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1、中考英语复合句复习试题及答案中考英语复合句复习试题及答案导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于中考英语复合句复习试题及答案的内容,具体内容:在中考英语复习过程中,要做好每份英语试题是非常重要的,做好这份英语复合句复习试题进行复习一下吧。以下是我给你推荐的中考英语复合句复习试题及参考答案,希望对你有帮助!中考英语复合句复习试题(. 在中考英语复习过程中,要做好每份英语试题是非常重要的,做好这份英语复合句复习试题进行复习一下吧。以下是我给你推荐的中考英语复合句复习试题及参考答案,希望对你有帮助! 中考英语复合句复习试题 ( )1.(2020年甘肃白银)Could you please tell me

2、 _? Certainly. A.what should I do to improve my English can I get to the reading room C.what she is looking for D.when shall we have a parents meeting ( )2.(2020年甘肃白银)I know a place _ we can have a big meal. A.that B.where C.which D.what ( )3.(2020年贵州贵阳)What do you think of the school uniforms

3、? Very good.I like clothes _ make me feel comfortable. A.that B.what C.who ( )4.(2020年黑龙江大庆)Zhangjiajie is the most beautiful tourist site _ Ive _visited. A.which; never B.that; never C.that; ever D.which; ever ( )5.(2020年黑龙江大庆)He puts the flowers in the shade _the sun will not burn them. order

4、 to that as to D.such that ( )6.(2020年黑龙江大庆)He wants to know _. A.when the Lon don Olympics will begin B.when will the London Olympics begin C.what the London Olympics will begin D.what will the London Olympics begin ( )7.(2020年湖北孝感)Do you know_ London for the 30th Olympic Games? Next mont

5、h. A.when they visited B.when will they visit C.when did they visited D.when they will visit ( )8.(2020年江苏镇江)We will go to the square to watch the raising of the national flag _ it rains tomorrow. A.when B.if C since D.unl ess ( )9.(2020年四川成都)Could you tell me _? Hes a bank clerk. A .who your father

6、 is B.what your father does C.where your father works ( )10.(2020年湖北武汉)Can I join you? Sure, we are talking about _. A.when shall we go to the movie can we go there C.who should we go with D.why we like the movie ( )11.(2020年四川德阳)Do you know _ this time yesterday? Sorry, I dont know. A.what sh

7、e is doing B.what was she doing C.what she was doing ( )12.(2020年江苏扬州)One of the most interesting places in Yangzhou _ are often visited by foreigners is the West Slender Lake. A.what B.who C.that D./ ( )13.(2020年湖北十堰)Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school _ I met in the E

8、nglish speech contest last year. A.who B.where C.when D.which ( )14.(2020年天津)John is the boy _ legs were b adly hurt in the accident. A.whose B.that C.who D.which ( )15.(2020年四川达州)Where did you go last week? I went to Zhang Aipings hometown and visited the house _ he was born in. A.that B.there C.wh

9、o D.whose ( )16.(2020年浙江宁波)I hear the famous singer Xu Song may come to Ningbo next month. Really?_ he comes, my younger sister will be very excited. A.If B.Until C.Unless D.Before ( )17.(2020年山东临沂)Zhou Libo is Shanghais favorite funny man.He is good at making people laugh.His lively shows were _ ho

10、t that tickets sold out in minutes. A.very B.too C.such ( )18.(2020年黑龙江哈尔滨)As we all know, planting trees is good for the environment.Our class will go to the Sun Island tomorrow.As soon as we _ there, well begin to plant trees. A.arrived B.arrive C.will arrive ( )19.(2020年山东滨州)Mary, could you

11、tell me if your mother _ our school sports meeting tomorrow? I think she will come to school if she _ free. A.will take part in; will be B.takes part in; is C.will take part in; is D.takes part in; will be ( )20.(2020年陕西)If there _ no buying and selling of animals, there _ no killing in nature.

12、; will be B.will be; will be; is D.will be; is 第一组 ( )1.The man said _ he saw many strangers coming into his village. A.when B.whether C.what D./ ( )2.The teacher told us the earth _ the sun. A.went around B.goes around C.go around D.has gone around ( )3.What are you doing now? We are talking a

13、bout _. A.when shall we go to Tianjin B.why we like Tianjin C.who should we go with D.which station should we go ( )4. (2020原创)Why dont you tell me _? I dont know either, so I cant tell you _. A.who is that man in blue; who is the man B.who that man in blue is; who is the man C.who is that man in bl

14、ue; who the man is D.who that man in blue is; who the man is ( )5.Please tell me _.I have some gifts for him. has Robert come B.where Robert is C.when will Robert leave D.what does Robert like ( )6.I dont know the girl.Could you tell me _? A.what is her name old is she C.who is she D.whe

15、re she comes from ( )7.What did your teacher say this morning? She asked me _. A.when Tom would get to school B.what will Tom do at school did Tom come to school D.why was Tom late for school ( )8.I cant find Mary.Wheres she? Sorry, I dont know _. A.where has she been B.where she has been C.wh

16、ere has she gone D.where she has gone ( )9.He is a famous writer _ works are sold around the world. A.who B.whos C.whose D.his ( )10.Everything _ you told me is not true. A.that B.which C.what D.whose ( )11.I st ill remember the day _ we spent together. A.when B.where C.that D.why ( )12.None of the

17、apples _ are put on the table are red. A.which B.that C.who D.they ( )13.The boy jumped into the sea _ h e got to the beach. A.since B.while soon as that ( )14.They didnt work _ it was dark. A.where B.till that ( )15.You study _ hard _ youre sure to pass the exam. Thank you for s

18、aying so. A.enough; to; as; that D.such; that ( )16.If Tom _ the game, well give him a surprise. B.wins C.won D.winning ( )17.I dont know if she _ to my birthday party tomorrow.If she _, Ill be very happy. Aes; comes B.will come; comes Ces; will come D.will come; come ( )18.Im waitin

19、g for my f riend._ , Ill go shopping alone. A.If she comes B.If she wont come C.If she doesnt come D.If she came ( )19.Mr.Green speaks very loudly _ all the people can hear him clearly. A.when that C.because D.unless ( )20.Theyre playing on the ground _ I arrived. A.for B.since C.when D.while 第

20、二组 ( )1.Im surprised that he _ in the library for the whole day yesterday. A.stay B.stays C.stayed D.staying ( )2.I dont know _, and now Im thirsty. A.where I put the cup B.where did I put the cup I put the cup did I put the cup ( )3.Im new here.Could you please tell me _? Sure.Its over

21、there behind that tower. A.where the youth centre is B.when the library open s far is the amusement park can I get to the subway station ( )4.Her teacher found _ shes a clever girl. A.when B.what C.if D.that ( )5.The woman asked the policeman where _. A.the post office is B.the post offi

22、ce was the post office D.was the post office ( )6.We havent found out _, but we have known _. A.who he is; how to search it B.who he is; to search it how C.who is he; how to search it D.who is he; to search it how ( )7.Can you tell me _? Sure.His home is next to the cinema. A.what is Steve doin

23、g B.what Steve is doing C.where does Steve live D.where Steve lives ( )8.May I come in? Im sorry I am late. Come in, please.But could you please tell me _? do you come to school B.what were you doing then C.who you talked with D.why you are late again ( )9.Its the museum _ we saw the worldfamo

24、us painting last month. A.that B.which C.where D.when ( )10.Im going to start a club to help students _ are not interested in schoolwork. A.whose B.who C.whom D.which ( )11.There will be a stamp show in the museum _ we visited last week. A.who B.when C.which D.what ( )12.The Lantern Festival is the

25、second festival _ comes in Chinese lunar calendar. A.that B.which D.when ( )13.Its one of the most interesting movies _ are directed by the young director. A.which B.who C./ D.that ( )14.What is our head teacher like, do you know? Oh, he is very kind _ he looks very serious. A.because B.though

26、C.if D.when ( )15._ he felt tired, he didnt give up. A.Because B.For C.When D.Though ( )16.I will send you an email as soon as I _ safely. A.arrive B.arrived arriving D.will arrive ( )17.The little child cried _ he fell on the road. A.after B.before C.since that ( )18.There is _ little wat

27、er _ its not enough for all of us.; that B.such; that C.very; that D.really; that ( )19.I wont pass the exam _ I work hard. A.whenever B.because C.if D.unless ( )20.Mary is tired of learning _ she is expected to do better than she can. B.because C.unless D.though 中考英语复合句复习试题答案 复合句 1-5CBACB6-10ADDBD11-15CCAAA 16-20ADBCA 第一组 1-5DBBDB6-10DADCA11-15CBCBC 16-20BBCBC 第二组 1-5CAADB6-10ADDCB11-15CADBD 16-20AAADB

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