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高考英语书面表达 2.docx

1、高考英语书面表达 2修炼满分作文卷名命题形式题材体裁要求词数分值2019课标全国文字提纲申请当中国画展志愿者书信2018文字提纲告知新西兰朋友在中国家庭做客的注意事项邮件100词左右25分2017文字提纲告知英国朋友Leslie下次上汉语课的计划邮件2016文字提纲请外教修改所附材料的文字和格式书信2015文字提纲介绍美国节日风俗和中学生生活书信2014文字加图表介绍暑假期间去英国学习英语书信2019课标全国文字提纲写邮件告知队友比赛信息邮件2018文字提纲请学校的学生们观看英文短片通知2017文字提纲邀请外教一起参观中国剪纸艺术展邮件2016文字提纲请英国朋友为国际中学生摄影展提供作品书信2

2、015文字提纲请外教一起去敬老院陪老人们过重阳节邮件2014文字提纲畅想“十年后的我”记叙文2019课标全国文字提纲邀请英国朋友参加音乐节邮件2018文字提纲告知英国朋友Peter本校学生体育运动情况书信2017文字提纲请留学生朋友加入校乒乓球队邮件2016文字提纲告知留学生朋友不能赴约一起去书店邮件分析解读1. 五年高考课标全国,卷中书面表达命题形式大多是文字提纲式,体裁以书信、邮件为主;以考查传统风俗、文化、节假日、语言学习、学校生活等学生熟悉的话题为主,现实感强,情景逼真,突出考查学生实际运用语言的能力。2. 五年高考课标全国卷书面表达给出的具体信息逐年减少,只是给出写作的大致框架和要求

3、,属半开放式,需要学生在所给信息的基础上适当地发挥,对学生的写作能力提出了较高的要求。3. 未来高考书面表达仍会以半开放形式为主,文体除了目前常考的书信、邮件、通知等应用文以外,还可能会出现文章续写等形式,题材的内容也会越来越贴近生活。评分细则A.第五档(很好):(21-25分)B.第四档(好):(16-20分)C.第三档(适当):(11-15分)D.第二档(较差):(6-10分)E.第一档(差):(1-5分)1、评分时,先根据文章内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定整档次,最后给分。2、词数少于80和多于120的,从总分中去2分评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应

4、用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性及上下文的连贯性。3、拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。4、如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。5、内容要点可用不同方式表达,对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。写作步骤审列遣造篇1、 审题:(1)审要求:确定写作要点(2)审体裁:高考书面表达的体裁一般有三大类:记叙文、说明文和应用文。(3)审人称(4)审时态:根据情景判断短文需要的主体时态。2、 列提纲:确定段落主题及中心句。3、 遣词:尽量使用高级词汇和短语4、 造句:连词成句,可以不考虑句型的丰富性,重在清楚表达要点。5、 成篇:对

5、第4步形成的句子进行润色,综合运用各类句式使句型错落有致、长短不一。巧用连词,借助一定的逻辑顺序和过渡段,连句成段、连段成篇。6、 复查和誊写:确保单词拼写、标点符号和大小写没有错误,减少无谓丢分;确保卷面整洁、书写规范,力求给阅卷老师留下好印象。写作秘籍 遣词宝典:多用短语(want-look forward to;good at-have a good command of)、使用高级词汇(详见高级词汇替换) 造句宝典:with复合结构、三大从句、非谓语、插入语、特殊句式(强调句、祈使句、倒装句、感叹句和省略句) 成篇宝典:巧用连词1、造句宝典(1)神奇的withwith复合结构作状语和定

6、语是常用的表达方式,具体修炼用法如下:1with + n. 李华,男,18岁,有高学历和丰富的志愿者经验。简单句:Li Hua is a eighteen-year-old boy. He has a very high academic qualification. He has rich experience as a volunteer.修炼精句:_ Tom帮助了我们,我们就提前完成了任务。简单句:Tom helped us. So we completed the task ahead of time.修炼精句:_2with + n. + adj.老师出去了,门开着。简单句:Teach

7、ers went out. The door was open.修炼精句:_3with + n. + 介词短语由于生产(产品)上升了60% ,这家公司又有了一个辉煌年。 简单句:Because its production increased by 60 % , the company has had another excellent year.修炼精句:_4with + n. + to do有两科要考试,好担心,这周末我要疯狂学习了。简单句:Im worried about two exams.I have to work really hard this weekend.修炼精句:_5w

8、ith + n. + done这个伟大作家去世了。可惜的是,他的作品还未完成。简单句:This great writer passed away. It was a pity that his works were unfinished.修炼精句:_6with + n. + doing冬天来了,该买暖和的衣服了。简单句:Winter is coming. Itistimetobuywarmclothes.修炼精句:_用with结构完成下列句子。1用户只要用手机应用就可以立即租到共享单车。_2他们饶有兴趣地读着,点头赞许。_3因为没什么事可做,我们开始玩电脑游戏。_4我们的计划考虑到了所有事情,

9、所以更加实际了。_5随着他们的兴趣被大大激发,我开始教他们如何沏茶。_(2)增光的从句在英语写作中使用复杂的句式是提高表达档次、增加语言亮点的主要途径之一,定语从句、名词性从句和状语从句如果使用得当,可以使句子长短不一,错落有致。但一定要谨慎使用,以防出现语法错误。另外从句不是使用越多越好,要注意灵活多变,一种句型最多使用两次。状语从句是所有考生用的最多的句型,在此不再赘述。1. Li Hua is a new student. 2. He comes from Fujian. 3. He speaks a dialect. 4. We find it hard to understand h

10、is dialect. 造句思路:拆 翻 合例:不是人人都能学好英语。小学生同时学汉语和英语反而会影响汉语学习。(1) 定语从句如果拆开的两个句子有同一个名词出现,可以考虑用定语从句合并。例1:这使我想起了我的妈妈,她一直竭尽全力让我拥有最好的东西。(“妈妈”和“她”同一名词)This reminds me of my mother who has been doing whatever she can to let me have the best things.例2:这张图片向我们展示了一个感人的时刻,在这一时刻一个小女孩过来迎接她的妈妈。The picture shows us a to

11、uching moment when a little girl comes to greet her mom.用定语从句将句子整合为复合句1For instance, never speak with your mouth full of food; it may be similar to your own custom. 2Moreover, with the stadium set up, a wide range of sports events are able to be held and of them ping-pong and football, as well as ru

12、nning competitions enjoy great popularity. 3I am grateful to Mr. White. Without his help I couldnt have made so much progress in my English study. 4我非常珍惜你给我提供的那个和英国学生交流的机会。 5去年我参加了在北京举行的夏令营,这不仅开阔了我的视野,也提高了我的英语口语水平。 6学校已经创造了一种可以让我们自由发展自己兴趣的氛围。 7I will join the Dragon Boat Training Camp .(在那儿我可以参加各种活动

13、).8完美文章Hi! Tom,Nice to read your e-mail today.I notice youve begun to use Chinese idioms and used most of them correctly.However, Im afraid there is (1) (我想指出来的一个错误). It is the idiom “无所不为”, (2) (它的意思是“做各种各样的坏事”). Are you doing all kinds of bad things at home? I guess (3) (你真正的想法)is that youve got n

14、othing to do these days.In that case,you should use “无所事事”.We usually use “无所不为” to express the idea that people dare to do anything bad,and “无所事事”to describe (4) (人们没有有意义的事情可做的情形). Have I made myself clear? Any way, Im amazed at (5) (你已经取得的进步). Hope youll find a job soon.Yours,Li Hua(2) 名词性从句名词性从句包

15、括宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句和同位语从句。在写作中我们可以巧用名词性从句来为我们的文章“锦上添花”。例:What I want to stress is that you should make it a rule to practice speaking Mandarin every day. 我想强调的是你应该定下规矩,每天练习说普通话。(主语从句+表语从句)1 (给我印象最深的) is his famous saying,“Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”2We have a

16、rranged (这部短片将会放映)from 16:00 to 17:00 at our school theater tomorrow.3杨利伟为中国的发展做出了很大贡献,这就是我为什么要采访他。 4我很荣幸代表我校通知你们,我们将会邀请你们观看关于我校发展的英文短片Growing Together。 5Learning that you are organizing this activity to share books worldwide, I am writing to apply to participate in it for the simple reason (我喜欢阅读,并

17、且有很多书).6完美文章Dear friends,Good morning! I am glad to express my opinion on our monitors suggestion (1) (我们应该每天抽出15分钟的时间看报纸). As far as I am concerned, its a good idea, because it can do us good in many aspects. Firstly, we are occupied with our study every day and we seldom know (2) (国内外发生的事情).By rea

18、ding newspapers we can get more information about the world outside.Secondly,the advantage of the activity is(3) (它能丰富我们的学校生活并能提高我们的学习效率).Last but not least,(4) (我想强调的是)is that it will help us improve our reading skills.As for my suggestion,we should make a choice about what well read.I am convinced

19、 (5) (每个人都将从这个活动中受益很多).Thats all.Thank you for your listening.Yours,Li Hua(3)言简意赅的非谓语非谓语动词是高中的重要语法,运用它可以简化句子结构,使语言表达更加简洁和生动。回顾非谓语的作用:主语、宾语、表语、补语、定语和状语。例:In order to get some working experience,I intend to take up a part-time job in a foreign company. (to do作宾语)So exciting was the news that we couldn

20、t help jumping up. (doing作表语,前置用倒装)I think the boy sitting at the table is very hard-working. (doing作定语)My father encourages me to major in English in college. (to do作宾补)Entering the classroom, Ms.Li was surprised to find we were standing in a line, clapping hands and saying, “Happy Teachers Day!” 1

21、It carries articles which were written by foreign friends about the cultures of their home countries.It carries articles about the cultures of their home countries.2Its said that an interesting film will be put on in the lecture hall.An interesting film is said in the lecture hall.3I am delighted wh

22、en I receive your letter asking what customs you should pay attention to when you visit a friend. (2018课标全国卷)I am delighted asking what customs you should pay attention towhen visiting a friend.4I hadnt received his letter and I decided to write to him again. ,I decided to write to him again.5When p

23、ractical ones are compared with many abstract ones, they can bring us more courage and confidence whenever we make one step forward. ,practical ones can bring us more courage and confidence whenever we make one step forward.6结合括号中的提示,用合适的非谓语动词完成下面的文章With the homework(1) (finish)last Sunday, I went t

24、o the countryside to see my grandfather. At about 9, I set off and arrived at his home after an hour. When (2) (see)me, he felt very excited and welcomed me warmly. I passed him the fresh fruit(3) (buy) in the supermarket quickly and he gave me some candy. Then he took me to a river nearby and taugh

25、t me how(4) (catch)fish there. (5) (fix)our attention on fishing, we almost forgot (6) (have)lunch. It was not long before we caught a lot of fish. (7) (bring) the fish home, my grandfather cooked some for me. After lunch, I helped him (8) (clean) the house and he praised me with a big smile. When i

26、t was time for me (9) (leave), my grandfather hugged me, (10) (give) me some gifts that I liked very much. It was such a beautiful day that I would remember it forever.(4)与众不同的特殊句式在写作中,我们可以根据实际需要,灵活运用感叹句、祈使句、强调句、倒装句和省略句等特殊句式来突出表达效果,提升句子层次。1. 用感叹句来表示强烈的感情,突出说话人的情感。 How time flies! 时光飞逝!2. 用祈使句使语言简洁明快

27、。 Dont miss the chance of taking part in this activity.3. 用助动词“do/does/did+动词原形”对谓语动词进行强调。If you need any further information, do let me know. 4. 用强调句型“It is/was+被强调的部分+that/who+其他部分”来对句子的主语、宾语和状语进行强调。 It is the people who obey the rules that matter.5. 倒装句型灵活用。Here are my tips for you.Not only can t

28、raveling relax us, but also it can broaden our horizons.6. 当状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句谓语中含有be动词时,可以省略状语从句中的主语和be动词。 Once lost, time can never be made up.1当欣赏视频的时候,所有的人是多么兴奋呀! 2 (请及时提供反馈)and contact us at your convenience.3我真的希望你们能给我们的英文短片提出有价值的建议。(强调) 4I didnt realize the importance of studying hard until I failed in the exam. (变倒装结构) (not until的强调句型)5I have such a good command of En

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