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1、最全的雅思口语资料雅思口语 雅思口语考试包括三部分内容:一般性话题(general questions),专题讨论(cue card),和深入话题(two-way discussion)。雅思口语考试的目的是为了考察考试实际交流的能力。因此,一般性话题总是放在开头部分。这样,可以方便考官与考生之间有一个大致的了解,也可以减少考生的紧张感。“专题讨论”部分是雅思口语考试的重头戏,是考官与考生交流的依据。“深入话题”部分给考生提供了展示个性和语言功底的机会,也是考生之间拉开分数的部分。雅思口语考试的过程如下:Part one:一般性话题:考官会引导考生多谈一般话题,包括:生活,文化习惯,个人兴趣等

2、等,约4-5分钟。Part two:卡片问题:考官拿出一张写着话题的卡片(cue card),上面写明需要讨论的内容。考生有一分钟的准备时间,之后对话题谈论1-2分钟,考官不会中途打断,但如果考生回答时间太短,考官会让考生go ahead继续,到两分钟(通常是一分四十秒),考官会让你stop。Part three:深入话题讨论部分:该部分基本上是对第二部分的谈话内容进行比较广泛而深入的讨论,约4-5分钟。这些问题一般比较抽象。考试时间1114分钟。二Standards 1. Pronunciation (发音)2. Grammatical range and accuracy(语法掌握量与运用

3、准确性)3. Lexical resource(词汇资源)4. Fluency and coherence(流利程度与连贯性)三Mistakes1. dialects and accents2. Grammatical (1)He and she(2)Tense(3)Verb-noun(4)a sentence without a verb(5)一句话里面能同时连用两个动词吗(6)你能使用复杂句式吗如果想考高分的话,复杂句式的使用是必不可少的。包括各种各样的从句,比如说定语从句,时间状语从句,地点状语从句,让步状语从句(很多同学往往是前面是although,后面用but),原因状语从句(很多同

4、学前面用because,后面用so),条件状语从句,虚拟(用到可是亮点哦),倒装3. Vocabulary (1)用不同的方式表达同样一个意思, 注意语言的灵活性。(2)单词背混了,比如说,一个例子: experience, appearance,(3)电子词典或用手机查词, 4. Fluency(1)因为思路不清晰或根本没有思路,造成长时间的停顿。(2)因为某个单词不会说而进行不下去。(3)因为想注意语法的准确性而影响流利。(4)另外还有一些同学里面会夹杂中文,比如说:“那个”(5) 英文的连接词是很多的,但是我们中国人一般只用这几个:and ,but, because, so. 雅思口语评

5、分标准解析 雅思口语评分标准总分部分:9分 成绩极佳,能将英语运用自如,精确、流利并能完全理解。8分 非常良好,能将英语运用自如,只是偶尔不连贯或用词不当,在不熟悉的状况下可能出现误解,对争论复杂细节掌握得相当好。7分 良好,有能力运用英语,虽然在某些情况下有时会发生不准确、不适当和误解,大致掌握复杂的英语,也理解其全部内容。6分 (澳大利亚移民、英国留学分数线)及格,虽然有不准确、不适当和误解发生,但大致能有效地运用英语,能使用并理解相当复杂的英语,特别是在熟悉的情况下。5分 (加拿大移民、新西兰移民分数线) 适当及格,可部分运用英语,在大多数情况下可应付全部的意思,虽然可能犯下许多错误,在

6、本身领域内应可掌握基本的沟通。4分 (英国预科分数线) 水平有限,只限在熟悉的状况下有基本的理解力,在理解与表达上常发生 问题 ,无法使用复杂英语。AccommodationBirdsBirthdaysChildrenColoursComputersDancingDrivingEmails & LettersFilmsCollectingHometownGardens HappinessInternetClothes WeekendsWeatherMobile PhonesNoiseNamesTelevisionPhotographStudiesSwimmingWorkTransportati

7、on六. Part 11. Name (1) Whats your nameAnswer the question(1)Extend your answer(1-2)My name is Xing lu. Xing is my family name, and Lu is my given name.(2) Whats the meaning of your Chinese nameMy father gave me my name because he wanted me to be excellent(3) Have you ever changed your name Why or wh

8、y not No, never. My name sounds Ok, and there is no need for me to change it.No, I dont want to change it at all. I think it pretty cool and I will not change it in the future. (4) Do Chinese people like changing their names Why or why notI dont think so. Peoples names are from their family tree or

9、given by fortune-tellers and their names can bring them good luck.(5) What kind of people like changing their names in China WhyWritter college students business man fansI guess some famous stars prefer to change their names because they believe that their new names are easy to be remembered.Names1

10、Does your name have any special meaningNo it doesnt. To me its just a couple of sounds put together. But ah.I know many names were attached a lot of important meanings.2. When Chinese people name their children, are there any special customs that are followedPeople have always showed particular conc

11、ern for the meaning, appearance and sound when they name children. It is expected that a name given by the father or grandfather carries their wish, hope, pursuit of aspiration, generation, etc. This name must be rich in the name-givers wish or intention and it should also be pleasant in form and so

12、und.3. Is there any special ceremony when babies are given their namesThere is no such a tradition in China. It depends on babies parents. It is a good chance for families to get together and see the lovely new born baby.4. How are Chinese names and Western names differentChinese names always tend t

13、o have historic or idiomatic meanings in it while Western names sound natural and casual. If they are Christian, they may name their child after someone in the Bible-John, Luke: Simon. Nlicah, Rebecca, etc. If they are Catholic, they may choose to name their child after a particular saint.5. What na

14、me do people at home call youJust my name, sometimes my Dad called me son, my mom called me babe as nickname.6. Do many people in China have a nicknameMost of the people will have a nickname in China. Because they like having the option to use a familiar and affectionate name for someone they are cl

15、ose to.7. Are there any big differences between peoples names today in China and peoples names many years agoThe most obvious distinct that I know is that names tend to be more diverse and unique these days. There are even some names that contain very uncommon characters now. which can cause a lot o

16、f inconvenience for others actually.S. Do Chinese people like to have common namesNo. Everyone wants to be unique and have an unusual name, rm quite happy with my name now. I think its pretty, fairly unique, and sort of formal.9. Why are some Chinese names very similar to each otherI guess its becau

17、se that Chinese people prefer a certain range of characters which symbolize (stand for, be for, represent)special meaning or some traditional virtues that we value in our culture. For example, when we name a boy. we like to use some words with the meaning of courage、 persistence and greatness.10. Is

18、 your surname very common in ChinaIt cant be common anymore. I am sick of my name because it has nothing special. When you walk around the streets and you just hear about 3 girls with the same name.11. Whats the most common surname in ChinaThe most common Chinese family name in china is ZHAO. WANG a

19、nd Li.12. Do Chinese people attach a lot of importance to namesSome parents would choose some Chinese characters which represent a positive meaning as the given name of their kids. Some parents will pick a name that sounds nice.13. Do people in China ever change their namesYes. when people get marri

20、ed in the past, or if they dont like their names, or their parents divorced, or they dont like their family. there are many reasons someone would change their names.14. Would you like to change your nameNo. I think a name is just a symbol. Although my name sounds not that giriy , it is easy to remem

21、ber, so I am kind of ok with that.2. Study(1) Are you working or studyingI am studying at _ University, and I am a senior now.(2) Whats your major subjectI major in _.What subject are you studyingWell , my major is English , so Ive got to take courses like speaking, academic writing, British literat

22、ure, American literature etc. they are pretty interesting though. (3) Why did you choose this majorI did have a good discussion with my family and friends before I made the final decision. But basically, I choose that because I want to be an English teacher. Plus being good at English means I can en

23、joy a lot of original English movies. Pretty cool, isnt it(4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of your university / school Time-saving; money-saving; labor-saving; fuel-saving; energy-saving Ease the traffic problemPros and cons 正反两方面Positive and negative factorsThe academic level of my uni

24、versity is advanced, and professors have great achievement in their fields. I feel enlightened in the class, but there is one thing that I am not satisfied with my university, that is, the accommodation is terrible and our room is close to the street, which is too noisy.3. Hometown(1) Where do you c

25、ome from/Where are you fromI was born in Shijiazhuang, the capital city of Hebei Province, a really amazing place.(2) Can you talk about your hometownThis city is the youngest capital city in the whole country, with a history of one hundred years. But it is famous for its medicine industry and equal

26、ly notorious for its heavy pollution. Also, this city is an important traffic pivot in Northern China. Two places of interest are worthy to mention. One is Xibaipo Village, which was the cradle of new China, and the other one is Zhaozhou Bridge, which is the most ancient stone bridge in the whole wo

27、rld.(3) What do you like best about your hometownWell, that is an ideal place for fun. Here we can see the second largest Plant Garden in Asia which had been visited by Clinton, the former president of the U.S.A. And there are numberous recreational places as well, like the KTV, various cinemas, and

28、 the most special one, that is, the night fair, forms a fantastic scenery of the city. I believe the pace of life is what I like most. According to a recent survey, the happiness index in this city ranks the first among the cities in China. Here, we dont have to struggle hard to make a living. We en

29、joy the leisure time and there is no pressure for the local people.(4) Do you live in a city or a villageCountry free I can do whatever I wantI am comfortable to be there My hometown is a modern city, which has various entertainment places.(5) What do you think about your cityGenerally speaking, its

30、 Ok,summer here. hottest city in Northern China, air-conditioned room (6) How long have you been living in the cityI have been living here ever since I was born.Your home Do you like living thereYeah, definitely, In addition, convenient. (7) Do you think that the city is suitable for young people to

31、 live inWhere do you come from Or: Lets talk about your hometown. What kind of place is it 青岛范例:Eg1. Well,I come from Qingdao. Situated in the south part of Shandong Province, Qingdao is an incredibly beautiful seaside city with many moods and faces.Notes:解题思路:( 4层)家乡青岛+地理位置+海滨城市+ 风情万种; 重要表达:坐落在山东省南部/ 美丽的海滨城市/ 美不胜收特别注意1:回答要简练,顺序可随意排列,但要有层次感,避免东拉西扯. 即墨范例:Eg2. I am from Jimo, is a medium-sized city, located in the south part of Shandong Province,close to Qingdao. You may not have heard of it, but it used to be the ancient battlefield in the warring states period. It is also known as

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