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1、译林版8BUnit7Internationalcharities知识点2014译林版8BUnit7-International-charities知识点 统和外语 8B 知识点精讲精练Comic strip & Welcome to the unit1. 国际的 慈善机构,慈善组织 2. 一个叫做UNCEF的慈善机构 , 一个叫David的男孩 1. You have some pocket money left. pocket money 零花钱left是leave的过去分词,意为“剩余的”,在句中作后置定语。桌子上没有剩余的苹果。_ have sth. left 还剩下什么have sb

2、/ sth + 过去分词,宾语sb/sth 是宾语补足语(过去分词)的动作承受者,及宾语与后面的过去分词是逻辑上的动宾关系。我的汽车正在被修理。 他昨天钱包被偷了。have sth to do 表示 主语有责任,义务做某事。我有许多工作要做。 have sb/sth + doing 表示让某人、某物处于某种状态。不要让灯整夜亮着。 leave vi 离开,出发。 leave for 动身,出发去某地。 leave vt 留下,留给,常与表示地点的介词短语连用。leave n. 假期,休假,是可数名词,ask for a leave 请假leave sb by oneself = leave s

3、b alone 把某人独自留下, leave a word 留言,leave a message 留言,留口信。他哥哥今天上午动身出了苏州。 我昨天把家庭作业忘家里了。 她病了,所有她只得请假。 2. too to = so that = not enough to do我太虚弱了,不能在走远了。 = = further adv.,是far的比较级,多指抽象意义上的程度。The problem will be further discussed this evening.farther 侧重强调距离.3. . especially adv. 尤其. 与particularly常可以互换He i

4、s good at English, especially grammar. People, especially youngsters dont seem so polite these days. Im particularly fond of pop music. special adj. 特别的4. It provides basic education for children in poor areas. provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth. 向某人提供 basic adj. 基础的,基本的 education 教育Childre

5、n must get education.【拓展】educate 动词,意为“教育;培养”educate sb. to do sth. 教育某人做某事教育孩子需要耐心。It _ patience _ _ _.你应该教育你儿子对别人友好。_educator 名词,意为“教育工作者;教育家”5. 女孩和妇女的平等权利 6. It also works to prevent the spread of some serious dieases.spread 名词,意为“扩散;分布;展开”我们必须阻止这种疾病的蔓延。_你应该意识到教育普及的重要性。_【拓展】spread 动词,意为“展开;传播;散布”

6、spread out 展开, spread over 传遍He spread the map. The news was spread quickly.prevent v. 阻止,禁止做某事 prevention n. 预防,阻止,防范。prevent sth. 我们必须阻止污染。 prevent sb.( from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事= stop sb (from) doing sth = keep sb from doing sth当用于被动语态是,三者的from都不可省略。我们必须阻止他玩游戏。 7.ORBIS 奥比斯 Oxfam 乐施会 UNICEF 联合国儿童基金

7、会 WWF 世界自然基金会【Reading】1. Dr Ma, please tell us something about blindness.blindness 不可数名词,意为“失明”不要因为失明就放弃你的梦想。_【拓展】blindness是形容词blind + 后缀ness 构成的名词,类似的还有:kindness illness happiness richness sadness2. mostly in poor areas, and about 80 per cent of these cases can be prevented or cured.mostly 副词,意为“主要

8、地;大部分地;多半地”Im mostly at home on Sundays.He writes to his parents every week, mostly on Saturdays.辨析:mostly 和 mostmostly: 只作副词,意为“主要地;大部分;多半” These children are mostly from the city.most:形容词,意为“最多的,最高程度的” He has the most friends. 副词,意为“最” I think Maths is the most important of all the subjects. 名词,意为

9、“大多数,大部分” He spent most of the time in playing computer games.一言辨异:Most of the workers go to work mostly on 可数名词,意为“病例;案例”This is a case of fever.cure 及物动词,意为“治愈,矫正”Can you cure the sick child?【拓展】cure sb. of ones illness “治好某人的疾病”这种特别的药治好了他的头疼。The special medicine _ _ _ _ _.3. However, ma

10、ny people dont have money for medical treatment.medical adj. 医学的,医疗的,常做定语,修饰名词,His mother works in a medical college.treatment n. 治疗,疗法 医疗 他不得不放弃医学治疗,因为他用完了所有的钱。He _ _ _ _ _ _ because he used up all the money.4. On the plane, volunteer doctors do / perform an operation on sb. 给某人做手术, s

11、b. have / has an operation on 某人接受手术医生们正在给吉姆做手术。The doctors _ _ _ _ _ Jim. operate vi, 做手术, operate on sb 被某人做手术。operate on sb. 给某人做手术医生正在给他做手术。_【拓展】operate 还意为“操作;开动(机器等)”His father is operating the machine.5. The plane is also used as a training used as 被用作在许多国家,英语被用作第二语言。_ _ _ _ a secon

12、d _ in many countries.【拓展】be used for 被用来 A knife is used for cutting used by 被所使用 Chinese is used by more and more used in 被用于方面 I hope that the money is used in medical research.6. Many of our patients cant afford to go to hospital.afford 及物动词,“买得起;能做;承担得起”,后接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语

13、。afford sth , afford to do sth 这所房子太贵了,我买不起。_She cant afford to pay for her daughters education.7. During my last visit, 150 patients were operation.patient 可数名词,“病人,患者”,相当于sick personThese patients are waiting for the doctor to come. patient adj. 有耐心的;能忍耐的;容忍的be patient of sth. 对某事有耐心;忍耐某事be patien

14、t with sb. 对某人有耐心;容忍某人一言辨异:作为一名医生,你应该对所有的病人有耐心。 _8. Im proud to help people see again and improve their lives.proud adj. 自豪的,骄傲的be proud to do sth. 以做某事而自豪All the players are proud to play for their motherland. 所有的运动员都以为他们的祖国效力而自豪。be proud of 为而自豪 They are proud of their proud that 【拓展】pride

15、n. 骄傲,自豪,不可数名词。take pride in与be proud of同义,也意为“为而自豪”Do you take pride in your job?(2013,山东聊城)-Mom, I was the first to reach the top of the mountain. -Good job, Jack, Im _ of you.A. careful B. proud C. tired D. afraid9. Modern medicine is developing quickly and now most eye problems and diseases can

16、be treated and cured.medicine n. 医学,药take the medicine 吃药,服药,喝药Chinese medicine is very popular in western countries now.你必须每天服三次药。_develop v. 发展,发挥Modern music was first developed in Italy. You should develop your mind fully. 你应该充分发挥你的思维。【拓展】development n. 发展,进展 developing adj. 发展中的 developed adj.

17、发达的treat v. 治疗The doctor is treating him for his illness.【拓展】treat还意为“对待;看待;把看作”treatas 把看作别把我当孩子看待。_ 辨析:treat 和 cure一言辨异:I will try my best to treat him, but Im not sure whether I can cure him.10. But more money is needed to carry on with our work.carry on with sth. 继续做某事,相当于carry on doing sth.= go

18、 on with sth.让我们继续工作吧。_ carry on 继续 carry on with sth, carry on doing sthIntegrated Skills1.It was set up in Europe in 1946, after World War II .(P101)1946年世界二次大战之后,它创建于欧洲。Set up 创建 Set out 出发,着手做Set off 出发(13盐城)David Burts dream in China is to go into the west and _ an early childhood school there.

19、clean up B. look up C. give up D. set upUNICEF provides basic education for poor children in many countries.(P101)它为贫困地区的孩子提供基础教育。Provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物=provide sb. with sth.I am happy that you have provided so many interesting books for us. = I am happy that you have provided us with so many

20、interesting books.(12安徽) To protect the environment , supermarkets dont _ free plastic bags to shpooers.A. take B. show C. provide D. offer3. It raises money by selling Christmas cards and organizing other activities.它通过卖圣诞贺卡和组织其它的活动来筹钱。raise money 筹款raise ones hand 举手raise the national flag 升国旗对比:r

21、ise ,如sunrise 日出; rise to ones feet 站起来。(12昆山)Chinese students must _ hands first and then _ to speak in class.A. raise; rise B. raise; raise C. rise ; rise D. rise; raiseTaskShe wanted to help poor people with eye problems see again, so she made up her mind to train as a nurse and attended courses

22、after work. (P 104)她想帮助有眼疾的穷人重见光明,于是她决定接受护士培训,并在下班后去上课。make up ones mind 作出决定;下定决心 我希望你能快点作出决定。_关注由make组成的短语:make a decisions 做决定make friends 交朋友make sure 确信make money 赚钱make up 组成make a mistake 犯错误She is getting used to traveling by plane.(P 104)她习惯于乘飞机往来各地。be/get used to sth./doing sth. 习惯于; 适应。如:I found the job tiring at first, but now I am used to it.(13 扬州广陵) Lily _ eat lots of desserts after supper last year, so she was very fat then.A. used to B. was used to C. got used to D. had been used to

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