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1、4A 重点词句Chapter 1 Knowing our friendsA 局部重点单词:readreading读书 paintpainting绘画 dancedancing跳舞 roller-skateroller-skating溜旱冰jogjogging慢跑 swimswimming游泳 playplaying chess下棋 listenlistening to music听音乐spare 空闲的 补充词汇:watching TV看电视 shopping购物 writing stories写故事fishing钓鱼 sleeping睡觉 eating snacks吃零食drawing画画

2、drinking coffee喝咖啡 learning English学英语playing basketball打篮球 playing football踢足球 playing volleyball打排球 playing table tennis打乒乓球 playing tennis打网球 playing badminton打羽毛球playing the piano弹钢琴 playing the guitar弹吉他playing the violin拉小提琴 playing erhu拉二胡playing with my pet 和宠物玩 Playing with the iphoneplayin

3、g computer games 玩电脑游戏E局部重点单词: display陈列,显示 central中心的 centre中心Central Library 中央图书馆 Sports Centre 运动中心Cityplaza城市广场 City Hall市政厅together 一起 weekend周末 either也不F局部重点单词:solve解决 puzzle迷,难题C局部单词:helper助手 family helper家务助理 swing秋千slide滑滑梯 busy忙的 homework家庭作业reply-replied 答复 leave-left离开 thinkthought想,认为f

4、inger手指 note笔记,音符 A局部重点句型:1.What do you like doing in your spare time?你空闲的时候喜欢做什么?2.What do you like doing when you are free?当你有空的时候喜欢做什么?3.I Ike swimming,reading and listening to music.我喜欢游泳,读书和听音乐。4.I like roller-skating, painting and reading.我喜欢滑冰,绘画和读书。E局部重点句型:1.Lets go to the Central Library at

5、 the weekend.周末我们一起去中央图书馆吧。2.I like reading too.我也喜欢读书。3.I dont like playing table tennis either.我也不喜欢打乒乓球。F局部重点句型:1.May likes singing and dancing.2.Wendy does not like reading or singing.3.What can the two girls do together?那两个女孩能一起做什么?C局部句型:1.Ron and the family helper Rosa were walking home from s

6、chool one day. 有一天,Ron和家庭保姆正走在从学校回家的路上。2.Can I play with them?我能和他们一起玩吗?3.Why dont we go to the playground?我们为什么不去操场上呢?4.I dont like playing on the slide either.我也不喜欢在滑滑梯上玩。5.When Ron got home, he wanted to play with his brother John.Ron回家,他想和他的哥哥John一起玩。6.I am drawing a train for my homework.我在做家庭作

7、业,正在画火车呢。7.A bit later John said, Im going to walk the dog.过了一会儿,John说:我要去遛狗了。8.Ron drew a longer train on the table. Ron在桌上画了一列更长的火车。9.I can play the black notes. You can play the white notes. 我按黑色的键,你按白色的键。朗文4A Chapter 2 More about our friends更多关于我们的朋友的事情A局部重点单词Key Wordslook after your pets照看你的宠物

8、go to bed early早睡 tidy your room整理你的房间 eat out出去吃饭 get up late晚起 surf the Net 上网ever曾经 always总是 every day每天usually通常,经常 5 or 6 times 5或6次 often常常,时常 sometimes有时,间或 once一次 twice两次 never从不E局部重点单词Mondays星期一 Tuesdays星期二 Wednesdays星期三 Thursdays星期四 Fridays星期五 Saturdays 星期六 Sundays星期日best friend最好的朋友 play

9、music奏乐,弹奏音乐 play a lot of music弹奏很多乐器 play the recorder吹笛子play the violin拉小提琴 play the piano弹钢琴play sport进行体育运动 play a lot of sport进行多种运动 play table tennis打乒乓球 play football踢足球 play basketball打篮球E局部补充词汇:Play the drums打鼓 play the guitar弹吉他Play the zither弹古筝 play the accordion 拉 Play the flute 吹笛子 pl

10、ay the cucurbit吹葫芦丝Play the Erhu拉二胡 play the saxophone吹萨克斯F局部重点单词home cooking在家做饭 seldom很少 a good cook一位好厨师miss/misses a football match错过一场足球比赛 match/matches比赛 watch/watches football matches看足球比赛 group小组 bored无聊的;无趣的 have/has有 after school放学以后G局部单词swimmer游泳者 golden rule黄金法那么 reader读者 story/stories故事

11、 comic/comics漫画;连环画 magazine/magazines杂志 take a look看看 make/makes cakes做蛋糕 especially特别 bake/bakes烤,烘焙C局部单词polite有礼貌的 friendly友好的 spill/spilt洒出,溢出 angry生气的 wish希望 more更加 think/thought想,认为 invite邀请 talk/talked to和说话 else其它,另外 take/taking /took photos照相 would like to想去 showaround带参观 cookbook/cookbooks

12、食谱;烹饪书 ready准备好了enjoy/enjoyed享受 shout喊叫 camera相机A局部重点句型:1. -Do you ever tidy your room?-你曾经整理你的房间吗? -Yes, I usually tidy my room.-是的,我经常整理我的房间。2. -Do you ever surf the Net?-你曾经上网吗?不,我从不上网。E局部重点句型:1. Does she/he ever play the recorder? -她/他曾经吹笛子吗? - Yes, she/he often plays the recorder. -是的,她时常吹笛子。2.

13、 She sometimes plays the piano too. 她有时也弹钢琴。3. This is my best friend, Jenny. 这是我最好的朋友,Jenny。4.She likes playing music. 她喜欢弹奏乐器。5.She plays a lot of music every week. 每周她弹奏很多乐器。6.He likes playing sport. 他喜欢进行体育运动。7.He plays a lot of sport every week. 每周他进行多种运动。F局部重点句型:1. Peter likes home cooking. Pe

14、ter喜欢在家里做饭。2. He seldom eats out.他很少在外面吃饭。3. He never misses a football match. 他从来没有错过任何一场比赛。4. She usually plays the piano after school.她通常放学以后弹钢琴。5. My friend Lulu is never bored. 我的朋友璐璐从来不感觉到无聊。C局部句型:1. Peter and Bill go to the same painting class. Peter和Bill去上同一个绘画班。2. Bill is always polite and

15、friendly. Bill总是非常有礼貌,对人很友好。3. One day, a girl in the painting class spilt some paint on Bill. 有一天,绘画班的一个女孩子洒了一些颜料在Bill身上。4. He never gets angry. 他从来不生气。5. I wish I could be more like him. 我希望我更像他。6. I want to be friends with him.我想和他成为朋友。7. You are very good at art. 你很擅长美术。8. What else do you like

16、doing? 你还喜欢什么做什么别的事情呢?9. Would you like to come to my home on Sunday? 星期天你愿意来我家吗?10. On Sunday, Peters sister Judy showed Bill around. 星期天,Peter的妹妹Judy带着Bill到处参观了。Chapter 3 When our grandparents were young当我们的祖父母年轻是时候A局部重点单词cola可乐 fast food快餐 chewing gum口香糖a CD激光唱片;光盘 a comic漫画书 a clock闹钟an air-con空

17、调 a mobile phone any任何 young 年轻时的grandparents祖父母;爷爷奶奶E局部重点单词trainers运动鞋;跑鞋 radio收音机 supermarket超市 credit card信用卡wear trainers穿运动鞋 use credit cards使用信用卡 have a telephone有一部 listen to the radio听收音机shop at supermarkets在超市购物 go to school上学fifty years ago五十年前 rich富有的 poor贫穷的do/did dont/didnt have/had 有本单

18、元重点动词及过去式:Am/is-was是 isnt-wasnt are-werearent-werent askasked问 fly- flew飞playplayed玩 makemade制作 catchcaught抓住draw-drew画画 putput放 saysaid说flick-flicked弹出 hit-hit撞击 wantwanted想要keep-kept保持 lose-lost丧失 winwon获胜,赢wakewoke醒来 havehad有,吃 gowent去staystayed呆着,停留 winwon赢得 cookcooked做饭taketook带走 useused用 wearw

19、ore穿riderode骑 wakewoke醒来 washwashed洗watchwatched观看 helphelped帮助 G局部单词wake up醒来 wash my face with 用洗脸have for breakfast/lunch 早餐/午餐吃 congee白粥go to school上学 salted fish咸鱼play with marbles and stones 玩弹珠和石头 put on 穿watch TV at 在看电视 store商店helpcook dinner 帮做晚餐 go to bed early很早睡觉A局部重点句型1. -Was there any

20、 cola when you were young, Grandma? -奶奶,在你年轻时有可乐吗?是的,有。2. -Was there any fast food?-那时有快餐吗? 不,没有。3.-Were there any comics when you were young, Grandpa?-爷爷,在你年轻时有漫画吗?是的,有。4. -Were there any air-cons?-那时有空调吗? - 不,没有。E局部重点句型1.-Did you wear trainers fifty years ago?-五十年前你过穿运动鞋吗?是的,我穿过。2. -Did you use cr

21、edit cards?-你用过信用卡吗?-No, I didnt. There werent any credit cards.-不,我没用过。那时没有信用卡。3. -Did you have a telephone?-你有一部 吗? -No, I didnt. Rich people had telephones at home but poor people didnt. -不,我没有。富人的家里有 ,但是穷人没有。F局部单词rickshaw人力车 oil lamp油灯 clogs木底鞋;木屐camera照相机 fan扇子 stove 炉子cook on 在上做饭 take photos

22、with 用照相useto keep cool用保持凉爽 wearon feet把穿在脚上 useat night 在晚上使用 ride in 坐在里面C局部单词fly kites放风筝 play hopscotch跳房子make nets 织网 catch butterflies and birds 抓蝴蝶和鸟draw a circle 画一个圈 on the ground在地面上put in the middle把放在中间a shooter marble一颗射手弹珠 flick into 把弹进 want to想做 hit out把打出来 other其他的keep保存 go out 出去l

23、ose失去 stay呆在,停留 happen发生win获胜 come along一起来 special特别的C局部句型:1.We flew kites and play hopscotch.我们放风筝和跳房子。2.We also made nets and caught butterflies and birds. 我们也做网来抓蝴蝶和小鸟。3.But the game I like best was marbles.但是我最喜欢的游戏是弹珠。4.First we drew a circle on the ground.我们首先在地上画一个圆。5.We flicked the shooter

24、into the circle.我们把射手珠子弹进圆圈。6.We wanted to hit other marbles out.我们想把其他的珠子弹出去。7.We then kept the marbles that went out of the circle. 我们保存着出了圆圈的弹珠。8.When that happened, we were out. 当那个发生了,我们就出局了。Chapter 4 Five hundred years ago五百年以前A 局部重点单词:cotton clothes棉布衣服 silk clothes丝质衣服 horse马sedan chair轿子 si

25、lver银,银的 gold金,金的paper money 纸币 village村子 town城镇cotton棉花,棉的 silk丝绸 sedan轿车,轿子paper纸 museum博物馆 find out找出,查明travel旅行 most大多数 pay工资,付款动词及过去式:wear-wore riderode骑,乘 travel-travel(l)edE局部重点单词:gas气,汽油 firewood柴火,木材 market市场flat平地,公寓 celebrate庆祝 F局部重点单词:content内容,目录 page页码 introduction介绍chapter章节 correct正确

26、的 tunnel隧道G局部单词:board板 choose选择 own自己的route路线 take turns轮流 C局部单词:feelfelt感觉 try-tried 尝试 fall asleep入睡strange奇怪的 keep in touch保持联系 start开始miss想念,错过 letter信 send邮寄post office邮局 postman邮递员 by land由陆路by sea由海路 by air乘飞机,通过航空 explained解释suddenly突然 sleepy困的C局部动词及过去式:feel-felt感觉 try-tried wakewoke醒来find-f

27、ound找到 start-started开始 stop-stopped停止look-looked看 taketook带走 miss-missed想念,错过write-wrote写 have-had有,吃 explain-explained解释A局部重点句型:1.Did you go to the museum last week?你上周去了博物馆吗?2.Did you find out?你查明了吗?3.What did people wear?人们穿什么?4.Most people wore cotton clothes.大多数人穿棉质衣服。5.Some people wore silk cl

28、othes.一些人穿丝绸衣服。6.How did people travel?人们是怎么出行的呢?7.Most people walked or rode horses.大多数人步行或骑马。8.Rich people travelled by sedan chair.富人坐轿子。9.Some people travelled by boat.一些人乘船旅行。10.How did people pay for things?人们购物怎么付款的?11.Most people paid with silver and gold.大多数人用金银付款。12.Some people paid with p

29、aper money.一些人用纸币付款。13.Where did people live?人们住在哪里?14.Most people lived in villages.大多数人住在村子里。15.Some people lived in towns. 一些人住在镇上。E局部重点句型:1.How was life 500 years ago?=What was life like 500 years ago? 500 年以前生活是什么样的?2.Did people cook with gas? 人们用天然气做饭吗?3.They cooked with firewood. 他们用柴火做饭。4.Mo

30、st people ate congee and vegetables. 大多数人吃稀饭和蔬菜。5.What did you find out? 你发现了什么?6.Did people live in flats? 人们住在公寓楼吗?7.Some people live in large houses. 一些人住在大房子里。8.Did they celebrate Christmas? 他们庆祝圣诞吗?F局部重点句型:She wanted to find out about tunnels and bridges.她想找到关于隧道和桥梁的信息。She wanted to find out about how people made money.她想找到人们怎么制造钱币的信息。C局部句型:1.He felt sleepy but he tried to read on. 他感觉到很困,但是他还是继续读。2.After a while, he fell asleep. 过一会儿,他睡着了。3.When he woke up, he found himself in a strange place.当他醒来的时候,他发现自己

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