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1、中考英语真题组合一、完形填空A(2019 衢州)Last October, I told my pupils in Pompton School about my plan. “Id like you to do jobs to make some 1 ,” I said. “Then well buy food for someone in need.”I Wanted them to experience that its 2 to give than to receive. I hoped they could experience a sense of their own abilit

2、y to make a change.Early in Thanksgiving week, the children couldnt wait to 3 . Before paying for the turkey and other food we chose in the supermarket, Kristine cried.“Flowers!” And the group all ran toward the holiday 4 .“You cant eat flowers!” I said 5 . After all, it was helpful to buy more food

3、. “But Mrs. Sherlock,” came the loud 6 . “we want flowers.”In the middle of the plants, there was a pot of unusually purple mums. “ 7 will like this one,”the children agreed. 8 the address of a poor grandmother who had lived alone for years, we set off. An hour later, we stopped in front of a small

4、house. A thin woman with a 9 face came to meet us.As the kids carried all the food in, the old woman oohed and aahedmuch to her visitors pleasure.When Amy put the mums on the table, the woman seemed 10 . “Shes wishing it was a bag of food,” I thought.“ 11 is your close friend in the woods” Michael a

5、sked.The woman brightened. “The birds. They often fly over for food 12 I share my bread with them.” She said.Then we returned to the car. Through the window we saw her walk past the turkey, straight to the13 . She put her face in them and looked up with a big smile. She was 14 before our eyes!In tha

6、t one short moment, the children had seen for themselves the 15 they owned to make a change. Sometimes a person needed a pot of nice purple flowers on a dark November day.1.A. friends B. mistakes C. money D. room2.A. cheaper B. better C. safer D. funnier3.A. take a walk B. do houseworkC. have a rest

7、 D. go shopping4.A. cards B. camps C. plants D. photos5.A. unhappilyC. carelessly6.A. voiceB. musicB. warmlyD. freelyC. sound D. noise7. A. HeB. IC. You D. She8. A. AtB. WithC. In D. After9. A. proudB. fatD. handsome10. A. relaxedB. boredC. worried D. surprised11. A. WhoB. HowC. Why D. Where12. A. a

8、lthoughB. butC. because D. if13. A. booksB. flowersC. woods D. rooms14. A. changedB. brokenC. treated D. refused15. A. habitB. abilityC. interest D. courage【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了一位老师组织学生通过自身能力做兼职工作来挣钱,然后给需要的人买东西。文中详细记叙了孩子们给一位老人买食物和花,使得老人由悲伤转为开心,启示我们付出比得到更让人幸福。【参考答案】 二、阅读理解B(2019 南充)Boys and girls, we ha

9、ve some interesting and fun things for you this term. Have a good time.English ClubFor the seventh-grade studentsTime: Tuesday afternoon and Friday evening Place: Room 301Tele: Math ExamFor the ninth-grade studentsTime: on Monday, March 20thPlace: Room 306PS: Top 10 will get a surpriseA TalkFor all

10、studentsTime: 14:30-16:30, April 25thPlace: in the school hallTopic: How to Learn English WellSinging Competition For the eighth-grade studentsTime: on Thursday, May 23rdPlace: in the music roomTele: .1.What activity will the school have on May 23rdA.A singing competition.B.A math exam.C.A talk abou

11、t how to learn English well.D.An English speech contest.2.Where will Tom, a ninth-grade student, probably be at 3:00 . on April 25thA. In Room 301. B. In Room 306.C. In the school hall. D. In the music room.3.How often do the English club members practice spoken EnglishA. Once a week. B. Twice a wee

12、k.C. Three times a week. D. Four times a week.4.How many students will get a surprise after the math exam A. 4. B. 10. C. 20. D. 306.5.Where may you see this noticeA. In a school. B. In a shop.C. In a hospital. D. In a restaurant.【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文.主要介绍了本学期的四项活动,包括英语俱乐部、数学考试、讲座及歌唱比赛。【参考答案】 C(2019 南充)Whe

13、n the great library of Alexandria burned, the story goes, one book was saved. But it was not a valuable book, and a poor man got it.The book wasnt very interesting, but between its pages there was something very interesting indeed. It was a thin strip of vellum(羊皮纸) on which was written the secret o

14、f the “Touchstone”. The touchstone was a small pebble(鹅卵石) that could turn any common metal into pure gold.The writing explained that it was lying among thousands and thousands of other pebbles that looked exactly like it. But the secret was this: The real stone would feel warm, while ordinary pebbl

15、es are cold.So the man sold his house, bought a tent, camped on the seashore , and began testing pebbles. He knew that if he picked up normal pebbles and threw them down again because they were cold, he might pick up the same pebbles hundreds of times. So, when he felt one that was cold, he threw it

16、 into the sea. He spent a whole day doing this but none of them was the touchstone. Yet he went on and on this way. Pick up a pebble. Coldthrow it into sea. Pick up another. Throw it into the sea. The days stretched into months and the months into years.One day, however, about midafternoon, he picke

17、d up a pebble and it was warm. He threw it into the sea before he realized what he had done. He was used to throwing each pebble into the sea as soon as he picked it up. So when the one he wanted came along, he still threw it away.So it is with opportunity(机会). Unless we are vigilant, its easy to fa

18、il to realize an opportunity whenit is in hand and its just as easy to throw it away.1.According to the passage, the touchstone is a stone .A.that you can touchB.that can turn common metal into pure goldC.that can bring you thousands of pebblesD.that can bring you good luck2.The man threw the touchs

19、tone into the sea because was was a normal pebbleC.he was too tired to hold itD.he had formed a habit3.How did the man probably feel when he realized it was the touchstoneA. Excited. B. Moved.C. Interested. D. Regretted.4.Whats the meaning of the underlined word “vigilant” in the last

20、 paragraphA. Brave enough. B. Hard-working enough.C. Careful enough. D. Strong enough.5.What does the writer want to tell usA.Opportunity knocks but once.B.Use it or lose it.C.Where there is a will, there is a way.D.Practice makes perfect.【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了一个人为了找到试金石,成年累月地在海边找,当他找到的时候,却因为自己已经习惯一捡起

21、来石头就扔进大海,所以把试金石也扔了。这则故事告诉我们: 机不可失,失不再来。【参考答案】 D(2019 衢州)“Made in China” is having its moment nowand its a fashionable one.The story of Chinese fashion began in 2011 when Feiyue and Huili, both Chinese sports shoe brands( 品牌 ), suddenly got international attention. Their products were seen all over t

22、he world. Chinese sportswear brand Li Ning was at the New York Fashion Week in September, 2018. They showed their new designs sweaters and jackets with Chinese characters.Shaun Rein, managing director of China Market Research Group, said that the latest Chinese brands no longer catch customers eye b

23、y low price. He told CNN, “They are sure that they can go head to head with foreign brands.”Maybe it is because Chinas young people are now more confident about their own culture. They dont show immediate interest in western culture any more.“Todays young people in China are crazy about Chinese cult

24、ural elements ( 元 素 ),” Jin Qu, the manager of a clothing shopping website, said at a cultural festival in 2018. “They like these elements printed on their clothes, even the brand picture of Laoganma in China, which was once seen as outside of fashion. But now young people are proud of these Chinese

25、 symbols.In fact, many stars in the West are now interested in Chinese cultural elements in fashion. Rihanna, aUS singer, for example, wore a Chinese red dress to the 2015 Met Gala in New York. The dress was designed and made by Chinese designer Guo Pei.“We have to move from making to creating,” Chi

26、nese-American designer Aric Chen once told The New York Times. “We want to replace the words Made in China with Designed in China.”1.The new designs of Li Ning Company in September, 2018 were .A.coats and scarves in Chinese redB.sweaters and jackets with English wordsC.coats and scarves with America

27、n symbolsD.sweaters and jackets with Chinese characters2.The underlined word “They” in Paragraph 5 refers to .A. todays young people in China B the workers in Jin Qus shopC.some famous stars in the WestD.Directors of some Chinese companies can be the best title for the passageA.Chinese Clothes Brand

28、sB.Sports in ChinaC.Chinese Cultural FestivalD.Designed in China4.The passage above may be taken from a(n) .A. newspaper B. guidebook C. novel D. ad【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要通过介绍中国几个比较有代表性的品牌,其中详细介绍了中国李宁公司的服装设计,来阐述中国品牌一步步在由“中国制造”迈向“中国设计”。【参考答案】 三、阅读理解(7 选 5)E(2019 成都)Global warming is a big problem that we

29、 have to stop. One of the best things we do is to plant more trees. Trees can take in CO2 in the air and stop global warming. 1 A team of scientists at Boston University has been working with NASA to study Earths greenvegetation( 植 被 ). They used a special NASA camera and found that global leaf area

30、 had increased by 5 percent since the early 2000s. 2 Thats about one-quarter of the size of the entire Amazon rainforest.The growth mainly came from Chinas forest protection programs, NASA said. For example, since 1962, China has been planting trees in Saihanba, Hebei Province. It was once a desert,

31、 3 4 Ant Forest, a feature in Alipay app, gives users points for doing eco-friendly things such as walking and going paperless in the office. Users can then use these points to water and grow their own virtual(虚拟的) trees. When the virtual trees are big enough, Ant Forest will plant real trees somewhere in the world. 5A.More than 55 million trees have been planted in this way.B.The Chinese public has also joined in these activities recently.C.And China was responsible for 25% of that gain, according to the study.D.However, people there can produce vegetab

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