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1、大学生英语竞赛NECCSB类英语专业初赛真题大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)B类英语专业初赛真题2019年Part Listening ComprehensionSection AIn this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, one question will be asked, and you will have fifteen seconds to read the four c

2、hoices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on theanswer sheet with a single line through the centre. 1.A.Teacher and student. B.Employer and Employee. C.Doctor and patient. D.Travel agent and customer.B 听力原文W: Mr. Johnson, I wonder whether it

3、s possible for me to take a vacation early next month. M: Did you fill out a request form?What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?解析 题目问,两个说话人之间可能的关系是什么?女士询问男士,她下个月初是否能休假,而男士 问女士是否有提交申请表。由此可知,两者为雇佣关系。故选B。2.A.A church. B.A shop.C.A museum.D.A park.C 听力原文M: Excuse me, can you tell m

4、e the way to the museum please?W: Yes. Go back to the street, just across the street, on the steps of St Martin-in-the-Fields church, then the museum is next to it.Where does the man want to go?解析 题目问,男士要去哪里?男士开头询问如何去博物馆,女士随后告知具体的路线。由此可知, 男士要去博物馆。故选C。3.A.At 7a. m. B.At 7 p.m. C.At 3 a.m. D.At 3 p.m.

5、D 听力原文W: Sorry? Do you know what our expected arrival time in Wellington is? M: Were due to arrive at 3 p. m.W: At 3 p. m.?M: Yes. Thats right. W: Thank you.What time does the woman reach Wellington?解析 题目问,女士何时到达威灵顿?男士回答下午3:00。故选D。4.A.$4.30B.$8.60. C.$6.40. D.$1.40.A 听力原文M: Heres a ten-dollar bill.

6、Give me two tickets for tonights show, please. W: Sure. Two tickets and heres a dollar forty cents change.How does one ticket cost?解析 题目问,一张票多少钱?男士给出10美元要求买两张票,女士找零钱1美元40分。由此可知,一 张票4美元30分。故选A。5.A.Talking loudly on the telephone. B.Preparing for an oral examination. C.Listening to some loud music. D.

7、Practicing for a speech contest.D 听力原文M: Hey, if you cant enjoy the music at a sensible volume, why not use earphones? Im preparing for the speech contest.W: Oh, sorry. I didnt realize Ive being bothering you all this time.What is the man probably doing?解析 题目问,男士可能在做什么?对话中男士问女士为什么不戴上耳机听音乐并告知自己正在准备 明

8、天的演讲比赛。故选D。Section BIn this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the questions and make youranswers on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.

9、Conversation OneListen to the conversation, and mark each statement as either true(T) or false(F) according to what you hear. 1. The student is looking for a job on campus.T 听力原文W: Hello, Professor Smith, my name is Rose. I get the information from the university newspaper that you were looking for

10、a student to work as a language laboratory assistant?M: Yes, we are. Are you interested in the job?W: I think so, but before I apply, Id like you to tell me more about the work. M: Have you worked with tape recorders before?W: I used cassette a lot when I was studying French in high school.M: Good.

11、There are many different kinds of language labs, ours is a small one, and its fairly easy to operate. This is the main control panel. You can set the controls to a lot of students to listen to the lessons they want to hear. If you decide to take the job, Ill explain how the system operates. Most of

12、the lessons are on cassette tapes, but some of them are also on long reel tapes of records. The cassettes are kept in order on these shelves, and they are clearly numbered with the language and the lesson number. For example, the cassettes in the green boxes are French lessons. Records and tapes are

13、 over there.W: How many hours would I work?M: We need someone ten hours a week, Monday through Friday from 4 p. m. to 6 p. m. This is one of the busiest times for this laboratory.W: Ill fill out an application for this job right now. It would fit into my schedule nicely.M: Fine, Ill get back to you

14、in a week or so after we review the applications.解析 对话中女士询问男士,是否正在招聘一名学生做语言室助理,男士肯定回答后问女士,是否对 此工作感兴趣,女士回答是的。表述正确。2. Many jobs in different language labs at the university could be applied for. F解析 对话中男士只是提到有各种语言室,他所在的是其中一间小语言室,并未提到大学各种语言室提供很多岗位的信息。表述错误。3. Most of the language lessons are on cassette

15、 tapes. T解析 对话中男士提到,大部分的课程录制在盒式磁带上。表述正确。4. The working hours would be from 4 p. m. to 6 p. m., five days a week. T解析 对话中男士提到,上班时间从周一到周五下午4点到6点。表述正确。5. The university welcomes applications from overseas students. F解析 对话中最后提到,女士填写申请表这一信息,全文并未提到大学欢迎留学生申请这个信息。表述错误。Conversation TwoListen to the conversat

16、ion. Then read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer according to what you hear. 1. Where could the lady find the man? A.In the classroomB.In the TV lounge.C.In the departure lounge. D.In the next room.B 听力原文W: Hi, John. Your roommate told me that I could find yo

17、u in the TV lounge. What are you doing here? M: What does it look like I am doing?W: Well, it looks like you are watching television. But we have a math midterm tomorrow, so I thoughtyoud be studying for it and maybe I can study with you.M: Oh, well, I was just taking a break. This math stuff gives

18、me a headache if I work on it too long.W: I know what you mean. Ive been working on it for three hours already. Im beginning to go cross-eyed. Im having trouble with the sample problems. I just dont get some of them.M: But I cant believe you are coming to me. I mean, you do know what I got on the la

19、st test, dont you? W: Yeah, I know. You told me. I just thought two heads might be better than one.M: Yeah, that is a good idea. But you know, I wish I knew that person in our class who got a hundred on the last test. She didnt miss a question. Umm.was it Elizabeth?W: Oh, yeah, Elizabeth! She is a f

20、riend of mine. Shed be a big help right now. Why dont I give her a call?M: What! At this hour? Its already ten thirty. I dont want to impose her.W: Yeah, I guess you are right. But you know what? She owes me a big favor. Lets at least give her a call and see what she says. Maybe going over some of t

21、he problems with us would help her review the material too.M: Its worth a try.解析 女士从男士室友处得知,可以在电视放映室找到男士。故选B。2. What was high on the agenda the next day? A.A math test.B.A history midterm. C.A staff meeting.D.A date with the man.A解析 女士提到,明天有数学期中测试。故选A。3. How many hours had the lady been working befo

22、re she went to meet her classmate? A.Two hours. B.Only one hour. C.Four hours. D.Three hours.D解析 女士说,她已经在来之前学习了3个小时。故选D。4. Who did well on the last math test? A.Tom. B.Elaine. C.John. D.Elizabeth.D解析 男士提到,在上次数学测试中,他们的同学Elizabeth拿到了满分。故选D。5. Whats the meaning of the mans statement its already ten thi

23、rty? A.The test time was late. B.The test time was early. C.The phone call time was late.D.The phone call time was early.C解析 男士对于女士要求他现在给Elizabeth打电话表示惊讶,他说现在已经10:30了,他不想强迫Elizabeth。说明男士认为这个时间很晚了。故选C。Section CIn this section, you will hear five short news items. Each item will be read only once. Aft

24、er each item, there will be a fifteen-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center. 1. Whats the range of yuan fluctuation

25、 within a trading day? A.115. B.6.8402. C.2%D.Two dollars.C 听力原文The central parity rate of the renminbi, or the yuan, strengthened byll5 basis points to 6.8402 against the US dollar on Tuesday, according to the China Foreign Exchange Trade System. In Chinas spot foreign exchange market, the yuan is

26、allowed to rise or fall by 2 percent from the central parity rate each trading day.解析 根据新闻可知,每个贸易日人民币可上下浮动2%。故选C。2. Whats the gasoline retail price per gallon last year? A.3 cents. B.7 cents. C.$2.24. D.$2.53.D 听力原文The price of regular gasoline dropped across the United States last week, according t

27、o a report released byUS Energy Information Administration on Monday. For the week ending January 7, the US average regular gasoline retail price dropped nearly 3 cents from last week to $2.24. per gallon, which was 29 cents per gallon lower than the same period last year.解析 根据新闻可知,1月7日,美国汽油平均零售价较上周

28、下跌3美分,为每加仑2.24美元,这一数 字同去年同期相比降低了29美分。因此去年汽油的零售价格为2.53美元。故选D。3. What is neglected in internet enterprises? A.Security information. B.Peoples need for privacy. C.Social networks. D.Commercial profits.B 听力原文When internet enterprises emerged in China, the laws and regulations on personal information pro

29、tection were not complete yet, so there were still loopholes for them to make use of. However, the Cyber-security Law came into effect in June 2017, and the personal information regulation in 2018, yet the products of internet companies continue neglecting peoples need for privacy and continue acqui

30、ring personal information without approval.解析 根据新闻可知,尽管网络安全法于2017年6月实行,个人信息管理条例于2018年实行,但 是各网络公司仍然忽视人们对隐私的需求且在未获得许可的情况下获取个人信息。也就是说,网络 公司忽视的是人们的隐私需求。故选B。4. Which is one of the four countries Wang Yi visited? A.Egypt. B.Tunis. C.Senegal. D.Guinea.C 听力原文The profound friendship between China and Africa

31、remains unbreakable despite some countries attempts to discredit Chinas cooperation with the continent, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in reference to his New Years tour of Africa. Wang wrapped up his trips on Sunday to four nationsEthiopia, Burkina Faso, Gambia and Senegal. The visits further boosted Chinas economic, security and Belt and Road cooperation with African countries.解析 根据新闻可知,外交部部长王毅,星期天结束了对埃塞俄比亚、布基纳法索、冈比亚和塞内加 尔四国的访问。故选C。5. What will the per capita income be by 2020? A.1,493 dollars. B.14,930 dollars. C.1,060

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