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8、_。(A、李白;B、杜甫;C、王维;D、白居易。)_2、画人时应先画_(A、头;B、肩;C、全身轮廓。),其中眼睛的位置在头部的_(A、上;B、中;C、下。)_三、实践题。(10)_1、请在下列标志旁写出它们所代表的含义。(4分)_(1)、(2)、_2、2008年夏季奥运会将在我国北京举办,请你给大会设计一幅宣传招贴画(用铅笔)。(6分)小学英语毕业模拟试卷一、把下列单词补充完整,把正确答案序号填在提前( )内。(10分)( )1、t ll A、o B、u C、e D、a( )2、str et A、a B、e C、i D、o( )3、Th sday A、ir B、ur C、ar D、er( )

9、4、w t A、ei B、an C、au D、ai( )5、d y A、I B、o C、a D、u( )6、f sh A、a B、e C、i D、o( )7、f A、or B、au C、ou D、eu( )8、ba room A、ch B、sh C、th D、tl( )9、mu on A、dd B、tt C、ll D、ff( )10、h sework A、au B、oa C、ou D、r二、火眼金睛,找出不同类的词。(10分)( )1、A、wash B、set C、put D、housework( )2、A、pork B、mutton C、beef D、tofu( )3、A、tasty B、d

10、elicious C、fresh D、sour( )4、A、Sunday B、Saturday C、weekend D、Monday( )5、A、Miss B、Mr C、lady D、teacher( )6、A、apple B、orange C、grapes D、fruit( )7、A、forty B、fourteen C、four D、number( )8、A、food B、rice C、noodles D、dumpling( )9、A、father B、uncle C、brother D、grandfather( )10、A、thirty B、thirteen C、twenty D、fif

11、ty三、词义打靶,为下列所提供的单词选择最正确的义项。(20分)( )1、foot A、脚 B、火车 C、小汽车 D、手( )2、subway A、火车 B、公共汽车 C、飞机 D、地铁( )3、stop A、等待 B、然后 C、停 D、交( )4、England A、德国 B、美国 C、英国 D、加拿大( )5、cinema A、图书馆 B、电影院 C、医院 D、邮局( )6、please A、分钟 B、请 C、购买 D、北( )7、then A、然后 B、请 C、南 D、转弯( )8、tonight A、今天上午 B、下周 C、今晚 D、夜晚( )9、hobby A、爱好 B、跳水 C、教

12、 D、居住( )10、singer A、作家 B、歌唱家 C、男演员 D、女演员( )11、作家 A、singer B、writer C、soon D、artist( )12、居住 A、with B、go C、live D、read( )13、画家 A、actor B、actress C、singer D、artist( )14、星期 A、work B、week C、word D、twin( )15、读 A、watch B、teach C、read D、live( )16、看 A、teach B、watch C、go D、come( )17、展览 A、ride B、show C、watch D

13、、live( )18、笔友 A、friend B、penpal C、show D、look( )19、去 A、come B、go C、actor D、fun( )20、亲爱的 A、dear B、look C、show D、look四、中文连线。(12分)empty the trash 做饭 at home 就这么干cook the meals 浇花 just do 试一试 water the flowers 倒垃圾 have a try 用计算机set the table 碗碟 play chess 收拾衣服clean the bedroom 摆餐具 use a computer 下棋do t

14、he dishes 打扫卧室 put away the clothes 在家五、完成下列对话。(8分,每空2分)Jack:Hello .This is Jack from Daily Report. Im doing a survey . Can I ask you ,please?Child:Sure.Jack:What are you doing ?Child:I am watching TV.Jack:What is your mother doing ?Child:She .Jack:What is your father doing ?Child:He .Jack:What is y

15、our pet doing ?Child:You mean ,my cat ?Hes watching the fish in the fishbowl.Jack:Thank you.Child: Bye.六、Read and choose.选择正确的答案。(20分)( )1、Lucy is ten .Kate is nine years old .So Lucy is than Kate.A、older B、younger C、fatter ( )2、They like to music.A、listening B、listens C、listen ( )3、You can go to th

16、e moon by .A、car B、plane C、spaceship( )4、The traffic light is yellow ,you may . A、stop B、wait C、go( )5、They are going to the cinema car.A、at B、an C、by( )6、When are you going to Hong Kong ?Im going .A、this weekend B、by plane C、yesterday( )7、The woman is seventy,but she looks so .A、tall B、young C、thin

17、( )8、I like 。Because its hot,I can eat ice-creams.A、fall B、summer C、spring( )9、Teacher Day is in .A、October B、November C、September( )10、Where does the rain come from ? It comes from the .A、clouds B、water C、sun七、Make sentences.连词成句。(10分)1、go,usually,school,I, to,foot,on (.) 2、to,are,going,weekend,the

18、,you,what,do,on (?) 3、look,so,you,excited (.) 4、birthday,June,her,in,is (.) 5、you,me,please,could,help (?) 八、Read and judge.阅读判断。正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。(10分)Today is Saturday . Its fine .My parents and I go to the zoo. First ,we come to see the monkeys.Look at those monkeys!Some are playing witheach other,

19、some are swinging on the trees,some are making faces ,and some are eating bananas .Then we go to see the peacocks(孔雀).How beautiful they are !They have long tails and small mouths .They are all wearing colorful clothes .They look like pretty princesses (公主).They are dancing together happily .At last

20、 ,we come to see a very big animal .It has a long nose and tow big ears.Its ears look like tow big fans.What is it ?Ha-ha, its an elephant . Its very friendly .My father takes a photo for it .Today,I am very happy because I have seen many lovely animals . I hope people can get along well (与 友好相处)wit

21、h the animals forever. ( )1、I go to zoo with my dad and mum.( )2、The monkeys are playing,swinging and dancing.( )3、The peacocks are beautiful.( )4、The elephant has a long nose and tow big eyes.( )5、We should love animals.一、找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词。(10分) ( ) 1. A. teacher B. certainly C. sister D. brother

22、( ) 2. A. earth B. near C. hear D. ear ( ) 3. A. bowl B. snow C. now D. yellow ( ) 4. A. page B. dog C. pig D. big ( ) 5. A. think B. third C. those D. thank ( ) 6. A. game B. table C. get D. rain ( ) 7. A. on B. office C. orange D. open ( ) 8. A. ruler B. mum C. shut D. colour ( ) 9. A. feet B. mea

23、t C. seven D. peach ( ) 10. A. right B. ghost C. light D. night 二、补一个同类词。(5分) 1. morning, evening, _ 2. beer, coffee, _ 3. post, office, shop, _ 4. thin, fat, _ 5. cool, cold, _ 三、根据汉语要求选择正确的英语句子。(10分) ( ) 1. Bob相约Tom去公园,应该怎么说? A. Can I go to the park? B. Shall we go to the park? ( ) 2. Lily,这是我的朋友。

24、 A. Lily, this is my friend. B. Lily, this friend is my. ( ) 3. 当别人邀请你一起去郊游时,你说:太好了! A. Thank you! B. Great! ( ) 4. 明天上午我要去买东西。 A. Ill go shopping tomorrow morning. B. Ill do shopping tomorrow morning. ( ) 5. 当你提醒Fred不要在街上玩足球时说: A. Dont play football in the street, Fred! B. Not to play football in t

25、he street, Fred! 四、选择填空。(15分) ( ) 1. Li Hong _ TV for two hours every evening. A. watch B. watches C. watched ( ) 2. - _ is he? - He is ten. A. What B. Who C. How old ( ) 3. Kate and Jane _ my good friends. A. is B. am C. are ( ) 4. - Where _ he from? - He _ from China. A. is; come B. is; comes C. d

26、oes; is ( ) 5. - Where is my pencil? - I cant _ it. A. look at B. find C. look for ( ) 6. Were going to stay here tomorrow. What _ you? A. about B. besides C. with ( ) 7. That blue jacket is beautiful. A. fine B. very nice C. well ( ) 8. - _ are these? - They are red pencils. A. What B. Where C. Wha

27、t colour ( ) 9. My mother _ three shelves. A. have B. has C. is ( ) 10. The man over there is _. A. Miss White B. Mrs White C. Mr White ( ) 11. - _ kitchen is clean? - Marys. A. Whos B. Whose C. Who ( ) 12. - _ grade are you in? - Grade Five. A. Whose B. Which C. Where ( ) 13. - _ on the river? - Th

28、erere some ducks. A. What B. Which C. Whats ( ) 14. That girl is my friend. _ name is May. A. His B. Her C. Its ( ) 15. Helen is behind me. I am _ Helen. A. behind B. in front of C. beside 五、用所给动词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. Peters father often _ (take) a bus to go to work. 2. Look! They _ (play) happily in the playground. 3. Tom likes _ (swim) in summer. 4. Who can _ (speak) English well in your family? 5. Tim and Tom _ (read) in the library. Let

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