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1、七年级英语练习及答案七年级上册Unit1-6 一 基础知识巩固(一)词组1.用英语读 read in English2.拼写你的名字 spell your name3.用号码给某人打电话 call sb at 4. 一串钥匙 a set of keys5.你的全家福(2种)a photo of your family/your family photo6为而感谢你 thank you for7. 问问题 ask questions8. 回答问题 answer questions9.玩电脑游戏 play computer games10.做运动 play sports11.看电视 watch T

2、V12.打排球 play volleyball13.有大量的体育收集品 have a great sports collection14. 许多 a lot of/lots of15.去野餐 go on a picnic (二)基础知识练习1.请看这幅画。Pleaselook atthis picture2.His telephone number is .(对画线部分提问)Whatis telephone number.3. -用英语表达这是什么?-它是一只桔子。-Whatis this in English? - It is anorange.4.-非常感谢你。-不用谢。-Thank yo

3、u very much.=Thanksa lot.-You are _.=Thats _ _.=Thats _.5.他的姓是什么?是布朗.Whats his family name?=Whats his last name?Its Brown.6.她的名是什么?Whats her first name?7.用take或bring填空 Please bringme some books. Pleasetakethese books to your mother.8.打扰了!那是一本书吗?Excuse me! Is that a book?9.Is this her clock?(作肯定回答) Y

4、es,it is.10.Is that a telephone?(作否定回答)No,it isnt.11.This is a dictionary.(改为复数)These are dictionaries.12.Are those erasers?(肯定回答)Yes, they are.13.她的钥匙在哪?在梳妆台上。Where are herkeys? Theyreonthe dresser.14.Marys bag is under the bed. (对画线部分提问)Where is Marys bag?15.书桌在书橱和床之间。The desk is betweenthe book c

5、ase and the bed .16.He has a tennis racket.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)Does he havea tennis racket? No, he doesnt.17.-我没有足球,让我们打网球吧。-那听起来真好。-I dont have a soccer ball.Lets playtennis.-That sounds good.18.我爸爸每天在电视上看新闻。My father watches news onTVevery day.19.汤姆不喜欢吃沙拉做晚餐!Tom doesnt likesalad fordinner.20.用括号内所给单词的

6、适当形式完成句子(1).We likestrawberries(strawberry)for breakfast.I dont like broccoli (broccoli) for supper.(2).Here are (be) my family photos.(3).Victor has (have)five ping pong bats.(4)Dale and Bob are my good friends.I like them (they)(5) -Do you know Liu Xiang?-Yes,he is a running(run) star.(6)Its good

7、for you to eat some tomatoes(tomato)(7)Three and two is (be) five.21.选词填空am , is , are , do , does , dont , doesnt , his , her , my , your , he , she (1)I have a brother .Hisname is Bob . (2)Miss Sun is our English teacher . Her favourite food is ice cream . (3)What is this in English ? (4)Do your p

8、arents like noodles ? (5)My friend doesnt like bananas . 中考链接1.Toms card is much more beautiful than C . A .our B. her C.mine D.me2.Everyone can have _B ID card ,even a newly-born baby.A. a C.the D./3.It isnt A watch.I left mine at home. C.I D.myself4.Kate has lostD key._asked_for hel

9、p.A.her ;He ;I B.his;He;me C.his;She;I D.her;She;me 5.Mike is C Englishman.He studies in _university in Changsha. A.the ;a B. a;a;a ,the6.We traveled all night to London and got there B Sunday morning. A.for B.on D.to7.Who will be B duty tomorrow?-Susan will. A at B.on C.for D.in8.(1)

10、I have two knives (knife).Which one do you want?(2).Are they any sheep(sheep) on the farm?(3).This isJim and Daves(Jim and David) picture.(4).These are Lilys and Lucys (Lily and Lucy) rooms.(5).My daughtergoes(go) to school from Monday to Friday.七年级上unit 7- 9 一基础知识巩固1.物美价廉 at a good price从。买 buy . f

11、rom.2.卖给 sell to3.看一看 have a look ( at )4.在妇女节on Womens Day5.呆在家里 stay at home6.在同一个班里 in the same class7.去旅行 go on a trip8.举行英语晚会 have an English party9.亲自来看看 come and see for oneself10.买得起房子 afford the house二、重点句型1.-How much isthis T-shirt?=Whats the price of this T-shirt? -Its seven dollars.这件T恤衫

12、多少钱?7美元。2. We each have 200 yuan. =Each of us has 200 yuan. 我们每人有200元。3.Can I help you? =Whatcan I do for you?我能帮你吗?4. 我买不起这件价格昂贵的外套。I cantaffordthe expensive coat.5.The price of the watchesis low/high.手表的价格是低的/高的。The watch is cheap/expensive.手表是便宜/昂贵的。6.Wehave to learnEnglishwell.我们必须学好英语。7. 我花了10元

13、买了这条裤子Ispent10 dollarsbuying /onthis pair of pants.=I paid10 dollars for this pair of pants.=The pants costme 10 dollars. 8. Can Itry them on ?我可以试穿它(们)吗?9.我们需要帮助那些人。Weneed to helpthe people 10.Thefirst month of the year is January.一月是一年的第一个月。11. How old are you?=Whats your age?你几岁?12.你觉得它们怎样?Whatdo

14、 youthink of them?=七年级上unit 10-12 一. 基础知识巩固:1. I want to _ the chess club.A. join B. join inC. join to D. join for2. My brother can play _ chess.A. the B. a C. an D. /3. Can you help me with _?A. dance B. dancingC. dances D. to dance4. -What club _ you want to join?- Chess club.A. does B. do C. can

15、D. are5. Her sister can play _ piano, but she cant play _ basketball.A. the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; /6. My brother can play the guitar _ he cant play it very well.A. and B. so C. or D. but7. - Are you _?- Yes, I am.A. a musicianB. musiciansC. musician D. A and B8. - Can he _ a student?- Yes.A

16、. is B. be C. are D. does9. We want some singers(歌手) _ our rock band. A. forB. of C. to D. at10. He was born _ the morning of December 8th. Ain Bon Cat Dof11. When do you get _ Shanghai? Ato Bup Cdown Din12. _ your coat, please. Its very cold today. APut up BPut on CWear DDress13. We _ a shower sche

17、dule and I am the one to _ a shower. Atake, take Bmake, make Ctake, make Dmake, take14. Do you think the news _ very interesting? Aare Bis Csound Dlook15. What time _ your teacher _ supper? Adoes, has Bdoes, have Cdo, has Ddo, have16. After class, I have gymnastics _ two hours.Aon Bat Cfor Din17. Wh

18、ats _ favorite movie? Ahe Bshe Ches DGinas18. _ do you like biology? Its fun.AWhat BWhen CWhy DHow much19. Mr. chen teaches _ math. We all like _ very much.Aus, his Bour, his Cus, him Dour, him20. I like music _ its relaxing.Awhy Bbut Cand Dbecause二重点句式:1. She can play computer games. (一般疑问句,否定回答)Ca

19、n she play computer games? No, she _.2. I can sing a song on the school music festival. (划线提问)What can you do on the school music festival?3. My sister wants to join the swimming club. (划线提问)What club does your sister want to join?4. Lucys brother wants to be an actor. (一般疑问句,肯定回答)Does Lucys brother

20、 want to be an actor? Yes, he does.5. She runs at 6:00 every morning. (划线提问)What time does she run every morning?6. Its nine oclock. (划线提问)Whats the time?= What time is it?7. He often has lunch at school.Where does he often have lunch?8. He goes to bed at 9:50 p.m. (划线提问)What does he do at 9:509. He

21、 does his homework at home (否定句)He doesnt do his homework at home10. 你通常几点钟起床?五点。(完成句子)What time do you usually get up?I usually get up at five11. I have biology on Tuesday and Friday. (划线提问)What subject do you have on Tuesday and Friday?12. His favorite subject is biology.What is his favorite subje

22、ct?13. We have Chinese from Monday to Friday. (划线提问)When do you have Chinese?14. Linda likes to play with her little sister.Who does Linda like to play with?15. They have history on Monday afternoon.What subject do they have on Monday afternoon?三中考链接:1. Bob can play _ tennis but cant play _ violin.

23、A. the, the B. /, / C. the, / D. /, the2. Can you play volleyball? - Sorry, I _.A. dont B. do C. cant D. can3. Please come and join _! You can be in _ club! A. us, us B. us, our C. our, us D. our, our4. Can you help me _ my homework? A. with B. of C. learning D. about5. Miss Read is good _ music. Sh

24、e is good _ children in the music club.A. at, at B. with, with C. at, with D. with, at6. Little Tom can draw _. His drawings are very_.A. good, well B. well, good C. good, good D. well, well7. Its time _ Class. A. to B. for C. with D. of8. What time _ the child _ his homework?A. does, does B. does,

25、do C. do, does D. do, do9. _ weekends we go to school _ 7 oclock.A. In, at B. On, at C. On, in D. In, on10. We often go to park _ Sunday afternoon. A. on B. in C. at D. to11. Maria _ to school early _ every morning.A. go, in B. goes, in C. goes, / D. goes, in the12. How many _ are there in your scho

26、ol?A. woman teachers B. women teacher C. women teachers D. woman teacher13. There _ a teacher and some students in the classroom.A .is B. are C. have D. am14. Miss Gao is very strict _ her students _ their studiesA. in, in B. with, with C. in, with D. with, in15. Lets play tennis after school. That

27、_ great!A. sounds B. sound C. hears D. looks四动词填空1It is(be)seven oclock in the evening now. Mr. and Mrs Smith are having(have)supper. 2What does Kevin do(do)on weekends? He sometimes cleans(clean)his room. Sometimes he washes(wash)his clothes. 3Jeff likes(like)living(live)in China very much. He says

28、(say)China is great. 4Listen! The girl is singing(sing)now. She often sings(sing)at this time of day. 5. My fathergoes to work five days a week, he relaxes/restson Saturday or Sunday.He oftenwatches TVonSaturday afternoon. But my mother doesnt watchTV. She hasa lot of work to do. She cleans the room

29、, washesclothes and helps me with study. Sometimes father helps me and my mother.七年级下Unit12 基础知识巩固I.重点短语集结号:1. be from = come from来自于2. speak a little French说一点法语3. take/have a walk= go for a walk散步4. gothrough 步行穿过go straight一直走5. go down /along 沿着向前走走6. turn left/right at the first turning/crossin

30、g 在第一个路口向左/右转7. be next to=be close to在隔壁,旁边8. be across from= be opposite to在对面 9. between. and.:在和之间10. infrontof在前面11. near here=in the neighborhood:在附近II. 重点点拨:1.Where s your pen pal from ? = Where does your pen palcome from ? 拓展:划线部分提问The girl from Canada studies in China now .Which girl study in China now ?2.

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