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新人教版英语高二下Module 7《Unit 3 Under the sea》word教案.docx

1、新人教版英语高二下Module 7Unit 3 Under the seaword教案一、单词拼写1. He to_(作证) having seen the man enter the building.2. I will do my utmost to help you find_(住处) .3. In his early days he _ (放弃) medicine for literature. 4. Hearing that the famous star was about to appear, the fans y_ and cheered.5. We hope to have

2、an income of an average a_ growth rate of 10%.6. The escaped prisoner was _ (拉) out of the cave.7. Ginas _ (语言) is so sharp that it will get her into trouble one day.8. He told us some amusing _ (轶事) of the Presidents childhood.9. They had an _ (令人敬畏的) task ahead.10. Human brains contain more than 1

3、00 million _ (细胞) per cubic (立方) centimeter.二、翻译下列短语1扯进来:赚得 _ 2在远处 _3帮助(摆脱困境) _ 4一群 _ 5正要做某事 _ 6吓死了 _7仔细考虑 _ 8意识到 _9与此同时,在此期间 _ 10颠倒 _11. 听说 _ 12. 亲眼看到 _ 13. 分类,整理_ 14. 大声喊叫_ 15. 快点 _ 16. 跑在前_ 17. 给某人领路_ 18.在远处 _19. 因为很害怕_ 20. 抬高,举起 _三、用本单元相关短语完成下面的句子。1. Hes the one man who can_ you of your difficul

4、ty.2. By working hard he got_ the rest of the class.3. Just dump everything over there Ill _later. 4. I want you to _the situation before it affects you. 5. Everything in the room was_. 6. I _give up when the good news came. 7. We heard the bell striking 2 o clock_. 8. He took _cigarettes from his s

5、hirt pocket. 9. The corporal and two soldiers had come up_. 10. Let them who agree _their hands! 四、单句翻译 1. 当好消息传来时我正打算放弃。 2. 人们发现那辆损坏的脚踏车被扔在河边。3. 他作证说看见那个男人进了大楼。4. 我们听见远处的钟在敲两点。5. 他每天要用三个小时的时间做作业。6. 他经深思后明白自己无权做这件事。7. 我一点也不怕他。8. 我很清楚他就是我要求助的人。9. 室内的一切都被搞得乱七八糟。10. 你该把它挂在我们大家都能见到的地方。Keys:一、1. witnesse

6、d 2. accommodation 3. abandoned 4. yelled 5. annual 6. dragged 7. tongue 8. anecdotes 9. awesome 10. cells二、1. bring in 2. in the distance 3. help out 4. a pack of 5. be about to do sth. 6. be scared to death 7. reflect on 8. be/ become aware of/ that 9. in the meantime 10. upside down11hear of 12.

7、witness with ones own eyes 13. sort out 14. yell out15. come on 16. run ahead of 17. show sb the way18. in the distance 19. be terrified of 20. hold up三、1. help; out 2. ahead of 3. sort it out 4. be aware of 5. turned upside down6. was about to 7. in the distance 8. a pack of 9. in the meantime 10.

8、hold up四、1. I was about ready to give up when the good news came. 2. The broken bike was found abandoned by the river side. 3. He witnessed to having seen the man enter the building.4. We heard the bell striking 2 o clock in the distance. 5. It takes him three hours to do his homework everyday.6. He

9、 reflected that he had no right to do this. 7. I am not a bit scared of him. 8. I am well aware that he is the one I should turn to.9. Everything in the room was turned upside down. 10. You shall put it up where we all can see it. 一、重点单词1. witness vt.目击,作证,证明 1. We all came to witness history and wa

10、tch the historic flight of teacher Christa McAuliffe. 我们聚集一起见证历史,观看教师克里斯塔麦考利夫历史性的飞行。 2. Did anyone witness the robbery? 有人亲眼看到那次抢劫了吗? witness an accident, a murde, a quarrel 目击一事故、谋杀事件、一场争吵 vi. 作证人 He witnessed to having seen the man enter the building.n. 证人,目击者,证据,证明,证词Life without a friend is deat

11、h without a witness 在世无朋友,死后无证人。The witness stated the facts very clearly. 证人把事实陈述得很清楚。 give witness on behalf of sb 替作证be a witness to . 是的目击者witness to sth doing sth (在法庭上)作证bear / give witness to sth 作证支持某人2. accommodationn. 膳宿,旅馆房间;容纳,提供,适应 Accommodation is expensive in this city. 这个城市住房昂贵。 I wi

12、ll do my utmost to help you find accommodation. 我将尽我最大之力帮你找到住处。Can I raise a point about accommodation? 我可以提出一个关于膳宿供应的看法吗 To look for accommodation 寻找住处 Provide food and accommodation for sb 向某人提供食宿 3. abandonabandon vt. 抛弃,离弃,遗弃;放弃In his early days he abandoned medicine for literature. 他早年弃医学文。The

13、broken bike was found abandoned by the river side. 人们发现那辆损坏的脚踏车被扔在河边。The scientist abandoned his research for lack of fund. 这位科学家因缺少资金而放弃了研究工作。 I would never abandon my friends. 我永远不舍弃我的朋友。 Only weak and cowardly natures abandon themselves to sorrow. 只有那些软弱怯懦之人才沉溺于忧伤之中。 She abandoned herself to a di

14、et and lost thirty pounds. 她沉迷于减肥而且减了三十磅 。4. reflect reflect vi &vt reflection vt. 反射,反映 vi. 反射,映出,思考 The still water reflected the full moon. 恬静的水面映出一轮圆月。He reflected that he had no right to do this. 他经深思后明白自己无权做这件事。 Lanny continued to reflect upon it. 兰妮接着考虑这件事。 A mans action reflects his thought.

15、一个人的行为反映出他的思想。5. tasten. 味道,品味,味觉,感受, 爱好 vt / vi 尝起来/ 品尝Our dining-room tries to cater to all passengers tastes. 我们的餐厅尽力满足所有旅客的口味。 A taste for adventure.爱好冒险 Beer tastes bitter .啤酒的味道是苦的。 6. narrown. 狭窄部分,海峡,隘路a. 狭窄的,精密的,有限的,勉强的,眼光短浅的They had to worm their way through the narrow tunnel.他们得钻过狭窄的隧道. H

16、e was so narrow - minded he could see through a keyhole with two eyes. 他眼光狭窄,竟然能够用两只眼睛透过一个钥匙孔来看。A lane is a narrow country road which winds between fields,connecting villages. lane亦指郊外的狭窄小路,蜿蜒穿过田间,连接各个村落. 7. scarescare vt. 恐吓,使惊吓scared adj. 惊吓的,恐惧的be scared of (doing) sth /to do sthDont let the size

17、 of the task scare you. 这么多任务,别吓坏了你。 There was a bomb scare during the procession. 在列队行进时因怀疑有炸弹而引起恐慌. I am not a bit scare of him. 我一点也不怕他。Im scared to look down from the top of a tall building. 我害怕从高楼楼顶朝下看。二、重点短语1a pack of 一盒,一包;一伙,一群He took a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket. 他从衬衣口袋里取出一包纸烟

18、。The book told a pack of lies. 这本书是一大堆谎言。A pack of hounds chased the fox. 一群猎犬追捕狐狸。I had a pack of cards. 我有一副扑克牌。I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. 我一天抽一包香烟。2. be about tobe about to 表示即将发生的动作,意为“即将,正要,正准备,正打算”,不也具体的表将来时间的副词或副词性短语连用,但可以与as或when引导的时间状语连用。I was about ready to give up when the good n

19、ews came. 当好消息传来时我正打算放弃。Something unusual was about to happen. 某种不寻常的事正要发生。 We all felt that our luck was about to turn. 我们都以为我们的运气要转变了。 He is about to turn on the light. 他就要把灯打开。 3. come on 跟着来,开始,出台,上演 快点,赶快 The generals and soldiers came on in spite of heavy fire. 官兵冒着猛烈的炮火继续前进。 Fly the kite when

20、 a thunderstorm appears to be coming on. 在暴风雨即将来临的时候去放风筝。 与come相关的短语:come about 发生come across 偶然遇见come forth 出来,涌现come out 出版,(花)开come through (电话)接通come up 走近,上升come to 总计come up with 赶上,补充4. in the distance 在远处,在很远的那边We heard the bell striking 2 o clock in the distance. 我们听见远处的钟在敲两点。The sound of t

21、he motorbike faded away in the distance. 摩托车的声音在远处逐渐消失了。5. ahead of (空间上/时间上)在之前, 比好/强Ahead of us was a big river.Time here is 9 hours ahead of London.这儿时间比伦敦早九个小时He is ahead of me in Chinese.get ahead of 超越By working hard he got ahead of the rest of the class.6. at the time 当时Admittedly, he didnt k

22、now that at the time. 无可否认,他当时并不知道。You didnt know how eager she was at the time. 你不了解她当时急切的心情。At the time from 11 p. m to 1 a. m. 子时时分 7. sort out 分类,清理;澄清,解决(问题/困难)Just dump everything over there Ill sort it out later. 先把东西都堆在那边-我等会儿再整理.I sort out the mail. 我分拣邮件。8. 与throw相关的短语:throw cold water on

23、泼冷水 throw off 抛弃,摆脱throw over 回棋,变换 throw away 浪费,拒绝throw down 打倒,推翻 throw up 呕吐9. 与out of 相关的短语:out of breath 上气不接下气 out of date 过时的out of control 失控 out of question 可能的out of the question 不可能的 out of repair 失修10. be/ become aware of / thatbe/ become (well) aware of / that对知道,明白;意识到I want you to be

24、 aware of the situation before it affects you. 我希望在情况影响你前,你能察觉到。 Im very much aware of the lack of food supplies. 我深知食物贮备不足。I am well aware that he is the one I should turn to.我很清楚他就是我要求助的人。11. upside downupside down adv.颠倒,混乱上下翻转的She was right! It was upside-down! 她说得对!是挂倒了! Everything in the room

25、was turned upside down. 室内的一切都被搞得乱七八糟。 He turned the table upside down. 他把桌子弄翻了。The children turned the house upside down. 孩子们把屋里弄得乱七八糟。三、重点句型 1.but where the reef ended, there was a sharp drop to the sandy ocean floor.在本句中where 引导的是状语从句。A cinema is a building where film is shown. 电影院是放电影的馆所。You sha

26、ll put it up where we all can see it. 你该把它挂在我们大家都能见到的地方。Well pick up where we finished yesterday. 我们从昨天停止的地方继续进行。2. It took over half an hour to get the boat back to James.用了半个多小时的时间才把船划回到詹姆斯身边。这是一个It takes (sb.) some time/sth. to do sth. 的固定句式,take 意为“花费、需要”,take 前也可用具体名词作主语。It takes him three hour

27、s to do his homework everyday.他每天要用三个小时的时间做作业。It takes (sb.) some time/sth. to do sth. 的固定句式,take 意为“花费、需要”,take 前也可用具体名词作主语。It takes him three hours to do his homework everyday.他每天要用三个小时的时间做作业。It takes quite a bit of time to get from London to Glasgow. 从伦敦到格拉斯哥要花很多时间. 四、疑难辨析as, when和while1) as 强调主从

28、句中谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生。 从句表示随时间推移连词能用as,不用when 或while。As the day went on, the weather got worse. 日子一天天过去,天气越变越坏。2) when 可表示瞬间、时间段,主从句动作同时发生,也可以先后发生。当从句的动作发生于主句动作之前,只能用when 引导这个从句,不可用as 或 while。When you have finished your work, you may have a rest.3) as, when 引导短暂性动作的动词。Just as / Just when / When I stopped

29、 my car, a man came up to me. 4) while 用于同时进行的两个延续性动作相伴发生,常对同类动作进行对比。1_ you have finished your work, you may have a rest.2_ I stopped my car, a man came up to me.3_the day went on, the weather got worse. 4_ was walking down the street ,I met an old friend .Keys: 1. When 2. When (As) 3. As 4. When (while)V-ing作动名词时具有名词的特征,因而在句中用作主语、表语、宾语、定语,有时它可以有自己的逻辑主语,也可以有时态和语态形式。 一、 V-ing形式的名词特征V-in

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