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1、政府机构中英文名称对照政府机构、社会团体、职位中英对照(仅供参考)国务院部委Ministries and Commissions各司局Departments and Bureau部长 Minister副部长 vice-minister部长助理 Assistant Ministers办公厅 General Office财务司 Department of Finance行政司 Administrative Department档案司 Bureau of Archives干部司 Department of Personnel新闻司 Information Department离退休干部司 Burea

2、u for Retired Personnel监察局 Department of Supervision礼宾司 Protocol Department政策规划司 Policy Planning Department 外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs港澳台司 Department of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs涉外安全事务司 Department of External Security Affairs西亚北非司 Department of West Asian and North African Affairs欧洲司 D

3、epartment of European Affairs拉丁美洲和加勒比司Department of Latin American and Caribbean军控司 Department of Arms Control边界与海洋事务司Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs领事司(领事保护中心)Department of Consular Affairs翻译司 Department of Translation and Interpretation外事管理司 Department of Foreign Affairs Management干部司 Dep

4、artment of Personnel行政司 Administrative Department档案司 Bureau of Archives国外工作局 Bureau for Chinese Diplomatic Missions Abroad新闻司 Information Department亚洲司 Department of Asian Affairs 非洲司 Department of African Affairs欧亚司 Department of European-Central Asian Affairs北美大洋洲司 Department of North American and

5、 Oceania Affairs国际司 Department of International Organizations and Conferences条约法律司 Department of Treaty and Law服务中心 Department of Services for Foreign Ministry Home and Overseas Offices国防部 Ministry of National Defense国家发展和改革委员会 National Development and Reform Commission主任 Chairman副主任 Vice-Chairman发展

6、规划司 Department of Development Planning经济运行调节局 Bureau of Economic Operations Adjustment固定资产投资司 Department of Fixed Assets Investment地区经济司 Department of Regional Economy东北振兴司 Department of Northeastern Region Revitalization基础产业司 Department of Basic Industries高技术产业司 Department of High-Tech Industry应对气候

7、变化司 Department of Climate Change就业和收入分配司 Department of Employment and Income Distribution价格司 Department of Price法规司 Department of Laws and Regulations人事司 Department of Personnel直属机关党委 The NDRC Party Committee政策研究室 Department of Policy Studies国民经济综合司 Department of National Economy经济体制综合改革司 Department

8、 of Economic System Reform利用外资和境外投资司 Department of Western Region Development 农村经济司 Department of Rural Economy能源局 National Energy Administration产业协调司 Department of Resource Conservation and Environment Protection资源节约和环境保护司 Department of Resource Conservation and Environment Protection社会发展司 Departme

9、nt of Social Development经济贸易司 Department of Trade财政金融司 Department of Fiscal and Financial Affairs 价格监督检查司 Department of Price Supervision外事司 Department of International Cooperation重大项目稽查特派员办公室Office of Key Project Inspectors国家物资储备局 State Bureau of Material Reserve教育部Ministry of Education科学技术司 Scienc

10、e & Technology Department直属高校工作司 National Universities Department语言文字应用管理司 Languages & Applied Administration Department 国际合作与交流司International Cooperation & Communication Department思想政治工作司 Political & Ideological Education Department师范教育司 Normal School Education Department发展规划司 Development & Plannin

11、g Department财务司 Finance Department基础教育二司 Elementary Education Department Two高等教育司 Higher Education Department民族教育司 Ethical Education Department社会科学司 Social Science Department高校学生司 College & University Students Department学位管理与研究生教育司 Degree Administration & Postgraduate Education Department语言文字信息管理司La

12、nguages & Words Infor. Administration Department机关党委 Party Membership Committee中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会China National Commission for UNESCO体育卫生与艺术教育司Physical, Hygiene & Arts Education Department政策法规司Policy and Regulation Department人事司 Personnel Department基础教育一司Elementary Education Department One职业教育与成人教育司Voc

13、ational & Adult Education Department教育督导团办公室Education Supervision Office纪检组、监察局Supervision Department科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology社会发展科技司 Department of Social Development高新技术发展及产业化司Department of High and New Technology Development and Industrialization重大专项办公室 Major Special Project Office 政

14、策法规司(创新体系建设办公室)Department of Policy, Regulations and Reform国际合作司(港澳台办公室)Department of International Cooperation 农村科技司 Department of Rural S & T基础研究司 Department of Basic Research科研条件与财务司 Department of Facilities and Financial Support工业和信息化部Ministry of Industry and Information Technology规划司 Department

15、 of Planning产业政策司 Department of Industrial Policies运行监测协调局 Performance Inspection & Coordination Bureau安全生产司 Department of Work Safety装备工业司 Department of Equipment Industry军民结合推进司Department of Civil-Military Integration Promotion通信发展司 Department of Communications Development通信保障局 Bureau of Communica

16、tions Security信息化推进司 Department of Informatization Promotion国际合作司(港澳台办公室)International Cooperation Department科技司 Department of Science & Technology中小企业司 Department of Medium & Small Enterprises节能与综合利用司 Department of Energy Conservation and Resources utilization原材料工业司(国际旅行禁止化学武器公约工作办公室、稀土办公司)Departme

17、nt of Raw Material Industry消费品工业司 Department of Consumer Goods Industry电子信息司Department of Telecommunication软件服务司 Department of Software Service Industry电信管理局 Bureau of Telecommunication Administration无线电管理局 (国际无线电办公室)Bureau of Radio信息安全协调局 Department of Information Security Coordination人事教育司 Human R

18、esources & Education Department驻部监察局 Supervision Bureau国家民族事务委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission经济发展司 Department of Economic Development教育科技司 Department of Education, Science & Technology文化宣传司 Department of Culture & Publicity国际交流司 Department of International Communication公安部Ministry of Public Securi

19、ty交通部公安局Public Security Bureau of Ministry of Transport国家林业局森林公安局Security Bureau of Ministry of Forest法制局Legal System Bureau装备财务局Equipment & Finance Bureau网络安全保卫局Network Security Bureau消防局Fire Bureau警务督察局Police Censorship Bureau宣传局Bureau for Publicity治安管理局Order Control Bureau刑事侦查局Criminal Investigat

20、ion Department监所管理局Prison Administration Bureau民航总局公安局Public Security Bureau of Civil Aviation Administration交通管理局Transport Administration Bureau国际合作局International Cooperation Bureau禁毒局Narcotics Control Bureau铁道部公安局Public Security Bureau of Ministry of Railway纪检监察局Discipline Inspection & Supervision

21、 Bureau人事训练局Department of Human Resources经济犯罪侦察局Economic Crime Investigation Bureau边防管理局Border Control Department出入境管理局Bureau of Exit and Entry国家安全部Ministry of State Security监察部Ministry of Supervision民政部Ministry of Civil Affairs规划财务司Department of Planning and Finance社会福利和慈善事业促进司Department of Social

22、Welfare and Charity Promotion基层政权和社区建设司Department of Social Administration at the Grass-root Level优抚安置司Management of Retired Military Personnel政策法规司Department of Policies, Laws and Regulations国际合作司Department of International Cooperation社会事务司Department of Social Affairs区划地名司Department of Administrati

23、on Regions Planning & Naming社会救助司Department of Social Relief救灾司Department of Disaster Relief民间组织管理局Management of Non-governmental Organizations司法部Ministry of Justice计财装备厅Department of Finance and Equipment司法鉴定管理局Bureau of Judicial Forensic Administration基层工作指导司Department of Guidance of the Grass-roo

24、t法制宣传司Department of Legal Publicity监狱管理局Bureau of Prison Administration机关党委司法协助外事司Department of Judicial Assistance and Foreign Affairs法制司The Legislative Affairs Department国家司法考试司Department of National Judicial Examination法律援助工作司Department of Legal Aid律师公证工作指导司Department of Guidance of the Work of L

25、awyers and Public Notaries劳动教养管理局Bureau of Re-education-through-labor政治部Political Department财政部Ministry of Finance企业司Department of Enterprises国际司Department of International Affairs会计司Department of Accounting国家农业综合开发办公室Office of National Agricultural Comprehensive Development经济建设司Department of Econom

26、ic Construction条法司Department of Treaty and Law关税司Department of Customs国库司Department of Exchequer行政政法司Department of Administration and Politics国务院农村综合改革办公室Office of Countryside Comprehensive Reform by the State Council社会保障司Department of Social Security金融司Department of Finance对外财经交流办公室Office of Extern

27、al Financing Exchange监督检查司Department of Supervision and Inspection人事教育司Department of Personnel and Education农业司Department of Agriculture综合司Comprehensive Department税政司Department of Taxation预算司Department of Budget国防司Department of National Defense科教文司Department of Education, Science, and Culture人力资源和社会

28、保障部Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security人才流动开发司Department of Talent Mobility and Development农村社会保险司Department of Rural Social Security工伤保险司Department of Occupational Injury Insurance养老保险司Department of Pension Insurance培训就业司Department of Training and Employment国际合作司Department of Internation

29、al Cooperation专业技术人员管理司Administrative Department of Technological Professional工资福利与离退休司Department of Salary, Benefits and Retirement失业保险司Department of Unemployment Insurance医疗保险司Department of Medical Insurance工资司Wages Department法制司Legal Affairs Department国土资源部Ministry of Land and Resources执法监察司Depar

30、tment of Law Enforcement and Supervision矿产资源储备司Department of Minerals Resources Reserves矿产开发管理司Department of Minerals Exploitation Administration耕地保护司Department of Farmland Protection规划司国家土地总监督办公室Office of Land Supervision机关党委国际合作与科技司Department of International Cooperation & Science and Technology地质

31、勘查司Department of Geological Perambulation土地利用管理司Department of Geological Environment地籍管理司Department of Land Ownership Administration环境保护部Ministry of Environmental Protection环境影响评估管理司Department of Environmental Impact Assessment污染控制司Department of Pollution Control行政体制与人事司Department of Human Resources Management and Institutional Affairs规划与财务司环境监察司Bureau of Environmental Supervision核安全管理司Department of Nuclear Safety Management 自然生态保护司Department of Nature and Ecology Conservation

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