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1、朱伟恋恋有词低频词汇教案汇总 Unit 21A. 单词识记subtle: 【adj.】微妙的;敏感的;狡猾的;巧妙的形近词subsequentbound:【v.】 跳;弹回;给划界,限 制 【n.】 跳;跳跃;跃进;边界;限制 【adj.】 被捆绑的;被束缚的;一定的;必定的形近词 rebound, boundary, abound rebound n. 弹回;反弹 v. 产生反作用;未能奏效boundary n. 分界线,界线;范围abound v. 大量存在;充满,富于词组be bound to: 必定,一定be bound up with: 与有密切联系 bother: 【v.】 使焦急

2、;烦扰;打扰;操心;费力;麻烦 【n.】 努力;尽力;费心词组bother to do: 操心做rent 【v.】 租,租赁 【n.】 租金形近词coherent adj. 一致的;连贯的;清楚明白的;有条理的 organize 【v.】 组织;安排;准备;规划 形近词 disorganized adj. 组织混乱的;缺乏条理 的 同义词 mobilize v. 调动, 动用(资源) ;动员;召集;动员起来 arrange v. 安排;排列;商定 perpetual 【adj.】 不间断的;长久的;无尽无休的 同义词 appetizer n. 开胃品 dessert n. 餐后甜食harm【n

3、.】 伤害;损害,危害【v.】 伤害;损害,危害形近词harmful, harmonious, harsh, pharmaceutical 形近词 harmful adj. 有害的 harmonious adj. 协调的;和谐的; harsh adj. 粗糙的;刺耳的;严厉的;残酷的 pharmaceutical adj. 制药的;药(物)的 同义词 hurt v. 损害;使受伤;使伤心 n. 伤害;痛苦 damage v. 损害;毁坏 n. 损害;损毁 electronic: 【adj.】电子的形近词 electronics n. 电子业;电子学electronically adv. 电子地

4、 rare 【adj.】稀有的;难得的;珍奇的;稀薄的;稀疏的 形近词 rarely adv. 很少地;难得地; 近义词 uncommon adj. 不寻常的;罕见的 exceptional adj. 例外的;独特的 treat 【v.】对待;看待;处理;治疗;论述;款待;请客 形近词 retreat v. 撤退;退避,退却;放弃 n. 后退;撤退;静养所 undertreatment n. 处理不足;治疗不够 同义词 deal v. 处理;惩处 handle v. 应付;处理 vanish 【v.】 消失;消亡 形近词 diminish v. ( 使 ) 减小;( 使 ) 减弱;( 使 )

5、降低;贬低;轻视; disappear v. 消失;不见 divide【v.】 分,划分;分开;分配;除;意见分歧;分裂 【n.】 分歧,不和;分水岭 形近词 dividend n. 被除数;股息,红利;附赠品;发给参加保险投保人的盈余比例份额 divided adj. 分离的;分裂的;有分歧的 同义词 separate v. 分离;分开 adj. 分开的;单独的;独立的 split v. ( 使 ) ( 团体 ) 意见不合;( 使 )分裂;使裂开 mere 【adj.】 仅仅;只不过;纯粹的 形近词 merely adv. 纯粹地;仅仅;只不过 近义词 sheer adj. 纯粹的;完全的;

6、全然的 simple adj. 简单的;单纯的invest【v.】 投资【n.】投资额形近词investor n. 投资人investment n. 投资:投资额investigation n.调查;研究manufacture【v.】 制造;加工;虚构;捏造【n.】 制造;制造品;产品形近词manufacturing n. 制造业;工业manufacturern. 制造商;生产商prompt【adj.】 敏捷的;迅速的,即刻的【v.】 激起;促使;推动形近词provoke v. 挑衅;激怒;激起;引起prompting n. 激 励;提示;剌激近义词 spur v. 鼓励;激励;促进;加速;推

7、动 n. 马刺;刺靴;刺激;激励;推动力table【n. 】 桌子;台子;目录;表格形近词comfortable, charitable, acceptable, disputable, profitable, stable,unacceptable, suitable, regrettable, respectable形近词comfortable adj. 舒适的;令人放松的;愉快放松的charitableadj. 慈悲为怀的;慈善的;仁慈的;施舍慷慨的acceptable adj. 可以接受的;令人满意的;值得接受的;可忍受的disputable adj. 有讨论余地的;真假可疑的prof

8、itable adj. 有利润的;赚钱的;有利益的 stablen. 马;马棚;一群赛马;畜舍;一群人 adj. 稳定的;牢固的;可靠的;稳重的;可信赖的;平稳的;坚定的 v. 把拴入马厩;住于马厩中 unacceptable adj. 无法接受的;不受欢迎的 suitableadj. 适当的;适宜的;合适的 regrettable adj. 令人遗憾的;抱歉的;可惜的 respectable adj. 值得尊重的;体面的;人格高尚的;令人满意的weigh【v.】 称重量;称;重达;考虑;权衡形近词weightn. 重量;重担;体重v. 加重量于;使加权;压迫outweigh v. ( 在重要

9、性、意义等上 ) 重于;大于;超过;胜过 boom【n.】 繁荣;迅速增长【v.】 迅速发展;兴旺;发出隆隆声词组baby boom: 生育高峰 entitle 【v.】 给以权利 ( 或资格 );给以称号;给提名形近词title n. 题目;标题;称号;头衔;权益;权利;冠军;职务;名称entitlement n. 权利;授权;有资格;有权得到的东西subtitle n. 小标题;副标题;( 电影的 ) 字幕词组 be entitled to: 有权;有资格近义词 nominatev. 提名为候选人;任命;挑选;指定denominate v. 给命名;称呼为institute 【n.】 学会

10、;研究所;学院;协会形近词institution n. 机构;体系;制度institutional adj. 机构的;体系的;制度的 restrict: 【v.】限制;约束形近词restriction n. 限制;词组 restrain sb. from doing sth.:限制某人做某事refrain from doing sth.: 抑制 /克制不做某事同义词 constrain v. 约束;限制;强迫curb v. 控制;抑制;限定;约束prohibit v. 禁止forbid v. 禁止;阻止partial 【adj.】 部分的;局部的;不完全的;不公平的;偏袒的 conclusio

11、n 【n.】 结论;推论;结束;终结形近词conclusive, inconclusive, conclude, concluding, exclude,conclusion形近词conclusive adj. 令人信服的;确凿的inconclusive adj. 非决定性的;无结果的conclude v. 总结;结束;得出结论;断定;决定concluding adj. 结束的exclude v. 将排除在外;不包括;拒绝;阻止;对不予考虑词组 in conclusion: 最后;总之;综上 decorate: 【v.】 授予 ( 某人 ) 勋章;装饰;装点;点缀;布置 同义词 ornamen

12、t n. 装饰图案;装饰物 v. 装饰;美化 discard 【v.】 丢弃;抛弃;放弃 【n.】 抛弃;被丢弃的东西或人 词组 get rid of: 除掉;去掉 cast off: 脱下;解开 同义词 desert v. 丢开;抛弃 abandon v. 放弃;抛弃 Unit 21C. 单词应用bound adj 被捆绑的;被束缚的 2012 年完型Part of the problem is that the justices are not bound by an ethics code.bother v 操心;费力2009 年阅读 Text 1But dont bother tryi

13、ng to kill off old n 租金 2008 年阅读 Text 1“Its the hardest thing to take care of a teenager, have a job, pay the rent, pay the car payment, and pay the debt. I lived from paycheck to paycheck.”perpetual adj不间断的;无尽无休的2006 年阅读 Text 4But its not as if earlier times didnt know perpetual war, di

14、saster and the massacre of innocents.harm v 伤害2003 年阅读 Text 2Hearing allegations of cruelty to animals in research settings, many are perplexed that anyone would deliberately harm an animal.rare adj 稀有的 2008 年完型He is that rare bird, a scientist who works independently of any institution.treat v 对待;看

15、待 2014 年阅读 Text 4Today, professors routinely treat the progressive interpretation of history and progressive public policy as the proper subject of study while portraying conservative or classical liberal ideassuch as free markets and self-relianceas falling outside the boundaries of routine, and so

16、metimes legitimate, intellectual investigation.vanish v 消失 2013 年翻译When we are deprived of green, of plants,of trees, most of us give into a demoralization of spirit which we usually blame on some psychological conditions, until one day we find ourselves in garden and feel the expression vanish as i

17、f by magic.merely adv仅仅;只不过 2011 年阅读 Text 1Merely expanding the orchestras repertoire will not be enough.investment n投资;投资额 2007 年阅读 Text 3President Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a saving-account model, with retirees trading much or all of their guaranteed payments for payments dependin

18、g on investment returns.manufacture vt 虚构;捏造 2006 年翻译Like other human beings, he encounters moral issues even in everyday performance of his routine dutieshe is not supposed to cook his experiments, manufacture evidence, or doctor his reports.acceptable adj可以接受的 2011 年阅读 Text 2Many recruiters say th

19、e old disgrace is fading for top performers The financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one.profitable adj 有利润的;赚钱的;有利益的2010 年阅读新题型But almost all have ignored the big, profitable opportunity in their own backyard: the wholesale food and drink trade, which ap

20、pears to be just the kind of market retailers need.suitable adj适当的;适宜的 2010 年阅读 Text 1To read such books today is to marvel at the fact that their learned contents were once deemed suitable for publication in general-circulation dailies.considering prep考虑到;就而论 2011年阅读Text 4No shock there, considerin

21、g how much work it is to raise a kid without a partner to lean on; yet to hear Sandra and Britney tell it, raising a kid on their “own” (read: with round-the-clock help) is a piece of entitled to v有权;有资格 2010 年翻译Yet these creatures are members of the biotic community and, if its stability de

22、pends on its integrity, they are entitled to continuance. partial adj部分的;局部的 2012 年阅读 Text 2 A string of accidents, including the partial collapse of a cooling tower in 2007 and the discovery of an underground pipe system leakage, raised serious questions about both Vermont Yankees safety and Enterg

23、ysmanagement especially after the company made misleading statements about the pipe.decorate v 装饰;布置 2006 年阅读 Text 2Hilton is building its own hotel there, which you may be sure will be decorated with Hamlet Hamburger Bars, the Lear Lounge, the Banquo Banqueting Room, and so forth, and will be very

24、expensive. Unit 22A. 单词识记 discourage: 【v.】阻止;使泄气;使失去信心 形近词 courage n. 勇气,胆量 courageous adj. 勇敢的;无畏的 encourage devil: 【n.】 (犹太教、 基督教和伊斯兰教中的)魔王, 撒旦; (用于强调)家伙, 人;淘气鬼;冒失鬼 elderly:【adj.】上了年纪的 bulk: 【n. 】( 大 ) 体积;( 大 ) 量;庞大的身躯;巨大的体重;主体;大部分形近词bulb n. 电灯泡;球茎;鳞茎 bypass: 【v.】 ( 通常为更快地实现某事 ) 越过;避开;绕开;( 道路 ) 绕过

25、 calorie: 【n. 】卡,卡路里 ( 热量单位 )facilitate 【v.】促进;使便利 faint:【adj.】微弱的,暗淡的,虚弱的;不尽力的;敷衍的;半心半意的;晕眩的;虚弱无力的 【v. 】晕厥;晕倒 【n. 】昏厥,昏倒fashionable: 【adj.】 流行的;时髦的;时兴的 gratitude: 【n. 】 感恩之情;感谢 engineering: 【n. 】 工程;工程学 alliance: 【n. 】( 国家或政党的 ) 联盟;同盟 backward: 【adj.】向后的,往后的;倒退的;不进反退的bait:【n.】 饵;诱饵 【v. 】 装饵于;给 ( 鱼钩

26、或陷阱等 ) 上诱饵 banquet: 【n.】宴会;盛宴 constitute: 【v.】被视为;可算作;构成;组成 copyright: 【n. 】版权;著作权 costly: 【adj. 】昂贵的;价格高的;造成严重损失的;代价大的damn:【adj. 】( 用于加强语气 ) 该死的;可恶的;十足的;完全的 【v.】谴责 ;指责( 政策、行动等 )deputy:【n. 】副职;副手;副主管;代表;议员 Unit 22C. 单词应用Discourage v 阻止 2007 年阅读新题型When asked what they want to do, they should be disco

27、uraged from saying “I have no idea.” They can change their minds 200 times, but having only a foggy view of the future is of little good.courageous adj. 勇敢的;无畏的2014 年翻译题This courageous attitude in fact becomes a requirement for the performers of Beethovens music.encourage v. 鼓励,鼓舞 2007 年阅读新题型If the

28、study of law is beginning to establish itself as part and parcel of a general education,its aims and methods should appeal directly to journalism educators. Law is a discipline which encourages responsible judgment.elderly adj 上了年纪的 2007 年阅读 Text 3Even demographics are working against the middle cla

29、ss family, as the odds of having a weak elderly parentand all the attendant need for physical and financial assistancehave jumped eightfold in just one generation.bulk n 大部分2006 年完型Even when homeless individuals manage to find a shelter that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at n

30、ight, a good number still spend the bulk of each day wander the street.bulb n电灯泡 2009 年完型This suggests that dimmer bulbs burn longer, that there is an advantage in not being too terrifically bright. bypass v 避开;绕开 2009 年阅读 Text 1 Instead, the new habits we deliberately ingrain into ourselves create parallel pathways that can bypass those old roads.calorie n 卡路里 2008 年阅读 Text 3Growth, which rarely continues beyond the age of 20, demands ca

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