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1、同等学历英语辅导ENGLISH QUALIFYING TEST FOR MASTER-DEGREE APPLICANTSPaper One 试卷一(Time Limit 90 minutes)Part I Dialogue Communication(10 minutes, 10 points)Part II Vocabulary (10 minutes, 10 points)Part III Reading Comprehension (55 minutes, 30 points)Part IV Cloze(15 minutes, 15 points )考生须知1、本考试分试卷一和试卷二两部

2、分, 试卷一满分65分, 考试时间为90分钟, 9: 00开始, 10: 30结束;试卷二满分35分, 考试时间为60分钟, 10: 30开始, 11: 30结束。本试卷及格标准为总分60分, 其中试卷二不低于18分。2、请考生务必将本人考号最后两位数字填写在本页右上角方框内。3、本试卷为B型试卷, 请将答案用2B铅笔填涂在B型答题卡上, 答在其它类型答题卡或试卷上的无效。答题前, 请核对答题卡是否为B型卡, 若不是, 请要求监考员予以更换。4、在答题卡上正确的填涂方法是: 在答案所代表的字母上划线。A B C D5、监考员宣布试卷一考试结束后, 请停止答试卷一, 将试卷一和试卷一答题卡反扣在

3、自己的桌面上, 继续做试卷二, 监考员将到座位上收取试卷一和试卷一答题卡。6、监考员在收卷过程中, 考生须配合监考员验收, 并请监考员在准考证上签字(作为考生交卷的凭据), 否则, 若发生答题卷遗失, 责任由考生自负!Paper One 试题一(90 minutes)Part I Dialogue Communication (10 minutes, 10 points, 1 for each)Section A Dialogue CompletionDirections: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues

4、between two speakers, each followed by 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.1. A: Dan gave me a free ride home, but

5、I paid for the gas.B: You know what they say,_A. one good turn deserve another. B. theres no free lunch. C. its who you know that counts. D. dont bite off more than you can chew.答案:B解析:习语题。one good turn deserve another好心有好报;theres no free lunch天下没有白吃的午餐;its who you know that counts你知道什么并不重要,但你认识谁才是最

6、重要的;dont bite off more than you can chew别贪多嚼不烂。根据上文“他送我回家,我要付油钱”强调等价交换,故答案为B。2. A: David said he bought a new BMW for $5,000!B:_ Sounds pretty cheap to me!A:Well,thats what he said.(试卷原文还有这一句)ACome to think of it.B. Are you sure? C. Do you think so ? D. Is he crazy ?答案:B解析:根据Sounds pretty cheap to m

7、e可见说话者觉得太便宜,难以置信。同时根据回答 “thats what he said”他是那么说的,可以推断,问题为 “他真那么说?”答案为 Are you sure?3. A: We just came back from Phoenix. And we had the best vacation in years.B: _Im glad to hear it.A. How was it ? B. Oh, my goodness!C. Good for you. D. Oh, there you go again.答案:C解析:考察赞同性应答。说话者A已经点明这是最棒的一次假期,不必再问H

8、ow was it ?,而Oh, my goodness!表示惊讶,Oh, there you go again.表示不赞同,不合语境。4. A: I just cant stand this class any more !B: _Its required, and you have to sit in it in order to graduate.Why, you can say that again !Well, why not just drop out of it ?Why, I couldnt agree more !Well, you might as well get use

9、d to it.答案:D解析:考察对抱怨的应答。但是根据下文“这是必修课,不修不能毕业”可见给出的建议应该鼓励其坚持下去。故选D。you can say that again和I couldnt agree more都表示说的对,我完全同意。why not just drop out of it建议放弃这门课。5. A: I dont know about you, but I thought that film was terrific.B:_ The action was great, and so was the music.A. Im with you there. B. Just t

10、he same.C. More or less. D. I sure do.答案:A解析:Im with you there表示赞成前者的观点。Just the same表示(两样事物)完全相同;More or less或多或少;I sure do用于回答“do you”的问句。Section B Dialogue ComprehensionDirections: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and women. At the end of each conversation there

11、is a question followed by 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the answer to the question from the 4 choices by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.6. Women: Im tired of driving all the way to work and back every day. If

12、only cars could drive themselves ! Man: Well, some car manufacturers are working on them. I guess youll soon buy one if you can afford it.Question: What does the man imply ?A: Cars that drive themselves may be very expensive.B: The women will be able to buy an intelligent car.C: He is working with a

13、 car producer on intelligent cars.D: Driving to work is really a headache.答案:A。解析:根据I guess youll soon buy one if you can afford it(我猜你要是买得起的话肯定会很快买一辆),可见他认为女士要买车必须有个前提:买得起。7. Women: Id rather not talk about it. Just dont ask. Man: Come on. think you need to let off some steam.Question: What does th

14、e man advise the women to do ?A: To keep the secret.B: To talk to him about the problem.C. To reduce the workload.D. To have a good rest.答案:B解析:习语题。let off some steam减压,发泄。所以建议谈一谈,疏导情绪。8. Men: Julies dress looks funny. That style went out last year. Women: Oh, come on, as long as it looks good on he

15、r.Question: What does the man try to emphasize ?A: Julies dress is not outdated.B: Julies dress does not suit her.C. Julie looks fine in that dress.D. Julie should follow the fashion.答案:C解析:as long as it looks good on her只要她穿着好看就行了。9. Men: What kind of snacks do you prefer ? Women: Oh, Ive got a swe

16、et tooth, you know. Question: What does the woman probably like ?A. Sandwich. B. Hot dogs. C. Potato chips. D. Ice cream.答案:D解析:习语题。get a sweet tooth 爱好甜食。10. Men: Annie, how does it not even cross your mind that you might want a future with someone ? Women: Its simple. I dont mind being married to

17、my career. Question: Whats Annies attitude towards her future ?She will stay with someone unmarried.She will live a simple life.She will fully focus on her job.She will quit her job to get married.答案:C解析:I dont mind being married to my career我不介意嫁给我的工作。可见她不考虑结婚,而专注于工作。Part II Vocabulary (20 minutes,

18、 10 points, 0.5 for each)Section ADirections: In this section there are 10 sentences, each with one word or phrase underlined. Choose the one from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square br

19、ackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.11. The tendency of the human body to reject foreign matter is the main obstacle to successful organ transplantation.A. factor B. constituent C. break D. barrier解析:obstacle表示“障碍,干扰”,与D选项意思一致,factor表示“因素”,constituent表示“选民,成分”,break表示“休息,中断”。12. whenever you

20、 need Tom, he is always there whether it be an ear or a helping hand, so you can always lean on him.A. benefit from B. count on C. stand for D. stick to解析:lean on表示“依赖,依靠”,与count on意思一致,benefit from表示“得益于”,stand for表示“代表,支持”,stick to“坚持”13. The news reports completely overlooked the more profound po

21、litical implications of the events.A. foresaw B. neglected C. explored D. assessed解析:overlook表示“忽视,忽略”,foresee表示“预言,预测”,explore表示“探测,探索”,assess表示“评定,评估”14. Teachers and nurses who deal with children are obliged to report cases of suspected child abuse to authorities.A. reminded B. expected C. reques

22、ted D. compelled解析:be obliged to do表示“有义务做某事,不得不做某事”与C项表达意义一致,expect表示“期待,期望”,compel表示“强迫,迫使”15. Your grade will be based in large part on the originality of your ideas.A. popularity B. creativity C. feasibility D. flexibility解析:originality表示“创意,独创”与B项creativity意义一致,popularity表示“流行”,feasibility表示“可能

23、性,可行性”,flexibility表示“灵活性,弹性”16. We suspect there is a quite deliberate attempt to sabotage the elections and undermined the electoral commission.A. conscious B. desperate C. intentional D. clumsy解析:deliberate表示“故意的”,conscious表示“意识到的”,desperate表示“绝望的,令人渴望的”,clumsy表示“笨拙的”17. So strange were the circum

24、stances of my story that I can scarcely believe myself to have been a party to them.A. hardly B. just C. almost D. definitely解析:scarcely与hardly同义,表示“几乎不,简直不”18. Smoke particles and other air pollutants are often trapped in the atmosphere, thus forming dirty fog.A. caught B. constrained C. concealed

25、D. concentrated解析:trapped表示“捕获的,陷入陷阱的”,constrained表示“拘泥的”,conceal表示“隐蔽的,隐匿的”19. Employees in chemical factories are entitled to receive extra pay for doing hazardous work.A. poisonous B. difficult C. harmful D. dangerous解析:hazardous表示“有危险的,冒险的”,与D选项同义,poisonous表示“有毒的”,harmful表示“有害的”20. Curt Carlos,

26、the wealthiest man in Minnesota, owned a hotel and travel company with sales reaching in the neighborhood of $9 billion.A. precisely B. merely C. approximately D. substantially解析:in the neighborhood of表示“大约”,A选项precisely表示“精确地”,B选项merely表示“仅仅,只不过”,D选项substantially表示“实质上,大体上,充分的”Section BDirections:

27、In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your machine-scoring ANSWER SHEET.21.Susan never took an

28、y cookery courses; she learned cooking by _ useful tips from TV cookery programs.A. bringing up B. picking up C. putting up D. pulling up解析:A项bringing up表示“提出,教育,养育”,B项pick up表示:“拾起,收取”,C项put up表示“提供,建造,举起”,D项pull up表示“拨起,阻止”22. The President _ his deputy to act for him while he was abroad.A. promot

29、ed B. substituted C. displaced D. authorized解析:A项promoted表示“升职,提升”,B项substituted表示:“代替”,C项displaced表示“取代,撤换”,D项authorized表示“授权”23. It _ without saying that consumers would be happier if prices were lower.A. takes B. appears C. goes D. makes解析:固定说法it goes that24. The world economic recession put an _ end to the steel market upturn that began in 2002.A. irregular B. illegal C. absurd D. abrupt解析:A项irregular表示“不规则的,不符合规律的”,B项illegal表示:“违法的”,C项absurd表示“荒谬的”,D项abrupt表示“唐突的”25. Im _ about how you discovered my website, and am very glad if you enjoy it.A. mysterious B. furious C. curious D. serious解

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