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1、一对一七年级英语下Module9LIFEHISTORY个性化教学辅导教案 学科:英语(下) 任课教师: 授课时间: ) 姓名 年级 七年级性别总课时 第 4次课教学目标1.能够熟悉的掌握Module 9单元重点单词和短语;2.能够在现实情景中熟练的运用Module 9重点句型。难点重点教学重点:Module 9重点单词和短语。教学难点: 一般过去时的不规则动词的构成规律;否定和疑问句式。时间和月份的表达。课堂教学过程 课前 教学反馈 检查作业布置安排:作业完成情况:优 良 中 差 建议 任课教师反馈情况:过程Module 9 LIFE HISTORY 课前检测一 讲解上一次课的习题。二 朗读M

2、odule 8的课文、单词、词组。(看书本和资料)三 听写Module 8的单词、词组。 四 写出一年中的12个月份并写出它们的缩写形式。一月_二月_三月_四月_五月_六月_七月_八月_九月_十月_十一月_十二月_五 下面的节日你认识多少啊?在横线上写上相对应的中文,并标上具体的月份或日期吧。来,我们比一比吧!NewYearsDay_SpringFestival_WomensDay_LabourDay_ChildrensDay_TeachersDay_NationalDay_Christmas_ArborDay_ChineseYouthDay_Tomb-sweepingDay_Mid-autu

3、mnDay_DragonBoatFestival_LanternFestival_ThanksgivingDay_Halloween_Easter_FathersDay_MothersDay_知识讲解必须记的重点单词January(Jan.)一月 February(Feb.)二月 March(Mar.)三月April( Apr. )四月 May五月 June(Jun.)六月 July(Jul.)七月August(Aug.)八月 September(Sept.)九月 October(Oct.)十月November(Nov.) 十一月 December(Dec.)十二月writer作家real真实

4、的newspaper报纸exact准确的date日期become成为play剧本;戏剧successful诗歌marry结婚successful成功的works作品build建造on在.河边fire火灾;火灾die死;去世rich富有的language语言attheageof在.岁的时候 WomensDay妇女节NationalDay国庆节 ChildrensDay儿童节必须记的短语1 NationalDay国庆节findout查明;了解attheageof在.岁的时候inJanuary在1月份beborn出生于. begintodosth.开始做某事learntodosth.学习做某事bew

5、orthdoingsth.值得做某事befamousfor+原因以而成名befamousas+职业作为而闻名2 succeedindoingsth.成功做某事3 beworthdoingsth.值得做某经典句型SpringFestivalisinJunuaryorFebruary.春节在一月或二月。Helelfschoolandbeganworkattheageof12.他2岁时离开学校开始工作。Hedecidedtobeanactor.他决定成为一名演员。YoucanstillseehisplaysinEnglishandinmanyotherlanguages.你仍然可以看到英语和其他许多

6、语言的他的戏剧。Hesfamousaroundtheworld.他在全世界都很有名。课文重点内容精讲Unit11. at the age of 在岁时 2. be different from 与不同3. write about写关于4. find out查明5. on the Internet 在因特网上6. real name 真名7. as well 也Unit21. Hedecidedtobeanactor.decide动词,意为_,决定做某事_。决定不做某事_。Hedecided_(stay)athome.Hedecided_(notplay)computergames.2.Hema


8、_语法重点(一般过去式)(一)不规则动词的过去式(注:除去不规则变化动词,其他动词都是规则变化)fly-flew飞 run-run跑 eat-ate吃 have-had有buy-bought买take-took拿teach-taught教 go-went去sing-sang唱歌do-did做read-read读书sweep-swept打扫make-made制作set-setsleep-slept睡觉get-get得到,到达draw-drew画画drink-drank喝write-wrote写ride-rode骑put-put放tell-told告诉send-sent发送feel-felt感觉t

9、hink-thought想meet-met见面fall-fell落下wake-woke醒来 swim- swam 游泳(二)一般过去时的否定句谓语动词为行为动词时,一般过去时的否定的构成为:主语+didnt(didnot)+动词原形(+其他)Wedidntgotoschoolyeaterday.昨天我们没有去上学。Theydidntstopworking.他们没有停止工作。Hedidnteatbreakfastthismorning.今天早上他没有吃餐。注意助动词did没有人称和数的变化,适用于所有的人称。在一般现在时中,行为动词的否定句有两种情况。1 主语(第三人称单数)+doesnt(do

10、esnot)+动词原形+其他2 主语(其他人称)+dont(donot)+动词原形+其他课堂练习一词汇:根据句意和首字母补全单词1Bill Gates is a s_ businessman. He was one of the richest man in the world.2The Spring Festival is in J_ or February.3Li Bai wrote lots of great p_. I can recite many of them.4The old couple m_ fifty years ago.5Jackie Chen, a great a_,

11、 had lots of fans all over the world.6His father works in a big c_. There are about 2,000 clerks in it.7He was very r_. He could buy many things he wanted but he had no friends.8Mary had to m_ to Shanghai because her father found a new job there.9I hope I will b_ a teacher in the future.10Shakespear

12、e was a great w_. He wrote a lot of plays.二选择填空1October 1st is _ for Chinese.AChristmas BNational Day CChildrens Day DLabour Day2In Australia, winter is from _ to _.AMarch, May BJune, AugustCSeptember, November DDecember, February3 _ were you born, Mary? I was born on November 10th, 1992AWhen BWhere

13、 CWhat DWhat time4 Did you play computer games last night? _ I did my homework till eleven oclock.AYes, I did. BNo, I didnt. CYes, I was. DNo, 1 wasnt.5My grandma often _ the radio in the past.Alisten to Blistened to Chears Dheard6He _ to school last Monday. He lost his bike.Awalks Bwalked Con foot

14、Don feet7_ comes after July.AMay BJune CAugust DSeptember8We give our cards and best wishes to _ on September 10th.Aparents Bteachers Cthe PLA Dnurses9 When _ you _ to China? In February, 1999Ado, come Bdo, came Cdid, come Ddid, came10We still see Shakespeares plays _ English and _ many other langua

15、ges.Ain, in Bin, with Cwith, in Dwith, with11Hamlet is one of _ in world.Athe more famous play Bthe more famous playsCthe most famous play Dthe most famous plays12Shakespeare decided _ an actor when he was fourteen.A/ Bto Cto be Dto do13John was very good at his job. He was _.Arich Bpoor Csuccessful

16、 Dunsuccessful14 Did you play basketball yesterday afternoon?_. We played football.AYes, we do BYes, we did CNo, we dont. DNo, we didnt15 What _ he _ when he was at school? He studied all day and sometimes played football with his friends.Ado, do Bdoes, do Cdid, do Ddid, did16Televisions _ _ color i

17、n 1970s.Awasnt, in Bwasnt, on Cwerent, in Dwerent, on17My father likes sports _. He often goes to play basketball.Aa lot Ba lot of Clots of Dlot18_ did you travel at that time, Grandpa? By bus and train. It was quite interesting.AWhat BHow CWhen DWhere19Lingling was _ than me _ English.Agood, in Bgo

18、od, at Cbetter, in Dbetter, at20The Greens visited England and many _ European countries.Aother Bthe other Cothers Dthe others三完形填空We arrived in Beijing at 10:00 in the morning. My friend and I had already eaten our 1 on the plan. We went to the 2 by taxi and 3 off our things. After lunch and a shor

19、t rest, we took a bus to the Summer Palace. We spent the whole 4 playing there. While we were on a 5 on Kunming Lake, we heard someone 6 Peking Opera on the bank. The singing 7 very beautiful.In the evening we 8 to Tiananmen Square because it was close to our 9 . We had our pictures taken in the mid

20、dle of the square. There we saw some people 10 kites. In front of the Great Hall of the People we took some photos.1Abreakfast Blunch Csupper Ddinner2Arailway station Bairport Chotel Dpark3Atook Bhad Cgot Ddropped4Amorning Bafternoon Cevening Dnight5Aship Bboat Cover Don6Asinging Bsang Csaid Dsaying

21、7Alooked Bsmelt Csounded Dtasted8Adrove Btook the taxi Cwalked Drun9Aairport Bstation Chotel Dpark10Amaking Bmending Cwatching Dflying四看图写话。根据图画和提示词语写出意思完整的句子。1. Miss Zhang, English teacher 2. Work, hard, often, go to bed, at 3. often, help, Bob, English, after class, Mr Wang 4. all the students, sa

22、y, good teacher, Mr Li 五按要求变换下面的句型。1.Mymotherplayedthepiano.(变为一般疑问句并做肯定回答) 2.Thereweremanypeopleinthevillage.(变为一般疑问句并做否定回答) 3.Theyplayedfootballontheplaygroundyesterdayafternoon.(变为一般疑问句并做否定回答) 4.Thenewmusicteacherarrivedlastnight.(变为一般疑问句并做肯定回答) 5. Themoneywasinoneofmypockets.(变为一般疑问句并做肯定回答) 课后巩固

23、一单项填空1. They enjoyed Chinese popular songs.A. to listen to B. listening to C. listening D. to listen2. He decided a poet last year.A. is B. to is C. to be D. are3. One of didnt sing .A. the singers; good B. singers; well C. the singer; good D. the singers; well4. everyone at school yesterday?A. Is B

24、. Are C. Was D. Were5. you to the park last Sunday?A. Were; go B. Do; went C. Did; go D. Will; go6. John finished the newspaper.A. reading B. to read C. read D. reads7. His father the Party in 1990.A. joined B. joins C. was D. took part in8. The girl started schooling the age of 6.A. about B. to C. on D. at9. I know the boy Li Lei.A. to call B. calling C. called D. calls10. He came back the morning of June 15th.A. in B. on C. at D. into二完形填空 Dickens, one of the greatest English writers, was born in 1 of the small towns in England. When Dickens was nine years old, the fami

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