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1、U14听力原文与答案UNIT 14Section one Tactics for ListeningPart 1 PhoneticsExercise: Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape. Pay special attention to the weak forms, link-ups and contractions. Mr Trimm: Now that the (1) reathers better, Id like to weed the garden and paint the fence

2、white.Mrs Trimm:(2) Thats a good idea. It looks terrible at moment. Im sure the boys will help you, Dick. You could all (3) o together.Pedro: UhWhen are you going to do this, Mr Trimm? Mr Trimm: This Saturday.Niko: Oh, then Im afraid I (4) cant help you. Im taking Jenny out to lunch and then to (5)

3、an afternoon concert. Mr Trimm: Maybe you could (6) put it off until next weekend.Niko: Im so sorry, I cant. (7) Ive already bought the tickets. Mr Trimm: Oh, well. (8) what about you, Andrew? (9) Youre not doing anything special, are you?Andrew: (10) As a matter of fact, I have to play in the game

4、against the Panthers, because Jim sprained (11) and cantt play.Mr Trimm: Ive always thought football (12) was a dangerous game.Pedro: And I have to study for my final exams which start next week. Mr Trimm: All right. (15) Ill do it alone.Part 2 Listening and Note-takingHusband: Have you seen this ad

5、 in the paper?Wife: No. which one? Husband: Coconut IslandWife: But you have an island. Husband: yes, but listen to this : A hundred acres with excellent sandy beaches, good fishing and forty acres of coconut palms.Wife: sounds nice, but how much does it cost? Husband: $ 800,000. Its a good buy.Wife

6、: Yes, I guess so. Husband: If I buy it, Ill build a luxury hotel there.Wife: Whats the weather like? Husband: Beautiful all year round. Wife: How do you know? Husband: Well, its in the Pacific.Wife: Seems like a perfect place for tourists. Husband: Yes. And Ill also have a yacht clubmm, and golf co

7、urse.Wife: Uh huh. Thats a good idea. Husband: Therell be fresh fish and coconuts. I might start a coconut oil industry.Wife: That sounds very ambitious. Husband: I think Ill call up the real estate agent right now.Wife: Why dont you think about it for a day or two? You may change your mind.Husband:

8、 No. Ive made up my mind. Exercise A: Listen to the conversation and take notes. Exercise B: complete the advertisement. Coconut IslandA beautiful island in the (1) Pacific(2) A hundred acres with excellent (3) sandy beaches,(4) good fishing and (5) forty acres of coconut palmsForOnly (6) $ 800,000A

9、 perfect investment for both (7) tourism and (8) coconut oil IndustryInterested? Contact your local (9) real estate agentAt800-123-4567Section two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 DialoguesDialogue 1 Magic Tricks and IllusionsKen Brown, the taxi driver, loves magic tricks and illusions. He is talking t

10、o another driver while they are waiting for passengers.Ken: Did you see the Joe Daniel show last night? Driver: No, I didnt. Why? Was it good?Ken: Fantastic. There was an Indian on, called the Great Supremo. Driver: what did he do?Ken: He rolled up a sort of spiral* track in a ball. Driver: What do

11、you mean, in a ball?Ken: He came on, took off his cloak and shoes, got into a silver ball and curled up*. Then his assistant fastened it and pushed it onto the track. Driver: There was probably a moving chain or something.Ken: No, it looked just like a helter-skelter*about four meters high. Driver:

12、But how can a ball roll up a slope*? Ken: It must be something to do with the centre of gravity*. Driver: And what happened when it go to the top?Ken: It came back down again. I suppose he turned round inside to keep control.Driver: Did it come down quickly?Ken: Not at all. It came down as slowly as

13、 it went up, but it always looked as if it might fall off the track.Exercise A: Listen to the dialogue and complete the following summary.An Indian rolled up a spiral track in a ball.Exercise B: Listen to the dialogue again and complete the following description of the show in detail.The performance

14、r came on, took off his cloak and shoes, got into a silver ball and curled up*. Then his assistant fastened it and pushed it onto the track, which looked just like a helter-skelterabout four meters high. The ball rolled up the slope slowly. When it got to the top, it came back down again. It came do

15、wn as slowly as it went up, but it always looked as if it might fall off the track.Dialogue 2 Ancient MysteriousAnn is having coffee with her two flatmates, Jane and Sheila.Jane: You re very quiet, Ann. What are you thinking about?Ann: This book about Stonehenge. It reminds me of another book I once

16、 read about mysterious objects and places.Sheila: It sounds interesting. What sort of things do you mean?Ann: I dont remember the name of the writer, but he found some quartz bead in Peru that had tiny holes drilled in themJane: Whats strange about that?Ann: Theyve only just developed a commercial d

17、rill that could make such holes.Sheila: Do you remember any other examples?Ann: Yes, theres an iron tower in Indian. Its at least 1500 years old, but it never rusts*.Sheila: Wait a minute! I remember reading about lots of lines on the ground dating from about A.D.500. It was somewhere in Peru again,

18、 I thinkJane: I dont see anything strange about that! Sheila: I havent finished. You can see what the lines represent from high in the air.Ann: And there were no airplanes in those days-or were there? Jane: Oh, stop it. Of course, there werent!Ann: I think its the same book. Its got a lot of photos

19、in it of cave* drawings showing people who look like astronauts. Jane: And why do you think they look like astronauts? Ann: Because they have helmets and clothes that look like modern spacesuits.Jane: Well, it all sounds rather far-fetched* to me.Exercise: Listen to the dialogue and decide whether t

20、he following statements are true or false. Write T or F in the space provided. Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false. F 1, The ancient mysterious events mentioned in the conversation all took place in Pure. (The ancient mysterious events mentioned in the conversat

21、ion did not all take place in Peru Some took place in Indian.) T 2. Ancient people used drills to make holes on quartz beads. ( Ancient people may have developed a kind of drill to make holes on quartz beads.) F 3. There is stainless steel tower in India. (The tower is not made of stainless steel bu

22、t iron that never rusts.)F 4. People can see what the lines represent on the ground. (People can see what the lines represent only in the sky notF 5. Cave drawings show that astronauts from outer space visited the Earth long ago. (Cave drawings just show people who look like astronauts.) F 6. It see

23、ms that the speakers are all interested in ancient mysteries. (The ancient mysteries sound interesting to Ann but rather far-fetched to Jane.)Part 2 passagePassage 1 the Problems of the Third WorldEr, one of our main arguments is that we in Western countries actually have a part to play in causing t

24、he problems of the Third world. Er, many Third World countries are saddled* by immense debt burdens, for example. They were lent money at low interest rates in the 1970s, when money flooded into Western banks from the oil-producing countries and was, was lent out to the Third World. The interest rat

25、es have then risen dramatically. So you have a situation where a country in many cases cant even repay the intere let alone* the capital*, on th-, on the debt. And I, I suppose the best example of that that Ive come across is a country in West Africa where the consumption, the local consumption of,

26、of peanuts was banned, er, because peanuts w-,if, if theyre im-, exported can bring in dea-, bring in a great deal of, of foreign income. Er, the peanut is a major source of protein* in this country. So you had people going hungry as a result of that.The peanuts were exported to Great Britain and th

27、e United States to feed our cattle. Er, those cattle then produced a surplus of milk which we dont know what to do with. We have enough er, milk, more milk that we can, than we can cope with in, in the Western World. And so that milk was transformed into dried milk power and then taken back to this

28、country to help feed children who were suffering from malnutrition. So that, thats the kind of insane economic relationship that w-, weve got ourselves into with, with the Third World. Exercise: Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.1. B 2.D 3.A

29、 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.B Part 3 NewsNew stem 1The United Nations Security Counsel has opened a conference on the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Diplomats attending the conference say the Counsel is ready for a limited deployment of military observers and troops to Congo. The Counsel expects to

30、 send about 3,000 troops to Congo. This is less than half the size of a peacekeeping force approved earlier. Frances ambassador to the UN said the reduced force will be enough to observe peace promised by warring sides. But Zimbabwe foreign minister said the reduced force shows that UN is not really

31、 serious about establishing peace in Congo. Exercise A: Listen to the news item and complete the following summary. The United Nations Security Counsel has opened a conference on the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo.Exercise B: Listen to the news item again and decide whether the following st

32、atements are true or false. Write T or F in the space provide. Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false. T 1. Military observers and troops will be sent to Congo by the Counsel. F 2. As approved earlier, about 3,000troops will go to keep peace there. (The Counsel expects to send about 3,000 troops to Congo. That is less than half the size of a peacekeeping force approved earlier.) F 3. Officials fro

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