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1、70篇短文突破中考英语词汇二中英分开21. I Did a Silly ThingA few years ago, when my family moved to this city, I became interested in soap-box race Thats when I discovered that“it is far easier to start something than it is to finish it.”Dad bought a set of tools to make a racing car for me I just couldnt wait, and o

2、ne day, while Dad was at work, I decided to have my car going. I looked at the drawings, and I said to myself,“Dude, you can do this.”I got out Dads toolbox, and I started building. Part A fit into Part B Part C was a little harder to connect to Part D. It was easy to fix Part E. By the time I got t

3、o Part G. Id made a real mess(混乱)of things. I really regret having done such a silly thing.What did I learn from this experience? Now I know that before I start something, I should know how to finish it.22. SnakesToday I read a book about snakes. I found some interesting facts, especially some surpr

4、ising facts in it Did you know that some big snakes are strong enough to kill a pig or a goat? All snakes eat animals. Without snakes, the world would probably be filled with rats and mice.You probably didnt know that snakes smell with their noses and their tongues. Some snakes are even longer than

5、an elephant or a giraffe!This book made me think a lot about snakes. Most snakes dont hurt people, but some are dangerous. Im thinking if I saw a snake, would I know if it was dangerous?23. A Call from the SecretaryMr. Young was a boss, and he worked hard. Seldom did he have a vacation. His wife was

6、 afraid that he would get sick if he continued like that, so she suggested to him taking a vacation. At last Mr. Young agreed. But she was afraid that he might be disturbed by his company, so before they left, Mrs. Young went to see her husbands secretary. Mrs. Young told her,“My husband needs a vac

7、ation very much, so whatever happens; please dont disturb him with letters or telephones while were away. Just wait until we get back.”Then on a pleasant morning, after Mr. and Mrs. Young had been away about a week, when the couple was having a picnic and eating their hamburger, Mr. Young received a

8、 phone call from his secretary, she said,“Something terrible has happened to your business, but I remember what Mrs. Young told me. so Im not going to disturb you with it now while youre enjoying your vacation Bye-bye!” 24. My Collection of Sea ShellsEvery summer my family goes to the beach I dig in

9、 the sand and search for sea shells(贝壳).Ive collected many shells so far. They have different colors: orange, silver, purple, gray(灰色), brown . Some are common, others are unusual. I have a shell which is like a birds wing, and one of my shells is like a whales eyes.Last year, my elder sister helped

10、 me put all my shells in my drawers and on my desk. When I see them, I will remember the fun I have at the beach 25. Breakfast Is ImportantOne of the most important meals of the day is breakfast. People should always eat a good breakfast to keep well. Eating the right food is necessary for good heal

11、th. You should eat different kinds of food in order to keep a good healthA good breakfast should include eggs, bread, milk, and so on By eating breakfast every morning, you may feel lively in the mornings work Stepping out into the morning air after a good breakfast will make you feel wonderful.With

12、out breakfast, children may not grow as fast as they should and may not study and play as well in school in the morning as they could. They may have more sickness, and when they are sick, it may take them longer time to get well than children with good health habits.Food provides energy for the body

13、. Without food the body operation will slow down. So you must eat breakfast to keep well and do your best each morning.26. The Proper Way to Give Gifts (1)Everyone has had the experience of giving a gift. A proper gift can help communication and express good wishes, and sometimes it may also bring a

14、bout unexpected good results. But, an improper gift may not only fail to show good wishes, but also even result in misunderstanding(误会). The art of giving gifts needs more attention, especially in communication with friends from different countries.When you give gifts to the Chinese, you should pay

15、attention to what you say. In China, people may sometimes say the words like“Yi Dian Xin Yi.” 27. Making Electricity Because of electricity(电), it is easy for us to turn on an electric lamp or a TV. But where does all that electricity come from? Most power plants (发电厂) produce electricity by using c

16、oal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear energy(核能).Other plants make electricity by using sunlight, wind, water, or even heat from underground!28. One Real ManIn an ancient kingdom(王国),all men were ruled by their wives. The king didnt believe it. In order to prove it was not true, the king had all the me

17、n of his kingdom brought before him. He warned that any man who did not tell the truth would be seriously punished.Then he asked all the men who followed their wives orders to step to the left side of the hall. All the men did so but one little man who moved to the right side.“Its good to see,”said

18、the king,“that we have one real man in the kingdom Tell these chicken-hearted men why you alone among them stand on the right side of the hall.”“Your Majesty(陛下),”came the reply in a weak voice, “it is because before I left home my wife told me to keep out of crowds(人群). I dont dare to go against he

19、r.”29. Dialogue: Where Is My Pet Dog?(L: Lisa, S: Sam)L: Ten years ago, I went on a tour to London with my pet dog.S: Did you have a good time there?L: Yes. I did. One day, after a tiring tour, I went into a restaurant with my pet dog.S: You should feed your dog first, I thinkL: Right, so I signed(打

20、手势) a waiter(服务员)to come over. At that time, I couldnt speak English. So I pointed to the dog and made an“eating”gesture, showing that the dog needed some food. S: What happened then?L: The waiter nodded and walked away with my pet dog. I was happy because I made the waiter understand me without any

21、 difficulty. But after half an hour, he returned with a plateS: What was on the plate?L: My pet dog! My pet dog was killed and cooked !30. Why Shouldnt We Smoke? To begin with, smoking costs a lot of money. Smokers may also have to spend more on medicine and doctor visits. Another reason not to smok

22、e is that it is bad for people who do not smoke, Secondhand smoke(二手烟)is a serious public health risk It isnt polite for a person to smoke in front of a nonsmoker. Besides, nonsmokers usually dont like the smell left in rooms, cars, or even on a smokers clothes!Most importantly, smoking causes big h

23、ealth problems For example, smoking makes it harder to breathe if a person has illnesses like asthma (哮喘). Smoking hurts a persons lungs(肺) , causing diseases like cancer, etc.So if you dont smoke, dont start. If you do smoke, its time to give it up. 31. The Jobs of TomorrowWhat kind of work do you

24、want to do when you are older? Many jobs might interest you. Two of them that have been around the longest are farming and building. People who work with computers have newer kinds of jobs.The jobs of tomorrow will be decided by what people need and want. When we decide which job to take, we need to

25、 get the necessary information about chances of jobs. The chances result from the relations between the total population, labor force, and the need for goods(商品)and services. 32. To Stop Two Boys from FightingI am sixteen years old. I have a younger brother. My brothers name is Jim. Jim is a handsom

26、e boy and sometimes very humorous, he makes me laugh a lot, and I love him and am proud of himOne afternoon I was walking from my house to the store to buy some ink when I saw a small boy running along the street towards me. He was running a thigh speed. When he came near me, I was surprised to see

27、it was Jim“Hi, Jim,”I shouted to him,“why are you running like that?”Jim didnt stop. He looked a bit nervous, and shouted to me,“Im trying to stop two boys from fighting.”I was surprised again I laughed and said,“Thats an important job for a little boy, isnt it? You dont do things like that very oft

28、en Who are the two boys?”“Theyre Tom and me,”answered Jim as he continued running down the street very quickly.33. Buying a HouseAs house prices have risen too much these years, many people find it hard to afford a house. But all the people who do not have a house dream of the day theyll pickup the

29、keys to their own home The idea of owning a home is wonderful.Buying a house will cost you a lot of money, so never do it in a hurry. Whatever the market condition is, when you are planning to buy a house there are many things to consider, whatever your intention is, to buy or only rent(租). After al

30、l, it is going to be your home, perhaps for quite a long time, and you want to be happy with it. You have to decide correctly what kind of house you want, how much you canafford to pay, and the type of area you wish to live in however, its always easy to forget all above, because its most probably t

31、hat youll fall in love with the house for sale when you first see it. 34.Jimmy and His Sons Funny StoriesJimmy is our new neighbor. He speaks with strange accent, but we like to talk with him. He told me an interesting story about himself.He said he liked growing flowers in his garden in his spare t

32、ime. And one Sunday morning, after breakfast he put on his old clothes and began digging in his garden He dug and dug. After half an hour he suddenly found a coin near his foot He put it in his right pocket. A few minutes later, he found another one He put it in the same pocket, too. The same thing happened for the third, the fourth and the fifth time He was very happy and told his wife about it She was very happy, too. She said,“A thief(小偷) stole a lot of coins from a shop a few days ago. The police caught him but

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