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1、大一下学期英语题库第一单元1D. Between 50 and 93. 2 A. Women have less opportunity for education and employment.3 B. Better than those in a society with traditional attitudes about gender roles.1C. Her work is top-notch.2 B. Because she is doing the same work as the men.3 D. Lower than the mens salary.4 C. Becaus

2、e they have families to support.1B. Because the league doesnt have a team that represents Nigeria.2 D. 15 to 20 players.3 A. Someone who provides funds for the team.4 C. The names of the players and the name of the team.1D. Different cultural and socioeconomic groups come together.2 B. Parks and civ

3、ic centers.3 A. The neighborhood.1B. The person who has a mental illness.2 D. The person with a disability. 3 A. They may not want your help.1C. The economic injustice of black people.2 D. 55 percent.3 B. A consistent income gap. 4 A. They have decreased.第二单元1C. Cross-border smuggling of ivory still

4、 continues.2 A. Reduce the demand and destroy the existing stockpiles.3 B. It has cracked down on smugglers and joined in destroying illegal ivory stockpiles.1 B. About 500.2 B. 3.3 C. The demand for traditional medicine containing tiger bone.4 A. Sea turtle.1B. Horses.2 A. A colt.3 A. 2 days old.4

5、B. 6 months old.1B. The brown bear.2 D. Switzerland.3 C. 330 to 650 pounds.1A documentary (纪录片 ).2 B. Warmth.3 B. 4 times.1D. Dogs Can Smell Cancer2 A. Because dogs have a keen sense of smell.3 B. Dogs had a high chance to identify urine collected from bladder cancer patients.4 D. Dogs could help sc

6、ientists identify markers for cancer.第三单元1B. Participate in the Paralympics.2 D. All of the above.3 D. The international disabled games could aggravate the patients trauma.1 B. 13 rules.2 C. Canada.3 B. 14 days.4 A. Dribbling.1C. Rowing.2 A. Boston Red Sox.3 B. In Montreal.4 A. Rookie of the Year Aw

7、ard.1A.Through a variety of websites.2 D. All of the above.3 D. Its philosophy of overcoming any obstacle.1 D. All of the above.2 A. More than 100 professional teams.3 B. It teaches all kinds of sports to only physical disabled people.1D. In European countries.2 A. Animal bones.3 B. In 1642.4 C. In

8、England.第四单元1B. Volunteering has been proven that your odds are better in finding a job.2 C. You have better chances of being employed.3 B. It is stronger for people who dont have a high school diploma.1B. Responsibility.2 B. A lot of joy and optimism.3 C. The sick people.4 A. Volunteer involvement.

9、 1C. He wants to return the kindness that was shown to him.2 D. His optimistic attitude.3 A. To interact and create relationships with others.4 B. The importance of their association.1B. Care for someone who needs help.2 A. Take action.3 C. Some people feel that they have lost hope to move forward.1

10、 D. All of the above.2 C. Happiness.3 B. Give you professional progress.1 A. The sources.2 A. After raising $5.6 million.3 A. He hopes that a cure is found.4 A. It helps through contributions received.第六单元1B. Be short and to the point.2C. It will only take them 5 seconds to have an impact on the con

11、sumer.3 B. Be quick and to the point.1C. Writing advertisements.2 D. Ads for necessities.3 C. Life insurance and funeral services.4 A.There are more people to develop and share ideas.1A. Use of celebrities in the ads.对2 B. Product association.3 A. It is good.4 D. It may discourage you from buying th

12、at product.1B.Because it makes meals easier.2 D. Word of mouth.3 A. He was an engineer.1D. Because of freedom of speech.2 C. Because they cause cancer.3 A. Vulnerable people.1D. Short jingles.2 D. Ingredients of their hamburger.3 B. Create a mood.4 A. Stick in the consumers head.第七单元1B. First impres

13、sions are always important.2D. The elevator broke down.3A.He kept the conversation light and didnt do all the talking.1B.Let other passengers board the bus first.2C. Because others can exit or move to the back of the bus.3D. All of the above.B. Place his backpack on the floor or on his lap.对1A.His b

14、edroom was being painted, and everything got disorganized.2C. Getting into a routine of packing his bag at night.3B. Sit in the office and do work.4A.Ask his parents to sign the note and return it to her.1C. It is too expensive.2D. Friends.3A.When the conversation has come to an end.1D. All of the a

15、bove.2B.At the door.3A.Saying that the offer is only valid that day.1C. “Good morning. Accounting Department. Jane Smith speaking.”2A.Take the time to find out who or where they should be calling.3C. The purpose of the conversation.4 D. Use slang words or poor language.第八单元1C. Government regulations

16、 require the use of chemicals. 2C.The people who make the choices about what to eat. 3A.Searching for more natural ways to preserve food. 1C. $5.25. 2B.By cash.3B. $4.75. 4A. 50 cents. 1D. Vegetarian.2C. The man wants to change his diet and eat less meat.3B. Arthritis.4B. It sounds boring.1C. It is

17、imported and expensive.2C. Eating salmon shows that some people have more money than the average person and are able to afford it.3B.Salmon is a warm water fish.对1A.Mostly lean meat, fruits and vegetables.对2 makes them slow and not very smart.3b. lt is important for both athletes and executives

18、.1A.At various stages of life.2D.By a is the boys immune system overreacting to a certain food.4B.Fish1. Although it was difficult at first, I soon grew _accustomed_ to running every morning. 2. My father _purchased_ a new toaster at the store.3. Because I had not studied for the test,

19、I was _relieved_ when my teacher said he moved it to next week.4. Although she looked familiar, I could not _identify_ her. 5. Mike was so hungry that he _consumed_ the entire bag of chips.6. I get sunburned easily, because my skin is so _sensitive_.7. My brother has a(n) _explosive_ temper, and is

20、quick to get very angry.8. The thief had a guilty _conscience_, because he returned the wallet with nothing missing from it.1. He was arrested on charges of corruption and _abuse_ of power.2. These children were in a state of virtual _neglect_. 3. I am unable to attend the meeting because of a previ

21、ous_ engagement.4. His encouraging remarks _inspired_ confidence in me. 5. Home-made parts are being _substituted_ for imported ones.6. These people are in _urgent_ need of relief. 7. He tried to get into _contact_ with the local branch. 8. The Tang Dynasty is a period _remarkable_ for its liberalit

22、y.1. I only eat _lean_ meat.2. As the students waited outside for their marks, the _tension_ in the room grew.3. For all those who try to achieve great things, they are first _inspired_ to do so. 4. What really _counts_ at the end of the day is how much effort you put into achieving your goals. 5. W

23、ills mother demanded that he come home the _instant_ he finished his class.6. Some athletes are naturally gifted, however that does not mean that they get an _exception_ from training to improve their talents.7. The student had come in wearing his track uniform. _Evidently_, he had just finished pra

24、ctice.8. A football player has a vastly different _frame_ from that of a gymnast.1. I work on the night _shift_ at the factory.2. He felt he would _burst_ with anger and shame.3. They took the phone off the hook so no calls would _burden_ them.4. There are clear indications_ that the economy is impr

25、oving.5. We _resumed_ our work after a rest.6.I _sympathize_ with you; Ive had a similar unhappy experience myself.7.In business, youve got to _anticipate_ how your competitors will act.8.The tired children _trailed_ along behind their parents.1.A ship was _denied_ entry to the canal.2. This process

26、 ought to be highly _ sophisticated.3.That is because an economys trend growth _rate_ cannot be measured directly.4. Id like to _cite_ my own experience as an example.5. If we see this_ conflict_ only from one side or the other, then we will be blind to the truth. 6.Failure doesnt mean you are _infe

27、rior . It does mean you are not perfect.7.On top of this, social services, _primarily_ health care and education, also need improvement.8.The campaign is clearly _targeted_ at the young.1. We are waiting to hear the final _outcome_ of the negotiations.2. His hat was old and _worn_.3. Rita spilled gr

28、ape juice on her new shirt, leaving a dark purple _stain_ on it.4. We went into the store simply to _browse_, despite not wishing to buy anything.5. She was _touched_ by how many people came to visit her while she was recovering in the hospital.6. He struggled to find the words to properly _convey_

29、his message to us.7. With enough water and sunlight, the wilted(枯萎的) plant managed to be _revived_ .8. The new car design _incorporates_ all the latest safety features.1.The little girl was quite clumsy She was always knocking things over.2.The children stopped what they were doing andstared at the

30、angry teacher.3.Jane wasportraying an angel in the school play.4.I have never contemplated living abroad.5.Wilma was miserable after she found out she did not make the team.6.Jane was afraid of being overweight , so she always made sure to be on a diet.7.New York City is a booming place, full of people moving to and fro.8.Some people believe that children are supposed to be seen and not heard.三 section AA Cup of Good Health By Sam Lister1. What is the consequence

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