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高一英语语法专题 简单句翻译训练100句.docx

1、高一英语语法专题 简单句翻译训练100句简单句翻译练习(100句)1. 会议将持续两个小时。The meetin|g will last two hour|s.2. 五年以前,我住在北京。I lived in Beijing |five years ago.3. 秋天,那些鸟儿飞到南方去。In autumn, those birds fly to the s|outh.4. 我的爷爷早上起的很早。My grandfather gets u|p early in the morning.5. 每天下午,许多学生都会来到图书馆看书。Every afternoon, many |students c

2、ome to the library to read books.6. 这样的事情在全世界每天都会发生。Such things are happen|ing all over the world every day.7. 那天早上我们谈了许多许多。That morning, we |talked a lot.8. 树叶已经变黄了。Leaves have turned yellow.9. 这个报告听起来很有意思。This report sounds v|ery interesting.10. 这本书他已经读过许多次了。H|e has read this book many times.11. 学

3、习英语对于我来说不是那么容易。Learning English is not that easy to me.12. 它是我们商店最贵的手机了。It i|s the most expensive mobi|le phone in our shop.13. 我必须得先给花园浇水。I must water the garden f|irst.14. 这真是一个令人意外的惊喜。This is |really a pleasant sur|prise.15. 他从前一定是一个大夫。He must hav|e been a doctor before|.16. 布朗夫人不可能有四十岁。Mrs Brown

4、 can|t have been forty.17. 今年你们打算去哪里度假呢?Wh|ere are you going to spe|nd your holiday this year?18. 别那么肯定。Dont be so sure.19. 我们还没有拿定主意。We havent made up our minds.20. 我妻子总是担心这担心那的。My wife a|lways worries too much.21. 我们可能哪里也不去。We might not go anywhere.22. 她今晚请玛丽和我吃饭了。She invited Mary an|d me to dinne

5、r tonight.23. Flora在弹钢琴,是吗?Flora is pla|ying piano, is she?24. 看。我四岁的女儿Sally在看外面的风景。Look. My four-yea|r-old daughter Sally is watching th|e view outside.25. 她收起她的化妆盒,然后善良地笑了。She put away her compact and |smiled kindly.26. 今早有人在车站接他吗?|Did anyone meet him at the s|tation?27. 还没有抓到那个贼吗?Hasnt anyone cau

6、gh|t the thief yet?28. 别担心。他很快就会落网了。Dont worry. He will be cau|ght soon.29. 游客被告知要保持树林干净整洁。Visitors have been asked t|o keep the woods clean and tidy.30. 每逢星期天,都会有数百人来我们镇上参观并在林中散步。On Sundays, hun|dreds of people would come to visi|t our town and walk i|n the woods.31. 这部电影真感人。The film is very moving

7、.32. 这是一部感人的电影。It is a moving film.33. 这部电影是以一个感人的故事为基础的。The film is based on a moving |story.34. 我们用鲜花装饰我们的教室。We decorate our |classroom with flowers.35. 在树底下有一个老奶奶。There is an old lady under the |tree.36. 教室里有四十名学生。Ther|e are forty students in |the classroom.37. 昨天妈妈给我买了一辆新自行车。My mother bought me

8、a new bike yesterday.38. 我决定要好好学习。I am determined to study hard.39. 学好英语是很容易的。I|t is easy to learn English we|ll.40. 老师让我告诉你这个消息.。The teacher asks m|e to tell you the news.41. 多么聪明的女孩啊!What a clever girl she is!42. 这个女孩真聪明!How clever the girl is!43. 三天后,我将给大家一个惊喜。Three days l|ater, I will give you a

9、 surprise.44. 他由于迟到被老师惩罚了。He was punished by the teac|her because of being late.45. 看不同国家学校之间的区别是有趣的。It is in|teresting to look at d|ifferences between s|chools in different countri|es.46. 我们学好英语是必要的It is n|ecessary for us to stud|y English well. 47. 他以那种方式回答问题是聪明的.It is clever |of him to answer the

10、 question that way. 48. 拍这部影片用了我们很长时间。I|t took us a long time to |make the film.49. 建议我们推迟会议。 It is suggested that we should put |off the meeting. 50. 似乎汤姆要获胜了。It see|med that Tom will win the race.51. 他碰巧赶上下雨。He happened to be caught in the rain.52. 我们发现学习口语是重要的。We found i|t important to learn spok

11、en Englis|h.53. 弗朗斯和我们一样激动。Frances was as excited as us.54. 我写信要告诉你一条好消息。I am |writing to tell you a good piece of good news.55. 6月26号那天我在操场把钥匙弄丢了。I lost my keys on the |playground on June 26th.56. 我哥哥把行李箱忘在了火车上。My brother |left his suitcase on the train.57. 那座大楼附近有一个餐馆、两个学校和一些超市。There is a res|taur

12、ant, two schools |and some supermarkets near the b|uilding.58. 我拿出手机并立刻报警。I took out |my mobile phone and called the police immediately.59. 你早饭吃的什么?What did you hav|e for breakfast?60. 我一点都不喜欢听音乐。I didnt like listening to mu|sic at all.61. 在美国,16岁以下|的青少年不允许获得驾照(drivers license)。In Americ|a, teenager

13、s under 16 are not allowed to get their drivers license.62. 我假期的第一个礼拜将会是非常忙碌的一周。The first |week of my holiday will be a b|usy one.63. 为什么不去向你的好朋友Bruce寻求帮助呢?Why not turn to you|r good friend Bruce?|64. 她是中国历史上最高领导人之一。She is one of the top |leaders in Chinese history.65. 她把自己的一生都奉献给了中国妇女和儿童的医疗工作。She d

14、evoted all her life to medical work fo|r Chinese women and children.66. 一个太有钱的人拥有的烦心事会更多而不是更少。A person with |too much money will have much mor|e rather than fewer troubles .67. 这些农民专注于使得他们的土地保持肥沃。These farmers focus on keeping th|eir soil rich.68. 对于他而言,在自己身上花钱没什么意义。Spending money on himself |means

15、nothing to him.69. 一直以来她都在忙于她的事业、出国学习和写文章。She has be|en busy with her busin|ess, studying abroad and writing ar|ticles.70. 她花费了很多年用来观察和记录它们的日常活动。She spe|nt years observing and re|cording their daily |activities.71. 她的工作是在幼儿园里照看儿童。 He|rjobistolookafterthechildrenin|thenursery. 72. 那位先生|能流利地说三种语言。That

16、gentlemencanspeak|threelanguagesfluently. 73|. 我开窗户你在意吗?Doyoumindmyopen|ingthewindow? 74. 五分钟内我们是不可能解出这道|题来的。 Wecannotworkou|t(副)theprobleminfivemi|nutes. 75. 这个学期我已经给父母写过三封信了。 T|histermIhavewrittent|hreeletterstomyparents.76. 他每个月理一次发。Hehashishaircut|onceamonth. 77. 他感到很难跟你交谈。Hefel|titverydifficult

17、t|otalkwithyou. 78. 我认为|与那个人谈话是无益的。 Ithoughtitnousetalki|ngwiththatman. 79. 你在工作中可|依靠他。Youcandepend|onhiminyourwork. 80. 我父亲已经给我|买了一辆新自行车。Myfatherhasboughtmea|newbike. 81. 我要你把真相告诉我。Iwantyoutotellmethetr|uth. 82. 每天早晨我们都听到|他大声朗读英语。 Everymorningweh|earhimreadEnglisha|loud. 83. 我想乘船去那里更舒服些。Ithinkitm|o

18、recomfortabletogotherebyshi|p. 84. 卫兵命令我们立即离开。Theguardsordered|ustoleaveatonce. 85. 二月份有二十八天。T|herearetwenty-eightdaysinFebruary. 85. 我想让John一家人来晚会。I want to |ask the Johns to come to |the party.86. 我想看看橱窗里的展示品。I want to h|ave a look at the disp|lay in the window.87. 今天早上我们在银行外面偶然相遇。We came across e

19、ach othe|r just outside the bank this m|orning.88. 我们经理的办公室在三层301室,310室的对面。Our managers office is on the third floor, R|oom 301, across from 310.89. 你必定把我和其他人弄混了。You must have mi|staken me for someone else.90. 昨天我收到了我姐姐的来信。Y|esterday I received a l|etter from my sister91. 我们班有39名学生。There are 39 stud

20、ents in o|ur classroom.92. 他的幽默给我留下了深刻的印象。His hum|or impresses me greatly./He leaves a de|ep impression on me |with his humor93. 浪费时间! Its a waste of time.94. 我对未来的生活很好奇。I am cu|rious about the life in the future|.95. 他会介意你在河里游泳。He would mind you swimming in the river.96. 三天后,|我将给大家一个惊喜。Three days l

21、ater, I will giv|e you a surprise.96. 他由于迟到被老师惩罚了。He was |punished by the teach|er because of being late.97. 昨天妈妈给我买了一辆新自行车。My mother bought me a new bike yesterday.98. 我要去上海看望我的父亲。Im going to Shanghai to visi|t my father.99. 先以简单的开始可能会是个好主意。It might be a good idea to s|tart with an easy one.100. 我哥哥的汽车正在修。My brothers car is being repaired.

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