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1、漓江景点导游词英文This isGood Morning! Ladies and Gentlemen:sp eaking. Welcome to visitthe Li River by boat, it my great honor and pl easure to be with you and show you around on the boat .To ensure a plain sailing, I have a few tips for you :IP lease don g o up to the deck beforethe boat embarks. After the

2、boat isleaving you may go anywhere but notinto the water.2. PI ease don throwthe garbage orfoodintotheriver or coins to thechildren who swimming in the river.Our boat is leaving the wharf now, let me give you a brief introductionof LiRiver.The Li River originates from the Cat mountain in Xing anDunt

3、y,60kms away to the north of Guilin .The total length is 437kms. It flows through Gulin and joins the P earl River in Canton. Up to the north, it is linked with the Yangtze River system by the Ling Canal.The Li River is really a string of bright pearls and treasures in the landscape ofGuilin. The gu

4、rgling water likes a green silk ribbonsnakesitswaybetweenthe thousandspeaks and hills. The crystal clear water flows slowly. The up right cliffs, stand by the river side: The green hills float on the water, just like a roll of hundred miles p ainting. So to be named asthe “ famous scenery river in t

5、he worldAlong the way, one can see not onlythe clear water, green hills, spectacular rocks,butOsosplashingwaterfalls, deep-greenponds,fishingraftsand cormorants. It offers the most famous and beautiful spots blended with stories and legends. Travelling on it may give you a sensationofbeingcarriedthr

6、ougha traditional Chinese P ainting.1、Oxen Gorge And Bat HillPlease look ahead, beside the bank, there is a group of hills consisting of nine peaks which look exactly like nine oxen, being so called the Oxen Gorge, Before the gorge ,there are two sheer cliffs in the shape of two big bats seemingly f

7、lying skyward. Well, bat is considered evil in thewest. But in China, The bat is a symbol of waving their wings.2、 Dragons Play In WaterBeside the right bank, a lot of stalactites overhung on this sheer cliff, which looklike several heads of dragons fetching water from the river. The dragon is not o

8、nly the symbol of superlative authority inChinese legend but also the embodiment of the emperor in ancient time.3、 Expecting Husband RockThere on the top of a small hill standing a rock which looks like a graceful woman carrying her baby on her back. She is standing on the top of this mountain, look

9、ing far away. She is waiting for her husband to return .4、 Grown CaveOn the left bank, there is a hill which resembles a Chinese crown in purple andgold of Qin dynasty, being so called CrownHill. At the foot, there is a cave with a clear spring flowing from it at the same level as the Li River, the

10、entrance of this cave is spacious and overhanging with stalactites in various shapes. Nobody can enter it in flood seasons, as the arches are rather low, only by lying flat on his back on a raft during the dry seasons, can a visitor enter the arches into the inside world.5、 The Embroidery HillThe la

11、st hill next to the crown cave on the left bank is the embroidery hill. Please look ahead to the left. Why is it called that name? It collected different tint of red,which interwoven with each other on the cliff, like a huge piece of embroidery with the traditional design of ZhuangNationality, hence

12、 its name EmbroideryHill. Can you imagine who has threaded the needle for beautiful nature and embroidered this colourful tapestry?6、 The Immortal Zhang Ridding ADonkeythe cliff.riding awhat aThere is an image in white onWhich looks like an old man donkey with opposite position, funny old man he is?

13、 It seems that he never been worried about falling off the donkey. Do you know who the old man is?He is one of the eight immortal in Chinese legend, famous immortal Zhang.7、 One-side FerryEverybody knows that ferry is for boats shuttle to and from this band to the opposite side, but there is a ferry

14、 not only special but also unique, please look at the right side, A sheer cliff which is pathless situated beside the river. These local villages are separated from the nearby market at Yang Ti Village by this cliff. In ancient time, local people had to climb the hill to the market. It was so hard t

15、hat most villagers especially the elders and children could not do that. So they built a ferryhere that they could go to the market by the ferryboats down and up the river along this side. Hence the name, one side ferry.10 、The Bamboo Root PeakAhead of us on the right bank, there isan independent hi

16、ll. It resembles the root of bamboo. It s so big that you can another one in the world. Legend has it that the bamboo root fell from the heaven by accident. Standing by the river side, as the time went by it was turned into stone ever since then.11、 Yang Di VillageOn the right there is a hill with t

17、wo pointed peaks, which look like the hoof of the goat, in Chinese “ thegoat hoof ”is pronounced “yang ti ”T. herefore, the village had the name Yang Di Village.This village is situated among beautiful surrounding. People enjoy their life here.Every year many photographers and artists come here to a

18、ppreciate the charm of this scenery so that they have a good environment to make their works.12、Carp-CliffIn the lower part of the cliff straight away, between two mountains, there is an image of big carp. It seems to be swimming right with its tail swaying to theleft. Its fins mouth and eyes are re

19、markable, just like a real one.Interestingly, there is an image in yellow at belly part, which resembles a little fish.Mother fish and baby fish are here, but where is father fish? On the right mountain beside the carp cliff, there is an image of a carp in yellow, gray and black.The head towards the

20、 sky, legend that the big carp was fed up with the humdrum life in the water, so he wanted to lead his families to appreciate the scenery of Guilin as he heard it was wonderful, they jumped out of the water and left their image in the cliff forever!13、Goddess HillOver a cluster of peaks on the left

21、bank, you may see a statue of the GoddessGuang Yin with pointed head, sitting on the lotus throne. Her eyes, mouth and nose are noticeable, so we call the hill asGoddess Hill. Before the hill stands a low peaks, resembling a boy kneeling in worship, Guang Yin is the Goddess of mercy in legend. Peopl

22、e come to worship her in the hope of being blessed a happy life.14、 Brush PeakNot far away on the right bank, stands a solitary peak in a shape of a Chinese brush,It is said that the picturesque beauty along the river has been painted by the divine brush, and used the river water as ink, and hues of

23、 clouds as colours, spread out a roll of painting as “ hundredmiles of Li River, and hundred miles of art gallery b”efore us, and lead us into an artistic conception of poetry. Certainly, it is attributing to the magical brush.15、Apple HillStraight ahead there is a hill round in shape, which looks l

24、ike an apple. Legend says the apple also fell from heaven, one day an unknown greedy man wanted to take the apple home, but it was too heavyto move it, finally the base of apple was broken. As time passed, the apple was turned into stone ever since. As the saying goes “an apple a day keeps doctor aw

25、ayLikewise, if you keep the apple hill in your mind, the doctors will keep away from you.19 、Fresco HillAhead of us, towards a sheer cliff by the river side on the left, interwoven with colours, white, yellow, black and green.The colours describe a famous Chinese painting “ NineHorses ”with the gree

26、n pantings on the cliff. The white colour on the upper part of cliff is a galloping horse, neighing against the wind, head towards to right, legs and tail, you may perceive clearly, All of the others, head towards to left, but with no body. Except two ponies at the bottom of the cliff, which is in w

27、hite.One is drinking water on the left, one is eating grass on the right. Legend has it that the horses were from heaven, they were attracted by the picturesque beauty here. They were not willing to be back home. Their images were left on the cliff.20、 Monkey RockPlease look to the back of Fresco Hi

28、ll.You see a rock in a shape of a monkey, it is kneeling on the ground with a melon in its paws and back towards to us, so we called it monkey Rock, the local people said the melon was stolen from the nearby field, it was stealing melon when the villager found, it took away the melon and escaped fro

29、m the field into the mountain immediately, maybe it feels ashamed of the wrong doing, it would not turn its face to us.21 、 The reflections of yellow beachAhead of us, there is a piece of cliff with ribbons of colours on the right bank. The design is similar with the embroidery of a piece of silk fr

30、om Su Zhou. As it linked with the reflection in water, it looks moregraceful, what a perfect combination it is! As a poem goes “ Plainlysee the top of hills but boats floating on it ” T. he reflections are great wonder of Li River.23 、 The Old Xing Ping TownThe boat is arriving at a small town,as sm

31、all townnamed Xing Ping, situated at the foot of a mountain. Although it about 1300 years old, it nsot only noted for its history, but also for its customs, local speciality and scenery. For customs, the local people have performance at certain traditional day which you could not find in other place

32、s; for the speciality, the famous grapefruit dried persimmon;chestnut and water chestnut are well-known at hone and aboard; for the scenery, hills and rivers surround the town,groups of green bamboos along the banks,Shuo is better than Guilin. Where is the best scene? Many people think Xing Ping is the best place. You”may look at the back of a 20 RMB note. The scene is taken right from here.24 、 Camel Cross The RiverNow we see a hill with three peaks onthe right. Doesn it

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