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1、人教版初中英语常见习惯用语精讲例析2019年中考英语常见习惯用语精讲例析(一)知识概要 由于英语国家的语言习惯与中国的语言习惯有许多不同之处,所以造成了许多同学在做选择或书写,或与人交谈中造成误用中国方式来对英语的问句作解答。例如一个小女孩十分好看,可爱,外国人见到时会讲: You are so beautiful 这时的答语应该是 Thank you 如果外国人发现你的英语不错,他们会讲: Your English is very good 这时中国人常常会说:不,我说的不好。这纯是一种礼貌的答语,但是不符合英语习惯。它正确的答语应是 Thank you 虽然交际英语有一些规律可讲,但更重要

2、的是学习外国的生活习惯,了解他们的文化背景,历史渊源,这样才能真正的学好一门外语。 (二)正误辨析 误 - What can I do for you? - Yes, please help me 正 - What can I do for you? - Id like to buy a sweater 析 What can I do for you? 这一问语实际上用于的情景很多,要根据具体情况而定。如在商店中售货员讲这句话应译为:您想要点什么?在其他场合也可以被译为:我能为您做些什么?它的答语应是直接讲出想让对方提供的帮助。 误 - Which colour do you like? -

3、Sorry, I dont like 正 - Which colour do you like? - I prefer blue 析 由 which 来提问的问句是要回答具体的选择,而不能泛指,泛泛的回答。如 Yes, I like it 误 Do you like to come with us tonight? 正 Would you like to come with us tonight? 析 Do you like 问的是对方的习惯,如: Do you like swimming? Do you like collecting stamps? 而 would you like 则是一

4、次性的邀请、提议。邀请的英语表达法还有如下几种: Shall we go? 我们走吧! Lets go? 让我们走吧! How about having a cup of tea? 喝杯茶如何? What about a cup of coffee 喝杯咖啡如何? Why not buy it? 为什么不买呢? 其肯定答语一般为Certainly, Yes, OAll right, With pleasure 误 Sorry, Ive kept you waiting Not at all 正 Sorry, Ive kept you waiting Never mind 析 介意不介意这一问法

5、与答语在中英文中有所不同。如: - Do you mind my smoking here? - Yes, do it please No, of course not Yes, take it please No, you cant take it 这时正确的选择应是B。 其意为:不介意,当然不。而A选项则自相矛盾了,它应译为:是的我介意,请抽吧。而D选项是:不介意,你不能抽。当向对方争求意见时,可以有以下问法:Do you mind if I open the door? Would you mind mailing the letter for me 其答语如果是同意应为: Certai

6、nly not, not at all 而不同意时应为 Yes, 或 Im sorry 误 Whats that man? He is Mike 正 Whats that man? He is a teacher 正 Whos that man? He is Mike (He is Mikes father ) 析 由 what 提问是问的职业,由 who 提问问的是姓名或身份。 误 - How much are they? - Half a kilo, please 正 - How many bananas do you want? - Half a kilo Please 析 How mu

7、ch are they? 问的是价格而不是实际物品的多少。 误 Im sorry, but is this the way to the park? 正 Excuse me, but is this the way to the park? 析 Im sorry 是对已经做错了的事向对方道歉时的开始语。而 Excuse me 是在打扰对方之前表达歉意的话。 误 - Have a good time tonight! - You are the same 正 - Have a good time tonight! - The same to you 析 The same to you 是表达我也

8、祝您有个愉快的夜晚,它是美语中的习惯用法。 误 - Whats the problem? - Ive got a headache 正 Whats wrong with you? Ive got a headache 析 Whats wrong with you? 是询问对方身体状态如何,而 Whats the problem?是问对方遇到了什么麻烦。 误 - Now, Im back Can I play? - Perhaps Youd better do your homework first 正 - Now, Im back Can I play? - Im afraid not You

9、d better do your homework first 析 Perhaps 是表示对一种拿不准的事态的推论,如: Am I right? Perhaps 而 Im afraid not 则表达一种不同意的态度。 be afraid 的几种用法有: Im afraid that you are right 其后直接加宾语从句。 - Will you come to my birthday party? - Im afraid not I have to go to see my father He is in hospital 其后not,表示否定。 - Sorry, I dont wa

10、nt to go there alone, Im afraid of the dog 其后名词,表示对某人,某物的害怕。 Mary is afraid of making mistakes in the exam 其后 of 动名词,表示害怕做某事。 Mary is afraid to see the teacher because she didnt do well in the exam 其后 不定式,表示不敢去做某事。 误 - How soon will you be ready? - Two days 正 - How soon will you be ready? - In two d

11、ays 析 此题关键是要根据情景,身临其境,要注意的是对方问了什么,就应答什么。或答了什么就应问什么。 How soon 问的是还有多久才能作完,这时要用 in two days, 即在两小时之内即可以作完。如用 How long 提问,则答语可以用 two days。 误 - Would you mind if I have some time off? - I dont mind - Monday and Tuesday of next week 正 - Would you mind if I have some time off? - When exactly - Monday and

12、Tuesday of next week 析 有的对话是复杂的,稍有不慎就有可能选错,而且英语中如选错了答案是不容易找出错来的。 I dont mind 是可以用来回答 Would you mind这一提问的,但如仔细看一看则会发现我们要选用的不是陈述句而是疑问句。根据下面一句的答语来判定要用 when exactly? 什么时间,这样才能与下句中具体的时间相符合。 误 Suppose your name is Tom The phone rings and you pick it up The first word you say will probably be Who are you?

13、正 Suppose your name is Tom The phone rings and you pick it up The first word you say will probably be Hello? This is Tom speaking? 析 在英语学习中,习惯用法实际上在某种情况,或某种意义上讲比语法更为重要。如果只从句子的角度上去分析,它们可能都是对的。比如,当你拿起电话时,如果你想知道对方是谁,可以问Whos that(speaking)?但不要讲Who are you?如果你想先介绍一下自己可以讲This is speaking而不要讲Im也不要讲My name

14、is 就语法而论,Who are you? Im My name is 并不错,也是英语中可用的句子,但就打电话这一场合,就不宜用了。 误 - Do you think its going to rain over the weekend? - I dont hope so 正 - Do you think its going to rain over the weekend? - I hope not 析 由于初学者对实际英语口语中表达感情意愿的答语不熟悉,如在肯定答语中 I think so I hope so I believe so 是相同的,但在否定句中却常用 I dont thin

15、k so 但I dont believe so 和 I dont hope so 则意为:我不信此事和我不希望此事发生。而 I believe not 和 I hope not 则为:我想可能不会发生吧! 误 - Is anybody there? - No, Bob and Tom have asked for leave 正 - Is everybody there? - No, Bob and Tom have asked for leave 析 许多学生在写作和选择答语或问句时总要语法在前,而不是习惯用语在先。所以总是要拘泥疑问句中的不定代词,用 anybody。 但是Is anybo

16、dy there? 在英语中为:这里有人吗?而Is everybody there?为:全都到齐了吗?所以首先要考虑的是其答语。 No, Bob and Tom have asked for leave 误 - Your handwriting is very good! - No, my handwriting is very poor 正 - Your handwriting is very good! - Thank you 析 中国人遇到别人称赞,总是以谦逊为美德。但英美人则往往认为自信是美德。所以当别人夸奖你或赞美你时,就应说: Thank you 又比如中国人见面时常讲 Where

17、 are you going? 或 Have you had your breakfast yet?而英美人则认为你过多的干预别人的私生活了。而他们见面时往往问一些无关紧要的话,如: Hello! How are you going? (你过得怎样) Morning! 等。而 good morning 和 How do you do 则被认为是较正规的问候语,在日常生活中则十分少见。 误 When you have had dinner with an American friend and want to leave you may say: Excuse me Ill go first 正

18、 When you have had dinner with an American friend and want to leave you may say: Excuse me I have to go 析 这两句答语都是正确的,其关键不是语法,而是习惯问题。如果在这样的场合你讲 Ill go first 朋友们会迷惑不解,而 I have to go 则表示由于外界的特殊原因而造成的你要离去,而你本人则十分不愿做此事。 误 - Would you like to come to dinner tonight? - Id like to, and Im too busy 正 - Would

19、 you like to come to dinner tonight? - Id like to, but Im too busy 析 Im too busy 与 Id like to 在意义上正好相反。所以要用转折连词。这里考查了对词义合乎逻辑的表达能力。所以要强调语言环境,更要强调在语言的基础上的词语辨析。 误 - Wheres Deter? - Deter will come with us tonight but he isnt very sure yet 正 - Wheres Deter? - Deter may come with us tonight but he isnt v

20、ery sure yet 析 由于 but 所引出的句子可以看出 Deter 的来与不来是十分不确定的,所以应用 may 来表达一个不肯定的事件。 误 - Hi, havent seen you for ages! You look fine! - Great You look well too 正 - Hi, havent seen you for ages! You look fine! - Thanks You look well too 析 要注意的是 Great 在口语中多表示惊叹,而 Thanks 则表示感谢对方的称赞。 所以对情景谈话要有准确的判定,要根据情景,身临其境,上下对照

21、,周密思考,弄清场合,注意英美人的风俗习惯,注重语义上的词语辨析,并要进行大量的语言实践练习,扩大实际交际能力。 (三)例题解析 1 - Would you like to have some rice? - A Yes, I like B Yes, please C of course D Yes, I have 答案 B. 析 当对方对你发出邀请的问语时,如果你想接受则讲 Yes, please 如不想接受则用No, thanks 2 - Nice to see you - A Good morning B Happy to meet you, too C Nice to see you,

22、 too D Pleased to meet you, too 答案 C. 析 虽然A、B、D三个选项都可以作为某种问候语的答语,但英语中问候语的答语多用重复对方的话,以表达同样的心情。 3 - Would you please give me some water? - A Yes, I would B Certainly C No, thanks D Yes, please 答案 B. 析 当对方发出十分礼貌的请求帮助的问语时,一般的回答是肯定的。而Yes, please 为是的,您请做某事吧。这一含意显然不对。 4 - Thank you very much for helping me

23、 - A Youre welcome B It doesnt matter C No need D Dont say that 答案 A. 析 Youre welcome 译为中文为:不用谢。而 It doesnt matter 则为:没关系。 5 - Hello, Lucy How are you? - And you? A Fine, thanks B Yes, I am C Glad to meet you D Good afternoon 答案 A. 析 在正常交往中一定要避免所问非所答。所以对 How are you? 的答语应为很好,谢谢! 6 - Help yourself to

24、 some meat - A It sounds nice B Yes, please C Yes, Lets help each other D Thank you 答案 D. 析 Help yourself to some meat 你自己拿些肉吃吧。其意为主人劝客人不要客气,像在家里一样。 7 - Oh, I am not feeling well Ive got a cold - A Fine, How are you? B Never mind Take care C Well, I m sure to get weel soon D Im sorry to hear that 答案

25、 D. 析 这是美国、英国的习惯用语,而B、 C则是中国人常讲的答语。 8 - Meimei you speak English very well - A No, I dont think so B Thank you very much C Not good enough D Thats all right 答案 B. 9 - Kate, could you answer the telephone, please? - , Mum Ill get it A Yes, I could B No, thanks C O K D Yes, but I have no time 答案 C. 析

26、要注意 could 用于口语中是为了讲话的口气委婉,但它不是过去时态,也不是助动词,而应看作情态动词。所以在答语中则不应这样用。 10 - Could you look after Polly for me while were away? - A No, thanks B With pleasure C Im not afraid D Im sure you will 答案 B. 析 With pleasure 是英语中的一句十分客气的答语,用在当对方因你的帮助或你的许诺向你道谢时,表达自己十分乐意为对方效力的口气。 11 - Hello! Could I speak to the head

27、master, please? - A Hold on, please B Thats the headmaster, please C Who are you ? please D Sorry Im not the headmaster 答案 A. 析 hold on, please 是指请对方等一等不要将电话放下的用语。如果要讲我就是的话不能用 that, 而要用 this, 在电话用语中 that 指对方, this 指自己。 12 - Happy birthday! - A Thank you B The same to you C Good luck D Congratulation

28、s 答案 A. 析 the same to you 是同样祝贺对方的意思,不能用于生日这一祝贺语,除非两人的生日在同一天。 13 - Im sorry I dont know the way, either Youd better ask that policeman for help - A Good night B Thats nothing C Very well D Thank you all the same 答案 D. 析 当向对方求助时,对方无能为力,这时的感谢语则为 Thank you all the same 意为不管如何还是要谢谢你。 14 - I fell and hur

29、t my leg last week, So I cant do anything - A Im sorry B Dont worry C Good luck D Bad luck 答案 D. 析 如果用A则要用 Im sorry to hear that 而不能单用 Im sorry 因Im sorry 是向对方道歉。而 bad luck 为真是不幸啊。 15 - - I have got a cough A Whats your trouble? B What have you got? C Why did you come here? D Have you got a cough? 答案 A. 析 Whats your trouble? 多用于问对方有什么问题、麻烦或得了什么病。这种

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