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1、外贸英语口语与函电五外贸英语口语与函电 五537)We shall advise you by cadle as sonn sa the goods are shipped.货物一俟装运,我方即电告你方。538)We have the pleaure to inform you that the ship-ment per S.S.has gone forward and hope that it will arrive at the destination in perfect condition.欣告你方轮已顺利装载,希望到达目的港时货物良好。539)The cargo has been

2、shipped on S.S.for trans-shipment at Hongkong into S.S.货已装上轮,在香港转轮。540)The first lot under our Sales Confirmation No.will be shipped per S.S.scheduled to sail on or about我方第号销售确认书项下第一批货将由轮装运,预期在左右启航。541)Owing to our manufacturers being heavily commit-ted,it is not possible for us to effecf shipment

3、before the date named.由于生产厂商居约过多,我方不可能在所订日期前安排装运。542)The causes for this delay were beyond our control,in fact,we were not at all to be late in the matter.延误的原因超出我方能力所及,事实上,我方根本没有延迟。543)The goods have long been ready for shipment,but,owing to the late arrival of your L/C,shipment cannot be ef-fected

4、 as stipulated.货物早已备妥待运,但是,由于你方信用证延迟到达,货物不能按期装运。544)Instead of S.S.Manhattan Maruas previously ad-vised,you are now required to ship the goods of this order by S.S.CALCHAS.请把这批货装上CALCHAS轮而不是原先通知的Manhattan Maru轮。545)We are pleased to inform you that we have bookes shipping space for our Order No.8975

5、 of Chemical Fertilizer on S.S.Daqing,ETA 15th May.For delivery instructions,please contact Lambard Bros.Co.,Liverpool.欣告你方,已为我方第8975号化肥订货在预计5月15日抵达的大庆轮上订舱。的关交货事项请与利物浦的Lam-bard Bros公司了解。546)We could book shipping space S.S.Manhattan Marubefore the 5th of May.This is the only vessel asiling du-rect f

6、or Tianjin within these two months;otherwise,we have to wait for another two months,as the next sailing for Tianjin will be on the 5th of July.我方可在5月5日之前向Manhattan Maru轮订舱,这是2个月内唯一直航天津的轮船,否则我们在再等2个月,下班驶往天津的船将在7月5日起程。547)Owing to the unforeseen difficulties on the part of our mills,we regret being un

7、able to ship the goods within the time limit of your credit.But the mills have promised that they will get the goods ready for shipment in one months time.由于工厂遇到了不可预见的困难,我们抱歉无法按信用证规定的日期装船,但工厂已保证在1月内备妥货物。(4)Sending Shipping Documents寄装运单据548)Having shipped the goods called for in Sales Confir-mation

8、 the S.S.we send you hevewith copies of the relative shipping documents comprising the fol-lowing:第号销售确认书货物已装轮。现寄上有关装船单据包括549)We are pleased to inform you that the first lot of 2,000 tons ofunder L/C No.has gone off on S.S.Tung Feng,which sailed onforEnclosed please find acopy of the shipping d

9、ocuments.欣告贵方第号信用证项下,第一批2000吨已装东风轮于月日驶往,随函附上货运单据副本,请查收。550)We have pleasure in enclosing aB/L covering(quantity/name of commodity).随函附上提单,包括:(货物数量/货物名)551)Enclosed is one set of the shipping documents cover-ing this consignment,as follows:兹附上这批货物装运单据一套,包括:1)One non-negotiable copy of B/L不可转让提单一份2)In

10、 voice in duplicate发票(一式)两份3)Packing List in triplicate装箱单本份4)One copy ManufacturersCertificate of Qual-ity制造商质量保证书一份5)One copy of Insurance Policy保险单一份552)In compliance with the terms of the contract,we forwarded you by airmail afull set of non-negotiable documents immediately after the goods were

11、loaded.按合同要求,货物装运后,我们航邮寄上全套不可转让单据。553)We are sending you by m.s.Londonthe under-mentionedgoods and enclosing acopy of B/L.下列货物正装上货轮伦敦号付运,并附上该货的提单一份。554)As requested,we are sending you under separate cover two copies of our Invoice No.6689,two copies of Insur-ance Policy No.5629 and one copy of non-n

12、egotiable B/L No.2030 covering the consignment of 1,200 bales cloth for your Order No.5757 under our Contract No.92838.按要求,我们另封寄上我方第92838号合同项下贵方第5757号订单所订1200包灰布的有关单据,即第6687号发票两份,第5629号保险单两份,第2030号不可转让提单一份。(5)Advising to Insure通知投保555)We have pleasure to inform you that the shipment ofunder Contract

13、 No.will be effected by the S.S.which is scheduled to leave here onPlease arrange insurance for this cargo.欣告你方,号合同项下的将由轮装运,预期离开本埠,请办货物保险。556)Please insure the goods at our cost against damage in transport.请货物在运输途中的损失投保,费用由我方承但。557)Should you so desire,we shall insure these goods at your cost.假如贵公司希

14、望如此,我方将对货物投保,费用由你方负责。8.Cancellatino of Contract 558)In compliance with your request in your letter of,in which you cancel the order fortons of,we ageee to treat your order as canselled.同意你方月日来信取消吨的订单的要求。559)We wish to refer you to Sales Confirmation No.concluded between us,which has been outstanding

15、 formonths.Since you have failed to open the relative L/C wiehin the stipulated time,we regret that we are no longer in aposi-the tion to reserve the supply for you.Under the circumstances we deem it appropriate to cancel this order,and trust that you will agree to our doing so.兹请方注意双方达成的第号销售合同个来仍未解

16、决。由于你方未能按时开出有关的信用证,歉难保留向你方的供货。在此情况下,我方认为取消此订单为妥,谅你方亦无异议。560)It has been more thanmonths since we accepted your Order No.for,but you are still unable to obtain the televant import licence.Although wr have reserved the goods for you,we regret that we are not in aposition to re-serve the goods indefint

17、ely.Under the circumstances,we think it advisable to cancel your present order;a new order may be placed when when you have secured the necessary import li-cence.我方接受你方对的第号订单已有个多月了,但你方仍未获得有关的进口许可证。虽我方为你保留此货,但遗憾不能无限期保留。在此情况下,我方认为取消你方现在的订单是妥当的。一俟你方获得必需的进口许可证,我们立即接受你的新订单。561)We regret to note that your

18、 clients wish to cancel their order for,brcause they do not agree to open the Let-ter of Credit.In this connection,we must point out that when we negotiated the business with you,we mentioned cleaely that our terms of payment were by confirmed,irrevocable,without recourse Letter of Credit available

19、against presentation of shipping docunents.Now we have before us your letter dat-edrequesting us to cancel your Order No.on the ground that your clients insist on payment by D/P on collection basis.We will accede to your for any loss we may sustain,as we consider that you have no reason to reason to

20、 cancel the contract.我方注意到你方的客户不同意开立信用证,取消购买的订单,甚憾!对此,我方必须指出,当你我双方洽淡该业务时,我方明确提出支付条件为凭装船单据赎取保兑的,不可撤消的,无追索权的信用证。但你方月日的来函要求取消第号订单,因为你方客户坚持按付款交单的方式托收。我方将同意你方之要求,但对遭受的任何损失将向你方提出索赔,因为你方取消全同是豪无理由的。562)Any dispute,that may arise in connection with the shipment or with the execution of the contract,shall be

21、settled amicaby through negotiation without resoring to legal pro-ceedings.所有与装船或合同执行有关的争议,都将通过友好协商解决,不予起诉。563)Disputes may be submitted for arbitration in case no settlement can be reached through negotiation between both parties.若争议无法通过双方谈解决,可提交仲裁。564)In case of aclaim for compensation in respect

22、of this consignment,it shold be supported by adequate documents(sufficient evidence).如果对这批货物提出索赔,需提交足够的证明文件(证据)565)Claims,if any,must be made(submitted,filed,put in)within 30 days after the arrivl the arrival of the goods at the destina-tion,otherwise,they will not be considered.索赔必须在货物运抵目的地后30天内提出,

23、否则不予受理。566)Claim concerning insurance and/or transportation should be referred to the insurance company and/or the ship-ping company.涉及保险和/或运输的索赔,请与保险公司和/或船运公司交涉。567)Claims which fall within the responsibility of parties other than the supplier will not be accepted by us.非供货方责任的索赔,我们不予受理。568)In the

24、event of force majeure or any contingencies beyond our control,we shall not be held responsible for the late delivery or non-delivery of the goods.如果发生人力不可抗拒或任何无法控制的偶发事件,对延期交货或提货不着我方产承但责任。(1)On Quality有关质量569)The goods in question have not turned out to our satisfaction,the quality being so to rende

25、r them unsuit-able for the requirements of this markrt.Please inform us by return mail how we are to do with the goods.Shall we return them to you or hold them at your disposal?该批货物无法令我们满意,质量太差,根本不能投入市场。请回函告诉我们处理办法,是退货还是替你方保存?570)We would be glad to know what you propose to do in the matter,as we ca

26、nnot use them for our purpose.我们无法使用此货,望告你方的得理意见。571)We shall appreciate your prompt attention to the ad-justment of these errors.望立即修正这些差错,不胜感激。572)Please let us know immediately what action you wish us to take.Thank you.请立即告知应采取何种行动,不胜感激。573)We trust you will do your best to have this matter strai

27、ghtened out at once.相信你们会立刻尽力处理好此事。574)This seems to be avery clear case and we hope you will see your way to making aprompt settlement.这件事已很清楚,希望你们尽力从速解决。575)The shut-outs have been sent to the warehouse.退关的货物已存入仓库。576)The whole parcel is quite uselss to us and wr hold the goods at your disposal pe

28、nding your reply,meanwhile,we are warehousing them at your expense.整批货物都已无用处,你方回复前,我方代为保存该货,等候处理。现在已仓贮,费用由你方承但。577)We have to claim on you for0.00.我方要求索赔500美元。578)We have to ask for acompensation of0.00 to cover the loss incurred.对蒙损失,我们要求赔偿460美元。579)The quality of your shipment for our orderhas bee

29、s found to be not in conformity with the agreed specifica-tions.We must therefore lodge aclaim against you for the amount of你方交付的质量不符合商定的标准。因此,我方提出索赔金额为580)The outcome of the shipment is not satisfactory,as is certified here by China Commodity Inspection Bureau(C.C.I.B)。本地的中国商品检验局已经证实,装运的货物的质量无法令人满意

30、。581)Since it is agreed that we have the right to reject goods when they are disqualified upon examination by China Commodity Inspection Bureau at the port of desination,we regret to inform you that we have to return the goods to you at your expense.因为原来商定,当商品质量无法通过目的港的中国商检局的检验时,我方有权退货。故遗憾地通知你们,我方不得

31、不退货,费用由你方承但。582)The C.C.I.B.survey report is forwarded herewith and your early settlement is requested.附上中国商检局的检验报告,望你方尽早解决此事。(2)On Defective Packing包装不良583)We duly received the 15 cases of Menthol Crystals you sent us,but regret to say that on exmination,five of fhem were found to be badly damaged,

32、apparently attributable to faulty packing.收到你方发来的15箱薄荷醇晶体,但很遗憾,检查结果,5箱显然由于包装不良而严重损坏。584)We examined them one by one and found that each of them was leaking more or less.我们一个一个地检查,发现每个都有不同程度的渗漏。585)We regert to inform you that one of the cases of your consignment arrived in abadly damaged condition.It is No.BF/45,containing spare parts.The lid was broken,and the case with it

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