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1、拔河英语带翻译作文3篇拔河英语带翻译作文3篇【导语】在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?下面是为大家收集的拔河英语作文带翻译,欢迎大家分享。【篇一】拔河英语带翻译作文今天下午,在学校的操场上举行了一次激动人心的拔河比赛。This afternoon, there was an exciting tug of war on the school playground.在比赛开始前,大家都在做着热身运动,可我心里非常紧张,连脚都软了。老师仿佛有火眼金睛一样,看出了我的心思,便对我们说:“没事儿的,他们

2、一定没你们厉害,你们要相信你自己,一定能行的!”听了老师的话,我的心里不禁宽慰了许多。Before the game, everyone was warming up, but I was very nervous and my feet were soft. The teacher seemed to have a keen eye, saw my mind, and said to us: “its OK, they must not be as good as you, you have to believe in yourself, they can do it!” Listening

3、 to the teachers words, my heart can not help but comfort a lot.第一轮比赛马上就要开始了,运动员们已经准备就绪。我的腿不停地颤抖着,又紧张了起来。突然,我想到了刚才老师对我们说的话,瞬间就鼓起了勇气,充满了信心。随着裁判员一声令下,拔河比赛开始了。我们一个个都使出了吃奶的力气,只见绳子中间的红领巾离我们近了一点儿又一点儿,眼看我们就要胜利了,但又被方拔了过回去。这个时候,我们都快没体力了。就在这千钧一发之际,我想到了老师曾对我们说的:“拔河是一项团队比赛,只要大家心往一处想,劲往一处使,你们就一定能取得最后的胜利!”我大声喊道:“

4、我喊一二三时,大家一起使劲。”伴随着一、二、三,一、二、三的口令,红领巾慢慢地向我们这边移动。最终,我们赢得了这场比赛。The first round is about to start, and the athletes are ready. My legs were shaking and tense again. All of a sudden, I thought of what the teacher had just said to us, and I immediately got up courage and full of confidence. With the order

5、 of the referee, the tug of war began. We all tried our best to feed each other. We saw that the red scarf in the middle of the rope was a little closer to us. We were about to win, but Fang pulled it back. At this time, we are almost exhausted. At this critical moment, I thought of what the teacher

6、 once said to us: “tug of war is a team competition. As long as everyone thinks about it and works hard, you will surely win the final victory!” I shouted out, “when I called one, two, three, everyone worked hard together.” With the password of one, two, three, one, two, three, the red scarf slowly

7、moved to our side. In the end, we won the game.第二轮比赛开始了。由于有了上一轮的经验,我们一个个都信心满满,再加上我们出色啦啦队的呐喊,我们很快又赢了,最终获得了年级第一名的好成绩。The second round began. Thanks to the experience of the last round, we are all confident. Coupled with our excellent cheerleading team, we won again soon, and finally won the first plac

8、e in the grade.比赛结束后,我们开心极了。这次比赛,我们不仅取得了胜利,更重要的是我们懂得了团结的力量!After the game, we were very happy. In this competition, we not only won, but also understood the power of unity!【篇二】拔河英语带翻译作文我爱我的班集体,虽然我们都很调皮捣蛋,但是每个人都各有自己的本领;虽然成绩并不是年级里的,但是体育可是我们的拿手好戏。在这六年的小学生活里,最让我难忘的,就是校运会上那次激烈的拔河比赛了。I love my class, alth

9、ough we are very naughty, but everyone has their own skills; although the results are not the best in the grade, but sports is our favorite. In these six years of primary school life, the most unforgettable thing for me is the fierce tug of war competition at the school sports meeting.校运会终于如期地“开幕”了,


11、加油!你们一定能行!”我们的老师声音都快喊哑了:“一二一,抓住节奏,一二一!”我们拔河的同学听到了这些鼓励,更起劲儿了!“一二一,一二一”我们时刻不敢松懈,一起喊着节奏,我们的力量随着节奏交织在一起,我们的对手因为我们的气势,我们的团结而被吓倒了,绳子上的红绸子离我们越来越近,我们赢了!场下的同学立刻跑上来为我们欢呼,为我们喝彩,我们的选手更是高兴得跳了起来!比赛结束了,汗水浸湿了我们的衣服,汗珠在阳光的照耀下格外闪亮,老师的脸上留着笑意,眼神里充满了为我们成功的自豪。The school sports meeting finally opened as scheduled. All the

12、athletes in our class couldnt wait for it. We were very excited. Its time for us to play tug of war! All of our students have played a full 12 points spirit, grabbed the thick hemp rope tied with red silk, and listened to the referees whistle - the game started! The whole venue immediately boils: th

13、e students are cheering for the players all the time, and the teachers are also anxious for us. They want to run up and help us. The red silk on the rope is moving around all the time A few male students in front of them exert their whole body strength, widen their eyes and roar from time to time. S

14、ome students hold their faces red and their ears red. They firmly grasp the rope with both hands and pull back hard. Several students of “pressing shaft” even clench their teeth and squat down to lower their weight. The students watched the fierce competition, even stood on the high chair, and shout

15、ed to us: “come on! Come on. You can do it! “ Our teachers voice is almost hoarse: “one, two, one, two, one!” We tug of war students heard these encouragement, more energetic! “One, two, one, two, one.” We dare not relax all the time and shout the rhythm together. Our strength is intertwined with th

16、e rhythm. Our opponents are frightened by our momentum and unity. The red silk on the rope is getting closer and closer to us. We win! Off the field students immediately ran up to cheer for us, cheer for us, our players are even more happy to jump up! At the end of the competition, sweat soaked our

17、clothes, sweat shining in the sun, the teachers face with a smile, eyes full of pride for our success.汗水是咸的,但是在这次比赛后,我却发现这汗水格外得“甜”。我们的同学是团结的,所以我感到我们的班集体格外温暖,格外亲切。每一天的小学生活都给我留下了快乐的记忆,这些快乐的记忆将会永远留在我的脑海,组成一篇欢乐的乐章。The sweat is salty, but after this competition, I found that it was “sweet”. Our classmate

18、s are united, so I feel that our class is particularly warm and cordial. Every days primary school life has left me happy memories. These happy memories will stay in my mind forever and form a happy movement.【篇三】拔河英语带翻译作文The school festival arrives, the sports is going to come! A fierce tug-of-war i

19、s going on in Grade Four!The players in the wide arena are rubbing their hands, as if itching to drag the opposite side in front of their own face immediately. Look at the students around, all with burning blood, as if they also want to participate in.Most of our teammates are like bean sprouts, but

20、 half of the opponents are heavy, laughing at us with “bad smile”, seeming to bring us down only by laughing! Some of them squat with horse stance, with their teeth clenched, tauten the rope; Some put the rope around their shoulders, sideways, with bow legs, seemingly there are a few large pots of b

21、raised pork ribs tied on the other side of the rope.There is another “heavyweight”, simply pulls the rope, sitting on the ground with a butt, with leisurely appearance, seemingly he could not be moved at all even by ten big trucks. The huge physical gap between the two sides is quite obvious. Two “h

22、ercules” of us can only pull one of their “fatty” reluctantly, not to mention the “pencil necked”! And sure enough, the “heavyweight” sitting on the ground stands up, turns around, steps forward, an explosion, all of us wiped out!The second round: weve changed the strategy defensing is the best poli

23、cy. At the beginning, we only pull with less energy, to guarantee not to be pulled over the boundary line, to leave enough strength to withstand their “explosion”. Sure enough, the outbreak comes, at the same time, we also break out! As we expected, the obese guys despise their enemy, coupled with p

24、oor stamina, stand off with us for a while,then discouraged, we fall swoop!The decisive third round finally arrives! “A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit”, the obese people dont use brute force, but with balanced strength. Ha, opportunity comes again! Now that you dont do it, its our turn! All o

25、f us players pull together, with full effort, one, two, three! The libra of victory completely pulls to us in the moment!We are winners! At the moment, the field is full of applause, merged into the ocean of joy!校节到了,又要开运动会喽!四年级展开了激烈异常的拔河比赛!在宽阔的赛场上,选手们个个摩拳擦掌,好像恨不得一下子就把对方拽到自己面前来。再看看围观的同学们,个个热血沸腾,好像也想


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