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牛津译林版八年级英语下册8B U8 A green world 教案.docx

1、牛津译林版八年级英语下册8B U8 A green world 教案Unit 8 A green world Comic strip & Welcome to the unitI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. know the importance of protecting the environment;2. talk about how to protect the Earth.II. Teaching contents1. New

2、 words and phrases: dig, serious, breadfruit, reduce, recycle, turn off2. New structures: Will more trees be planted this year? We can protect the environment by recycling waste. Its wise for people to choose public transport or ride bicycles. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficult

3、yTo talk about how to protect the earth.IV. Teaching proceduresComic stripStep 1 Lead-inLets talkT: What do you think of when you see the color green?T: You give this color so many nice words. And I agree with you. In order to make the Earth more beautiful, Im going to plant some trees this year. Li

4、sten, Eddie and Hobe are talking about planting trees too.【设计意图:通过谈论绿色带给人们的感觉,引出植树话题,使学生很快进入漫画的学习中。】Step 2 Presentation 1. Lets watch T: Watch the comic strip and tell me what kind of trees Eddie is going to plant.2. Watch and answerT: Watch again and answer some more questions. (1) Why does Hobo wa

5、nt to plant more trees?(2) Is Eddie serious? What does he really want to do?3. Listen, read and act 【设计意图:通过看、听漫画回答问题以及朗读和角色表演,帮助学生掌握漫画内容。】Step 3 Exercise1. Group discussion T: What can trees do to us?2. Lets practiceT: Fill in the blanks according the discussion. 【设计意图:先口头讨论树木的作用,然后通过缺词填空来巩固学生的认识。】

6、Welcome to the unitStep 1 Lead-in1. Free talkT: What pictures may go through your mind when you see these Chinese words 沐浴阳光?T: Maybe these. Look at the screen. How beautiful! The sky is blue and the trees are green. There is also clear water and lovely fishes swimming around.2. Lets watch(1) Ma Yun

7、s speech T: Lets watch Ma Yuns speech. What does he think of happiness?T: Blue sky, green trees, clear water, safe food and fresh air.But do you know that some children have never seen white clouds since they were born?(2) Video about environment【设计意图:让学生通过文字进行想象,并观看两段视频,为下文谈污染做铺垫。】Step 2 Presentati

8、on 1. Talk about pollution T: Why hasnt the little girl seen white clouds before?T: Yes. Because of all kinds of pollution. Look, these are what you think the world is like, but actually our earth is getting sick.2. Lets match T: Herere different kinds of pollution. Lets match pictures with right na

9、mes.【设计意图:通过图文配对,使学生进一步了解环境污染的具体名称及现象。】3. Lets discuss T: What problems does pollution bring us? T: In a word, pollution does harm to the environment and makes people get ill easily. Do you want our world to become one big dustbin? Do you want to live in a polluted neighborhood?T: In 1972, the Unite

10、d Nations established World Environment Day in order to encourage people to protect the Earth.T: What shall we do to protect our earth? 【设计意图:通过讨论各种污染的危害,引导学生认识到环保的重要性。】Step 3 Practice 1. Part AT: How can we live a green life? Match the pictures with the correct sentences.T: Lets have a clear look a

11、t the signs in the first picture. If we say something is recyclable, that means we can do something to it so that it can be used again. Paper and glass can be recycled.【设计意图:通过看图说话使学生初步了解环保的方法,并使他们知道一些标志的含义。】2. Part B T: Listen and answer the following questions. (1) What are they talking about? (2)

12、 How many ways are mentioned? (3) What are they?T: Listen to the conversation again and repeat after the tape. T: Find some useful expressions from Part B.【设计意图:通过听后的问答,进一步巩固A部分中所学到的语言点,并将短语融入到平时的表达中。】Step 4 ProductionLets discuss.T: What other ways do you think you can do to go green? Think about f

13、ood, clothing, shelter and transportation. They are our basic needs. You can use Part B as a model.【设计意图:引导学生从衣食住行四个方面考虑切实可行的环保手段与方法,并运用B部分的有用句式进行对话。】Step 5 SummaryT: Lets watch a short video now. T: Planet Earth is our shared island. Lets join forces to protect it. Taking action means every year, e

14、verywhere and everyone. Every action counts. 【设计意图:通过观看视频,加强学生的环保意识。】V. Homework 1. Remember the new words and phrases.2. Read and recite Part B.3. Make a similar dialogue using Part B as a model and write it down.4. Take some actions around your neighborhood to protect the environment.Unit 8 A Gree

15、n World Reading (I)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. skim the article for the main idea of the whole text; 2. scan the article for detailed information;3. guess the meaning of the word according to the context; 4. realize the way and impo

16、rtance of protecting environment. II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: plastic, separate, recycling, allow, punish, fine, limit, depend, rich, resource, wisely, produce, difference, cut down, depend on/upon, keep it that way, cost little, run out, make a difference2. New structures: It is

17、a country with high mountains and clean blue lakes. Things like glass, plastic and paper are separated into different groups and then recycled. We depend on its rich resources to live. It is important for us to protect it wisely. Remember that everyone can do something to make a difference. III. Foc

18、us of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. To use skimming and scanning skills to get the main ideas and the specific information. 2. To predict the meaning of the new words in the context. IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Before-reading 1. Free talkT: What do you think of when we talk about S

19、witzerland?Why do we call Switzerland “Green Switzerland”? T: According to the study of Yale University, Switzerland is the second greenest country in the world.【设计意图:利用直观的图片激发学生的学习热情,导入新课并对标题进行阐述,帮助学生更好地理解课文。】2. PredictionT: What is the article about? 【设计意图:猜测文章大意,然后在学习文章时验证自己的猜测,可以增加学生学习课文的兴趣,同时了解

20、新的学习策略。】Step 2 While-reading1. SkimT: Skim the passage and find out the main idea of each paragraph.Paragraph 1: Switzerland is a beautiful countryParagraph 2: People in Switzerland recycle many things to reduce pollution.Paragraph 3: The government has laws to protect the environment.Paragraph 4: P

21、eople are starting to use new energy.Paragraph 5: Martina asks everyone to do something for the environment.T: Work out the structure of the article.Part 1 (Paragraph 1): description of green SwitzerlandPart 2 (Paragraphs 2-4): the ways to make the country green Part 3 (Paragraph 5): hope 【设计意图:通过略读

22、的阅读技能训练,培养学生获取文章大意的能力,对上一环节的猜测进行验证。小组讨论文章的结构,增强学生的篇章整体意识。对上一环节的猜测进行验证,读前预测可以激发学生阅读的兴趣。】2. Scanning T: Scan Paragraphs 2-4 to find the three methods to keep Switzerland green. Present more ways that the Swiss use to keep their country green.【设计意图:培养学生通过找主题句来确定主旨大意的阅读技能。训练学生的scanning阅读技能,培养学生的成就感,并顺势拓

23、展学生的课外知识,让学生了解更多的环保知识。】3. Careful reading T: Enjoy a video about the green and beautiful country.Paragraph 1T: Read the first paragraph and have a discussion: (1) Whats the usage of the sentence “we should try to keep it that way”? (This is a lead-in sentence.)(2) What does “that way” mean?【设计意图:通过观

24、看录像与细读,让学生深刻体会瑞士的美,引导学生找到启下的句子,更好地理解课文。】 Paragraph 2T: Read Paragraph 2 carefully and find the detailed information. Underline the useful words and expressions.(1) What can be recycled in Switzerland?(2) How can we recycle old clothes? T: Can you guess the meaning of “recycle” and “separate”? T: Why

25、 do they recycle old things?【设计意图: 理解文章具体信息,训练学生利用指示词去找具体信息的能力,以及在具体语境中猜测词义的能力,鼓励学生自己发现循环利用的意义,培养思考的习惯。】 Paragraph 3 T: Read Paragraph 3 carefully and answer the following questions.(1) How does the government protect environment with strict laws? (2) Are there any laws to protect air and water? Par

26、agraph 4 T: Watch a video and think about the following questions:(1) What energy are the Swiss starting to use? (2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the old and new energy?Paragraph 5T: 5 June is World Environment Day. Lets work together to make a difference. Work in pairs and discuss w

27、hat we can do to help. 【设计意图: 对学生进行思想情感教育并升华为自我的行为,号召他们努力为环保做出贡献。】Step 3 Post-reading1. SummaryT: We have learned a lot about green Switzerland. How do the Swiss keep their country green? 2. Retell the articleT: Work in groups and retell the article. 【设计意图: 利用思维导图帮助学生整体了解文章,树立篇章概念。】V. Homework1. Fin

28、d more information about green Switzerland and share the information with the class.2. Read the article after the tape. Unit 8 A Green World Reading (II)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. use new words and phrases correctly;2. retell the t

29、ext in their own words;3. realize the importance of protecting the environment.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: plastic, separate, recycling, allow, punish, fine, limit, depend, rich, resource, wisely, produce, difference, cut down, depend on/upon, keep it that way, cost little, run ou

30、t, make a difference2. New structures: It is a country with high mountains and clean blue lakes. Things like glass, plastic and paper are separated into different groups and then recycled. We depend on its rich resources to live. It is important for us to protect it wisely. Remember that everyone ca

31、n do something to make a difference. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. To use the new words and phrases correctly.2. Further understand the article.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in 1. Lets make a differencePresent pictures of Switzerland and some polluted places in our country. Call on the students to do something to make a difference.2. Dos and donts T: Switzerland is a beautiful country with high mountains and clean blue lakes. It has rich resources. Why it is so beautiful?【设计意图:通过图片导入主题,激发学生的环保热情,并复习瑞士的环保做法。】Step 2 Presentation1. Group workSe

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