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1、初一英语期末复习资料七年级英语下册期末复习资料词汇部分:A 词归类1. Countries(国家):1).中国_ 2).日本_ 3).加拿大_4).美国_ 5).英国_ 6).澳大利亚_7).法国_ 8).新加坡_2. Capitals(首都) or cities(城市)1).北京_ 2).东京_ 3).上海_5).纽约_ 5).莫斯科_ 6).波士顿_7).悉尼_ 8).伦敦_ 8).巴黎_3. Languages(语言)1).汉语_ 2)日语._).法语_4).英语_4. Healthy food:1).蔬菜 _ 2).花椰菜_ 3).胡萝卜_4).西红柿_ 5).水果_ 6).苹果_7)

2、.梨子_8).柑, 桔_ 9.草莓_10)香蕉_11) 沙拉_ 12).冰淇淋_13).薯条_14).汉堡包_ 15).鸡蛋_16).甜食_17).奶油_ 18).鸡肉_19).鱼肉_20).米饭_ 2)1.羊肉_22).牛肉_23).面条_ 24).土豆_25).绿茶_26).果汁饮料_27).冰茶_5.Places:1).学校_ 2).图书馆_3).教室_2).商店_ 5).商业街_6).街道_7).邮局_ 8).饭店_9).超级市场_10).游泳池_11).公用电话_12).桥街_1)3.房子_14).医院_ 15).银行_16).公园_17).动物园_18).警察局_19).电视台_2

3、0).海滩_ 21).博物馆_22).万里长城_23).故宫_ 24).天安门广场25).教室_26).走廊_ 27).礼堂_6.Subject(科目,课程)1).语文_ 2).数学_ 3).英语_4).历史_ 5).生物_6).地理_7).体育_ 8).音乐_9).美术_10).科学_ 11).计算机_7.Films:1). 恐怖电影_ 2).动作片_3).记录片_3). 喜剧_ 5).京剧_6).卡通片_8.Musical instruments:1).钢琴_ 2).小提琴_ 3).鼓_4).喇叭_ 5).吉他_9.Months:1).一月_ 2).二月_ 3).三月_4).四月_ 5).

4、五月_ 6).六月_7).七月_ 8).八月_ 9).九月_10).十月_ 11).十一月_ 12).十二月_10.Appearance1) 高的_ 2) 矮的_ 3) 瘦的_ _4) 重的_ 5) 中等个子_ 6 )中等体格_7) 长头发_ 8) 短头发_ 9 )直头发_ _10 )卷曲的头发_11).黑头发_12).棕色的头发 _13).金发_14).好看的_ 15).丑陋的_ _16) 胖的_ 17).胡须_18).大眼睛_19).戴眼镜_11.shows1) 肥皂剧_ 2 )情景喜剧_3).谈话节目_4) 体育节目_ 5 )游戏节目_12.Accessory1) 耳环_ 2).钥匙串_

5、 3).皮带_4) 钱包_ 5).手表_ 6).围巾_7) 太阳镜_ 8).帽子_9).戒指_ _10) 耳环_13.Animals:1).老虎_ 2) 大象_ 3) 海豚_4).狮子_ 5 )企鹅_ 6 )长颈鹿_7).狗_ 8) 猫_ 9 )猪_10).牛_ 11) 鱼_ 12 )熊猫_ 13 )树袋熊_16.Jobs:1).店员_ 2) 医生_ 3).记者_4).服务员_ 5) 银行职员_ 6).警官 _7).护士_ 8 )老师_ 9).学生_11).工人_12) 农民_13).男警察_14).女警察_15).演员_16).作者_15.星期:1).星期日_ 2).星期一_ 3).星期二_

6、4).星期三_ 5).星期四_ 6).星期五_7).星期六 members:1).祖父母亲_2).爷爷_ 3).奶奶_4).父母亲_ 5).爸爸_ 6).妈妈_7).叔伯_ 8).姑姑_ 9).哥弟_10).姐妹_ 11).堂表兄姐妹_12).女儿_13).儿子_17.balls:1).篮球_2).排球_3).网球_4).棒球_5).足球_6).乒乓球_18.colors:1).红色_2).绿色_ 3).黑色_4).白色_5).黄色_ 6).蓝色_7).棕色_ 8).金黄色_9).黑白相间_19. clothers:1).毛衣_2).外套_3).T恤_4).裤子_5).短裤

7、_6).裙子_7).短袜_8).鞋子_20.weathers:1).下雨_ 2).下雪_ 3).有风_4).有云_ 5).阳光充足_6).热的_7).暖和的_8).凉爽的_ 9).寒冷的_10).潮湿的_B.重点动词(一)动词doing1. Like doing eg: I like watching TV.2. enjoy doing eg: Peter enjoys reading books.3. find sb doing stheg: You can find people eating hamburgers.4. have fun doing stheg: We have grea

8、t fun playing in the water.5. stop doing eg: Stop talking, please.6. Thanks for doingeg: Thanks for helping us.7. What about / How about doingeg: What about playing soccer ball?8. be busy doing stheg: She is busy doing her homework.9. mind doing stheg: I dont mind smoking outside10.practice doing st

9、heg: He is practicing playing the guitar.11.stop doing stheg: She never stops talking(二)动词do(原形)1. Watch sb do stheg: Old Henry watched his dog play with a cat.2. help sb do stheg: I helped him find his father.3. make sb do stheg: His story makes me feel happy.4. lets do stheg: Lets go to the school

10、.(三)动词to do1. tell sb to do stheg: He told me to come back soon.2. want to do stheg: I want to visit Beijing.3. decide to do stheg: They decided to play tennis last weekend.4. have to do stheg: We have to dean classrooms after school.5. write to sbeg: Please write to me soon.6. Its time to do stheg:

11、 Its time to go home now.7. stop to do stheg: She stops to talk,She do her homework.8. like to do stheg: Her brother likes to swim.9. would like to do stheg: I would like to eat dinner at home .10.remember to do stheg: You remember to study for the last test.(四)其他知识点1. Some 与 any 的区别:Some 一般情况下用于肯定句

12、any 一般用于否定句疑问句 当句中有情态动词 can,could ,will ,would 等时 some 可以用在否定句或疑问句中,表示语气委婉. eg: Id like some dumplings.Do you have any brothers? eg: Would you like some noodles?2. also, too 也、太,与 either 的区别:also 用于句中,too 用于句尾,either 用于否定句中。 eg: He is _ a teacher He is a teacher, _ . eg:He doesnt like tigers, _. I d

13、ont math because its _ difficult.3. With 用法 与在一起; 伴随、带着; 用; agree with 搭配 She often goes to see Beijing Opera with her father.() We write with pens. () Our teacher came in with a smile. ()4. at, in, on 在时间用法上的区别 on 表示时间时,一般用于某日、某天的上午、下午、晚上 on Saturday, on Sunday morning in 用于表示一段时间或季节(月分、年) in Septe

14、mber, in Summer, in 2004 at 表示时刻或某一时间点 at ten oclock, at noon(在正午)练习:用 on, in at 填空或不填。_ the morning, _ Monday afternoon, _ night_ 6:30, _ winter, _ March 8th, _ July_ Tuesday, _ 2005, _ yesterday,_ this morning,_ last Sunday, _ all the evening一、单项选择题()1. We enjoy _ the moon in the open air on the M

15、id-autumn. A. to seeB. to watchC. watching()2. He likes soap operas, I like them, _ . A. alsoB. tooC. either()3. Tony doesnt mind watches. I _ . A. dont, eitherB. dont, tooC. do, too()4. My aunt has a _ . A. five-years-old boyB. five-year-old boy C. five year old boy()5. Thanks for _ us English. A.

16、teachB. teachedC. teaching()6. He often helps me _ English. A. to learnB. learnC. learning()7. It was time _ . A. to go to the moviesB. go to the movie C. going to movies()8. I like watching the student _ soccer. A. playingB. playC. to play()9. I like watching the dolphin _ in the water. A. to swim

17、and jump B. swim and jump C. swimming and jumping()10. I found a boy _ in the corner. A. cryB. to cryC. crying()11. How about _ TV? A. to watchB. watchingC. watch()12. I want _ Beijing. A. to visitB. visitingC. visit()13. Our teacher tells us _ homework carefully(认真地). A. to doB. doingC. do()14. We decided _ tennis last weekend. A. to playB. playingC. play()15. That made me _ very sad. A. to feelB. feelingC. feel()16. We had a lot of fun _ English songs(歌曲). A. to singB. singingC. sing()17. Do you have _ brothers or sisters? A. someB. anyC. a little(

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