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1、英语口语1,Is this table free, waiter? 服务员,这张桌子有人吗?2,Look what you did, squirt!小子,你仔细看看你做的好事!3,This is on me, I insist. 这一定得由我付帐。4,Love me,love my dog.(谚语)爱屋及乌5,Oh,you are kidding me.哦,你别拿我开玩笑了6,Put me off at the third Avenue, please到第三街请让我下车7,May I be of assistance, gentlemen?先生们,能为您做点什么?8,How interesti

2、ng(exciting,boring)!多么有意思(惊奇,无聊)啊!9,More energetic(active), please.再积极一点10,Its coming on to rain!下起雨来了!11,It feels like spring感觉好象春天到了12,At your service, Madame.随时听您吩咐,太太。13,I beg your pardon,please.请再讲一遍,可以吗?14,I was born on January 4, 1954.我于1954年1月4日出生。15,If you cant see, come a bit nearer.你看不见的话

3、,可以走近一点16,I want a haircut and a shave, please.我想理发和修面。17,It s just lovely 真是好极了。18,I guess hes about 30.我猜他大概30岁19,The wall has ears.隔墙有耳20,Please weigh this.请称一下这个21,I need small change.我需要零钱22,What s the latest ?近来怎样23,Its rather windy today.今天风很大。24,Pain past is pleasure.过去的痛苦即是快乐25,I have a hea

4、dache .我头痛。26,Dont mention it!不用谢了!27,Im easy to please.我很随和28,It doesnt matter to me.这对我来说无所谓29,Make it Dutch.各付各的。30,Bottoms up!干杯(见底)!31,Can I take a message?要我传话吗?32,How do you spell it?怎么拼?33,What number do I dial?我应该拔哪个号码呢?34,Keep the change.不用找(零钱)了35,That is my bottom line.这是我的底线.36,The lect

5、ure is boring.这演讲令人厌烦。37,She cut her hair short .她把头发剪短了。38,I ask for an advance.我要求预支薪水39,The wind s rising.起风了。40,I could hardly speak.我简直说不出话来41,I turn off the light.我熄灯。42,I hope you enjoy it.希望你吃好。43,Which do you prefer?你喜欢哪一个44,Let me introduce myself.让我自我介绍一下45,Dont count on me.别指望我46,He quit

6、 smoking .他戒了烟。47,My shoulders are stiff.我肩膀酸痛。48,I like pop music.我喜欢流行音乐。49,Im all Booked up.我日程已排满,腾不出时间50,Its a waste of time.这是浪费时间51,I feel the same way.我也有同感52,I enjoy your company.我喜欢有你做伴53,Mind your own Business!管好你自己的事!54,He is surprised.他大为惊讶55,Her zip has gone.她的拉锁坏了。56,Excuse me for a m

7、oment.失陪一会儿 57,I caught the last bus.我赶上了最后一班车58,Everything will be fine.一切都会很好59,Youre a disgrace.你真丢人!60,I prefer tea to coffee .我喜欢喝茶,不太喜欢咖啡。61,Ive changed my mind.我已经改变主意了62,You drive me nuts.你把我逼疯了!63,May I have a receipt?我可以要一张收据吗?64,Dont be so reckless.我觉得你不应该这样做65,Who got your goat?谁惹你生气的66,

8、I hope it wont rain.我希望不要下雨。67,I am too tired to speak.我累得说不出话来68,Lets talk over coffee.我们边喝边谈69,The lift does not work.电梯坏了。70,Its going too far.太离谱了71,Dont let me down.别让我失望72,Any different opinion?有不同意见吗?73,I want something to eat.我想吃点东西74,The rice is ready.饭已经煮好了。75,Dont underestimate me.别小看我76,

9、Ill keep my eyes open.我会留意的77,Have a splendid voyage .一路顺风。78,Behind the eight ball处境危险,无可救药。79,I feel like a new man.我感觉像换了个人似的80,I never got the message.我从来没搞明白那含义。81,He is looking for a job.他正在找工作82,Thats not my scene.我不属于这种情况83,You piss me off.你气死我了84,Dont get on my nerves!不要搅得我心烦85,I am not in

10、the mood.我没有心情!86,He s a pushover.他是很容易被左右的人。87,Can I take a rain check?你能改天再请我吗?88,What a mess!真是乱七八糟。89,Be my guest.请便;别客气90,Count me on.算上我91,You can never tell.不知道/谁也没把握92,Just try to wing it.不过是临时应付一下而已。93,Its a piece of cake.这很容易94,Money will come and go.钱乃身外之物95,Its up in the air.尚未确定/悬而未决96,

11、You are a rare visitor.你可是稀客97,Make yourself at home.请不要拘礼(束)98,What a dilemma!真是左右为难!99,It doesnt make sense.这没有意义(不合常理)100,Long time no see.好久不见101,Ill play it by ear.我将随兴而定102,We have a lot in common.我们有很多相同之处103,Im behind in my work.我工作进度落后了104,I kill time.我消磨时间105,It cant be helped.无能为力106,You

12、never tell the truth!你从来就不说实话!107,I d like to have my photo taken.我想请人给自己拍一张照。108,I must say I am disappointed in it.我得说我对它感到失望。109,Dont give me your attitude.别跟我摆架子110,That professor speaks great English.那位教授的英语发音非常好111,I want to make an airline reservation.我想预订一张票。112,Give me a Break.饶了我吧113,Ive m

13、ade a terrible mistake.我犯了一个严重的错误114,I hope youll persist in your efforts.我希望你们再接再励。115,Something urgent has come up.发生了紧急的事情。116,I cant take you any more!我再也受不了你啦!117,That s how the cookie crumbles .命里注定,有什么办法。118,Hes going up the ladder pretty quickly.他真是平步青云119,Your cause is still unclear.你的事还不很明

14、白120,How do you like my new sports car?你觉得我的新跑车如何121,Shes just thick-skinned.她真是厚脸皮。122,The movie was a box office success.这电影的票房很成功123,Id like to try on these hats.我想试试这些帽子124,It doesnt make any difference.都一样125,What is the specialty of the restaurant?这家店的招牌菜是什么?126,Six of one and half a dozen of

15、the other半斤八两差不多;两者都有错。127,I find it very extraordinary .我觉得这非常离奇。128,What Brings you to beijing?什么风把你吹到北京来的?129,Its a once in a lifetime chance.这是一生难得的机会130,You ll have to transfer downtown.您得到市中心区换车。131,Let me explain why I was late.让我解释迟到的理由132,I owe you to apology for the delay.我该为这次耽搁向您道歉。133,I

16、 take it you dont agree.这么说来,我认为你是不同意的134,My phone was out of order.我的电话坏了135,Business is going downhill.生意正走下坡。136,Youve got 6 kilos of excess baggage.您的行李超重六公斤。137,I d like to wrap thing up now.我很想现在就结束138,We succeed in working out the problem.我们成功地解决了问题139,What is the next item on the agenda?议程表上

17、的下一项是什么?140,Dont jump to conclusions.不要急于下结论141,It seems that he is a scholar .他似乎是个学者。142,Would you mind if I turn off the radio?要是关掉收音机你介意吗?143,How are you doing with your new Boss?你跟你的新上司处得如何?144,That s perfectly all right.完全没有关系。145,I guess it cannot be of help.恐怕没有办法。146,Success depends on pers

18、everance.成功在于毅力。147,How did you spend your holiday?你假期怎么过的?148,Please oblige me by lifting the box .请劳驾帮我把这只箱子提起来。149,The skiing is good this year.今年适宜于滑雪。150,There s a strong wind blowing.正在刮大风151,Lets get together for lunch.让我们一起吃顿午餐吧152,Excuse me. Back in a tick.对不起。一会儿就回来。153,The price is all -

19、inclusive.一切开支全都包括在内了。154,Are you booked up for this afternoon?你今天下午都没空吗155,Please dye my hair brown .请把我的头发染成棕色。156,Im a big fan of tea. My favorite is Chinese green tea.我非常喜欢茶,最喜欢的是中国的绿茶157,Do you have time for a meeting next Monday? I have a few things we need to go over.下周一你有空来开个会吗?有点事情需要咱们一起过一下

20、158,My previous job was very boring and I didnt feel challenged.我之前的工作很无聊,没有挑战性159,I cant wait for the Olympics. Im getting so excited.奥运会让我有点等不及了,真是好兴奋哪!160,If youve got free time please stop by and say hello.有空的时候就来打个招呼吧。161,The hardest part of learning English is the pronunciation.学英语最难是发音。162,Th

21、ere are more and more people learning Chinese nowadays.现在学汉语的人越来越多了。163,When I grow up I want to be an astronaut.我长大以后想当宇航员。164,My father is a businessman. He is in sales and works in Wuhan.我的爸爸是商人。他在武汉做销售。165,I read the newspaper everyday and Im up-to-date on current events.我每天看报纸,对时政要闻都有所了解。166,I

22、found a very good website .我发现了个好网站。167,When its hot outside you have to be careful and drink lots of water.外面很热的时,要小心点,多喝水。168,Last year I went to Beijing and had a great time.去年我去了趟北京,度过了一段美好的时光。169,I hope to go to Beijing sometime soon.我希望不久的将来能去北京。170,Im from Shanghai which is the commercial and

23、 business capital of China.我来自上海,中国的商业和贸易中心。 171,What do you like to do in your free time?你闲暇时间喜欢做什么呢?172,Ive got my tour book and my good walking shoes, Im ready to go out and see the city!有了旅行手册和一双合适走路的鞋,我准备去见识一下这个城市。173,Xian city is much more interesting and historical than Shanghai.西安比上海有趣,历史也更悠

24、久些。174,Sorry, I wont be able to meet with you tomorrow since Im heading home.对不起,我正在回家的路上,明天就不能见你了。175,Have you ever heard of the movie ChangJiang Number 7?你听说过电影长江7号吗?176,Im really thirsty, do you mind if I grab a bottle of water?好喝啊,你介意我拿瓶水喝吗?177,Im heading into the store, do you want me to pick y

25、ou up anything?我正要去商店,需要给你带点什么东西吗?178,Im starving, how about some Chinese food for lunch?我饿了,中午吃中国菜怎么样?179,Who is that good looking co-worker over there?那边那个长得挺漂亮的同事是谁?180,Our new co-worker isnt very experienced and knowledgeable.我们的新同事没什么经验也不怎么聪明。181,Everyday I do the same old thing, sit at the com

26、puter and punch in a bunch of numbers.每天我都做同样的事情,坐在电脑前敲一串串的数字。 182,I wish my boss would give me a raise, but honestly I just hope he would treat me fairly.我盼着老板能提拔我,但是说老实话,我只是希望他能公平的对待我。183,I failed my test and my girlfriend broke up with me so Im going to the bar to forget about my worries.我考试不及格,女

27、朋友又把我甩了,所以我准备去酒吧借酒消愁。184,The baby in the picture is so cute. He looks like a little doll.照片里的婴儿太可爱了,就像一个玩具娃娃。185,My computer is a piece of garbage. Its always having problems and causing me trouble.我的电脑是一堆垃圾,它总是出问题,给我添麻烦。186,The problem with your company is the lack of innovation and nonexistent cus

28、tomer service.你们公司的问题是缺乏创新,以及缺少客户服务。187,What do you think of the work I did? Tell me what you think honestly.你觉得我的工作做得怎么样?请告诉我你真实的想法。188,Such book is out of print now .这样的书现在已经绝版了。189,You cant go in no matter who you are.不管你是谁,都不能进去。190,I cannot help overhearing.我无意中听到你们的谈话191,I have a tough row to

29、hoe.日子难熬。192,There s no reason to apologize.不必道歉。193,ne is talking to you .没人在同你说话。194,Your tooth has to be taken care of .你的牙齿得去治治。195,s get the ball rolling.让我们开始吧。196,How about go to the theatre?那去看戏怎么样?197,Shall we fix the date for the interview?我们为这次面谈定一个日子好吗198, s where we differ .那就是我们意见分歧所在。

30、199,many cooks spoil the Broth.人多误事。200,When do you get up everyday?每天你几点起床?201,I am calling long distance.我在打长途电话。202,How about going to the cinema?去看电影怎么样203,There are a few people working overtime.有些人正在加班。204,It s not what I ask for.这不是我要的那样。205,Heres my ticket and seat assignment.这是我的机票和座位号206,Could you drop me off at the airpo

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