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1、医院管理系统中英文翻译资料附录1 文献翻译医院管理系统医院是一个复杂的系统,病人从挂号、就诊、划价、取药每一个服务机构,当某项服务的现有需求超过提供该服务的现有能力时,排队现象就会发生,由于患者到达的时间和诊治患者所需时间的随机性,可控性小,排队几乎是不可避免的,当诊室不足时,常出现患者排队等待时间太长,患者满意度下降,医务人员工作过于忙乱,易出差错引起医患纠纷,对患者和社会都会带来不良影响。因此如何合理科学安排医护人员及其医疗设备,使医院不会盲目增加医生和设备造成不必要的空闲,形成资源浪费,又使患者排队等待时间尽可能减少,如何在这两者之间取得平衡,以便提高服务质量,降低服务费用,这是现代医院

2、管理者必须面对的课题。排队论模型,是通过数学方法定量地、对一个客观复杂的排队系统的结构和行为进行动态模拟研究,科学、准确地描述排队系统的概率规律,排队论也 是运筹学的一个重要的分支学科1,2。在医院管理中,如果在排队论的基础上,对医院门诊、诊室的排队系统的结构和行为进行科学的模拟和系统的研究。从而对诊室和医生安排进行最优设计,以获得反映其系统本质特征的数量指标结果,进行预测、分析或评价,最大限度地满足患者及其家属的需求,将有效避免资源浪费。通过排队论对医院业务不足的分析,采用计算机对医院管理系统的使用是势在必行的,报告证明,实行信息化管理可以提升医院的整体形象,让人切实感受到医院的正规化、现代




6、况有所估计,使设计人员有所依据。后者是对已有的排队系统寻求最优运行策略,例如库房领取工具,当排队领取工具的工人太多,就增设服务员,这样虽然增加了服务费用,但另一方面却减少了工人领取工具的等待时间,即增加了工人的有效生产时间,这样带来的好处可能远远超过服务费用的增加。学习和应用排队论知识就是要解决客观系统的最优设计或运行管理,创造更好的经济效益和社会效益。1.1 系统描述 以医院门诊为研究对象,它有如下特征: 输入过程:患者的到达是相互独立,相继到达的时间间隔是随机的;一定时间的到达服从Poisson分布。 排队规则:从先到先服务,且为等待制,即患者到达时所有诊室和医生都没有空闲,他们就要排队等

7、待。 服务时间:患者诊治时间是相互独立的,服从负指数分布。 服务窗口:多服务台,C个服务台并联排列,各服务台独立工作。1.2 模型假设及建立 假设患者平均到达率为,单个服务台的平均服务率(表示单位时间被服务 完的患者数)为,整个服务机构的平均服务率c;系统的服务强度=/c1使队长趋向无限时,在平均服务率不变的情况下就只能增加服务台。下面讨论有2个服务台且他们的平均服务率相等的情况。我们可以得知2个服务台的两种服务形式平均队长L,等待时间W之比为: 2L1L2=W1W2=1+2 (2=22=3.06, 所 以接受到达率服从参数=2.1的Poisson分布。同理可检验手术时间服从参 数2.5的指数

8、分布。用以上公式排队系统的主要数量指标如下; 系统中病人数5.25 ( 人)排队等待病人数 4.41 (人)病人逗留时间 2.5 (h) 排队等待时间 2.1 (h) 服务强度=/=0.84 病人时间损失系数 5.25 手术室空闲时间的概率0.16繁忙时间的概率pn=0.84 计算 服务强度=/c=0.421 增加一个规模相同的手术室后的数量 指标 系统中病人数1.02( 人)排队等待病人数 0.18(人)病人逗留时间 0.48 (h)排队等待时间0.08(h) 两个手术室空闲时间的概率0.4只有一个手术室空闲的概率p1=0.34病人不必等待的概率0.74,病人必须等待的概率0.26。根据以上

9、数据指标可得:科室只有一个手术室病人等待时间是手术时间的 5.25倍;手术室84%的时间是繁忙的,只有16%是空闲的。若再增加一个手术 室被利用的概率是42%,空闲的概率是58%,两个手术室空闲时间的概率0.4 ,两个手术室只有一个空闲的概率34%。根据以上数据决策者可决定是否增 加一个手术室,从而为管理者提供决策支持的工具。3 结语 到医院就诊排队是一种司空见惯的现象,由于患者到达和医疗服务时间的随机性,患者来源数量在理论上是无限的,而医疗资源是有限的,如何在有限资源配置下,利用上述排队模型理论和计算机模拟,结合患者的服务记录获得的相关数据,对其做出定性、定量的数量指标,进而进行预测、分析和

10、评价,通过优化设计,实施动态管理,根据医院的实力,完善设施和配备,合理增加医护人员的数量,提高医生的诊疗技术水平,有效缩短平均诊疗时间 及其波动程度,提高效率,缩短等候时间,统一诊疗程序,为患者排忧解难 。显然,应用排队论,一方面可以有效地解决医院服务系统中人员和设备的配置问题,为医院管理提供可靠的决策依据;另一方面通过系统优化,找出患者与医院两者之间的平衡点,既减少患者排队等待时间,又不浪费医院人力物力,从而获取最大的社会效益和经济效益。医院信息管理系统的建设是一项长期而复杂的工程,它涉及到医院的方方面面,院方只有做好全局规划,精细化业务环节并对行业市场进行严格论证,最终才能取得好的效果。当


12、济效益。附录2 英文原文Hospital Management SystemHospital is a complex system, from the registered patients, medical, designated prices, get medicine each service agencies, when a service of the existing demand for the services provided over the existing capacity, will take place in the queue, because of the a

13、rrival of Time and time required for diagnosis and treatment of patients with the randomness, controllability small, the queue is almost inevitable, when the Clinic is insufficient, and often appear in the queue waiting time is too long, patient satisfaction declined, medical personnel, too hurry, e

14、asy to Error patient disputes arising from the patients and the community will have an adverse impact. So how reasonable scientific and medical equipment for medical staff, hospital doctors and will not blindly increase unnecessary idle equipment, a waste of resources, so that patients wait as much

15、as possible to reduce the time, how to strike a balance between, In order to improve service quality, reduce service costs, this is a modern hospital administrators must face the issue.queuing theory model, through mathematics and quantitative methods, the objective of a complex system of queuing be

16、havior of the structure and dynamic simulation studies, science, and accurately describes the probability of the queue, the queue of operations research is an important branch of 1, 2. In hospital management, if the queuing theory on the basis of the hospital out-patient, the queuing systems office

17、of the structure and behavior of the scientific simulation and systems. And the doctors office to arrange for optimal design, to obtain essential characteristics of their systems to reflect the number of indicators of results, forecast, analysis or evaluation, the maximum to meet the needs of patien

18、ts and their families, will effectively avoid waste of resources.Through the queuing theory to the shortage of hospital business analysis, a computer management system for hospital use is inevitable, the report shows that implementation of information management can enhance the overall image of the

19、hospital, the hospital people to effectively feel the standardization and modernization Management, enhance the local hospital in the influence of competitiveness, so as to enhance the economic benefits of the hospital; improve the information management system can help hospitals achieve scientific

20、accuracy of internal management. Hospital management in the past because all information is imperfect, is not accurate, timely information often do not have a patient cost leakage, run, the wrong fees; materials management of information is not accurate, the resources of its own hospitals unknown, t

21、he backlog caused by waste, And were not the best use. HIS use of real-time management of financial documents, stores, medicines to solve the above problem is an effective way. Drugs such as the management, use of the country under the GSP management standards, making local hospitals in the drug sup

22、ply management and the validity of drug management, and other areas more convenient norms, greatly enhance the safety of hospital treatment. The hospital information system operate effectively, could significantly enhance the departments work efficiency and quality, reducing various services work on

23、 the manual labor intensity. At the same time improve the accuracy of information to ensure that the Hospital Finance, is zoned price, under doctors orders, and other aspects of the human error rate hits zero, so that the medical staff to release more energy and time to serve the patients and ensure

24、 economic interests of the patients at the same time Create economic benefits for the Hospital.1 Stochastic model In various queuing system, the randomness of them is a common, but also plays a fundamental role. The arrival time between customers and customer service requirements, at least a random,

25、 otherwise the problem too simple. Queuing theory research system described some of the major indicators of the probability distribution, divided into three parts:1) Queuing system behavior problems Queuing system on the behavior of the problem is the study of the various laws of the probability of

26、queuing system, including captain of the system, the customer waiting time and length of stay, and the busy period, and so the probability distribution, including their transient nature and the balance under the Census and Statistics Behavior. Queue System is the behavior of the core line of researc

27、h is queuing System of statistical inference and optimization of the foundation. Consider applications from the Census and balance the various indicators of the probability of nature is particularly important.2) The statistical system queue inferenceIn order to understand and grasp a queuing system

28、is running in the law, through repeated observations, data collection, and then using mathematical statistics by the method of data processing, inferred by observing the law of the probability of queuing system, application of the corresponding The theoretical results to study and solve the queuing system of the problem. Queuing system has been the statistical inference is the outcome of the actual application of the basic work, combining the characteristics of queuing system, the development of suc

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