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1、法医学课程代码新法医学专业本科人才培养计划Five-year Undergraduate Program of Forensic Medicine一、培养目标I. Program Objectives本专业培养具备良好的思想品德和职业道德、有较强的法治意识、毕业后在上级法医师的指导下,从事与法医学相关的、合格的初级法医师,保证他们具有适当的基础进行终身学习和在法医学某一学科领域内进一步深造。Our major aims at cultivating the junior medical examiners with well character, professional ethics and

2、 strong legal consciousness. After graduation, they would be eligibly engaged in forensic practice under the tutorship of senior staffs, obtain appropriate groundwork for lifelong education and receive advanced training in a certain discipline of forensic medicine.二、基本规格要求IILearning Outcomes本专业学生应掌握

3、从事法医实践工作的医学基础理论、基本知识和基本技能,为毕业后工作和教育打下坚实的基础。毕业生应获得以下的态度、知识和技能:Our students should master the basic medical theories, knowledge and techniques needed by forensic practice in order to lay a firm foundation for continuing education after graduation.Graduates should obtain the following attitude, knowled

4、ge and techniques.态 度 要 求1. 树立科学的世界观、人生观和价值观,具有爱国主义和集体主义精神,愿为法医学科学事业发展贡献力量。2. 认识检案工作详细调查案情的重要性,并积极收集多种证据资料,调查取证,确保法医鉴定客观公正。3. 树立成本效益观念,充分掌握公平有效分配和合理使用有限资源的原则,取得最佳的工作效益。4. 树立终身学习观念,充分认识到不断自我完善和接受继续教育的重要性。5. 树立正确的医学伦理观念,尊重个人信仰,尊重每一个人,理解其人文背景及文化价值。6. 具有实事求是的科学态度,对超出自己的业务能力而不能有效安全完成的案件,主动寻求其他法医师的帮助。7. 始

5、终将维护法治和社会稳定,打击犯罪作为自己的职业责任。8. 具有创新精神和敢于怀疑、敢于分析批判的精神,具有为新知识的发现、新技能的产生做出贡献的意识。9. 尊重同仁,增强团队意识。10. 树立依法鉴定的观念、树立证据意识,学会用法律保护受害人和自身的权益。Attitude Requirements1.Establish scientific world view, life and value, patriotism and collectivism spirit, and contribute to the development of forensic medicine.2.Be awar

6、e of the importance of case investigation; collect information of every aspect actively, survey and gain evidence strictly to ensure the forensic practice work objectively and justly done. 3.Establish the conception of cost-efficiency; master the principle of distributing fairly and utilizing reason

7、ably the limited resources to attain the greatest benefit.4.Establish the ideal lifelong learning; fully realize the importance of unceasing self-perfection and continued education. 5.Establish the notion of medical ethics, esteem personal religious faith, respect every individual and understand the

8、ir humanity background and cultural value.6.Establish scientific attitude of seeking truth from facts; when meeting with the cases that go beyond your professional ability or that you cant manage effectively, seek for help from other medical examiners voluntarily.7.Always consider the maintenance of

9、 legal system and society stability, and combat against crimes as ones own professional responsibility.8.Establish the innovative spirit, critical mind and keep the consciousness of making contribution to the new knowledge formation and new techniques discovery.9.Respect your confreres and establish

10、 a team spirit.10.Form the notion of handling cases in accordance with the law and learn how to protect the victims, your own rights and interests by using the law.知 识 要 求1. 基本掌握生物科学、行为科学、人文科学和社会科学的有关知识和方法,并能够用于指导未来的学习和法医学实践。2. 掌握生命各阶段人体的正常结构、功能和心理状态。3. 掌握人体各阶段各种常见病、多发病(包括精神疾病)的发病原因,认识环境因素、社会因素及行为心理

11、因素对疾病形成与发展的影响,认识预防疾病的重要性。4. 了解流行病学的有关知识与方法。5. 了解常见传染病的发生、发展、传播的基本规律和防治原则。6. 掌握现场勘察、取证的原则和基本知识。7. 掌握死亡原因、方式、死亡时间推断及损伤与疾病的关系等法医学基本知识。8. 掌握常见毒物的中毒机制、病理变化的基本知识。9. 掌握法医物证鉴定的基本理论和方法。10. 掌握活体损伤检验与法医学鉴定的基本原则和方法。11. 掌握常见毒物定性、定量分析的基本知识和方法。12. 掌握法医学检案中自我保护原则。Knowledge Requirements 1. Master the relative knowle

12、dge and techniques about bioscience, behavior science, literae humanioresand social science, use them to guide the future study and forensic practice. 2. Master the normal structure, function and psychological condition of the human body during different phases of life.3. Master various kinds of pat

13、hogenic factors of common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases (including mental diseases) during different stages; realize the influence of environmental, social and behavior-psychological factors on the formation and disease development; recognize the importance of disease prevention. 4. Gra

14、sp relevant knowledge and techniques of epidemiology.5. Understand the basic rules of occurrence, development and spread of common infectious diseases and the principles for prevention and treatment of them.6. Master the basic knowledge and principles of scene investigation and evidence taking.7. Ma

15、ster the basic forensic knowledge for the confirmation of death cause, death manner, time after death and injury relation. 8. Master the basic knowledge about familiar intoxication mechanism and pathological alterations caused by toxicants. 9. Master the basic knowledge and methods of forensic evide

16、nce identification. 10. Master the basic principles and techniques for injury examination via forensic identification. 11. Master the basic knowledge and techniques of classification and quantitative analysis of common poisons. 12. Master the principles of self-protection in forensic practice. 技 能 要

17、 求1. 具有正确受理案件及规范书写法医学鉴定书的能力。2. 具备系统尸体解剖、常规物证检验、活体损伤检验的基本能力。3. 初步具备处理突发公共灾害事件的基本能力。4. 具有法医现场勘察及运用辩证思维分析处理案件的能力。5. 具备一定的社会工作能力、组织协调能力和人际交流能力。6. 具有利用各种信息资源和技术进行自主学习与科学研究的能力。7. 具有与同仁、被鉴定人及其家属进行有效交流和调动其合作的能力。8. 基本掌握一门外语,具有应用其进行基本交流的能力。Skill Requirements1. Have the ability to receive and handle legal case

18、s and accomplish the forensic case report writing.2. Be able to finish the autopsies, verify evidence and examine injuries of a living body. 3. Have the basic ability to deal with sudden public incidents. 4. Have the ability to investigate crime scenes, analyze and handle the cases with dialectic th

19、ought. 5. Have the ability in social work, coordination and communication. 6. Be able to make use of various information resources and technology for self-study and research. 7. Be able to availably communicate with confreres, consigners and their dependents, mobilize them to cooperate.8. Master and

20、 apply a foreign language.三、培养特色IIIProgram Highlights将人文、信息、计算机、基础医学、临床医学知识与法医学知识相结合,培养具有良好素质的法医师。Combine the forensic knowledge with humanities, information, computer science and clinical medicine so as to cultivate junior medical examiners with good quality.四、主干学科IVMain Disciplines基础医学、临床医学、法医学Bas

21、ic Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Forensic Medicine 五、学制与学位VProgram Length and Degree学制:基本学制为五年,实行弹性学制。Duration:Basic system: 5 years, plus flexible system授予学位:医学学士Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of Medicine 六、学时与学分VICredits Hours and Units完成学业最低课内学分(含课程体系与集中性实践教学环节)要求:235.5学分。其中,专业核心课程学分不允许用其他课程学分冲抵和替代。C

22、urricular credit (include the course system and practicum) requirements: 235.5 credits. Major-related basic courses and core courses cannot be covered using credits from other courses in the program.完成学业最低课外学分要求:6学分Extracurricular credit requirements: 6 credits1.课程体系学时与学分 Course Credits Hours and Un

23、its课程类别课程性质学时/学分占课程体系学分比例()素质教育通识课程必修560/3113.16选修64/41.70学科基础课程学科大类基础课程必修1448/74.531.63选修64/41.70学科专业基础课程必修464/2711.46选修64/41.70专业课程专业核心课程必修992/58.524.84选修64/41.70集中性实践教学环节必修57w/28.512.10合计3720+57w/235.5100Course TypeRequired/ElectiveHrs / crsPercentage ()Essential-qualities-oriented Education Gene

24、ral CoursesRequired 560/3113.16Elective64/41.70Discipline-related CoursesDiscipline-related General CoursesRequired 1448/74.531.63Elective64/41.70Basic Sub-disciplinary CoursesRequired 464/2711.46Elective64/41.70Major-specific CoursesMajor-specific Core CoursesRequired 992/58.524.84Elective64/41.70P

25、racticum coursePracticum courseRequired57w/28.512.10Total 3720+57w/235.51002. 集中性实践教学环节周数与学分 Practicum Credits实践教学环节名称课程性质周数/学分占实践教学环节学分比例()军事训练必修2/13.51入学教育必修1/0.51.75毕业教育必修1/0.51.75毕业考试必修1/0.51.75临床实习必修26/1345.62毕业实习必修26/1345.62合计57/28.5100Course TitleCourse NatureWeeks / CreditsPercentage ()Milit

26、ary training (two weeks)Required 2/13.51Enrollment instruction Required1/0.51.75Graduation instruction Required1/0.51.75Graduation exam Required1/0.51.75Clinical practice Required26/1345.62Graduate practice Required26/1345.62Total 57/28.51002.课外学分 Extracurricular credits序号项 目要 求学分1*早期接触公安法医实践第2学年暑假参


28、赛校级获一等奖者3获二等奖者2获三等奖者1省级获一等奖者4获二等奖者3获三等奖者2全国获一等奖者6获二等奖者4获三等奖者37论文在全国性刊物发表论文每篇论文238科研视参与科研项目时间与科研能力每项139实验视创新情况每项13注:1.参加校运动会获得第一名、第二名者与校级一等奖等同,获第三名至第五名者与校级二等奖等同,获第六至第八名者与校级三等奖等同。2.*标注的项目为必须完成的项目。No.ItemsRequirementsCredits1*Early forensic practice in public security bureausIn the summer vacation afte

29、r the second academic year students should take part in forensic practice in public security bureaus for 2 weeks then hand on the practice sum-up and testify and got through the examine 22Social practice Put in social survey report and got through the rejoinder 2Individual or collectivity appraised

30、as protagonist in social practice by the communist youth league of the college or of the province ; 23*Early specialized internshipParticipate in specialized internship of Forensic pathology, Forensic serology and Forensic clinic for 2 weeks respectively and then complete the related reports14*Ideological and political course Social PracticeSubmit a report and obtain a passing score25English and computer text CET-6Students whose Band-6 exam scores accord our requirements2TOEFL90 Points or H

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