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1、金融英语口语金融英语口语:如何汇报你的工作进度1. Hows the project going项目进展得怎么样2. Great! Were way ahead of schedule.非常好!我们要提前完工了。3. Were right on target.我们正按计划进行。4. Well, frankly, were running a little behind.坦白地说,我们有点落后了。5. Folks, were behind the eight-ballin meeting our sales target. Lets speed things up.兄弟们,我们都快完不成销售目标

2、了。我们得抓紧啊。6. Its 70% done.已经完成70%了。7. Itll be pleted on time.会按时完成的。8. Were halfway there.我们已经完成一半了。9. Have the milestones been identified for the new project新项目的关键活动都已经确定了吗10. What delivery date are we looking at什么时候交货11. There must be no further delays. The drop-dead date/deadline is ne_t Fridays c

3、lose of business.不能再推迟了,最后期限是下周五下班的时候。12. Were approaching the critical point for success or failure of this project.:几个描述经济情况的句子How can we make the economy more vibrant我们怎样才能使经济更有活力Inflation leads to more unemployment.通货膨胀导致更多人失业.Inflation hurts the poor more than the rich.通货膨胀伤害的是穷人而不是富人.They have

4、nt done anything to stimulate new jobs.他们没有做过任何能刺激新的就业机会的事情.What about inflation如果出现通货膨胀怎么办We need more jobs.我们需要更多的就业机会.Were headed for a recession.我们正走向衰退.The trade deficit is getting larger.贸易赤字越来越大:Trade FinanceNew Words新单词multinational adj.跨国的subsidiary adj.附属的irrevocable adj.不可撤销的confirm v.确认,

5、使有效circumstances n.情况,环境confront v.面对Phrases E_pressionsclearing bank清算银行documentary collection跟单托收D:Hi, Roy. How are your things going马:嗨,罗伊,近来一切都好吗R:Fine. Everything is going smoothly.R:好,挺好。一切进展顺利。D:This is Miss Harriet Smith, finance manager of A P Corporation.马:这位是哈里.史密斯先生,A$P公司的财务经理。This is Mr

6、. Roy Stanford.这位是罗伊.斯坦福先生。H:How do you do史:您好!R:How do you do I work in the international trade and banking division.斯:您好!我在国际贸易与银行业务部任职。As you know, were very much involved with many large American corporations dealing with international trade.我们参与许多美国大公司的国际贸易事务。H:Yeah. Thats why I e here this aft

7、ernoon.斯:是啊,这正是我今天下午此行的目的。R:What were doing is actively and hopefully developing a relationship with large panies including their subsidiaries or branches to ensure that we can provide all services they need.斯:我们正在积极乐观地与大公司以及它们的子公司或分支机构建立业务联系,以确保我们向他们提供各项服务。H:Would you please be more specific史:请您具体谈

8、谈。R:Sure. We handle all types of letters of credit, and also advise if they should be irrevocable,斯:可以,我们操作各类信用证,并且提供相应的咨询-例如建议哪些应做不可撤销信用证,whether they should be confirmed, whether we would remend them in certain circumstances.哪些信用证应确认,有些时候,我还要推荐适当的信用证。And of course, we deal with documentary collect

9、ions and so on.当然,我们也处理单据托收。H:So your division is to ensure that its customers receive payment for the goods they e_pect.史:因此,你们部负责确保客户及时收到贷款。R:Thats where we can help an e_porter like your corporate.斯:对,是这样。我们可以在托收贷款方面为像你们这样的大公司提供服务。You see, it can happen any time that an e_porter has to wait two o

10、r even three years before they are able to obtain their money after they ship goods to a buyer abroad.你想,有时候,出口商向国外发货以后,要等到二年,甚至三年以后才能拿到贷款。这样不愉快的事时有发生。It could be of any reason. Thats why we always hear people say that e_porting is easy;原因可以是各种各样的,因此我们经常可以听到这样的牢骚:出口容易,its getting paid thats the hard

11、 part.要钱难。H:Im afraid its the case we sometimes have to confront.史:恐怕,我们公司也会不时地面临这种尴尬的局面。R:But of course, were not all the time selling a service.R:当然,我们部并不总是客户推销我们的服务。A lot of the time we give advice and solve problems to our customers.大部分时间,我们给客户一些参考意见并帮他们解决实际问题。H:Whats a typical problem that you

12、would e_pect a customer to e to you about史:一般情况下,客户会带着什么问题来向你们咨询呢R:For e_le, just recently we had one with a contract that was signed to supply some machinery to a pany in France.斯:就拿最近的例子来说吧。我们处理了一个向法国提供机械的合同。H:What happened And what role did you play史:怎么啦你们在其中又扮演了什么角色R:The contract was originally

13、drawn in USD, but the French pany was not permitted to cover forward for any length of time.斯:当初签合同时,是以美元为计算单位的。但那家法国公司无权做任何时间范围内的期货交易,They would have to buy the necessary USD to pay the bill.他们又必须买进一定数目的美元付帐。H:I see.史:噢!R:So we bought currency for the customer and our customer could then work out h

14、is price in French francs instead of US dollars.斯:于是我们为这家法国客户买进了美元,这样他们就可以用法郎而不是美元来计算货款了。H:Fine. OK, I think weve covered everything now, havent we史:好,我想我俩已谈得很详尽了。R:Yes, I think so. It was good of you to see me.斯:是啊!很高兴您来与我们商洽。H:My pleasure. Thank you for answering me so many questions.史:我也感到很愉快。谢谢您

15、解答了我不少的疑问。Im sure well buy your service in the near future.我敢肯定,不久的将来,我们就要来买你们的服务项目了。R:Thank you.斯:谢谢。:TimeDepositNew Words新单词an_ious adj.担心的,焦急的available adj.可用的,可得到的option n.选择权maturity n.(票据等的)到期emergency n.紧急mature v.到期Phrases E_pressions短语regular savings account普通储蓄帐户time deposit定期存款time certif

16、icate of deposit定期存款单the stated interest return规定所归还的利息W:Liu Bing, I have two thousand yuan for the cost of this term,王琳:刘萍,我从家带来2000元供这一学期的生活费,enough to last from now until summer vacation.维持到暑假看来已足够。I feel an_ious about carrying around such a large sum. What should I do带着这么多钱我觉得不放心,我该怎么办00:34.95L:

17、Let me think. You can deposit one half as regular savings accounts and another half as time deposits.刘萍:让我想想。你可以拿其中一半作为活期存款,另一半作为定期存款。W:Thats a good idea. Will they earn a similar rate王琳:这主意很好。那么存款利率是否一样呢L:The interest rate for time deposits is much higher than regular savings account.刘萍:定期存款的利率要比活期

18、存款高得多。W:How long do I have to keep the money in the account王琳:那么我的定期存款应该多长呢L:The savings banks offer a choice of three, si_ or twelve - month maturities in most cases.刘萍:储蓄所在在大多数情况下备有三种定期存款,即分三个月,半年和一年。They also offer Time Certificate of Deposit in two-, three-, five or ten- year terms.另外,他们还提供2年,3年

19、,5年或10年的长期定期存款。W:For us only the short-time deposits are available. Does the rate go up depending on how long you keep the certificate王:对我们来说,短期存款合适。是否存款时间越长利率也就越高呢L:Yes, of course. It would seem that three month time deposits are the best option for you.刘:是的,那当然啦。看来对你来说三个月的定期存款是最好的选择。W:I agree with

20、 you. Tomorrow, lets go to the bank to deposit my money.王:我同意你的看法,明天咱们俩就去银行存款。L:Yes, I want to deposit mine, too.刘:好,我自己也要去存款。W:What maturities are the most popular王琳:哪一种期限最普遍L:Most people use the si_ or twelve-months plans, of course,L:大部分人都选用半年或一年的期限。当然啦,they may renew the certificate on maturity

21、if they wish.到期后人们还可以续存。W:What if the customer needs the money for an emergency before the certificate matures Can he get it out王:假如存款人由于急用要提前取款,那又如何处理呢他能否把款提出呢L:Yes, of course, he can withdraw his money by cashing in his certificate before the maturity date if necessary.刘:当然可以,在必要的情况下可以在到期之前提前取款。W:

22、What will happen王:那情况会怎样L:He just wont receive the stated interest return.刘:他就不能拿到预先规定的定期利息。W:What a loss!王:那真可惜!L:So if you want to have a high rate of return, dont withdraw your cash before the end of the certificated period.刘萍:所以你想要获得较高的利息就不要在到期之前提取存款。W:Good idea.王:好主意。:The HistoryNew Words新单词Bab

23、ylon n.巴比伦(古代巴比伦王国首都)temple n.庙宇,专供某种活动场所(the) Renaissance n.文艺复兴,ancient adj.古代的Greece n.希腊breakup n.分裂,崩溃decline n.下降,衰落usury n.高利贷,高利illegal adj.不合法的;非法的Belgium n.比利时function n.功能,作用ple_ adj.复杂的especially adv.特别地e_pand v.扩大partially adv.部分地Venice n.威尼斯(意大利港市)semi-public adj.半公立的Phrases E_pression

24、sRoman Empire罗马帝国emerge from出现,冒出feudal system封建体制Middle Ages中世纪bill of e_change汇票regulatory function常规作用Z:Good afternoon!张:下午好!A:Good afternoon!全体:下午好!Z:Today Ill introduce something about the history of banking in the west.张:今天我要讲点西方银行史。Well, thats very interesting, the earliest banks started in B

25、abylon almost 4 000 years ago.这是很有意思的,最早的银行大约是四千年前在巴比伦建立的。They were really temples which collected deposits and made loans.实际上,那些银行只是一种收集存款并进行的放款的场所。S1:I see, but I had always thought that banking started during the Renaissance in Europe.学1:我明白了,但我原来一直以为银行业务始于欧洲文艺复兴时期。N:No, it was much earlier than

26、that. Then, there were banks in ancient Greece and Rome, too.周:不,比那个时期早多了。古希腊和罗马都有许多银行,It wasnt until the breakup of the Roman Empire and the decline in trade and mercial transactions that banking lost its previous importance.直到罗马帝崩溃和商贸业务的衰落,银行业才失去了它以往的重要性。S2:What about the laws against usury during

27、 the Middle Ages学2:中世纪时,放禁止放高利贷是怎么回事Didnt such laws make it illegal to charge interest on loans这些法律没有规定贷款收取利息是非法的吗Z:Yes, they did, but these laws were gradually changed during the 14th and 15th centuries and banking functions started appearing again in Italy and Belgium and later in France,周:是的,规定了,

28、但是这些法律在14,15世纪时逐步地改变了,银行的作用又在意大利和比利时开始出现,后来又在法国,Germany and England.德国和英国。S3:So we can really say that banking restarted during the Renaissance.学3:所以实际上我们可以说,银行业在文艺复兴时期又重新开始了。Z:You are right. We can easily see the need for the development of the banks during that period.张:对的。显而易见,银行的发展正是出于那个时期的需要。当欧

29、洲从中世纪封建制度的禁锢中挣脱出来时,mercial and financial transactions had once again started to bee more ple_ as Europe emerged from the feudal system of the Middle Ages.商业和金融交易再一次开始变得复杂起来了。S4:Could you tell us more in detail学4:您能说得再具体些吗Z:Yeah. For one thing, many banks started that way, especially in France and En

30、gland,周:是的。一方面很多银行就是这样兴起的,特别是在法国和英国。but they gradually e_panded their activities to handling deposits and loans,可是他们逐渐地扩展他们的经营活动,发展到从事储蓄,贷款,issuing and trading bills of e_change and even issuing their own notes;发行和买卖汇票,甚至发行他们自己的货币。for another thing, they started the fractional reserve system which i

31、s the central feature of modern banks.另一方面他们开始建立起部分储备制度,而这一点正是现代银行的主要特征。S5:When did the idea of central banks get started学5:建立中央银行的想法是什么时候开始的Z:Well, the first bank that was partially owned and controlled by a state government was established in Venice in 1587.张:哦,第一个由国家政府部分拥有和控制的银行是1587年在威尼斯建立起来的。Then, the bank of England appeared. We could call them semi-public.后来英格兰银行出现。我们称这种银行为半公立银行。As a matter of fa

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