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秘书英语 unit 13.docx

1、秘书英语 unit 13Unit 13 How Does A Secretary become a Learned International Business Person?Section 1 Talking about International Trade一、背景知识随着经济全球化的广泛和深入发展,各国、各部门、各企事业单位、各种公司无不卷入到国际商务的大潮中。跨国经商或从事与国际商务有关的工作是摆在各级领导面前的新课题、新任务。他们要学、要知道的知识层出不穷,但由于时间和精力有限,不可能做到事事了解、精通,面面俱到。但是做秘书的却要事事想得周到,走在前头,使知识增长、更新、与时俱进。国

2、际贸易是国际商务中最重要的国际活动之一。国际贸易是指世界各国(地区)之间货物、知识和服务的交换,是各国(地区)之间分工的表现,反映了世界各国(地区)在经济上的相互依靠。了解其发生、发展、始末和缘由是成为一名合格的涉外秘书所必需的。二、 课前提问1 What is business?2 What is international business?3 What is international trade?4 What do you think of international trade? 5 Does it have anything to do with you? How is it?6

3、Have you ever done any business domestically and internationally? Where and how?三、 语言学习1I quite agree. Yes, of course.I take your point. I couldnt agree more.这几句话都是表达同意他人意见和肯定的意思。只是表示的程度稍有不同。前三句没有第四句表达的意思强烈。相似的说法还有:Quite. Youre absolutly right. Im with you on that/there.(非正式用语) Im of exactly the sam

4、e opinion. 表示部分同意或略有不同的话有:Im not so sure about that. I see what you mean, but I agree with much/most of what you say, but Theres some/a lot of truth in what you say, but (正是用语)表示不同意的话有:Do you really think so? Im not really sure if I would agree/go along with you on that/there. Im sorry, but I really

5、 cant agree with you on that/there. (正是用语)2Lack用作及物动词。如果做不及物动词用,一般以现在分词形式出现。如:He is lacking in courage. 他缺乏勇气。Lack 还可以用作名词,后面又用介词of, 如:Production decreased for lack of raw material. 生产因缺乏原材料而下降了。3the theory of comparative advantage or the comparative cost theory 比较利益理论/学说。 该学说是由英国古典政治经济学家大卫.李嘉图提出的。按

6、照这一理论,即使一个国家不具备生产某种产品的绝对利益,它也可以生产对自己相对有利的产品与其他国家交换,从中得到利益。这是构成国际分工的重要理论基础。4Absolute advantage: 绝对利益。该理论认为,一种商品将在其耗费资源(资金、土地、劳动力)成本最低的国家进行生产。四、 参考答案1. Restudy the dialogue and briefly answer the following questions about it:1) . What is international trade? International trade is just the fair and de

7、liberate exchange of goods and services across national boundaries. It concerns trade operations of both import and export.2) Why do we trade internationally? Generally, there are four reasons for it. First, in the complex economic world, no country can be completely self-sufficient. Second, foreign

8、 trade also occurs because a country often does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs. Third, one country can sell some items at a lower cost than other countries. Third, one country can sell some items at a lower cost than other countries.3) What is the traditional example to illus

9、trate the comparative advantage theory? It is that the best lawyer in town is also the best typist in town. Since this lawyer cannot afford to give up precious time from legal affairs, a typist is hired who may be less efficient than the lawyer in both legal and typing matters. But the typists compa

10、rative disadvantage is least in typing. Therefore, the typist has a relative comparative advantage in typing. 4) What is visible trade? It refers to the import and export of goods, that is raw materials and finished products5) Why does the United States import large numbers of autos from Germany, Ja

11、pan and Sweden? It is because that there is a market for them in the United States. 6) Why does a country have to develop export greatly? She does so to get the necessary foreign currency to pay for things it needs but cannot supply itself, or cannot supply adequately to meet the demands of its peop

12、le and the needs of its national reconstruction.2。Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1) In the complex economic world, no country can be completely self-sufficient.在复杂的经济世界里,没有一个国家可以完全自给自足。2) Some countries are abundant in resources, while elsewhere reserves are scarce or even nonexisten

13、t.一些国家资源丰富,而另外一些国家则资源匮乏或没有资源。3) In reality, kinds of trade nations engage in are varied and complex, often a mixture of visible and invisible trade.在现实中,国家从事的贸易种类是多样的、复杂的,往往是有形贸易和无形贸易的混合形式。4) We should realize that for most nations, exports and imports are the most important international activity.我

14、们应该认识到:对多数国家来说,进出口都是最重要的国际活动。5) Trade between countries can be profitable for all, even if one of the countries can produce every commodity more cheaply.国家之间进行贸易对参加国都有好处,即使一个国家能够较低成本低生产每一种商品。6) Nations try to maintain a favorable balance of trade, which assures them of the means to buy necessary imp

15、orts.各国努力保持贸易顺差,以确保国家有外汇购买必要的进口商品。3) Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue.International trade is generally divided into visible trade and invisible trade. The former refers to the import and export of goods, that is raw materials and finished products while the latter involves the exchange o

16、f services between countries such as transportation service across national boundaries, insurance, tourism, banking, immigrant remittance and so on. In reality, kinds of trade nations engage in are varied and complex, often a mixture of visible and invisible trade. Besides, we should realize that fo

17、r most nations, exports and imports are the most important international activity. When nations export more than they import, they are said to have a favorable balance of trade. When they import more than they export, an unfavorable balance of trade exists. Nations try to maintain a favorable balanc

18、e of trade, which assures them of the means to buy necessary imports.4. True or false?1) International trade is just world trade, foreign trade, the buying and selling of goods and services between different countries. (T)2) The distribution of natural resources is even. (F)3) International trade is

19、 beneficial for all participants. (T)4) The lawyer should do both if he is good at both legal affairs and typing. (F)5) All countries want to export more than they import to have a favorable balance of trade. (T)6) No countries can supply things adequately to meet the demands of its people and the n

20、eeds of its national reconstruction. (T)五、参考译文第13单元 秘书怎样成为一名有学识的国际商务人?第一部分 谈论国际贸易A: 我们谈谈国际贸易或世界贸易吧。你能告诉我什么是国际贸易吗?B: 是的,我能。国际贸易,又称世界贸易、对外贸易或海外贸易,是一种平等的、有意识的、跨国界的商品和服务的交换行为。它涉及进口业务和出口业务。A:很对。能给我说说我们为什么要搞国际贸易吗?B:我想,一般说来有四个原因。第一,在这个复杂的经济世界,没有哪个国家能够完全自给自足。自然资源的分布是不均匀的。一些国家资源丰富,而另一些国家资源匮乏甚至没有。比如,英国有大量的煤但是



23、个例子说明这个理论是怎样解释国际贸易的。美国生产食品和生产服装都比欧洲生产食品效率相对更高,前者仅用欧洲的1/3个劳动力,后者只用1/2个劳动力。因而,美国在两种生产形式上都有绝对优势, 而她在食品生产上的效率更大。在生产服装方面有比较劣势。结果是,大量的服装从欧洲出口到美国。我们可以得出结论:如果每个国家专门生产某些有相对优势(即有最大相对效率)的产品,在这些国家之间展开的贸易有益于双方。顺便问一下,你有形和无形贸易知道些什么?B:嗯,让我想想。国际贸易通常分为有形贸易和无形贸易。有形贸易是指商品的进口和出口,即原材料和最终产品。无形贸易是指国家间的服务交换,比如:跨国界的运输服务、保险、银


25、要的,国家出口是为了获取外汇,支付本国不能供给或供给不足的商品,来满足人民和国家建设的需要。要想成为称职的国际商务人员,就必须很好地了解国际贸易。B:我完全同意你的观点。六、课文录音全文A: Lets have a talk about international trade or world trade. Can you tell me whats international trade?B: Yes, I can. International trade is just the fair and deliberate exchange of goods and services acros

26、s national boundaries. It concerns trade operations of both import and export.A: Quite right Now tell me why we do it?B: Generally speaking, I think, there are four reasons. First, in the complex economic world, no country can be completely self-sufficient. The distribution of natural resources is u

27、neven. Some countries are abundant in resources, while elsewhere reserves are scarce or even nonexistent. For instance, Britain has large reserves of coal but lacks some metal reserves. Kuwait has vast oil deposits but little farm produce. Therefore, countries that do not have these resources within

28、 their own boundaries must buy from countries that have and export them. Second, Foreign trade also occurs because a country often does not have enough of a particular item to meet its needs. Although the United States is a major producer of sugar, it consumes more than it can produce internally and

29、 thus must import sugar. Third, one country can sell some items at a lower cost than other countries. Japan has been able to export large quantities of radios and television sets because it can produce them more efficiently than other countries. It is cheaper for the United States to buy these from

30、Japan than to produce them domestically. Finally, foreign trade takes place because of innovation or style. Even though the United States produces more automobiles than any other country, it still imports large numbers of autos from Germany, Japan and Sweden, primarily because there is a market for

31、them in the United States. A: I quite agree. This is the foundation of world trade and economic activity. Do you know what theory is often used to explain international trade?B: Yes, of course. Its the theory of comparative advantage or the comparative cost theory. It points out that trade between c

32、ountries can be profitable for all, even if one of the countries can produce every commodity more cheaply. As long as there are minor, relative differences in the efficiency of producing a commodity, even a poor country can have a comparative advantage in producing it. And we have a traditional example to illustrate this: the best lawyer in town is also the best typist in town. Since this lawyer cannot afford to give up precious time from legal affairs, a typist is hired who may be less efficient than the lawyer i

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