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1、届河北省衡水市安平中学高三上学期第五次月考英语试题安平中学2018-2019学年上学期高三年级第五次月考英语试题第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. When does the park close today?A. At 6:30 B. At 6:00 C. At 5:302. Which hotel will the speakers go to t

2、his year?A. The one in the woods. B. The one on top of the hill. C. The one next to the river.3. Why is the woman upset?A.There is too much noise from the construction. B. Her project is behind schedule.C.She cant move into a new office.4. What is the woman concerned about when buying a desk? A. The

3、 size. B. The price. C. The brand. 5. Where are the two speakers? A. In a library. B. In a gallery. C. By the sea. 第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Why cant the man help

4、 the woman? A. He is quite busy. B. He isnt happy. C. He is having a break.7. What will the woman do? A.Do a report. B. Have lunch. C. Meet Alan. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Father and daughter. B. Brother and sister. C. Classmates. 9. Why did the woman say so

5、rry to the man? A. She lost his notebook computer. B. She went to Janes house without telling him. C. She took his notebook computer without permission.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Why does the man think the price of the flat is too high? A. Some repairs must be done. B. The neighbors are too noisy. C. The

6、position is not good. 11. What does the woman say about the flat? A. It is convenient. B. It is popular. C. It is cheap. 12. What will the man do this afternoon? A. Visit a dentist. B. Meet the woman. C. See another flat. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Why did the woman join in the Healthy Living Day? A. To t

7、ry something different. B. To make new friends. C. To do more exercise.14. How did the woman feel at the end of the Healthy Living Day? A. Tired. B. Sick. C. Thirsty. 15. When is the next Healthy Living Day? A. July 5th. B. May 28th. C. April 14th. 16. Which sport has the woman chosen for the next H

8、ealthy Living Day? A. Boating. B. Cycling. C. Skateboarding. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What was the speakers first job? A. A travel agent. B. A bank clerk. C. A secretary. 18. What did the speaker do in the first year of her college courses? A. She worked in a large clothes shop. B. She studied the hist

9、ory of design. C. She learnt to make clothes. 19. Why did the speaker like the final show? A. All the college students worked together. B. She met well-known people in the field. C. Her parents saw her work. 20. What is the speakers aim? A. To start a childrens clothes business. B. To get to the top

10、 of her profession. C. To become very rich. 第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2 分,满分40分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AEachtimeyouareabouttovisitaSchengen(申根)countrylikeFranceandItaly,youasa foreignerwillbeaskedtoproveyourselftohaveabookedflight itineraryand/or flight reservationfor aSchengenvisa.Sometime

11、s, youmighthavetopresenttheactualflightticketforyourintended destination.Yet,yourisklosingyourmoneyfrompayingtherealflightticket,evenbyknowingthatyour visacanbedenied.Youarealsoquestioning:Whereandhowtogetthisflightitineraryandconfirmedflightreservation?Isitpossibletopayfortheflightreservationandfli

12、ghtticketafterIgetawardeda visa? CanIreservea flightticketwithoutpayingthefullprice?Andmanyotherseriousquestions!Goeasy, because allyouraboveworrieswillbegone,onceyoureadoursimpleexplanations in thefollowingpartsofthis article!21. Fromthispassagewhat mightwellberequiredtopresentforyourSchengenvisaap

13、plicationeach time?A.Yourcreditcards. B.Yourbankinformation.C.Yourrealflightticket. D.Proofofyourbookedflightticket.22.Whatinformationis NOTprintedintheticketitineraryinthepicture?A.Flightinformation. B.Ticketprice.C. Specialmealneeds. D.Abankaccount.23.Thefollowingpartsofthisarticlewillmainly A.hel

14、pwithworriesabouta flightitinerary/reservation B.explainwhyapplicantsneeda bookedflightticketC.teachhowtoprotectyourmoneyinapplicationD.listall theotherrequirementsfora SchengenvisaBThe other day, my friend Jane was invited to a 40th birthday party. The time printed on the invitation was 7:30 pm. Ja

15、ne went off with her husband, expecting a merry evening of wine, food, and song.By 9:45, everybody was having great fun, but no food had appeared. Jane and David were restless. Other guests began whispering that they, too, were starving. But no one wanted to leave, just in case some food was about t

16、o appear. By 11:00, there was still no food, and everyone was completely off their heads. Jane and David left hungry and angry.Their experience suggests that the words on the printed invitations need to be made clearer. Everyone reads and understands the invitations differently. Most of us would agr

17、ee that 6:30-8:30 pm means drinks only, go out to dinner afterwards; 8:00 pm or 8:30 pm means possible dinner, but 9:30 pm and any time thereafter means no food, eat beforehand, roll up late.But this is not always the case. If asked to a students party at 6:30 pm, it is unaccepted for guests to appe

18、ar on time. Being the first to arrivelooking eageris social death. When my mother is asked to a party at 6:30, she likes to be there, if not on time, then no later than seven. My age group (late thirties) falls somewhere between the two, but because we still think were young, were probably closer to

19、 student-time than grown-up time.The accepted custom at present is confusing, sometimes annoying, and it often means you may go home hungry, but it does lend every party that precious element of surprise.24. The underlined words “off their heads” probably mean _.A. tired B. crazy C. happy D.encourag

20、ing25. Jane and Davids story is used to show that _.A. party invitations can be confusingB. party-goers usually get hungry at partiesC. people should ask for food at partiesD. birthday parties for middle-aged people are dull26. For some young people, arriving on time for a students party will probab

21、ly be considered _.A. very difficult B. particularly thoughtful C. friendly and polite D. socially unacceptable27. What is the general idea of the text?A. Its safe to arrive late just when food is served.B. Its wise to eat something before going to a party.C. Its important to follow social rules of

22、party-going.D. Theres no need to read invitations carefully.COnAug12,aswhitenationalistswereinconflictwithanti-racistsoverwhetherastatueofa leaderinthe AmericanCivilwarshouldberemovedfromaparkinCharlottesville,aspeedingcar droveintothecrowd,killingoneandinjuringdozensofothers,reportedTheWashingtonPo

23、st.Thecardriverwasa20-year-oldwhitenationalist.Actuallymanyofthewhitenationalistswere youngmen.Somemaywonder howtheyoungergeneration couldhavebecomecaughtupinracism, yetitsbelievedthatracistgroupsareusingmoderntechniques toappealtothem.“Younger people haveaccesstomanymoreformsofinformationthaneverbe

24、foreinhumanhistory-socialmedia,”OrenSegal,directoroftheanti-defamation(诽谤)leaguesCenteronExtremismintheUS,toldNewsweek.AccordingtoSegal,racistgroupsintroducepeopleto“hate”byfindingwaystocommunicatewiththemonline. AndPaulBecker,asociologyprofessorattheUniversityofDayton,US,believes thatsomeyoungpeopl

25、emayevenbeusingthistofilla“void(空虚感)” intheirlife.“Thesegroups provide a place to belong, and give their lives a goal or purpose,” he told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.Meanwhile,thechangingoftheUSpopulationstructureiscausingconcernforsomepeople afterexperts predicted thatminoritygroupsintheUScou

26、ldbecomethemajority by2050,leading to discontentandanger,accordingtoNewsweek.Theproblem ofracismhasbeenontheriseintheUSforsometime.AccordingtoaGalluppoll inMarch,42percentofAmericansworryagreatdealaboutracerelations,whilethefigurewasonly13percentin2010.Butlikemostproblems, itsunlikelytobesolvedovern

27、ight. “Eventhebestpolicywontstop everyattack. Buttheycould,at theveryleast,help makeevents likeCharlottesvillelesslikely,”wrote Vox.28.WhichstatementisNOTwhyracismintheUSis goingfrombadtoworse?A.Thestatueofa leaderintheAmericanCivilwarhasbeenremovedfrom apark. B. Participationofracismmaygivetheracis

28、tsa purposeanda senseofbelonging.C. Minoritygroupsmaymakeupalargerpartofthepopulationinlessthan40years.D.Theadvanceoftechnologyis makingiteasierformorepeopleto getinvolvedinracism.29.WhatmightPaulBeckeragreewith?A.Certainsocialmediashouldbecutofffromyoungpeople.B.ItscommonfortheyoungintheUStofeelemp

29、tyandaimless. C.Involvementinracismgivessomeyoungpeoplea purpose.D.TheInternetplaysapositiverolein keepingtheyoungfreefromracism.30.Whatcanwelearnfromthelastparagraph?A.Itsimpossibletostopracism.B.Goodpoliciescancontributetothedecreaseofracialproblems. C.EventslikeCharlottesvillearecausedbydrawbacks

30、ofpolicies. D.Effortsshouldbemadetosolve racismina shorttime.31.Whichcanserveasthebesttitle ofthepassage?A.Noracism. B.Racismontherise.C.Bloodshed(流血事件)inCharlottesville.D.Whoarewhitenationalistsandwhatdotheywant?DTheres no doubt that water is vital to any life. About 60 percent of the average adult

31、 human body is made of water. This includes most of your brain, heart, lungs, muscles and skin, and even about 30 percent of your bones. Yet theres little scientific agreement about the exact amount of the stuff an individual should consume each day. So how much water do you actually need to drink to be healthy?You may have heard that you should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Yet, the downside of this rule, researchers say, is that drinking water by the glass is not the only way that humans take in it. The “8 X 8” rule essentially overlooks two b

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