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1、人教版四年级下册英语第四单元测试题Unit 4综合能力测评时间:40分钟满分:100分Part1 Speaking说(15%)一、跟读下列单词或词组。(5分)1. tomato2. potato3. carrot4. horse5. cow6. sheep7. hen 8. these 9. garden 10. green beans二、跟读下列句子或对话。(5分)1. Are these carrots?2. What are these? Theyre tomatoes. 3. What are those? Theyre ducks. 4. How many hens do you h

2、ave?5. Do you like carrots?三、跟读下列对话。(5分)A:Look! Theyre sheep. B:Yes. Are they small?A:No, they arent. They are big. Whats that?B:Its a hen. Is it thin?A:No, its fat. B:Thats right. Do you like hens?A:Yes, I do. How about you?B:I dont like hens. I like ducks. Part2Listening听(30%)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)(

3、) 1. A. sheep B. eleven C. eight() 2. A. carrot B. pig C. potato() 3. A. dog B. duck C. hen() 4. A. farm B. farmer C. fork() 5. A. cat B. cow C. fat二、听录音,将下列数词与相应的图片连线。(5分)A. B. C. D. E. 1. twenty 2. one 3. thirteen 4. eleven 5. fifteen三、听录音,圈出与所听内容相符的图片的序号。(5分)1. A. B. 2. A. B. 3. A. B. 4. A. B. 5.

4、 A. B. 四、听录音,选择正确的答语。(5分)() 1. A. I can see three. B. There are three. C. I have three. () 2. A. Its a goat. B. Theyre goats. C. Yes,they are. () 3. A. I like tomatoes. B. Theyre tomatoes. C. I have tomatoes. () 4. A. No, they are. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, they do. () 5. A. Its a horse. B. They are

5、 hens. C. They are so cute. 五、听录音,根据短文内容判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)() 1. My uncle has a big farm. () 2. There are many animals on the farm. () 3. I can see 20 rabbits there. () 4. My uncle likes apples very much. () 5. I like carrots. Part3 Reading and Writing读和写(55%)一、给下列词语分类。(5分)tomatoes cats oranges apple

6、s potatoesonions hens bananas green beans carrotswatermelons horses peaches sheep cows1. _ _ _ _ _2. _ _ _ _ _3. _ _ _ _ _二、单项选择。(10分)() 1. There are fifteen _ on the farm. A. sheep B. dog C. potato() 2. The potatoes _ big. A. is B. are C. has() 3. Are _ dogs?Yes, they are. A. this B. that C. those(

7、) 4. I_ like onions. A. am not B. dont C. isnt() 5. How many _ do you have? A. horse B. ducks C. cat三、选词填空。(10分)1. Theyre _ cute!2. Those are tomatoes and green beans_ there. 3. They love_ eat carrots. 4. You have many animals _ the farm. 5. Yes, I have a lot _ cats. 四、判断下列句子或对话与图片是()否( )相符。(10分)()

8、1. What are those? Theyre sheep. () 2. Whats this? Its a hen. () 3. There are five goats on the farm. () 4. What are they? They are horses. () 5. Look at these cows. They are fat. 五、给下列问句选择恰当的答语。(10分)() 1. How many sheep are there?() 2. How many cows can you see?() 3. What are these?() 4. How many e

9、ggs do you have?() 5. Are they hens?A. Theyre rabbits. B. There are twelve. C. I can see fifteen. D. I have thirteen. E. Yes, they are. 六、任务型阅读。(10分)Dear Sarah,How are you? Im visiting my grandpas farm with my father. The farm is big. My grandpa has many animals on the farm. There are three goats an

10、d three lambs. My grandpa has twelve ducks and fifteen hens. He has only one dog. He has no rabbits on the farm. My grandpas vegetables are very fresh. He has tomatoes and potatoes. But he doesnt have carrots. Ill give you some eggs and vegetables. Love,Amy阅读短文,回答问题。1. Amy is visiting a farm with he

11、r _. 2. Amys grandpa has _ ducks and fifteen _ on the farm. 3. Amys grandpa doesnt have _ or _ on the farm. 4. 翻译文中句。_5. 对句中画线部分进行提问。_Unit 4综合能力测评Part 2Listening听力材料:一、1. eleven2. carrot3. hen4. farm5. fat二、1. We have twenty carrots. 2. Look! Its a lovely rabbit. 3. I can see thirteen horses. 4. The

12、re are eleven potatoes. 5. She has fifteen fat hens. 三、1. I like horses. 2. Tomatoes are red and yummy. 3. I can see a sheep. 4. How many potatoes can you see?5. I have a hen. 四、1. How many horses are there on the farm?2. What are they?3. What do you like?4. Are these potatoes?5. What are those?五、My

13、 uncle has a farm. Its small. But there are many animals on the farm. I can see fifteen sheep, twenty cows, eleven geese and thirtyeight rabbits. Theyre so cute. I love them. My uncle likes vegetables very much. He has many potatoes, carrots and tomatoes. I like carrots. Theyre good for me. 答案:一、1.

14、B2. A3. C4. A5. C二、1. C2. A3. E4. B5. D三、1. A2. B3. A4. A5. B四、1. B2. B3. A4. B5. B五、1. F2. T3. F4. F5. TPart 3Reading and Writing一、1. tomatoes; potatoes; onions; green beans; carrots2. cats; hens; horses; sheep; cows3. oranges; apples; bananas; watermelons; peaches二、1. A2. B3. C4. B5. B三、1. so2. ov

15、er3. to4. on5. of四、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 五、1. B2. C3. A4. D5. E六、1. father2. twelve; hens 3. rabbits; carrots4. 这个农场很大。5. How many dogs does he have? 附赠材料:如何提高答题的准确率 审题三原则 如何提高答题的准确率?这是很多初中生想要解决的一个问题。这是因为答题的准确率直接影响着考试成绩的好坏以及答题时间能否够用。其实要想提高答题准确率,第一关就是要审好题,那么,如何审题才算是“好”呢?具体来说有以下三个原则 原则一:审题要“细”。考试看题要细致,每一个文字、

16、数字、字母、符号、图形都要看,不只要抓住题目中的关键字句,对于题目中给出的已知条件、潜在条件及要求解决的问题甚至可以用铅笔一一标出。有的题目较长,一定要联系前后文关系仔细思考,了解题意。审题时要仔细观察,咬文嚼字反复推敲,不漏过任何一个细节 原则二:审题要“活”。审题时要灵活思考,不能就题论题,要看清这些题属于哪些知识范围,琢磨这题与过去做过的题有什么异同,看看考哪些概念、技能,从而找到解题方法。 原则三:审题要“谨”。审题要严谨,特别是对“似曾相识”的题目要注意是否有“陷阱”。还要避免受以往熟题思维的影响,解题时思考问题比较片面,易受前概念干扰,导致解题出现偏差。 另外,同学们还要注意:答题

17、时,不论答多答少,首先要把答案的关键部分、关键词写出来。要做到“要点层次化”“层次段落化”“段落序号化”。这样,答题的准确率自然就高了 审题要仔细、认真,抓住关键词和数字,寻找突破口大家可以先阅读一遍题目,再带着问题阅读一遍题目。审题工作做好了,答题就能迅速而又准确考场答题要执行三个循环:三轮答题法 考场答题要执行三个循环 轮答题法,即在考场上要完整解答一套试题需执行的三个循环,具体步骤如下: 第一个循环:通览全卷,摸清“题情”。在通览全卷时,顺手把那些就会的题目解决掉。而一般考试这类基础题要占30%左右,所以这一轮做题可获二、三十分的基础分。同时,我们还可以借此机会缓和一下紧张的情绪,尽快进

18、入答题状态 第二个循环:把会做的题目尽力解答出来。在这个大循环中,要有全局意识,并坚持“四先四后”“一快一慢”的原则。 “四先四后”,即 1.先易后难:先做简单题,后做难题,跳过啃不动的题目,对于分值较少的题目要巧解,尽量减少答题时间; 2.先熟后生:先做那些比较容易掌握、比较熟悉的题目,再做那些比较面生的题目 3.先高后低:两道都会做的题,应先做分值高的题,后做分值低的题 4.先同后异:将同类型的题目集中解答,然后再处理其他类型的题目。“一快一慢”:审题要慢,答题要快。 第三个循环:要分点得分、检查收尾。大多数考生不可能在第二个循环中就答完所有题目。那么,对于那些还没做出来的题目,就可以用“分点得分”的方法解答:尽量写出自己会做的步骤。 另外,做完题目后要进行复查,防止“会而不对,对而不全”的情况发生。这是正常发挥乃至超水平发挥不可缺少的一个步骤,必不可少。 我们平时做题时,可以先大略计算一下自己这三轮做题中每一轮所用的时间。这样,考试时就可以更好地分配答题时间。就我个人而言,我做中考题一般是一头一尾两个小循环,各用时10分钟左右,中间的大循环用时近100分钟

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