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1、外贸英语学习We look forward to reactivating our business relationship.我们盼望我们的业务关系重新活跃起来。We shall welcome a chance to renew our friendly relationship.很高兴能有机会来恢复我们的友好关系。Well try our best to widen our business relationship with you.我们将尽力扩大同你们的贸易关系。Were writing to you in order to establish business relationsh

2、ip.我们写此信是为了与你方建立业务关系。the arrangement will contribute to cement our pleasant relationship.此项安排将有助于巩固我们良好的关系。Were willing to restore our business relationship.我们希望能恢复贸易关系。It will be advantageous if steps are taken to resume our business relationship on the basis of mutual benefit.如果我们采取措施在互利的基础上恢复业务关系

3、,对我们都是有利的。the depressed market results in the stagnation of trade.市场萧条导致贸易停滞。We have been doing quite well in our business, we are willing to open an account with you.我们的生意一直做得不错,希望能与你们建立帐户往来关系。Words and Phrasesbusiness association 业务联系,交往business connection 业务联系close relationship 密切的关系closer ties 更

4、密切的关系to establish( set up )business relationship 建立业务关系to continue business relationship 继续业务关系to present business relationship 保持业务关系to improve business relationship 改善业务关系to promote business relationship 促进业务关系to speed up business relationship 加快业务关系的发展to enlarge (widen) business relationship 扩大业务

5、关系to restore (resume) business relationship 恢复业务关系to interrupt business relationship 中断业务关系to cement business relationship 巩固业务关系When could you introduce me to your sister company?什么时候把贵公司的兄弟公司介绍给我们? Would you please introduce us to some of the most reliable exporters of Chinese handicrafts?请向我们推荐一些

6、最可靠的中国手工艺品出口商,可以吗?If you are interested in dealing with us in other products of our company, please inform us of your requirements as well as your bankers name and address.如果你们有意经营我公司其他产品,请告知你方要求及往来银行的名称和地址。Because of the rapid development of our business in Asia, we think its necessary to open a br

7、anch at the following address.鉴于我们在亚洲地区业务的迅速发展,有必要在下列地点设立分公司。Weve often expressed our interest in investing in China.我们一直对在中国投资很感兴趣。Our abundant resources and stable policy provide foreigners with the advantages they invest here.我们丰富的资源和稳定的政策为外商投资提供了有利条件。Thank you for your manner of business coopera

8、tion.我们对你们的合作态度非常满意。We have been working on expanding our scope of cooperation with China.我们一直努力设法扩大与中国的合作范围。We believe in long-term cooperation with China because we view the future as bright.我们相信与中国长期合作的前途是光明的。Words and Phrasestrade prospects/outlook 贸易前景trade cooperation 贸易合作technological coopera

9、tion 技术合作business cooperation 业务合作cooperative relationship 合作关系the scope of cooperation 合作范围Additional Words and Phrasestrade fair 贸易展销会trade show 贸易展览trade aGREement 贸易协议to establish arrangement 达成协议to reach an aGREement 达成协议trade terms/clause 贸易条款trade balance 贸易平衡to conclude a business transactio

10、n 达成贸易交易to work with 与.共事business activities 经济活动business house 商行;商号trading department/mechanics 贸易机构trade association 贸易协会the foreign trade department 对外贸易部门C.C.P.I.T.( China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)中国国际贸易促进会Commercial Counselors Office中国使馆的商务处Chamber of Commerce 商会trading

11、 partnership 经营合伙人foreign trade personnel 外贸工作者trading center 贸易中心trading market 贸易市场tradesman/trade peoples 商人,零售商 .第1招 妥善安排会面的约定 Id like to make an appointment with Mr. Lee. 当你计划到海外出差,顺道拜访客户时,必须先以书信 通知对方。出国以前再以Telex或电话向对方确认访问的日期和目的。如果是临时决定的拜访,也要通过对方的秘书安排,告诉她:“Id like to make an appointment with Mr

12、.Lee.“(我想和李先生约见一次。)让对方对你的造访有所准备,才会有心情和你洽谈。 第2招 向沟通对手表示善意与欢迎 -I will arrange everything. 如果沟通是由你发起,提供对手一切的方便,能使沟通一开始便在友善和谐的气氛下进行。尤其是当你的沟通对手是远道而来的,你热心地告知他:“I will arrange everything.“ (我会安排一切。)不但表现出你的诚意,也能使他在不必顾虑食宿等琐事的情况下,专心与你进行沟通。 第3招 沟通进行中应避免干扰 No interruptions during the meeting! 如果沟通的地点是在你的公司,那么请叮

13、咛你的部属,勿在沟通过程中做不必要的干扰。因为过份的干扰会影响沟通的意愿和热忱。 第4招 遵守礼仪 -Behave yourself! 沟通时,仍然要遵守一般奉行的礼仪和保持良好的仪态,这样可以增加人们对你的好感,提高你的沟通效率。此外,坐姿不良,在对手讲话时左顾右盼,都足以使人对体产生不良的印象,而减低与你洽谈的兴致。 第5招 适时承认自己的过失 -Its my fault. 如果你明显地犯了错,并且对别人造成或大或小的伤害,一句充满歉意的“Im sorry. Its my fault.“(对不起,是我的错。)通常能够获得对方的原谅。就算他实在很懊恼,至少也能稍微缓和一下情绪。做无谓的辩解,

14、只能火上加油,扩大事端。 第6招 抱怨不是无理取闹 I have a complaint to make. 以激愤的语气向人抱怨某事,很可能令人心生反感,而使结果适得其反。服务员上错了菜,旅馆女服务员忘了整理你的房间,送来的货物根本不是你订单上所指明的东西等情况,着实令人懊恼。但是生气并不能解决问题,不如心平气和而语气坚定地告诉对方 “I have a complaint to make.”(我有怨言。)然后告诉他所发生的事。 第7招 资料须充实完备 We have a pamphlet in English. 具体的物品通常比口头描述更有说服力。当客户听到你说 “We have a pamp

15、hlet in English“(我们有英文的小册子。)或 “Please take this as a sample“(请将这个拿去当样品。)时,一定会兴趣大增,进而问你许多和产品有关的问题。如果你平时资料搜集得全面,便能有问必答。这在商务沟通上是非常有利的。 第8招 缓和紧张的气氛 -How abouta break? 当会议因冗长而陷于沉闷、紧张的气氛时,做无意义的僵持是无法获得令人满意的结果的。如果能在不打断对方的情形下提出“How about a break?”(休息一下如何?)对方必能欣然接受,紧张的气氛也立刻得以经解。当你们再回到会议桌时,也能以清晰的思路继续沟通。 第9招 做个

16、周到的主人You can use our office equipment if necessary. 如果沟通是在你的公司进行,除了应向沟通对手提供舒适的场所以外,更应该尽量配合对手,向他提供有助于沟通进行的服务与设备。例如,大大方方地告诉他“ You can use our office equipment if necessary.”(如果必要的话,您可以使用我们的办公室设备。)协助对手对沟通内容做正确的衡量,其结果可能也是对己方极为有利的。 第10招 询问对方的意见 What is your opinion? 每个人都希望自己的意见受到重视。当你和他人进行沟通时,除了说出自己的想法以外

17、,随时可加上一句“What is your opinion?”(你的意见是?)或“ Id like to hear your ideas about the problem”(我想听听你对这个问题的看法。)不但让对方感觉受到重视,更能使你们因思想的交流而逐渐达成协议。 第11招 清楚地说出自己的想法与决定 I think I should call a lawyer. 如果在沟通场合中,你无法详实地说出心中的意念,不仅会使对方听得满头雾水,说不定还会让对方认为你对实际情形根本不了解,而失去和你沟通的兴致。试想假如你在向警察描述车祸的发生时,不能提醒他“Ihad theright-of-way.

18、“(我有优先行驶权。)或没告诉他“ I think I should call a lawyer.“(我想我该叫个律师。)你也许因此而吃了大亏。还有很多情况是特别需要提供详实资料的,例如:向医生叙述你的病痛,告诉理发师你所要的发型,向客户讲解产品的特性等。平常多注意英美人士对这类场合的应对,您这方面的 英语 一定会大有进步! 潇洒告别A: I really must be going now.B: But you just got here. Cant you stay a little longer?A: Thats very nice of you, but I really cant.B

19、 Well, its too bad (遗憾) that you have to go.A: Thanks very much. It was a great /lovely party!B: It was our pleasure.一般道别1. We really enjoyed your company. (我们喜欢与你为伴。)2. Well, then, perhaps we can get together another time.3. Please give my best regards to your sister.4. Ill be seeing you!5. A: Take

20、 care of yourself. /Have a good trip. /Enjoy yourself. /Have fun! /Take it easy!6. I shall miss all of you. Lets get together soon.7. I hope I can see you again. /Lets meet more often.来宾道别8. Well, (Im afraid) Id better be on my way /leaving.9. Im sorry, but Ive got to be on my way.10. Im afraid I st

21、ayed too long.11. I think its about time we got going.12. I really have to rush. (我真的得赶快。)13. I enjoyed myself very much.14. Im glad to have met you.15. I really enjoyed the meal.16. I really had a pleasant /enjoyable /great evening.17. I had lots of fun tonight. /That was a wonderful dinner. /I had

22、 a wonderful / great time being with you.18. I enjoyed every minute of the party.19. Thank you very much for a wonderful party.20. I hope someday maybe youll be able to visit my family in Beijing.21. I really enjoyed talking with you.22. Please dont be in such a hurry.23. Would you like to stay for

23、dinner.24. Did you have a good time today?25. Youll have to come and see us soon.26. A: Thank you for inviting me.B: It was a pleasure having you. Please come again.27. A: Thanks for all your hospitality. B: Youre welcome.28. A: Have a nice weekend. B: Same to you.29. A: Thank you for everything.B:

24、Well, have a nice trip and best wishes to your wife.A: Thanks. I hope we meet again soon.30. A: If youre ever in Xian, look me up. Id love to see you again.B: Sure. I will. You can count on that.1.Whats the size?多大尺寸?90X90 (Ninety by ninety)九十乘九十。2.Whats the CMB? 体积多大?0.07M3 (zero point zero seven c

25、ube meter) 0.07立方米。3.Whats the best/last price? 最低价是多少? 4.How many designs?有几个款式?3 designs .三个款式。5.How many colors? 有几种颜色?3 colors. Red, yellow and blue. 3种颜色,红、黄、蓝。6.How many pcs one CTN?一箱装多少件?12 dozen, 144pcs. 12 12打,144件一箱。7.When shall we deliver?什么时候交货?8.Where shall we deliver? 货送到什么地方?Where is

26、 your warehouse?仓库在哪儿?9.30% deposit.付30%的订金。10.Only one sample here. We cant give you.这里只有一个样品, 不能给你。11.Too expensive/much.太贵了。12. Any discount?有折扣吗?13.Cheaper?可以便宜一点吗?14.Show me this!这个拿下来看看。15.Good quality or ordinary quality?质量好的还是普通的?16.¥180 for a set . 180元一套。17.4pcs a set.一套4个。18.Whats the min

27、imum quantity?最小起订量是多少?19.At least 1 CTN. 至少一箱/件。20.Theres minimum quantity.有最小起订量。21.Can they be mixed?可以混装吗?22.Mixed packing.混装。23.Just a moment. Let me check.稍等,让我查一下。24.Same price/size. 一样的价格/尺寸。25.I will come again tomorrow.我明天再来。26.Where are you from?你是什么地方人?27.Whats your name?你叫什么?28.May I ha

28、ve your card? 名片给一张,可以吗?29.Card,please.名片。30.Stapler,please.订书机 。31. Calculator,please.计算器。32.Adhesive tape,please.胶带。33.Heres our catalogue.这是我们的目录。34.Heres my card.这是我的名片。35.Your card, please.给我你的名片。36.Whats the material.什么材料做的?The cost of raw material is increasing.原材料价格上涨。37.Out of stock.没现货。38.

29、Do you have samples?有样品吗?39.Can I buy a sample?能买一个样品吗?40.Well give the money back when you place an order.下单时退钱给你1Iwantapackagedealincludingairfareandhotel.我需要一个成套服务,包括机票和住宿 2Idliketochangethistickettothefirstclass.我想把这张票换成头等车。3IdliketoreserveasleepertoChicago.我要预订去芝加哥的卧铺。4Iwontcheckthisbaggage.这件行李我不托运。5Idliketositinthefrontoftheplane.6Imissedmytrain.7Ihaventnothingtodeclare.我没申报的东西。8itsallpersonaleffects.

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