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1、BNC英语单词详解系列三十七BNC英语单词详解系列三十七enthusiastically释义 adv. 热心地;满腔热情地短语 applaud enthusiastically: 热烈喝彩 sew enthusiastically: 热心地缝制 surround enthusiastically: 热心地围拢 yell enthusiastically: 热情地狂呼着 care enthusiastically: 热情关心 respond enthusiastically: 反应热烈 join enthusiastically: 热心参加 enthusiastically persist: 热

2、情地坚持 Keats Enthusiastically: 济慈热情地wore音标 英 w?(r) 美 w?r释义 v. 穿(衣服等);戴(首饰等);装着( wear 的过去式)短语 numeric wore: 数值字 ;数字字wore backward: 穿着落后 ;身穿落后 ; 戴向后Wore pajamas: 他穿的睡衣wore beautiful: 穿在身上漂亮的SPEEDOMETER WOR里程表蜗杆wore badly: 不耐用Wore Glasses戴着眼镜tire wore: 车轮偏磨wore off: 逐渐淡化例句 1.Wore is the past tense of . (

3、wear) 的过去式forgive ness音标 英f? g? 美f?,g ?vn?s释义 n.宽恕;宽仁之心短语 forgiven ess therapy:宽恕乐陶陶Secret Forgive ness :摇摆爵士乐Seek ing forgive ness:求原谅decisional forgiveness:决策原谅Finding Forgive ness :发现原谅Forgiven ess program:豁免政策forgiven ess opti ons:注销还款方案Your forgiven ess:你的原谅Forgive ness-:无敌者例句 1.N-UNCOUNT If yo

4、u ask for forgiven ess , you ask to be forgiven for someth ing wrong that you have done. 宽 恕例:.a spirit of forgiveness and national reconciliation.一种宽恕与民族和解的精神。whole音标 英h?l美hol释义 adj.完整的;纯粹的n.整体;全部短语 whole note:全音符;音乐中全音符Whole Foods:全食超市;全食公司;全食品;全食超市公司Whole number:整数;完整数;完整的数;不含分数或小数的数whole tone:全音

5、;全音程;全音音阶Whole family: 一家子;一家老小;全家;家庭成员Whole food:全食物;全食超市;全食品;天然食品whole price:批发价whole mushroom:整菇;整蘑菇whole product:整体产品;整个产品例句 1.QUANT If you refer to the whole of something, you mean all of it. 整个QUANT of -rdef例: He has said he will make an apology to the whole of Asia for his country s past beha

6、viour.他说过他将为他的国家在过去的所作所为向全体亚洲人民道歉。2.ADJ Whole is also an adjective. 整个的ADJ n例: We spent the whole summer in Italy that year.我们那一年在意大利度过了整个夏天。3.N-COUNT A whole is a si ngle thi ng that co ntains several differe nt parts.( 包含几个不同部分的 )整体例: An atom itself is a complete whole, with its electrons, protons

7、 and neutrons and other elements.原子本身是个整体,含电子、质子、中子以及其他组成部分。4.ADJ If someth ing is whole , it is in one piece and is not broke n or damaged. 完整的 v-li nk ADJ, v n ADJ例:I struck the glass with my fist with all my might; yet it remained whole.我使尽全力用拳头砸那块玻璃,但它却完好无损。5.ADV You use whole to emphasize what

8、you are saying.(表强调)完全地 非正式ADV adj例: It was like seeing a whole different side of somebody.这就像见到了某个人完全不同的一面。6.ADJ Whole is also an adjective.完全的 ADJ n例: That saved me a whole bunch of money.那给我节省下一大笔钱。7.PHRASE If you refer to someth ing as a whole , you are referri ng to it gen erally and as a sin g

9、le un it. 总体 上例: He described the move as a victory for the people of South Africa as a whole.他把这一行动描述成全体南非人民的一次胜利。8.PHRASE You use on the whole to indicate that what you are saying is true in general but may not be true in every case, or that you are givi ng a gen eral opi nio n or summary of somet

10、h ing. 大体上说例: On the whole, people miss the opportunity to enjoy leisure.大体上说,人们都渴望享受休闲时光的机会。individually音标 英 ?nd?dvj?(?)l? 美 ?nd?v?d?u?li释义 adv. 个别地,单独地短语 individually orientated: 分别为导向 ;个别导向 ;个别人士Individually designed: 个性化设计Individually Guided: 人自我指导measure individually: 单独地测量individually chemothe

11、rapy: 二氢嘧啶脱氢酶活性标志物Individually prescrilbedlnStruction: 定教学individually adjustable: 个性化配套设计 individually treatment: 个体化治疗 learning individually: 个性化学习fashi on英f?)n美f?释义;时装;样式;方式;时髦人物vt.使用;改变;做成的形状短语 fashion designer:时装设计师;服装设计师;时尚设计师;设计师Fashion life:时尚生活;生活时尚;时尚的生活;幻想生活attractive fashion:式样美观;式样

12、雅观Fashion Management:时尚管理;时装管理;时尚管理专业;时尚产业管理Fashion District:时尚区;时装区;服装批发市场Fashion Match:时尚匹配;时尚竞赛Fashion Forward:时尚前沿年时尚业前瞻;时尚前瞻;运营策划Fashion Craze疯狂时尚Fashion Movement:时尚运动例句 1.N-UNCOUNT Fashi on is the area of activity that in volves styles of cloth ing and appeara nee. 时尚界例:There are 20 full-colou

13、r pages of fashion for men.有20张男士时尚动态的全彩页。2.N-COUNT A fashion is a style of clothing or a way of behaving that is popular at a particular time. 时尚例: In the early seventies I wore false eyelashes, as was the fashion.70年代初我戴假睫毛,那是当时的时尚。3.N-SING If you do something in a particular fashion or after a pa

14、rticular fashion , you do it in that way. 方式例: There is another drug called DHE that works in a similar fashion.另有一种叫作二氢埃托啡的药作用相似。4.t see also oldfashioned5.PHRASE If someth ing is in fashi on , it is popular and approved of at a particular time. If it is out of fashi on ,it is not popular or approv

15、ed of. 流行 /过时例:That sort of house is back in fashion.那种房子又时兴起来了。christia nityn.基督教;基督教精神,基督教教义短语 Syriac Christia nity:叙利亚基督教Christia nity Protesta nt:基督教German Christianity:德国基督教social Christianity:基督教社会主义Progressive Christia nity :信奉自由派基督教Christianity Century:基督教世纪embrace Christianity:信奉基督教Christia

16、nity enters:基督新教传入山东例句 1.N-UNCOUNT Christianity is a religion that is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the belief that he wasthe son of God.基督教例: He con verted to Christia nity that day.那天他改信了基督教。cracki ng音标 英kr?k?美kr?k?释义 adj.重大的;敏捷的;出色的adv.非常;极其n.破裂;分馏v.破裂;打开;变声(crack的ing形式)短语 Password c

17、racking:密码破解;口令破解;破解密码;例如破解口令Software cracking:软件破解cracking pattern:碎裂图型;裂解谱图;裂化谱图;裂片图Cracki ng voices粗哑的声音corrosion cracking:腐蚀开裂;腐蚀龟裂;腐蚀断裂;腐蚀纹裂fatigue cracking:疲劳开裂;疲劳裂纹;疲劳断裂;疲劳龟裂frost cracking:冻裂;冻裂作用bead cracking:焊道裂纹;焊缝cracking heater:裂解炉;裂化炉英语solidification cracking:硬化裂纹;凝固裂纹例句 1.PHRASE If you

18、 tell some one to get crack ing , you are telli ng them to start doing someth ing immediately. 立即 着手做;抓紧做非正式例: Mark, you d better get cracking, the sooner the better.马克,你最好马上做这件事,越快越好。pickupsn.拾音器;补拍镜头(pickup的复数)短语 PICKUPS CUSTOM有试听Super PickUps超级小卡车casual pickups:鸳鸯游戏;游戏鸳鸯fen der PICKUPS 有试听Ditto P

19、ickups:同上拾音器HUMAN PICKUPS人类获得的物品Toe Pickups :脚趾拾物Silversun Pickups:表演者;歌手名称HH pickups :两个双线圈拾音器例句 1.N-COUNT A pickup or a pickup truck is a small truck with low sides that can be easily loaded and uni oaded. 轻型货车2.N-SING A pickup in trade or in a country s economy is an improvem易或经济的)改善例:.a pickup i

20、n the housing market.房地产市场的好转。3.N-COUNT A pickup takes place whe n some one picks up a pers on or thing that is wait ing to be collected.( 人或物的)接取例: The company had pickup points in most cities.公司在大多数城市都有接取点。stepsn.(楼外的)建台阶;步伐;步数;步幅短语 Innocent Steps:纯情舞女;舞女纯情;舞者的纯情;舞女的纯情operation steps:操作步骤;作业环节;手术步

21、骤Baby Steps满月酒;网球优等生;蓓比步;宝贝的脚步No steps:不准脚踏First Steps:第一步;蹒跚学步;人之初;第一个步骤V Steps 垂直步幅U Steps:水平 步 幅front steps:门前阶梯;前门台阶Odessa Steps敖德萨阶梯;奥德萨阶梯例句 1.N-COUNT If you take a step , you lift your foot and put it down in a different place, for example when you are walking. 脚卩步例:I took a step toward him.我朝

22、他迈出了一步。2.V-I If you step on someth ing or step in a particular direct ion, you put your foot on the thing or move your footin that direct ion. 踩例: This was the moment when Neil Armstrong became the first man to step on the Moon.正是在这一刻,内尔 阿姆斯特朗成为了登月第一人。3.N-COUNT Steps are a series of surfaces at in c

23、reas ing or decreas ing heights, on which you put your feet inorder to walk up or dow n to a differe nt level. 台阶例: This little room was along a passage and down some steps.这小房间在沿着一个过道再走下几级台阶的地方。4.N-COUNT A step is a raised flat surface in front of a door. 门槛例: A little girl was sitting on the step

24、of the end house.有个小女孩坐在最后面那栋房子的门槛上。5.t see alo doorstep6.N-COUNT A step is one of a series of actions that you take in order to achieve someth ing. 步骤例: He greeted the agreement as the first step toward peace.他赞称这项协议是迈向和平的第一步。7.N-COUNT A step in a process is one of a series of stages. 阶段例: The next

25、 step is to put the theory into practice.下一阶段要把理论付诸实践。8.N-COUNT The steps of a dance are the sequences of foot movements which make it up. 舞步例: She was a better dancer than Gordon. At least she knew the steps.她舞跳得比戈登好,至少她会那些舞步。9.N-SING Someo nes step is the way they walk. 步伐例: He quickened his step.

26、他加快了步伐。10.PHRASE If you stay one step ahead of some one or someth ing, you man age to achieve more tha n theydo or avoid competiti on or dan ger from them. 领先一步; 避开例: Successful travel is partly a matter of keeping one step ahead of the crowd.成功的旅游在某种程度上就是避开众人。11.PHRASE If people who are walking or

27、dancing are in step , they are moving their feet forward at exactlythe same time as each other. If they are out of step , their feet are movi ng forward at differe nt times. 步伐 (不)一致例: They were almost the same height and they moved perfectly in step.他们身高相仿,而且走路的步伐也完全一致。12.PHRASE If people are in st

28、ep with each other, their ideas or opinions are the same. If they are outof step with each other, their ideas or opinions are different. 意见 (不) 致例: Moscow is anxious to stay in step with Washington.莫斯科迫切希望与华盛顿保持一致。13.PHRASE If you do something step by step , you do it by progressing gradually from o

29、ne stage to the next.一步一步地例: I am not rushi ng things and I m taking it step by step.我没急于求成,我正在一步一步地来。14.PHRASE If some one tells you to watch your step , they are warning you to be careful about how you behave or what you say so that you do not get into trouble. 谨慎行事例: He said I d come to a bad end

30、, if I didn t watch my step.他说如果我不谨慎行事,我的结局会很惨的。it英?美?释义 pron.指无生命的东西、动物、植物 它;这;那pron.指已提到或将提及的事物、活动、经验、抽象观念等 pron.在不分性别或情况不详时指代 pron.作无人称动词的主语,表示天气、时日、距离、状态、温度等等 abbr.信息技术 in formati on tech no logy短语 IT Specialist:信息技术专员;信息工程师;信息技能专员;技术专员IT Uni versity:哥德堡hold it:且慢;别唱了 ;抓住它;别动it depends:看情况;看情况而定

31、;视情况而定blow it:搞砸了 ;搞砸;糟糕;弄坏了drop it:停止吧;忘掉;停止;丢掉不管Pump It:加油;黑眼豆豆;跳起来;发功TIM IT:意大利红色;意大利TIM定制红色;意年夜利红色Believe it:相信吧;相信它;别放弃曾经的心愿;要相信例句 1.PRON-SING You use it to refer to an object, animal, or other thing that has already been mentioned. 它 (扌旨上文提及的某一物体、动物或其他事物 )例:It s a wonderful city, really. I ll show it to you if you want.这确实是个很棒的城市。如果你愿意的话,我带你看一下。2.PRON-SING You use i

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