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9外研版九年级上册英语模块限时检测Module 6.docx

1、9外研版九年级上册英语模块限时检测Module 6模块限时检测(Module 6)(时间:120分钟满分:120分).听力(25分)第一节:听句子,选择适当的答语。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分) ( )1.A.Its very hot. B.Its too cheap.C.Its mine.( )2.A.Thank you. B.I dont think so.C.Never mind.( )3.A.He is busy now. B.He needs a rest.C.Thats a shame.( )4.A.Ill consider it. B.I failed my exam.C

2、.I like reading.( )5.A.Yes,its a big trouble.B.OK! Here you are.C.No,it isnt beautiful.第二节:听短对话,选择正确图片回答问题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)( )6.Why did Tom fail the maths test?( )7.What is the girl interested in?( )8.What did the boy break in the morning?( )9.What are they talking about?( )10.How do they help th

3、e boy?第三节:听长对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)听第一段对话,回答第1112小题。( )11.Who bought the new guitar for Alan?A.His grandmother.B.His grandfather.C.His cousin.( )12.What happened to the black guitar?A.It was lost. B.It was sold.C.It was broken.听第二段对话,回答第1315小题。( )13.Why cant Wendy go to Hainan with her parents

4、?A.Because she is too young.B.Because she is not in good health.C.Because she has to go to school.( )14.How long will Wendys parents be away?A.Two days. B.Two weeks.C.Two months.( )15.What will be Wendys favorite present?A.A shell ship. B.A shell doll.C.A shell necklace.第四节:听短文,完成表格。每空一词,短文读两遍。(每小题2

5、分,共10分)In the pastNowI had so 16. time when I was young.I get up early and stay in school all day.I spent lots of time playing 17. with friends.I have no time to play with friends.I watched TV or 18. with my grandmother in the evening.I have to study for almost 19. hours at night.I went to concerts

6、with my father.I 20. have time for concerts.单项选择(10分)( )21.What do you think of Lucy?She is honest girl.A.a C./ D.the( )22.Driving less and walking more are good for our health.So Id rather take an hours walk to work than consider a driveC.driving driving( )23.Tom has got

7、into the habit for half an hour after getting up every run B.of running running D.for running( )24.Sara is sick,so she is unable to go fishing with us.A.Good luck B.Sounds greatC.What a shame D.Well done( )25.I hear Dan has made up his mind to learn a(n) .Thats true.He will learn t

8、o play the B.languageC.opera D.instrument( )26.I slept for only five hours last night.Oh,thats too bad.Enough sleep is for your health.A.similar B.harmfulC.friendly D.necessary( )27.If it sunny,we camping this weekend.(2018遂宁)A.get;will go B.gets;will goC.gets;go D.will get;go( )28.If

9、you dont work hard for most of the year but work hard for only a few days before the exam,you will probably .A.succeed B.finish D.pass( )29.This is my ,and nothing can change my mind.A.last phrases B.last wordC.last things D.last thoughts( )30.We will achieve our China Dream we work hard and

10、never give up.(2018资阳)A.and B.soC.if D.but.完形填空(10分)When Rebecca was a middle school student,she was often bullied(欺凌).At that time,she didnt want to tell others.However,she now thinks people who are bullied should talk about their 31.Rebecca says that many people who are bullied 32 in silence.She s

11、ays that although she 33 heard a lot about bullying,when she was in primary school,she never thought it would happen to her.Rebecca told us that the bullying began when she went to middle school.People started making fun of her for being a 34 student and knowing all the answers.She went on to say th

12、at every time she answered a question correctly in class,everyone would start shouting and saying that she was too 35 for them.She told us that by the end of the year,she was very 36 about the bullying and became ill.She began to hate school.But 37 she had a friend who she could talk to,and they tol

13、d their head teacher about her problem.She believed that talking to the teacher 38 her a lot.They found ways to deal with the problem,and the bullying finally 39.Her 40 is,dont see yourself as the problem.Nobody should be bullied.But if you dont tell anyone what is going on,nobody will know that you

14、 need help.( )31.A.experiences B.jokesC.hobbies D.studies( )32.A.sleep B.laughC.suffer )33.A.seldom B.alwaysC.never D.suddenly( )34.A.bad B.happyC.silent D.good( )35.A.clever B.slowC.noisy D.proud( )36.A.pleased B.worriedC.satisfied D.amazed( )37.A.usually B.interestinglyC.luckily D.strangel

15、y( )38.A.surprised B.controlledC.excited D.helped( )39.A.started B.stoppedC.increased D.continued( )40.A.problem B.agreementC.condition D.advice.阅读理解(40分)AStudying makes you tired?How to deal with the worries and relax yourself?Here is some advice which may add happiness to your life.1.Rest at weeke

16、ndsWeekends are time for a rest.After a weeks hard work,weekends are the best time for you to relax yourself.Having a nice lie-in(睡懒觉)is a good idea.Besides,good sleep makes sure of your study.2.Cry outIf you feel sad,dont try to hide your feelings.Crying out may help reduce(减少)your sadness.3.Keep a

17、 diaryYou can write down all that you want to say.Thats a great way to think about and remember life.You can do it on paper or on computers.4.Enjoy a big mealIts not a good idea for a kid to lose weight,so you dont need to eat less food.When you feel upset,enjoy a big meal.Eating delicious food will

18、 make you feel good.5.Join in activitiesHaving a get-together(聚会)is great fun.Going out with friends for a trip will make you happy.And it will also bring you a good sleep.( )41.How many pieces of advice are given in the passage?A.Four. B.Five. C.Six.( )42.If you feel sad,youd better .A.have a nice

19、lie-inB.hide your feelingsC.cry out ( )43.According to the passage, can bring you a good sleep.A.keeping a diaryB.enjoying a big mealC.joining in activities ( )44.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Good sleep makes sure of your study.B.Writing a diary can hide your feelings.C.It is a good idea for a k

20、id to lose weight.( )45.The passage is mainly for .A.students B.parentsC.teachersB(2018阳谷期中)I cant believe my daughter is old enough for a cell phone already.Im considering buying a cell phone for her,but Im nervous.How can I keep her safe? Am I worrying too much?NadineYoure not worrying too muchtha

21、ts for sure.Cell phones can bring bad results to kids.Research shows that all kids who are allowed to keep the cell phone in their room overnight have replied to a late-night text message.It also shows that half of all kids say they are addicted (上瘾)to their cell phones and sleep badly because of th

22、at.Their parents agree,and 36% of parents say they have daily arguments (争吵)with their children about their cell phones.So its normal to worry when your daughter is ready for her first cell phone,even if you think she is responsible (负责的).The cell phone is an instrument of connection.It allows peopl

23、e to stay in touch.However,its also a symbol of separation.It means the dangers in the outside world may do harm to your child,without you there to stop them.Luckily,theres something you and your daughter can do to avoid the risks.If your daughter agrees to some rules,you can give her one cell phone

24、.The following are the rules I made for my kids.Why not make some like these?Never use it during meals,in class or after 9 pm.Never give the phone number or home address to strangers.Always ask before sending a message,photo or video.Leave the phone in the living room overnight.Dont download apps (应

25、用程序)without asking.Judy( )46.Why did Nadine write to Judy?A.To make friends with her.B.To ask for advice.C.To give her some safety rules.D.To order a phone for her daughter.( )47.Judy shows the bad results of cell phones by .A.explaining reasonsB.sharing her experiencesC.reporting research findings

26、(研究发现)D.comparing them with other inventions( )48.The underlined word “normal” means in Chinese.A.自私的 B.正常的 C.多余的 D.痛苦的( )49.Which of the following is Judys opinion?A.Kids shouldnt take cell phones to school.B.Its okay for kids to use cell phones during meals.C.Kids can decide who to send a photo or

27、 message to.D.Kids shouldnt keep cell phones near them for the night.( )50.After reading Judys letter,Nadine would most probably .A.feel more worried than for the advantages of cell phonesC.refuse to buy a cell phone for her daughterD.set some cell phone rules for her daughterCMichael

28、 is always happy and positive(积极的).This really made me curious(好奇的).So one day I asked him about it,Michael replied,“Each day I say to myself Mike,you have two choices today.You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood. I choose to be in a good mood.Each time something b

29、ad happens,I can choose to be a victim (牺牲者)or choose to learn from it.I choose to learn from it.”“It isnt that easy,” I said.Several years later,Michael had a serious accident.When I asked him what had gone through his mind when the accident took place,Michael replied,“As I lay on the ground,I reme

30、mbered I had two choices:I could choose to live or I could choose to die.I chose to live.But in the operation (手术)room,I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses and I got really scared.In their eyes,I read Hes a dead man. I knew I needed to take action.I told them,I want to live.Please operate (手术)on me!”Michael lived,thanks to his doctors,but also because of his amazing attitude(态度).根据短文内容判断对错,对的为“T”,错的为“F”。( )51.The writer felt curious because Michael was always happy and positive.( )52.Michael hardly had two choices.( )53.Michael had a serious accident last

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