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1、新概念英语第二册第1课笔记Lesson 1 A private conversationNew words and expressions生词和短语(12)pr i vate adj.私人的 conversation n. 谈话 theatre n.剧场,戏院 seat it 座位 angry adj. 生气的 angr i ly adv.生乞地 attention n.注意 bear v.容忍play n.戏 loudly adv.大声地1 pr i vate (1) adj.私人的business n.爭rudely adv.无礼地,粗鲁地同艾词:persona Iprivate I if

2、e 私生活pr i vate school 私立学校pr i vate letter 私人信件pr i vate conversat ion 私人谈话pr i vate company 私人公司pr i vate secretary 私人缺书pr i vate affairs 私爭That i s for your pr i vate ear.那是说给你一个人听的秘密。Its my private letter(如杲妈妈想看你的信)Its my pr i vate house(如果陌生人想进你的房子)private 强调隐私t personal 仅指个人的.不强调隐私,没有秘密可言(2) ad

3、j.秘密的 同 51 词:secret(3) adj.普通的pr i vate citizen 普通公民Im a pr i va te citizen. (ci tizen n. 公民)pr i vate soldier 大兵Private Ryan(拯救大兵瑞恩)(4) pub I ic adj.公众的,公开的(private的反义词)school公立学校 letter公开信 place公共场所 adv.私人、秘密pub I icly adv.公开=in pub I ic2、con versa tion n.谈话/talkchatdialogue(6) pr i vacy n.隐私11 *

4、s privacy.这是我的隐私!(不愿让别人知道的)内容可正式可不正式,也可以私人。Lets have a ta Iko闲聊,就是北京人说的“侃”,说的是无关紧要的事。对话,可以指正式国家与国家会谈。China and Korea are having a dialogue。(1)交谈指非正式谈话。一般用于正式文体中。 sub jec t of con versa tion 话題They are having a conversation。gossip名词变动词嚼舌头,说长道短。vt.表示说的内容表示讲语言时,是及物动词:speak English、speak Chinese 表示说话、谈话

5、时,是不及物动词n.谈话,交谈 有着严翡目的的讨论n.讨论conversationsay speakspeech discuss discussion(2)havetalkconversat ion dialoguechatwith sb. 与某人交谈havehavehavetalktalktalkgossiptaIk with sb. =taIk with sb.conversation with sb.=conversate with sb. chat witha with/to sb.about with/to =chat with sb和某人谈话 谈论about sth.

6、 和某人谈论某事I have a quiet consation with my closest friend.I saw him in conversation with a fr iendNo conversation while I m ta Ik i ngVie had a long chat about old timesin conversation with sb.having conversation with sb我和我最好的朋友进行密谈。 我看见他在和朋友谈话。我讲话的时候不要谈话。 我们聊了许多关于过去的事。 和在聊天 表示状态He is nothing but a go

7、ssip.他就是个爱嚼舌头的人。(3) converse v.谈话,交谈converse with sb 和菜人谈话(4) have words with sb. 与争吵3、theatre=theater (美式用法)n.剧场(=play house (口语化),戏剧 类似的单词:metre=meter (美式用法)centre = center (美式用法)theatre goer 戏迷play goercinema n.电影院r drama戏剧opera 多指歌剧 play(1)地点名词前必须加定冠词的r cInemago to thd theatreconcert看电影=go to th

8、e movies = go to the f i Im 看戏听音乐会(2)地点名词前通常不加定冠词的school 上学hospi ta I 住院church 作礼幷go to / pr i son 坐牢col lege 上大学sea 洗海澡town 进城以上的名词表示地点时前面可以加the,意为“去地方”表达某种身份时不能加the。He is in prison.He i s in the pr i son.go to col legego to the co 11ege他在坐牢。 他在监狱里。上大学去大学办爭4、seat (1) n.座位take a seat/take your seat

9、坐下来,就坐 a/one s seat 请坐 rl a 相关词纽:one* s 指对号入座指随便就座offer sb a seat 给某人让座get a seat 找个座have a good seat/place 坐的位置.不错这里的seat指place (指地点),而不是chair。Is the seat taken这个位置有人吗 英语最为地道的说法(2)seat vt让某人就座seat sb.让某人就坐,后面会加人he seated me in/on a comfortable sofa. 他让我坐在一张舒服的沙发上。在沙发上.椅子上用on或in均可。(3)请坐的4种说法: Sit do

10、wn, please(命令性) 口语化的Take your seat,please| Seat yourself, pleaseBe seated, please.(更礼貌) 代表状态(4)作为动词的seat与sit的区别sit (sat, sitten) vi.就座He is sitting there.他坐在那儿。Seat yourself。sit down 坐下be sea ted二take a seat 就坐(5)有一些动词的宾语是反身代词时,等于它的被动语态-hurte dressed devoted seatedHe devoted himself to the education

11、.He was devoted to the education.Jbe sea ted = be sitting 正在坐着nur l 、(dresson eself 二 lbdevoteseatJ /他把自己奉献给教育芋业。表状态I found h isitting in/on a comfortable sofa.(宾补)我发現他坐在一张舒服的沙发上。seated in/on a comfortable sofa.(that从句)I found that |he was seated in/on a comfortable sofa was sitting in/on a comforta

12、ble sofa -find v think l 后接宾语补足语或从句 多用宾补be Ii eve JI found him Iistening to th musicI found her beautiful.(6) vt. 容纳 相当于 hold accommodateThe ha 11 can seat 100 person. 这个大厅可以容纳 100 人。5、play (1) vt.进行的活动玩运动项目时,前面不加定冠词the 踢足球 打篮球 打羽毛球play footbaI Iplay basketbaI Iplay volleybalIplay cardsplay chess打牌下

13、棋2玩乐器时,play theplay theplay the guitar 前面要加定冠词the viol in 拉小提琴 piano 弹钢琴 弹吉他(2) vi.玩play withplay with玩弄、firetoys摆弄 玩火玩玩具(3) n.戏剧go to the theatre go to see a playcomedy 喜剧悲剧tragedyplayv/r ight n.剧作家大声地adv.adv.adv.6、 loudly adv.(1)loud aloud IoudIy(2) read aloudlaugh loudtalk loud knock loudly ring

14、IoudIy Louder, please loud speaker He speaks in a去看戏强调声音大强调出声.不一定是大声 不但声音大而且嘈杂 朗读大声笑大声讲话大声敲打大声按铃大声点扬声器Ioud/h i gh&adj.loud在使用时一般都用比较级 loud adj.他大声讲话。r In a low voice J In a strong voice | In a weak voice 7、angry adj.生乞的(1) angry =crossI was angry. /He was crossovoice.低声不但声音大而且有底气声音小且微弱annoy trouble

15、disturb annoyed 恼火的:be blue in the face脸上突然变色程 I was annoyedo有些闹心was angry/crossowas very angryo am blue in the face.生气非常生气脸色发青(脸邑都青了,相当生气了)(2) be angry woth sb.生菜人的气be angry at/about/over sth.因为而生气(3)anger n.怒气He s ful I of anger 他很生气。=he is very angry. 表达心中的请感通常用be ful I of来表达,置为地道。(4)angr i ly ad

16、v. 生气tL=with angerangr ily.with anger介词词组表达情感时用with,等于它的副词。 difficultly=with difficult sml ingly=with a smile8、attent ion n.注意(U) Attention, please. 请注意 attention 注意 attention to must pay attention a little attention much attention more attent ion no attention I ittle attention close attention enoug

17、h attention some attentionpaypayYouf pay paypaypaypaypaypay9、 bear(1)vt.CanWho(2)vt.payAttention!Stand toStand at(bore,承受,attention.词根:attend 参加、照顾(口语)对 注意to that girl. 稍加注意 多加注意 更多注意 不用注意 不太注意 特别注意 足够关注 注意to是介词立正 口语化正式用法稍息born) v.容忍 支撑,承担,负担ease.the ice bear my weight wi I I 忍受bear the cost谁来承担这笔费用

18、(一般与表示能够”的字眼,如can、could* be able to连用于疑问句及否定句中)She eats看着受不了。How can you bear living in this place你怎么能受得了住在这个地方 I can t bear it.r bearstandendureput upsuffertoo fast. I can* t bear to watch/watching her. 她吃得太快。我bear/stand/endure忍受的极限在加大忍受,容忍with多指承受自热、病痛等(3)vt.生育be born bear a生于 childgive bi rth to

19、sb(4)vt怀有的情感 bear sth. in mind I I I bear it in mind.(5)记住生育孩子 比较生硬委婉的说法把记在心里我会把它记在心里。remember/reca I l/recol Iect 记是(原来记过)记住(原来没记过)memorize背诵recite learn sth. by heart(6)bear n.熊bear hug 热请(热烈)的拥抱give sb. a bear hug10、business n.事.生意(1)n.生意business man 生意人do business 做生意go on business 公出(2)n.某人自己的私

20、人的事情r thing 所有的事都可以用thing来表示matter 多指麻烦事爭J affair (s) 指国际大爭 business多指商业、生意上的事乂 incident 指特殊的一件小爭,尤其指巧合的小事It1 s none of your business.不关你的爭。(3)职业/What* s your job 你是做什么工作的What do you doJ What are youWhat I ine/business are you inJNhat s your occupation11 rudely adv.无礼地,粗鲁地(1)rude adj.粗鲁的,无礼的 同义词:imp

21、olite 反艾词:pol ite be rude to sb. 对某人粗鲁 a rude answer 粗鲁的回答(2)表示人们的心理情感的形容词变名词吋多用-nessrudeness n. 粗鲁k i ndnessgoodness at表示近距离,且多含有侮辱的意思to表示远距离,不含有侮辱成分caI I out to(4)It s 被动语,勺 safe、 easy、difficuIt、hard、different necssary、important for easy for them dangerous for2It s + adj. + of sb 此类形容词有:rude kind

22、friendly、polite、nice, cruel3It s+ n. + of/for sb.常用的名词有:a pity、a shame、funIt s a pity for him to miss the class.4It p no use doing 1 no goodIt s no use crying now.12 pay vt. &vi支付(1)vt. &vi支付(价款等)Have you paid the taxi-driverYou can pay a deposit of thirty pounds 您可以先付 30 英镑的定金 I I I pay by instalme

23、ntsI pa id 50 do I I ar s for th i s sk i rt. (payfor sth.花 / 支付 (钱)买 )(2)vt. &vi.给予(注意等);去(访问)They did not pay any attent ionoWe paid a visit to our teacher last Sunday.上星期天我们去幷访了 老师。(3)n.工资,报酬I have not received my pay yet.我还没有领到工资二、Grammer(1)一般现在时1结构(1)主语+动词原形(2)主语+be动词+非动词2、常用的时间副词(1)频率副词al ways

24、 usua I ly、often、some ti mes、ever n ever se I dom (二rarely)、frequently(2)in the morning、at night、on Sunday. every+时间名词(3)次数+时间段以上的词均用how often提问。测试答案:(1)The teacher asked us to read aloud. 老师让我们朗读。The teacher let us read aloud(2)He laughed at (made fun of) me in pub I ic, and I cou I d n t bear him

25、他 在公共场合嘲笑我,我无法忍受他。(3)Its dangerours for you to play with fire in thde street 在大街上玩火是很危险的。that you play with fire in the street(4)He cr ied/shouted at me angr i ly/with anger 他生气地向我喊叫。(5)I seated him in a comfortable place(6)I often go rto the theatre 我经常去看戏。see a play.(7)He doesn* t pay any attentio

26、n to may words 他根本不注意我的话He pays on attention to may words(8)Can the ha I I seat 500 people. 这个大厅能容纳 500 人吗(9)By the end of last year, he had been in col lege for three years 左U去年年底,他已经上大学三年了。(10)This is a pr ivate computer, you can t use it. 这是一部私人电脑,你 不能用它。3、一般现在时的用法:(1)表示经常发生的动作。(2)表示客观规律或自然現象。The

27、 earth runs/moves/traveIs around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转There are seven days in a week 一周有七天。Light travels fast. 光速很快。Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧。(3)表示主语的特征、身份、状态等等。He s a teacherThey* re happy.以下动词能表达主语的身份、状态等:live、work、studyI I i ve i n Pan j i n.He studies hard(4)表示主语的爱好、能力等。I like Engl i sh. I ike know

28、 understand 永远不会有进行时。I speak Engl i sh well. v/el I 在这里表达能力 o(5)用在时间状语从句或条件状语从句中,时态为:主将从现表示时间状语从句的连词:when, as soon as、after before适用于此种情况的.表示条件状语从句的连词:if、unless ( = if not)表示让步状语从句的连词:no matter how 虽然但是I will run into the room as soon as it rains.主将 从现if用在真实条件状语从句中,适用于“主将从现”。Unless he comes, I will

29、ca I I him. = I f he does n t come, I wi I I ca I I him. 如果他不来,我将给他打电话。no matter 不管no matter +疑问词=疑问词-everNo matter how much advice you give, he won t follow However much advice you give, he won* t foI low(6)表示计划好或安排好的动作(句子中要有明确的时间状语)常用的动词有:begin, leave、start、go come、arrive、stop、open shut* return等,且主语大多都是物。The train leaves at ei ght. 火车8点钟开。The meet ing starts/begins at eight 将在 8 点钟召开会议。(2)现在进行时1构成主语 4-be + doi ng2、时间词(1)表示时间点now=at present=at the mom

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