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Study Questions for all chapters 1 2 7.docx

1、Study Questions for all chapters 1 2 7Study Questions for English Public SpeakingChapter 1 Speaking in PublicTrue-False Questions1. Public speaking requires the same method of delivery as ordinary conversation.2. Public speaking usually requires more formal language than everyday conversation.3. Pub

2、lic speaking is more highly structured than everyday conversation.4. When you adjust to the situation of a public speech, you are doing on a larger scale what you do everyday in conversation.5. As a speaker, you can usually assume that an audience will be interested in what you have to say.6. It is

3、usually a bad idea to make eye contact with individual members of your audience.7. The channel is the room in which speech communication takes place.8. The channel is the means by which a message is communicated.9. Most public speaking situations involve two-way communication.10. When you give a spe

4、ech to your classmates, you are engaged in one-way communication.11. The nonverbal messages that listeners send back to speakers are called feedback.12. Interference is anything that impedes the communication of a message.13. In many aspects of public speaking you will employ the skills of critical

5、thinking.14. Organizing ideas for presentation in a speech is an important aspect of critical thinking.15. Critical thinking is a way of thinking negatively about everything you hear in a speech.Multiple Choice Questions (Students are to indicate the best answer for each question by circling the cor

6、rect letter.)1. When your textbook describes public speaking as a form of empowerment, it means that public speaking is a. a way to manipulate people. b. a way to make a difference in something we care about. c. a way to make everyone see things through our frame of reference. d. a way to demonstrat

7、e how clever we are. e. a way to support ethnocentrism.2. Many of the skills used in public speaking are the same as those used in everyday conversation. These skills include a. organizing your thoughts logically. b. tailoring your message to your audience. c. adapting to listener feedback. d. all o

8、f the above. e. b and c only.3. As you present your speech, you notice that many of your listeners have interested looks on their faces and are nodding their heads in agreement with your ideas. According to your textbook, these reactions by your listeners are called a. interference. b. cognitive cue

9、s. c. feedback. d. audience cues. e. indicators.4. Concern by a listener about an upcoming job interview, the lack of air conditioning, or a mosquito bite are all examples of in the speech communication process.a. feedback b. avoidance c. blockage d. interference e. divergence5. Whatever a speaker c

10、ommunicates to someone else is termed the a. channel. b. code. c. feedback. d. message. e. source.6. As Benita approached the podium, loud voices from the hallway filled the room. Before beginning her speech, she asked someone in the back of the room to close the door. In this case, Benita was deali

11、ng with a. stage fright. b. interference. c. nonverbal communication. d. audience attitudes. e. feedback.7. What, according to your textbook, is the term for anything that impedes the communication of a message? a. divergence b. blockage c. intrusion d. avoidance e. interference8. Someone coughing i

12、n the audience or walking in late during a presentation are examples of what element in the speech communication process? a. channel b. message c. feedback d. interference e. disturbance9. The means by which a message is communicated is termed the a. channel. b. stimulus. c. occasion. d. catalyst. e

13、. setting.10. lets you know how your message is being received. a. Vocal variety b. Credibility c. Feedback d. Interference e. Audience adaptation11. In the midst of a speech about volcanoes, a speaker notices quizzical expressions on the faces of her listeners. In response, she says, “Let me explai

14、n that point again to make sure its clear.” When this happens, the speaker is a. building her credibility. b. adapting to feedback. c. compensating for the situation. d. interpreting the audiences frame of reference. e. adjusting the channel.12. Mary listened to the campus president speak on the rad

15、io at the same time that Jamal was part of the audience in the hall where the president was speaking. Later, Mary said she thought the presidents words stated clearly that he opposed an increase in tuition. But Jamal said that the way the president avoided looking at students when he talked about tu

16、ition made it seem the president actually supported an increase in tuition. The difference in the messages Mary and Jamal received most likely resulted from the fact thata. Jamal is a better listener than Mary. b. Mary and Jamal both experienced feedback. c. Mary and Jamal received the message throu

17、gh different channels. d. Mary and Jamal are majoring in different subjects. e. Mary is a better listener than Jamal.13. As Christopher delivered his speech, he noticed that some members of his audience looked confused as he explained one of his main points. As a result, he slowed down and explained

18、 the point again. In this case, Christopher was a. dealing with external interference. b. adjusting the channel of communication. c. interpreting the audiences frame of reference. d. compensating for the situation. e. adapting to audience feedback.Short Answer Questions1. As discussed in your textbo

19、ok, conversation and public speaking share at least four similarities, including:2. What are the three primary differences discussed in your textbook between public speaking and conversation?Chapter 2 Speaking Confidently and EthicallyTrue-False Questions1. Fortunately, stage fright only affects ine

20、xperienced speakers.2. Experts believe that being fully prepared for a speech can reduce stage fright by up to 75 percent.3. Using the power of visualization to control stage fright means that you should approach your speech as a performance in which the audience is looking for perfection.4. Most su

21、ccessful speakers are nervous before taking the floor.5. Listeners usually realize how tense a speaker is.6. Some nervousness before you speak is usually beneficial.7. For most beginning speakers the biggest part of stage fright is fear of the unknown8. As your textbook explains, most of the nervous

22、ness public speakers feel internally is not visible to their listeners.9. The aim of a speaker is to accomplish his or her goals by any means necessary.10. Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with issues of right and wrong in human affairs.11. Ethical issues can arise at every stage of the

23、 speechmaking process.12. The ethical obligation of a speaker to be fully prepared increases as the size of the audience increases.13. A public speaker need only be concerned about ethics in the conclusion of a speech.14. The first responsibility of a speaker is to make sure her or his goal is ethic

24、ally sound.15. A speakers ethical obligations decrease as the size of the audience decreases.16. One of the best ways to avoid falling into the trap of plagiarism is to start work on your speeches well before they are due.17. Because the aim of speechmaking is to secure a desired response from liste

25、ners, speakers need to give their strategic objectives priority over their ethical obligations.18. Unlike writers, public speakers can present other peoples ideas as their own without being guilty of plagiarism.19. Global plagiarism occurs when a speaker takes material from several different sources

26、 and presents it as his or her own.20. Taking someones entire speech and passing it off as your own is a form of unethical behavior called global plagiarism.21. It is necessary for a public speaker to identify his or her source whether the speaker is paraphrasing or quoting verbatim.22. It is only n

27、ecessary to identify your source in a speech when you are quoting directly, rather than paraphrasing.23. Whenever you quote someone directly in a speech, you must attribute the words to that person.24. Incremental plagiarism occurs when a speaker uses quotations or paraphrases without citing the sou

28、rces of the statements.25. Just as you need to give credit to the authors of print books and articles that you quote or paraphrase in your speech, so you need to give credit to the authors of Internet documents.26. When citing an Internet document in a speech, it is usually sufficient to introduce i

29、t by saying, “As I found on the Web.”27. Just as public speakers have ethical responsibilities, so too do the people who listen to a speech.Multiple Choice Questions (Students are to indicate the best answer for each question by circling the correct letter.)41. When your textbook describes public sp

30、eaking as a form of empowerment, it means that public speaking is a. a way to manipulate people. b. a way to make a difference in something we care about. c. a way to make everyone see things through our frame of reference. d. a way to demonstrate how clever we are. e. a way to support ethnocentrism

31、.42. Many of the skills used in public speaking are the same as those used in everyday conversation. These skills include a. organizing your thoughts logically. b. tailoring your message to your audience. c. adapting to listener feedback. d. all of the above. e. b and c only.44. When you experience

32、stage fright, your body is producing extra , a hormone that is released into the bloodstream in response to physical or mental stress. a. adrenaline b. serotonin c. potassium d. glauconite e. cortisone45. According to your textbook, rather than trying to eliminate every trace of stage fright, you should aim at transforming it into a. general anxiety. b. visualized adrenalin

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