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Unit five 重点词汇讲解 新目标大学英语《综合教程》 第一册.docx

1、Unit five 重点词汇讲解 新目标大学英语综合教程 第一册 make (sth.) known officially or publicly; announce 宣告;宣布;公布;申明e.g.After its independence, India wasproclaimeda republic.印度独立后正式宣布成立共和国。Britain proudlyproclaimsthat it is a nation of animal lovers.英国自豪地宣称自己是个热爱动物的国家。Synonym:declare2.(fml) to show (sth.)

2、clearly; reveal 显示;表明;显露e.g.His mannersproclaimhim a scholar.从他的举止可以看出他是一名学者。His accentproclaimedthat he was a Scot.他的口音表明他是一个苏格兰人。 up of certain demands by each side in a dispute, so that an agreement may be reached which satisfies both to some extent 妥协;折中;和解e.g

3、.Most wage claims are settled bycompromise.多数增加工资的要求均以折中的方式解决。Encourage your child to reach acompromisebetween what he wants and what you want.鼓励你的孩子在他想要的和你想要的之间折中和解。 reach an agreement in which everyone involved accepts less than what they wanted at first 妥协;折中e.g.I wanted to go to Greece, an

4、d my wife wanted to go to Spain, so wecompromisedon Italy.我想要去希腊,但我妻子希望去西班牙,于是我们折中去了意大利。He refused tocompromisehis principles.他对他的原则寸步不让。 do sth. which is against your principles and which therefore seems dishonest or shameful中伤,损害(名誉、名声等)e.g.He hascompromisedhimself by accepting money from th

5、em.他因接受了他们的钱而使自己的名声受损。The malicious rumourscompromisedher good reputation.恶毒的流言损害了她的好名声。contact1.n.when two people or things touch each other 接触e.g.The two substance are now incontact(with each other), and a chemical reaction is occurring.现在这两种物质(相互)接触,正在发生化学反应。The troops came intocontactwith the en

6、emy.部队与敌军遭遇了。2.n.the act of communicating with sb., especially regularly联系;联络e.g.Many of us have no directcontactwith elderly people.我们中的许多人跟年纪大的人没有直接联系。Their company has extensivecontactswith firms abroad.他们公司与国外的公司有广泛的联系。Collocations:bring intocontactwith 使与接触;使与联系come intocontact(with) 与联系;触及inco

7、ntactwith 与接触/联系中keep incontactwith与保持联络losecontactwith 与失去联络out ofcontact没有接触;没有来往 write to or telephone sb. 写信或者打电话与某人联络e.g.Where can Icontactyou tomorrow?明天我在哪儿与你联系?other than1.(esp.after a negative) except(尤指在一些否定词后)除了e.g.She has no close friendsother thanhim.除了他以外,她没有别的亲密朋友了。2.(esp.after

8、a negative) in other or different respects; apart from that (尤指在一些否定词后)在其他方面;在不同方面e.g.I have never known him behaveother thanselfishly.我从不知道他有过不自私的行为。She seldom appearsother thanhappy.很少见她有愁眉苦脸的时候。 let sth. fall; to drop sth. 使落下;使掉下e.g.Treesshedtheir leaves and flowersshedtheir petals.树落叶

9、,花掉瓣。The childshedtears of delight on hearing this.孩子听到这话,高兴得流出了眼泪。2.n.a small building, often made of wood, used especially for storing things 棚;小屋e.g.I got a ladder from theshedin the garden.我从花园的小棚里搬来了一个梯子。Theshedwas roofed with dried straw.小屋上面用干草盖上当了屋顶。 cause sth. to happen or to ma

10、ke sb. decide to do sth. 导致;促使;激起e.g.Enrolling high school dropouts in vocational training willpromptthem to work for their diploma.让高中辍学生接受职业技能培训将促使他们努力学习,获得文凭。That accidentpromptedher to renew her insurance.那次事故促使她重续保险。2.adj.done quickly, immediately, or at the right time 迅速的;敏捷的;及时的e.g.Promptpaym

11、ent of the invoice would be appreciated.见发票请及时付款。They werepromptto respond to our call for help.他们迅速响应了我们寻求帮助的呼吁。Collocation:bepromptin doing sth./to do sth. 迅速做某事end upto find yourself in a place or situation that you did not intend or expect to be in 结束;告终e.g. How does the storyend up?这篇故事是怎么结尾的?I

12、f you continue to steal, youllend upin prison.如果你继续偷窃,总有一天会坐牢。At first he refused to accept any responsibility but heended upapologizing.起初他拒绝承担任何责任,但最终还是道歉了。in retrospectthinking about a past event or situation 回顾e.g. In retrospect, its easy to see why we were wrong.回顾过去就很容易明白我们为什么错了。In retrospect,

13、 he discovered that many good opportunities had been missed in his life.回顾过去,他发现自己错过了很多好的机会。Word Family:retrospectiveadj.回顾的Synonym:looking surprise sb. greatly 使十分惊讶;使大为吃惊e.g. Itastonishesme that no one has thought of this before.以前谁也没想到这一点,这使我感到十分惊讶。The news that the president had

14、 resignedastonishedeveryone in the company.董事长辞职的消息使大家大为吃惊。Word Family:astonishingadj.惊人的astonishmentn.惊讶Synonyms:surprise / astound / all 全然;完全(用在no+名词、nothing、none等之后用来加强语气)e.g. There can be no doubtwhatsoeverabout it.这件事毫无疑问。The school did nothingwhatsoeverin the way of athl

15、etics.这个学校在体育运动方面没有任何作为。obviousadj.1.easy to see or understand 明显的;显然的;易理解的e.g.Spending less money is theobviousanswer to his financial problem.他经济困难,明摆着的出路就是少花钱。It wasobviousto everyone that the child had been badly treated.很明显,这孩子受过虐待。2.predictable and lacking in subtlety 可预计到的;可想而知的;平淡无奇的e.g.It w

16、as anobviousremark to make.这番话平淡无奇。Such an explanation seems to be too simple and tooobvious.这样的一个解释似乎太简单而且太没新意。Word Family:obviousnessn.明显obviouslyadv.明显地Synonyms:apparent / feel very great sadness for or because of 因悲伤;因悲痛;为伤心e.g. His mother is verygrievedby his refusal to return

17、 home.他离家不归使母亲极为伤心。Itgrievesme to think of you in that house alone.想到你一个人住在那所房子里我就伤心。Collocations:grievefor sb. 因失去某人而感到悲痛grieveat/about/over sth. 为某事感到非常后悔、懊悔Word Family:grievousadj.令人伤心或痛苦的griefn.忧伤;悲伤Synonyms:sadden / send out (liquid, gas, electric current, smoke, etc.) 放出e

18、.g.The sewersdischargetheir contents into the sea.下水管道将污物排入大海。Lightening is caused by cloudsdischargingelectricity.闪电是由云层放电引起的。 give official permission for sb. to leave释放e.g.The accused man was found not guilty anddischarged.被告男子被判无罪并获释。 perform a duty 执行任务e.g.She

19、 undertook todischargeall the responsibilities of Minister.她承担了做部长的所有责任。Word Family:dischargern.让某物流出的人或物seminarn.1.a class at a university or college when a small group of students and a teacher discuss or study a particular topic 研讨班e.g.Students are asked to prepare presentations in advance of eac

20、h weeklyseminar.老师要求学生在每周一次的研讨前准备好作报告。2.a conference or other meeting for discussion or training 研讨会e.g.He soon started holdingseminarson how businesses could be more effective online.他很快就举办了关于电子商务如何能更有效运作的研讨会。 make sth. legally valid; ratify 使具有法律效力;批准;认可e.g.validatea contract/passpor

21、t使合同/护照生效 check or prove the validity or accuracy of sth. 确证;验证e.g.All analytical methods should bevalidatedin respect of accuracy.所有分析方法的准确性都应经过验证。 prove that sth. is true证实e.g.Acclaim was seen as a means ofvalidatingones existence.赞扬被视为是证明个人存在价值的方法。Word Family:validadj.具有法律效力的;确凿的validityn

22、.(法律上)有效;正确性make sense ofto understand sth. that is difficult or has no clear meaning; to figure out 弄懂e.g. Can youmake sense ofwhat this writer is saying?你能明白这个作家在讲什么吗?Collocations:in asense在某种意义上in onessenses头脑健全;神志清醒out of onessenses精神不正常;愚蠢bring sb. to his /come to onessenses使某人不再做傻事或不理智的事makese

23、nse有意义;有道理clarityn.1.the ability to think about or understand sth. clearly 清晰的思维(或理解)能力e.g.In business circles he is noted for his flair andclarityof vision.在商界,他的天赋和远见卓识是出了名的。2.clearness; lucidity 清楚;明晰;清澈e.g.The first thing to strike me was the amazingclarityof the water.首先吸引我的是水的无比清澈。clarityof ex

24、pression/thinking/vision表达、思维、视觉清楚Word Family:clarifyv.使某事物清楚易懂;澄清e.g. I hope that what I saw willclarifythe situation.我希望我说的话能澄清这一情况。clarificationn.澄清let go ofto say or do no more about sth.; to set free 放手;释放e.g. Shelet go ofMonas hand and took a sip of her drink.她放开莫娜的手,抿了一口饮料。Let go ofthings you

25、 cant change.对于你改变不了的事情,就随它去吧。 make sb. believe that sth. is true 使确信e.g.Youll need toconvincethem of your enthusiasm for the job.你要使他们相信你热切希望得到这份工作。 persuade sb. to do sth. 说服e.g.Whatconvincedyou to vote for them?究竟是什么使得你愿意投他们的票?Collocations:convincesb. of sth. 使某人确信;使某人明白convince

26、sb. that 使某人确信e.g. What she saidconvincedme that I was mistaken.她的一番话使我认识到我错了。Word Family:convincibleadj.可以被说服的convincingadj.令人信服的e.g. a convincing speech有说服力的讲话 state firmly or publicly that sth. is true or that you support sth. strongly 断言e.g. Sheaffirmedher innocence.她坚称自己无罪。Both sidesa

27、ffirmedtheir commitment to the ceasefire.双方均申明答应停火。Word Family:affirmativeadj.肯定的;赞成的;同意的e.g. an affirmative reply, nod, reaction表示同意的回答、点头、反应affirmationn.肯定;断言e.g. The poem is a joyous affirmation of the power of love.这首诗以欢快的笔触肯定了爱情的力量。Synonyms:assert / confirmunworthyadj.not having the necessary q

28、ualities to deserve sth., especially respect 不值得的;不配的e.g. You may feelunworthyof the attention and help people offer you.你可能会觉得自己不值得别人如此关心和帮助。He feltunworthyof being married to such an attractive woman.他觉得自己不配娶这么迷人的女人。Collocation:unworthyof sth./to do sth. 不应得到某事物;不值得做某事Antonym:worthyWord Family:wor

29、thinessn.价值;值得worthadj.值得的;有的价值e.g. The contract was worth 25 million a year.这份合同一年价值2500万英镑。speculationn.1.the act of forming opinions about what has happened or what might happen without knowing all the facts 推测;猜测;推断e.g.muchspeculationover the cause of the air crash对飞机坠毁原因的许多推测Myspeculationproved totally wrong.我的猜测全错了。2.activity of speculating 投机活动e.g.dishonestspeculationin property development房地产开发中的欺诈性投机活动Word Family:speculatorn.投机者speculativeadj.投机的;思考的;推理的,揣摩的speculatev.思索,猜

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