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1、五年级英语口语测试五年级英语口语测试 (一)1. 口语交际。 (5分)1.HOW many days are there in a week?2.What is three and SiX ?3.Will you come to my birthday Party tomorrow?4.How is the Weather today?5.What the first class on Mon day?2.听指令,做动作。(5分)1.HaVe a toothache.2.CUt the Watermelon With a knife.3.Play basketball in the CIaSS

2、room.4.Drink cold Water clos ing your eyes .5.TUr n right .3.朗读下列句子.(5分)1.We have a bad cold and a fever .2.I Want to take any medic ine.3 You should have a good rest .4.Four friends go to See her in the hospital .5.I like my school because our less ons are in teresti ng4.话题谈论(5分,不少于五句话)What do you

3、do after getting up.五年级英语口语测试 (二)1.口语交际。(5分)1.HOW are you feeli ng today ?2.What wrong With you ?3.Will you come to my home on SUn day?4.How do you like your IeSS ons ?5.What are your mother and father ?.听指令,做动作。(5分)1.My knees hurt .2.Move your leg.3.Lower your head.4.DraW a big sun?5.Show the docto

4、r your tougue.朗读下列句子.(5分)1.We have music and art in the morning.2.You are wrong aga in.3.What are those in the picture?4.PIeaSe hang the clock and the PiCtUre on the wall.5.I Want to buy a no tebook and a Teddy Bear.四.话题谈论(5分,不少于五句话)What do you do after dinner ?五年级英语口语测试 (三)1. 口语交际。(5分)1.HOW OId is

5、your mother?2.WhatCan I do for you?3 What wrong With your eyes ?4.What do you do in En glish class ?5.What SUbjeCt do you like best ?2.听指令,做动作。(5分)1.Here is the mon ey!2.OPen your mouth Say a:3.turn left!4.Sta nd in line.5.I am ill now .3.朗读下列句子.(5分)1.We have music art,maths,Chinese and SCience in t

6、he morning.2.You are wrong aga in.3.EVe n every day has storm, I will always by your Side .4.PIeaSe hang the clock and the PiCtUre on the wall.5.I Want to buy a no tebook and a Teddy Bear.4. 话题谈论 (5分,不少于五句话)Talk about your family.五年级英语口语测试 (四).口语交际。(5分)1.HOW much is this Walkma n ?2.What Can I do fo

7、r you?3.Where does your mother work ?4.How is the Weather today?5.What do you do on SUn day?.听指令,做动作。(5分)1.Show me your big ton gue .2.Welcome to Ch ina.3.LiSten to the music and dance With it .4.Sta nd With only a foot .5.ShoW me you have a headache.三.朗读下列句子.(5分)1.Here are some kiwifruits for you.2

8、.Row your boat gen tly dow n the stream.3.We don call them baby CatS in En glish.4.What Can I do for you?5.Can you guess What they are talk ing about?四.话题谈论(5分,不少于五句话)What your favourite subject? Talk about it.五年级英语口语测试 (五)1.口语交际。(5分)1.Are there any games for girls?2.What grade are you in?3.What do

9、you do you in the Ian guage lab?4.HOW many CIaSSeS do you have a day?5.How are you feeli ng today?2.听指令,做动作。(5分)1.HaVe a toothache.2.DraW a flower.3.Comb your hair.4.Drink hot water.5.PUt UP your han ds.3.朗读下列句子.(5分)1.1 usually go to the Park on SUn day.2.The lion CUbS Can climb UP a ladder.3.We wil

10、l miss your bright eyes and SWeet smile.4.Hope you will get well soon.5.Are you in terested in singing?4.话题谈论(5分,不少于五句话)In troduce your CIaSSroom.五年级英语口语测试 (六)1.口语交际。(5分)1.Are you good at Playi ng football?2.What CIaSSeS do you have today?3.When do you get UP in the morning?4.What do you do in the m

11、usic club?5.What your favourite sport?2.听指令,做动作。(5分)1.HaVe a cough.2.Hit your foot aga inst the boy.3.DriVe a car.4.Do eye excercises.5.WaSh your face.3.朗读下列句子.(5)1.What do you do in En glish class?2.Would you like to take a trip?3.A hen is ChiCks mother and a rooster is their father.4.BUt remember

12、the red river.5.There are three people in my family.4.话题谈论(5分,不少于五句话)In troduce yourself.五年级英语口语测试 (七)1.口语交际。(5分)1.What do you CaIl the baby lion?2.Where are you going?3.What ten and ten ?4.What would you like to do this after noon?5.What SiZe do you want?2.听指令,做动作。(5分)1.BrUSh teeth.2.Take some medi

13、ci ne.3.Row a boat.4.Go roller Skati ng.5.Hit your foot aga inst the floor.3.朗读下列句子.(5分)1.I have a Party With my class.2.I enjoy read ing and WatCh ing TV.3.Let S go shopping together.4.You should Stay in bed and take some medic ine.5.There are two Win dows in the room.4.话题谈论(5分,不少于五句话)Let S me show

14、 you around our school.五年级英语口语测试 (A)1.口语交际。(5分)1.Where do you study?2.Can the IiOn CUbS jump through a ring?3.Where is your storybook?4.Are you a StUde nt from Grade four?5.Do you often read in the Iibrary ?2.听指令,做动作。(5分)1.Touch your no se.2.PaSS me an egg and some rice.3.Play volleyball.4.OPe n the

15、 Pen cil-box and find a ruler.5.Don sta nd here, go there.3.朗读下列句子.(5分)1.The giraffes have long n ecks and legs.2.Merry ChriStmas!3.For they Say you are tak ing the sunshine.4.My SiSter is in terested in exercis ing.5.Come and Sit by my Side if you love me.4.话题谈论(5分,不少于五句话)My new coat.五年级英语口语测试 (九)1

16、. 口语交际。(5分)1.What would you Iike for your party?2.What are you in terested in?3.What day is the next day?4.Do you have music class today?5.IS your father a doctor?2.听指令,做动作。(5分)1.SWim in the river.2.Peal an oran ge.3.I Want some water,please.4.Welcome to our school.5.TUrn Ieft and go ahead.3.朗读下列句子.

17、(5分)1.What SUbjeCt do you like best?2.There is an art class on Tuesday.3.How many exercise books do you have?4.I lgo to See my grandfather and grandmother.5.There are gree n PePPerS and CarrOtS over there.4.话题谈论(5分,不少于五句话)My friend.1.口语交际。(5分)1.What day is it today?2.HOW many music ClaSSeS do you ha

18、ve a week?3.Where are you going?4.Can you play the violi n well?5.Do you like singing?2.听指令,做动作。(5分)1.StamP your feet if you are happy.2.Go there and find a pen.3.Play the violi n.4.Go to See a doctor.5.Cover the COmPUter.3.朗读下列句子.(5分)1.There are twen ty-four teachers in our school this term.2.I have a bad cold. I have a fever and cough.3.TWin kle twi nkle little stars, how I won der What you are!4.We have SeVe n SUbjeCtS in my school.They are Chin ese ,maths,En,PE,art 5.We love our farm and our school because they are so beautiful4.话题谈论(5分,不少于五句话)OUr school.

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