing,in plaing games and in loving.eah of us has a kite fling in the

25、sk,and e also have a string eah.hildrens kite is hildhood,the string is gron.lovers kite is love,the string is dail life.i have a kite,it is alled dream,the string in m hands is realit.the ind hih makes kites fl is future.kites are not free,but e still have poer to ontrol them and let them fl higher

26、 and higher.the string is in m hands,future is no in m hands.future is no,forget the fortune-teller,lenh our fists!a oung idler,an old beggaralmost everone knos the famous hinese saing:a oung idler,an old beggar. throughout histor,e have seen man ases in hih this saing has again and again proved to

27、be goes ithout saing that the outh is the best time of life,during hih ones mental and phsial states are at their peaks. it takes relativel less time and pains to learn or aept ne things in a orld full ofhanges and rapid developments. in addition,one is less likel to be under great pressure

28、from areer,famil and health problems hen oung. therefore,a fresh mind plus enormous energ ill ensure suess in different aspets of life.of ourse,e all kno:no pains,no gains. if e dont make ever effort to make good use of theadvantages outh brings us,it is impossible to ahieve an goals. as students,e

29、should no tr our best to learn all the subjets ell so that e an be ell prepared for the hallenges that e ill fae in the future.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 几乎所有人都知道中国有一句老话:少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲.通过阅读历史,我们从一个又一个的案例当中得知,这句话被证实是真确的. 不用说都知道,在青年时期,人的智力和身体状况都是一生中最好的,这也是一个人一生中最好的时期.在这个处处都不停地转变,飞快地发展的世界里,年轻使人相对地用更少的时间去学习和领悟新知.在这时,很少人会

30、困在从事业上来的压力下,家庭和健康问题也比较小.所以,一个清醒的脑袋加上巨大的能量就会成就人生中不同方面的成功. 当然,我们都知道:没有挫折就没有获得.如果我们没有好好努力去利用年轻带给我们的优胜之处,那就没有可能获得任何的成功.作为中学生,我们应该做到最好去学好每一个科目,这样的话,我们就可以为将来即将面对的挑战做好准备.groing ith englishbak in the ears hen i as onl six ears old or so, i had m first taste of english. it seemed ver strange to me. at the ve

31、r beginning, i as not so interested in this strange language.moreover, the english tv program alas took time XX from m artoon shos. as a result, i started to hate english.time flies. things pletel hanged at the end of m primar shool the last exam of the hole primar shool period, i did so ell

32、 in english that i got a full mark. i found that i ould do a perfet job in english if i put m heart on it. this exam seems to be a turning point on m road of studing english and has reall inspired me. although there are still manhallenges aiting for me, these setbaks ont hurt m onfidene and ill push me to stud, m ideal future like this, e have english lasses everda , beause l like english ver muh. the lasses are quite small, there are abo

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