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1、中考句子集锦1. Linda, theres somebody knocking at the door. Go and see who it is.琳达,有人敲门,去看看是谁。2. The two children bought some books with the money they had saved.那两个孩子用他们省下的钱买了几本书。3. I met Mr Green while I was walking across the bridge, but I didnt say hello to him.过桥的时候我看见了格林先生,但我没跟他打招呼。4. On summer eve

2、nings. Grandpa used to tell funny stories to us children.盛夏的夜晚,爷爷常常给我们小孩子讲有趣的故事。5. She always buys cheap clothes though she is rich enough.她尽管很富有却总是买便宜衣服。6. Excuse me, sir. How far is it to the nearest hotel?About 15 minutes walk along this road. .打扰了先生,请问最近的旅馆有多远?沿着这条路走大概15分钟。7. You can look up his

3、 number in the phone book if youre not sure of it.如果你不确定的话可以在号码簿里查一下他的电话。8. Can you come and give us a talk on Thursday or Friday?Im afraid neither day is possible. 周四或周五你可不可以来跟我们谈一下?恐怕哪一天都不行。9. The waiter or the waitress usually gives us a menu before we order dishes in a restaurant.点菜前餐馆的服务员通常会给我们

4、看菜单。10. Now the air in our town is even worse than it used to be. Something must be done to stop it.现在我们镇上的空气比以前还糟,必须采取措施阻止它继续恶化了。11. Your city looks beautiful! Yes. Lots of trees and grass were planted last year.你们的城市你真漂亮!没错。去年我们种了很多花草植物。12. She always finishes her homework on time. She never leave

5、s it for tomorrow.她总是按时完成作业,从不拖到明天。13. Do you know how Kate came here ? Yes, I do. She came here on foot. 你知道凯特是怎么过来的吗?知道。她步行过来的。14. Tom, can I borrow your book Chicken Soup for the soul? Sorry, I have lent it to Mary.汤姆,能把你的心灵鸡汤借给我吗?不好意思,已经借给玛丽了。15. Excuse me, is there a repair shop near here for M

6、P3? Well, turn left at the crossing, then you will find one.打扰了,请问附近有MP3修理店吗?嗯,路口左转,你就能找到一家。16. You look tired now. You had better stay at home and have a rest.你看起来很累,最好待在家里好好休息。17. How well she sings! Yes, she has a very sweet voice.她唱得真棒啊!没错,她嗓音很甜美。18. How much do you know about Ken Foueit? Only a

7、 little. But I know that a play of his was changed into Chinese last year.对于肯.佛艾特你了解多少?不多,但我知道他的一部作品去年翻译成了汉语。19. Tom is good at drawing. How about Mike? Mike is better, I think. He has got more prizes than Tom.汤姆擅长绘画,麦克怎么样?我觉得麦克更棒,他得的奖比汤姆更多。20. The smile on her face shows that she is pleased with he

8、r work.脸上的笑容说明她对自己的工作很满意。21. Nobody noticed what the young man was doing at that moment.没有人注意那个年轻人当时在干什么。22. Maybe I have heard of the story before, but I can hardly remember it.可能我以前听过这个故事,但是想不起来了。23. How do you like the two pairs of shoes? They dont fit me well. They are either too big or too smal

9、l.你觉得这两双鞋怎么样?不合脚,不是太大就是太小。24. Have you bought that digital camera? No, I cant afford it. The price is a bit too high, I think.那款数码相机你买了没?没,买不起。我觉得价格有点高。25. I dont know what to do with this problem. Its too hard. You can ask Mr. Wang for help.这个问题太难了,我不知道怎么办。你可以向王先生求助。26. All of us will be happy if y

10、ou can come with us.如果你能来我们都会很开心。27. It is said that the football match may be put off because of the bad weather.据说足球比赛可能因为天气而推迟。28. Must I return the book tomorrow morning? No, you neednt. You can keep it for three days.我必须明天上午还书吗?不用。你可以看三天。29. How long has the weather been like this? Ever since l

11、ast night.这种天气持续多久了?从昨天晚上开始。30. Time is not enough for so much work. Two more people are needed, I think.工作太多,时间不够。我觉得还需要两名人手。31. Who is Ren Changxia? A great policewoman. She always thought more of others than herself.任长霞是谁?一个伟大的女警察。她毫不利己专门利人。32. Please taste the soup to see whether I have put enou

12、gh salt in it.请尝一下汤看我放的盐够不够。33. Im afraid that no one knows who will win the game.恐怕没人知道谁将赢得比赛。34一Be careful,or you will make mistakes in your exams -I know that,MumOne can never be too careful认真点,否则考试会出错。我知道妈妈,怎么认真都不为过。351 wanted to explain,but he didnt give me any chance我本想解释,但他没给我机会。36My pen is l

13、ost and I cant find it anywhere 一So you will have to buy one我的笔丢了,哪也找不到。所以你只有再买一支了。37What beautiful shoes youre wearing! They must be expensive Nothey only cost10 yuan你的鞋真漂亮啊!一定很贵吧。没有,只花了我10块钱。38一Do you know Hong Zhanhui? 一YesHes the college student who has moved Chinese people a lot你知道洪战辉吗?知道,他是一个感

14、动了很多中国人的大学生。39I arrived at the airport after the plane had taken oft飞机起飞后我才到达机场。40Wheres Mr. Yu, do you know? 一Wellits hard to sayBut I saw him watching a football game just now你知道于先生在哪吗?嗯,难说。但我刚才看到他在看足球比赛。41-I feel really nervous before the interview -Take it easySure you are the best面试前我感到特别紧张。放心吧

15、。你肯定是最棒的。42一Must I go and do it now? NO,you needntWe still have two more days我必须现在就去做吗?不用。我们还有2天时间。43Xiao Li is the right person to show the foreigners around,for none of us can speak English小李是带外国友人参观的合适人选,因为我们没人会说英语。44come and join usJimmy! -Im sorry, but Im really busy nowIf I had time,I would ce

16、rtainly go来跟我们一起玩吧吉米!很抱歉,我真的很忙。如果我有时间的话肯定会去的。45I hear the 2006 World Cup is held in Germany from June 9th to July 9th我听说2006年世界杯从6月9日至7月9日在德国举办。46一Youve left the light on 0h,sorryIll go and turn it off你没关灯。哦,抱歉,我去把它关了。47-Ive got a little fish in my house 一Why not keep two or more? 我家养着一条小鱼。怎么不多养两条?4

17、8一You are standing too near to the TVCan you move a bit farther?一0KMumIs it all fight here? 你站得离电视太近了。能离远点吗?好的妈妈。站这儿行吧?49As close friends,they used to walk to school side by side.作为密友,他们经常并肩去上学。50They say theres a new restaurant nearby Yes,and it has been open for no more than a week据说附近开了一家新餐馆。没错,开

18、业还不到一周。51Although the water was cold,Wei Qinggang jumped into it to save others尽管河水冰冷,魏青刚还是跳进去救人。52Peter says that the Whites are on holiday, but no one knows where they have gone彼得说怀特一家在度假,但是没人知道他们去哪度假了。53-Im going to act in Jack Chans new movie! -Congratulations! Youre really a lucky dog我将参演成龙的新电影

19、!恭喜啊!你真是个幸运儿。54.How do you like your holiday in Mount Yuntai?We enjoyed it very much.The sight is very beautiful.在云台山玩得怎么样?我们非常喜欢,那里景色很美。55.I saw Tony at the party.But he didnt speak to me all evening.Maybe he didnt see you.我在聚会上看到托尼了,但他一整晚都没跟我说话。可能他没看见你。56.How far is it to the airport?20 kilometers

20、? No,its farther.About 30 kilometers.到机场多远?20公里?不,更远,大约30公里。57.Our class won the English speaking contest. Congratulations!You must be very proud of it.我们班赢得了英语演讲比赛。祝贺啊!你们一定很自豪。58.Your dream wont come true unless you know what your dream is.如果你连你的梦想是什么都不知道,它肯定不会实现。59.Look!The light is still on in Mr

21、 Zhangs office. Im afraid he hasnt finished his work yet.看!张先生办公室的灯还亮着。恐怕他的工作还没做完。60.We will never forget what happened on the afternoon of May 12,2008.我们永远不会忘记2008年5月12日下午发生的事。61.Ms Lin is very popular among the students. Yes.Her classes are always lively and interesting.林老师很受学生欢迎。没错,她的课总是生动有趣。62.A

22、my,Ill be on holiday for a week.Could you help me look after my dog?艾米,我要休假一周。你能帮我照看我的狗吗?63.What did the teacher say just now? Sorry.I didnt catch it.I was thinking something else.老师刚才说啥?不好意思,我也没听见。刚才我在想别的事。64.When I hurriedly got to the airport;the lady at the window told me that there were no seat

23、s left on that plane.当我急匆匆地赶到机场,售票窗口的女士告诉我已经没有座位了。65.It seems that it is going to rain.Youd better not leave the windows open when you leave the house.看起来要下雨,你出门前最好管好窗户。66.Shaolin Temple which lies in the west of Zhengzhou welcomes the visitors both at home and abroad.坐落在郑州西边的少林寺欢迎国内外的游客。67.May I co

24、me in?Im sorry I am late. Come in,please.But could you please tell me why you are late again?我能进来吗?很抱歉迟到了。请进。能告诉我你为什么又迟到了吗?68.Look at the sign on the right. Oh,parking isnt allowed here.看右边的标志。哦,这里不允许停车。69.When is Henrys birthday party, Lynn?The 18th , at about there 6oclock in the afternoon.亨利的生日聚会

25、在什么时候,林恩?18号,下午6点左右。70.What a nice MP5! Whose is it? Its mine. My father bought it for me.好棒的MP5啊!谁的?我的,我爸给我买的。71.I like fish a lot, and my mother usually cooks it in different ways. 我非常喜欢吃鱼,我妈经常用不同的方法做鱼。72.Excuse me, where are we going to have our class meeting?Im not sure. Ask our monitor, please.

26、 He mayknow.打扰了,我们在哪开班会?我不确定,问我们班长吧,他可能知道。73. The match was really fantastic, especially when Smith scored in the last minute.比赛真的很精彩,特别是当史密斯在最后一分钟得分的时候。74. Taiwan is part of China. We sharethe same history and culture.台湾是中国的一部分,我们有共同的历史和文化。75.Helen, can I wear jeans and a T-shirt to the evening par

27、ty?OK. But a dress might bebetter.海伦,我们能穿牛仔裤和T恤参加晚会么?可以。但是长裙可能会更好。76.Excuse me. When does Flight CZ3391 take off?One moment, please. Ill look it up.打扰,CZ3391次航班什么时候起飞?稍等片刻,我查一下。77. Its quite common in Britain to say “Thank you” to the drivers when people get off the bus.在英语,乘客下车的时候向公交车司机说谢谢是很常见的事。78

28、.Usually John is takento school in his fathers beautiful car.通常约翰坐他爸爸的靓车上学。79.Its time to say goodbye to my school. Ill always remember the people who have helped me.是时候告别学校了。我会一直记着帮过我的人们。80. The zoo keepers are worried because the number of visitors is becomingsmaller and smaller.动物园主很忧虑,因为游客越来越少。8

29、1.Have you made up your mind how to cheer upthe sick kids?By singing songs.你想好怎么振奋那些生病的孩子们了吗?唱歌。82.You have seen the film The Dead Reading, havent you?Yes, I like it. How I wish to see it again!你看过电影生死朗读,对吗?看过,很喜欢,真希望能再看一次!83.What time will Mr Brown be back to China?Sorry. I dont know how long he wi

30、ll stay abroad.布朗先生什么时候回中国?抱歉,我不知道他将在国外呆多久。84.一Shall we pay a visit to Expo 2010,Shanghai? 一No,Id rather stay at home and play football.我们要不要去看2010年上海世博会?不,我宁愿呆在家玩足球。85.To help Tommy learn better, his parents have done all they could:cards, tapes,special learning centers,in short, everything they can think of为了帮助托米学得更好,他的父母竭尽所能:卡片、磁带、特殊学习中心,总而言之,所有他们能想到的方法。86.Excuse me,sir. The shoes are a bit small for me. Dont worryIll change them for a larger size.打扰,这鞋有点小。别担心,我给你换双大点的。87.Father often tells me not to spend too much

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