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1、英语2应试考题汇总14单元课本练习往届学生整理一、 填空题第一单元:essentialdamage torefer to . as .releaseconsequencederivephenomenonsuffer fromconvertsupply with1 We copper and silver good conductors.【参考答案】:refer to, as 2 Here patience is .【参考答案】:essential 3 The company the children in the mountain area a lot of books.【参考答案】:supp

2、ly , with。 4 These are very common now.【参考答案】:phenomena 5 These English words from Greek.【参考答案】:derive 6 The storm caused untold the farmers production.【参考答案】:damage to 7 The region continues to serious pollution.【参考答案】:suffer from 8 How do you iron into steel?【参考答案】:convert 9 Climate change could h

3、ave serious for Africa.【参考答案】:consequences 10 The harmful substances into the environment. 【参考答案】:released第二单元:routeprofitsuspendincentivein totaldistributein capable ofrather thanrescueescape 1 The citys road system is handling the current volume of traffic.【参考答案】:incapable of 2 If the corporation

4、wants to increase its ,it must reduce operating expense.【参考答案】:profit 3 The construction of the bridge due to the snowstorm.【参考答案】:has been suspended 4 Some of them did not get a chance to see the Olympic flame because of the changes, but we, indeed, feel their passion for China and the Olympics.【参考

5、答案】:route 5 In general most workers were in favor of a(n) scheme offering financial rewards.【参考答案】:incentive 6 A college-level course of study intended to provide students with general academic knowledge occupational training.【参考答案】:rather than 7 The workers attention is now turning towards the reco

6、very of bodies from the rubble and providing food, shelter and drinking water for the survivors.【参考答案】:rescue 8 He hides behind door or creeps under a table to from his enemies.【参考答案】:escape 9 He sometimes employs students to samples of their products.【参考答案】:distribute 10 This years Asian oil demand

7、 will amount to 582,000 more barrels of oil a day.【参考答案】:in total第三单元:dueinsurancedismissadvertisecome up withconfusionappropriatelyemergencymanagementrun out of1 The cruise was as the journey of a lifetime.【参考答案】:advertised2 I think we can safely their objections.【参考答案】:dismiss3 When her husband di

8、ed, she received $200,000 in .【参考答案】:insurance4 The airline has a new solution to the problem of jet-lag.【参考答案】:come up with5 The government has been accused of not responding to the needs of the homeless.【参考答案】:appropriately6 To avoid , please write the childrens names clearly on all their school c

9、lothes.【参考答案】:confusion7 Could I have a cigarette? I seem to have it.【参考答案】:run out of8 This payment is next Monday, so we have to get the money ready.【参考答案】:due9 The government has declared a state of following the earthquake.【参考答案】:emergency10 The companys failure was mainly due to bad .【参考答案】:man

10、agement第四单元:broadcastworthcashopportunityannouncelaunchlaykeep an eye onlikelyoffer1 A government spokesman that the criminal had been arrested.【参考答案】:announced2 The Government has an advertising campaign to encourage people to vote.【参考答案】:launched3 Do you know how much the ring is ?【参考答案】:worth4 Fo

11、r many athletes, the Olympics is a once-in-a-lifetime .【参考答案】:opportunity5 By age 15, Sean was stealing from his mother to buy drugs.【参考答案】:cash6 The interview was live across Europe.【参考答案】:broadcast7 He the money on the table as they walked out.【参考答案】:laid8 We want Taylor in jail where we can him.【

12、参考答案】:keep an eye on9 Most adult education centers computing courses.【参考答案】:offer10 Young drivers are far more to have accidents than older drivers.【参考答案】:likely二、 单选题第一单元:1 Can you find out _her pen? 正确答案:C A. where Alice had put B. where had Alice put C. where Alice has put D. where has Alice put

13、2 You cant imagine_when they received these gifts. 正确答案:B A. how they were excited B. how excited they were C. how excited they have D. they were how excited 3 I will give this book to_wants to have it. 正确答案:B A. whomever B. whoever C. whatever D. wherever 4 I doubt_he will lend you the book. 正确答案 A

14、 A. whether B. when C. that D. which 5 We must do well_the boss assigns us to do. 正确答案 B A. that B. whatever C. whichever D. those 6 Hans has a new car. I wonder when_it. 正确答案 A A. he bought B. did he buy C. buys D. he is buying 7 I have not found my book yet. In fact, Im not sure _ I could have don

15、e with it. 正确答案 D A. if B. whether C. how D. what 8 The reason I plan to go is _if I dont. 正确答案 B A. because she will be unhappy B. that she will be unhappy C. what she will be unhappy D. for she will be unhappy 9 The music was so loud. Thats _he left the party so early. 正确答案 B A. how B. why C. what

16、 D. when 10 Do you know _? 正确答案 C A. when does the party start B. whether the party starts C. what time the party starts D. if the party starts 11 The reason were so late is _. 正确答案 C A. for the car breaks down B. due to the car breaking down C. that the car broke down D. because the car broke down

17、12 Do _you are told; otherwise you will be punished. 正确答案 B A. that B. what C. which D. whom 13 This is _ I want to tell you. 正确答案 D A. it B. that C. which D. what 14 Students in his class cannot understand _. 正确答案 C A. what does the sentence mean B. what means this sentence C. what this sentence me

18、ans D. what is the meaning of the sentence 15 We dont doubt _ he can make a good job of it. 正确答案 B A. if B. that C. what D. why 第二单元1 I was sure _I would overcome all these difficulties. 正确答案 B A. what B. that C. which D. whether 2 It happened_Lisa wasnt there at that time. 正确答案 C A. whether B. if C

19、. that D. why 3 _we need more practice is quite clear. 正确答案 B A. What B. That C. Which D. When 4 _you dont like him is none of my business. 正确答案 C A. What B. Who C. That D. Whether 5 _is a fact that English is accepted as an international language. 正确答案 D A. What B. This C. That D. It 6 Word has com

20、e_some guests from Canada will visit our school. 正确答案 B A. what B. that C. whether D. when 7 _the old mans sons wanted to know was _the gold had been hidden. 正确答案 B A. That . what B. What . where C. What . that D. That . where 8 He told me the news_our team had won the game. 正确答案 D A. about B. of C.

21、 as D. that 9 It makes no difference to me _he will come or not. 正确答案 D A. how B. why C. when D. whether 10 _is unknown to me. 正确答案 A A. Where he is B. Where is he C. He is where D. Is he where 11 No one was aware_Jane had gone. 正确答案 C A. where that B. of the place C. of where D. the place 12 I wond

22、er how many years ago_. 正确答案 B A. did your father retire B. your father retired C. has your father retired D. your father has retired 13 The news_ to the Great Wall during the summer holidays made us very happy. 正确答案 C A. what we would go B. how we would go C. that we would go D. where we would go 1

23、4 Never hesitate to ask about _. 正确答案 B A. that you dont understand B. what you dont understand C. which you dont understand D. what dont you understand 15 I have no idea_ they have kept in touch with me by E-mail since last year. 正确答案 C A. what B. how C. that D. when 第三单元1 The two elements _water i

24、s made are the oxygen and hydrogen. 正确答案 C A. that B. which C. of which D. with which 2 The crime was discovered till 48 hours later,_gave the criminal plenty of time to get away. 正确答案 A A. which B. that C. so D. what 3 A good many proposals were raised by the delegates,_was to be expected. 正确答案 D A

25、. that B. what C. so D. as 4 Mary is the only one of the team members_to be transferred. 正确答案 A A. who is going B. who are going C. who have been going D. who has been going 5 Mrs. Lee will move into her new house next Monday, _it will be completely furnished. 正确答案 C A. by that time B. by the time C

26、. by which time D. by some time 6 The village_my mother grew up in is not far from the city. 正确答案 C A. what B. where C. which D. wherever 7 The company official _ I thought would be fired received a raise. 正确答案 C A. whom B. whoever C. who D. which 8 The machine is such _I have never seen before. 正确答

27、案 B A. what B. as C. when D. where 9 The International Studies University, _in 1951, is a military academy. 正确答案 A A. founded B. has been founded C. to have been founded D. was founded 10 A student, _ name I dont know, came to see me. 正确答案 C A. that B. who C. whose D. whom 11 The time will come _ ma

28、n can fly he likes in the universe. 正确答案B A. how . where B. when . wherever C. where . where D. what . which 12 Is this museum _you visited a few days ago? 正确答案 D A. where B. that C. on which D. the one 13 She is waiting for the doctor _ I know will not come. 正确答案 B A. whom B. who C. which D. that 1

29、4 Is this the place _the exhibition was held? 正确答案 A A. where B. that C. on which D. the one 15 Who is John Smith? He is the speaker _ heard last week. 正确答案 C A. which we would have B. we would have C. we D. we had 第四单元1 Women workers wear hats _their hair gets caught in the machinery. 正确答案 B A. if B. in case C. unless D. because 2 _the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Saturday. 正确答案 B A. In spite of B. But for C

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