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考研英语 单词精选详解.docx

1、考研英语 单词精选详解Abandon1.abandon+ sb.离开一个人(尤其指你有责任的)或指停止支持或帮助Families cannot abandon the elderly to the care of strangers.2 abandon+ (a place/a thing)离开(危险的)事物或地点3. Abandon + sth停止支持;停止对。的信念We cannot abandon the principle.Abnormal常加sb不同寻常的(达到了一种让人担忧,有害的程度)They experience abnormal level of stress.Abroadad

2、v. 在国外地;到国外去地He studied abroad for a year.Absent1. 因为疾病等原因缺席2. 不存在(+from sth.) : not present in sthLove is totally absent from his childhood.In the absence of:The case will be dismissed in absence of any definite proof.3. 心不在焉的,出神的An absent look on his face irritated the teacher.Absolute1. 完全的(常做定语)

3、absolute confidence truth2. 不容置疑的;确实的The police had absolute proof.3. 绝对的,不受任何限制的Beauty cannot be measured by any absolute standards.Absorb1. 吸收液体,气体等2. 把小的部分并入更大的部分;同化The country simply cannot absorb this influx of refugees.The surrounding small towns have been absorbed into the city.3. 吸收知识;吸引注意力,

4、使全神贯注It takes time for you to absorb the full meaning of the remark.He was absorbed in taking down the notes.Abundant(正式) 数量大的; 丰富的,富裕的an abundant supply of meat, milk and eggsan abundant land 富饶的土地They live a life of abundance.AbuseVt. & n.1. 滥用sth(以至于到达了伤害身体健康的地步)abuse alcohol/drugs2. 滥用某种有用的东西She

5、 abused her position as principal by giving jobs to her friends.3. +sb. 对。加以虐待或谩骂Academic1. (常做定语adj) 学校的a new academic year 新学年Academic work 功课2. (Sb)好学的She wasnt very academic and hated school.3. 与实际情况无关的,因此不重要的This is a purely academic question.n. 大学老师,学者Accelerate可做vt或vi1. ( 使)。发生得更快Exposure to

6、the sun can accelerate the aging process.2. Sb或物体移动得更快The car accelerated to overtake me.Accessn.1. 通道;入口To help disabled visitors, there is good wheelchair access to most facilities.2. 接近(sb/sth)的途径;使用。的途径Students must have access to good resources.Accommodate1. 给sb提供住处(或空间)2. 容纳;容对。进入Thousands of

7、songs can be accommodated on one CD.3. 对。予以照顾性考虑Our proposal tries to accommodate the special needs of minority groups.Accompany1. + sb 陪伴。去某一个地方(或旅行)2. 伴随;和。一起发生(或存在)Each pack contains a book and accompanying CD.3. 为。伴奏Accomplish1. = achieve 完成;实现 (vt、vi.均可)I dont feel Ive accomplished very much to

8、day.Accomplish ones purposeAccord1 vt. 给予;授予Our society accords great importance to families.2. + with 与。相符合;相一致=agree withThese results accord closely with our predictionsIn accordance with: 依照;根据In accordance with your request we will send you sample pages of the dictionary.AccordinglyAdv.1. 照着;相应

9、地The rules have been established and people must act accordingly.2. = thereforeHe was stressed out; accordingly, we sent him to bed.Account N.1. 账户; 账目 deposit acount2. 书面或口头的描述3. 对理论,观点等的解释on account of= because ofShe retired early on account of ill health.take sth into account 对。加以考虑AccountVt. 把。视

10、作;认为The event was accounted a success.Account for1. 解释;成为。的原因We find it hard to account for the success of him.The poor weather many have accounted for the small crowd.Accumulate1. Sb accumulates sth: 经过一段时间得到越来越多的。The scholar has accumulated lots of books.2. Vi sth accumulates. 累积;聚积(sth的数量逐渐增加;可用作

11、贬义)Debts began to accumulate.Accurate多修饰sth: 准确的;争取无误的Accurate records must be kept.My watch is not very accurate.Accuse1. accuse sb of sth: 指控;指责 (指对。的错误或罪行)The government was accused of incompetence.They accused him of theftAccustomVt. Accustom (oneself/sb) to (sth)使。对。熟悉My eyes slowly grew accust

12、omed to the dark.Some students are accustomed to having a few hours sleep a night.Achieve1. (尤指经过长时间的努力)实现;达到= attainNo one can achieve success overnight.2. 达到预期的目的All youve achieved is to upset your parents.3. vi. = to be successfulTheir background gives them little chance of achieving at school.Ac

13、quaintance N.1. 熟人(not a close friend)2. 对。的了解We should cultivate acquaintance with foreign languagesAcquire多作vt.1. (尤指通过努力)取得;获得 (多加抽象名词作宾语)Acquire a habitWe can acquire a good knowledge of English by careful study.2. (通过购买或被给予)而得到The multinational company recently acquired many firms.Acute Adj.1.

14、严重的;剧烈的激烈的(多为贬义;也可以是中性)Competition for jobs is acute.We have to address the worlds acute environmental problems.2. 急性的(疾病)反义词 chronic3. = keen (感官) 敏锐Dogs have an acute sense of smell.4. +sb 聪明;敏锐He is an acute observer.Adapt1. Vt. + sth 改变。以更适应于(目的,情况)= modifyWe have to adapt our way of thinking to

15、 the new world.2. Sb adapts (to sth)./ sb adapts(oneself) to sthIts amazing how soon teenagers can adapt.We have to adapt quickly to the new system.3. 改变(书籍,剧本。)Adequate adj足够的;能够满足特定目的或需要的The room is small but adequate.The quality of the product is quite adequate for domestic markets.The training s

16、tudents have received is not adequate to meet the future needs.Adjust1. Adjust +sth 调节;改变。以适应The button can help adjust the volume.Parents have to adjust the language to the age of their children.2. = adapt (sb)适应 Vt/vi. 皆可 adapt to sth adapt (oneself) to sthAdministration N.1. (不可数)管理;经营2. (不可数)提供;

17、使用;处理The administration of justice is integral to the peace of any country3. (可数)管理部门;管理人员University administrations should be supervised.Admit1 vt/vi. (不情愿地)承认(做得不恰当的事或罪行)Admit (to sb) that.Admit to sth / admit to doing sth= confessDont be afraid to admit to your mistakes.Some teachers admit to bei

18、ng too strict with their students.2. 准许sb 进入(一个地方或成为。的一员) will not be admitted to the theater after the performance has started.Two crash victims were admitted to the local hospital.Adopt1. Vt. 或vi皆可领养;收养a little girl was adopted into the family.2. 采取(一种特定的方法);采用(对sb/sth)的一种特定的态度Th

19、ey adopted different approaches to this issue.3. (通过选举)正是地批准, 通过Congress adopted the new measures.Advance1. Vi. 靠近(尤指对sbsth产生威胁或攻击)The mob advanced on us, shouting angrily.2. Vt /vi. (知识,科技等的)发展;改进This research has done much to advance our understanding of technological innovations.3. Vt. 推进。;使。成功St

20、udying for new qualifications is one way of advancing your career.4. Vt.预付We are willing to advance you the money.5. Vt.提出(观点,理论,计划等供人们加以讨论)= put forwardScientists have advanced tentative forecasts.6. Vt. 提前(事件的日期)反义词 postponeThe date of the trial has been advanced by one week.Affect1. Vt. 影响(常指直接地,

21、可以产生明显变化的影响)Constant exposure to intense sunlight can affect the eyes adversely.2. Be affected by : 受到(疾病或强烈情绪的)影响They were much affected by the sad news.3 假装(正在感受或思考。) pretendshe affected a calmness she didnt not feel.Afford1. Vt. (无被动态;经常和can, could, be able to联用;经常用在否定态和问句中)买得起;能付出时间Afford + sth.

22、 / afford to do sthWe cannot afford to go abroad this summer.Could they afford more time off work?2. Vt. ( 无被动态) 负担得起损失;承担得起后果We cannot afford to ignore this warning .He can hardly afford to miss another day at school.Aggressive1. 挑衅的;侵略的;放肆的This was deemed as an aggressive act against a neutral nat

23、ion.2. 积极进取的+sb/sthWe should take an aggressive action to bring a halt to aggressive salesmanAgony n.(极度的身体或精神的)痛苦The doctor doesnt want to prolong the agony of a dying patient.Aidn. (多做不可数)帮助;援助;救助humanitarian aid 人道主义援助financial aid 经济援助v.帮助(sb/sth)去做一件事aid ( )n doing sth/sthThe new approa

24、ch can aid in the detection of the diseases.Aid sb (to do sth)The feature is designed to aid inexperienced users.Aid sb (with sth)Field study can aid students with a better understanding of practical knowledge.Alarmn.1 惊恐;担忧The spectators scattered in alarm.2警报(可表示具体或抽象意)We have to sound the alarm.V

25、t. = worryWe should be alarmed by this inappropriate behavior.Allow1. 让。去做;让。发生allowto do:Children are not allowed to stay out late.He doesnt allow his mind to wander.2. Allow +双宾The test allows students one hour to complete all the questions.3. 使。可能A ramp allows easy access for wheelchairs.4. 酌留;(确

26、保有完成一个目的的足够的。)you need to allow three meters fabric for the dress.5. Allow + that = admitHe refused to allow that such a situation could aries.Alone1. (表语)adj. 孤单的,独自的We shouldnt be alone in combating natural disasters.2. Adv.Its hard to bring up children alone.3. (用在名次或代词后)单单;仅;只This alone wont nec

27、essarily affect our decision.Let alone: 在否定态中指前者不可能的情况下,后者也不可能There isnt enough room for us, let alone any guests.Alter1 Vt或vt: 改变;变样Price didnt alter significantly in this year.Nothing can alter the fact that we are to blame.He hasnt altered so much during the years.2 Vt 改动(衣服)使其更合身Alternative n.两者

28、(或在两者之上的)选择;供替代的(选择;办法;东西)Under this circumstances, there is no alternative to surgery.Graduates have to face the alternative of job seeking or furthering their academic horizons.We have no alternative but comply with the order.Adj.(只能做定语adj) 供选择的;供替代的Do we have an alternative solution?Alternative e

29、nergy (风能,太阳能这样的)替代嫩Amplify1. 使。的强度增强;扩音amplify a radio signal / amplify a guitar2 vt/vi. 通过补充材料进行扩展;进一步阐发You might as well amplify the story with drawings.Anticipate1. = expect: 对(一种情况的)预料;期望(可表示褒义或贬义)We dont anticipate any problems.The family anticipate moving to a bigger house next year.It is anticipated that students can derive much instruction from the book.We eagerly anticipate the day when we achieve our golas.2. Vt/vi. (明白一件事情会发生而)先于。采取行动They need to recruit employees who can anticipate and respond well to the changes in this industry.Anticipate sb (doing

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