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1、5M变更作业办法20 版 本REV制修订内容Made/revised contents制/修订者Made/revised日 期Date审 核Checked核 准Approved0新制定 New edition.陈豪2011.09.02薛亚锋牟之权1增加第6.项测试报告要求;增加第6.项定义产品直通率和生产效率指标。Added item about requests of test reports; added item about identification of products through rage

2、and production efficiency objectives.潘东波2011.10.20薛亚锋牟之权1. 作业流程: Operation procedures: 无 None.2. 目的:Objectives:为使供应商品质及制程稳定,在5M变更时不产生异常,使制程品质处于受控状态。In order to keep the suppliers quality and process stable and under controlled, and no deviations happen when 5M changes.3. 范围: Scope: 3.1 本公司所有新开发之供应商、

3、往来供应商(包括客户指定之供应商)之品质管理均属之。 Management and control of quality of all new suppliers, current suppliers (including customer specified suppliers). 3.2 公司内部制程均属之。All in-house processes.4. 权责:Responsibilities:4.1 SQE:负责主导供应商段的5M变更,确认响应与效果的追踪;SQE: to lead the 5M changes of suppliers, checking and following

4、 up the actions and effectiveness; 4.2 IPQC:负责制程段的5M变更确认响应与效果的追踪; IPQC: responsible for the 5M changes in processes, to check and follow up the actions and effectiveness;4.3 制造部:负责5M变更之申请,人员之训练及5M实施;Production dept: application of 5M changes, training the staffs and execute the 5M change;4.4 生技课:负责机

5、器,治具之变更和申请及初步确认;PE section: responsible for application and changing of change of machine and jigs;4.5 IE:负责5M变更之标准化和变更后生产效率之确认;IE: responsible for evaluation of the standardization after 5M changes and production efficiency;4.6 采购:协同配合SQE执行效果的确认;Purchase: to coordinate with SQE to check of executin

6、g effectiveness;4.7业务部:负责提供及收集客户需求,通知客户相关变更事项,并在限期内回馈予工程部,以确保变更案之进行; Sales: responsible to receive and supply requests of customers, to notice the changes of customers to engineers to ensure the execution of changing; 4.8 工程部: 在“重大产品工程变更”时,通知业务人员,以便负责该客户的业务人员实时通知客户,待客户于期限内响应后,才决定是否进行变更。Engineers: wh

7、en changing of significant products happen, should inform sales ensure that sales notice customers immediately; after customers replied, engineer can decide to change or not;5. 定义:Definitions:5M: 方法(Method)、材料(Material)、机械(Machine)、人员(Man)、管理(Management)。6. 作业内容: Operation contents:6.1 5M变更时必须承认的内容:

8、 Contents need to be approved when changes happen: 6.1.1 材料(Material):材料,材质,尺寸,形状的变更; 材料厂家的变更等; Material: changes of material, property, dimension, structures; changes of material suppliers etc; 6.1.2 方法(Method):作业方法,作业标准,作业环境等大幅度的变更; 工程追加,综合,分散,废止等的变更等; Method: changes of operation method, operatio

9、n standards, operation environment etc; changes of addition, synthesis, dispersion or abolition of engineers; 6.1.3 机械(Machine):新设备,新治具导入时; 机型,模量治具等的更新,改善时; Machine: introduction of new equipments or jigs; updating or modify of machine model, molds, measurements or jigs; 6.1.4 人员(Man):现有产品的移转, 外包加工,

10、大批新人作业(10人(含)以上)的变更; 对品质 有影响的重要工程作业者或管理者的变更,(例:品保经理、管理者代表等) ;Man: changes of transfer of current products, outer processing, new coming staffs (more than 10 persons); changes of significant operators or management staffs affect quality , such as QA manager or management representative etc; 6.1.5 管理(

11、Management):对品质有影响的重大组织变更,品质政策,经营理念更改; 生产绩效目标的变更; Management: significant changes of organization, quality policy, management policy affect quality; changes of production objectives; 6.2 5M变更作业: Operation of 5M change; 6.2.1供应商5M变更管理: Suppliers management of 5M changes:供应商实施5M变更时,须提出“5M变更许可申

12、请书” 、“5M变更管理基准书”及变更后产品样品、检验记录、变更后作业标准书、检验标准一并提交PALCONN承认; When suppliers need to execute 5M changes, should put forward the “5M changes application sheet”, “5M changes management standards” , samples, test reports, operation standards, inspection standard and send all documents for PALCONNs approval

13、; 在接到供应商“5M变更许可申请书”后,由品保主导(必要时请相关单位协助)回答供应商可否实施5M变更; After receiving the “5M changes application sheet” from suppliers, QA should answer if suppliers can execute the changes or not, if necessary, can ask for other departments help to answer; 5M变更时,若变更内容有必要得到客户许可,要求送客户确认可否实施5M变更; When

14、 5M need to be changed, if need to be approved by customers, should firstly sent to customers for their approval and replied by customers if 5M can be changed or not; 5M变更后,交货之前三批物料,要求供应商随货附上承认报告; After 5M changed, first 3 lots of materials need suppliers provide test reports as well as mate

15、rials for approval; 供应商5M变更管理内容及流程参照5M变更管理基准书。 The management contents and procedures of suppliers 5M changes, should refer to 5M changes management standards. 6.2.2 制程5M变更管理: Management of in-process 5M changes: 材料,材质,尺寸,形状的变更参照执行; Changes of materials, property, dimension and struc

16、ture should according to “operation procedures of engineer changes”; 产地变更: Changes of place of origin:由申请单位填写,会签后执行; Applied unit should fill in the “5M changes application sheet” and execute it after countersigned. 方法和机器设备变更: Changes of methods, machines and equipments:申请

17、Application:申请人填写“制程变更申请单”进行申请作业,并说明具体变更原因(若申请单填写不够时可使用附件说明,且应注明预计执行日期,判定人员于预计执行日期进行效果判定),并经申请单位主管审核。 Applied unit fill in the “In-process changes application sheet” with specific reasons (if space not enough, can attach appendix with enforcement date, judge person should judge the effectiveness on

18、the enforcement date),which should be checked and signed by unit header; 会签:Countersign:申请单位负责对制程变更申请单送相关对应部门进行会签。 Applied unit should send the application sheet for relevant units or departments countersign:现各对应窗口为IE单位人员,当有提出变更申请时,提案单位交由对应IE人员, Now IE unit is respons

19、ible for the changes, if changes needed, the application sheet should be sent to related IE staff;对应之IE人员将变更申请知会到各对应负责人, IE人员主导各相关人员进行检讨汇总,将对应之结果作为会签之判定依据。 IE staff inform the changing application to other responsible persons, and lead the review of change, collecting the reviewed results

20、 as evidence of countersign.申请单位主管在审核时,需对此制程变更是否需要知会客户做出判定,如果要知会客户,需送工程部会审,反之,不需要会签到工程部。 When the header of applied unit check the application, should judge if it need to be informed to customers; if need to inform customers, should send to engineer department for review; if no need to in

21、form customers, no need to get engineers countersign.相关部门不同意变更时需说明理由。(必要时可召开会议协调之)。 If any unit or department dont agree the changes, should give their reasons. (If necessary, can hold a meeting to coordinate with others.) 判定: Judgment:当会签完成后,根据会签结果进行区分,OK之申请交由对应相关人员

22、进行判定确认,NG之申请将原件归档,并复印一份通知提案单位恢复原制程。Judgment is according to results of countersign, if all agreed, application should be sent to relevant staffs to determine; if not agreed, application should be took one copy to inform applied unit to recover the current process. 若客户有要求,则制程变更需经客户同意,由客户段

23、进行判定OK后方可执行,否则不予变更。If customers have requests, the changes should be agreed by customers, and judged by customers, changes can be executed after customers judged as OK, if not, can not be changed. 通过会审确定后,由提案单位试行新制程,并由判定人员对制程进行现场判定。After countersigned as OK, applied unit try the new proc

24、ess, judge person should have site judgment according to the situation of new process. 新制程试行须由提案IE或IPQC在生产预计执行日期进行确认,如生产已按制程变更单执行,确认人需在申请单上填上生产实际执行日期并对效率与品质进行评估,确认有效性后方可作正式变更。The try of new process should be checked by IE or IPQC on the enforcement date, if the production is operated acc

25、ording to the production change notice, the judge person should fill in the date on application sheet and evaluate the efficiency and quality, the real changes should be executed after effectiveness confirmed. 对于以提高效率为主要目的制程变更须由IE在效果确认栏作效果比较与评定。For those changes aimed to improve the prod

26、uction efficiency, IE should compare the effectiveness and fill the evaluated results in the checking sheet. 对于以提升品质为主要目的制程变更须由IPQC在效果确认栏作效果比较与评定。 For those changes aimed to improve the quality, IPQC should compare the effectiveness and fill the evaluated results in the checking sheet. 6

27、.涉及方法、设备变更,须提供尺寸检测报吿。It must provide dimension test report that refer to method and equipment change .变更后产品直通需达到95%以上,生产效率达到90%以上。After change the product through rate should reach to 95% while the production efficiency over 90%. 发行 Issue: 当制程变更申请单判定后交由DCC进

28、行发行。 In-process changes application sheet should be issued by DCC after it is judged as OK. 其它变更均需由申请单位填写. Other changes should be filled in the “5M changes application sheet” by applied unit. 5M变更的执行: Execution of 5M changes: 进行5M变动应根据相应的申请书内容实施执行。 Execution of 5M changes

29、should comply with the contents of relevant application papers. 在导入实施的同时,要针对变更进行综合评估动作。 When execute the changes, should have comprehensive evaluation of the changes. 针对未达到预计效果者,需进一步检讨改善。 For those changes dont reach the estimated effectiveness, should be reviewed to improve. 6.2

30、.2.5.4 若变更效果无设变前效果好者,应在相应申请表效果确认栏备注取消更。If the effectiveness after changed is no better than the former, should note in the application sheet to cancel the changes. 效果OK者,予以实施执行。 If the effectiveness of changes is evaluated as OK, then changes can be executed. 若变更产品之主要结构及外观,制程变更,材料变更

31、,产线变更,产地变更,设备变更,由申请单位将变更申请单会签工程,由工程部提供“内部联单”告知相关之业务人员,由该业务人员通知其负责之客户;告知相关之业务人员,并请业务人员定义客户段窗口的Contact List。若变更项目涉及到承认书内容,必须通知客户并取得认可后,并重新送客户承认。若品质有影响的重要工程作业者或管理者的变更,由变更单位提供“5M变更许可申请书”。If changes are involved in significant structure or appearance, production process, materials, production lines, place of production, equipments etc, the applied unit should send the application sheet for engineers countersign; engineer put forward “internal liaison notice” to sales, and sales should inform th

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