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1、大家论坛职称英语综合类完型填空新增文章篇目2011年职称英语综合类新增文章篇目大家论坛职称英语版块:综合类完形填空新增文章篇目第五篇 Why People Use Pseudonyms*第十二篇 Sport or Spectacle?+第十五篇 Life Expectancy in the Last Hundred Years第五篇Why People Use Pseudonyms You cant choose the name you are given at birth,but in many countries you can change it legally when you re

2、ach adulthood. Of course, most people never change their names -1- they feel unhappy about them. However, some people do -2- this course of actionparticularly artists! What makes an artist want to change their name? Sometimes its for purely -3-reasons, such as the Nobel Prize winning poet from Chile

3、, Neflali Reyes. He didnt want his father to -4- he was writing poetry, so he changed his name to Pablo Neruda when he was a young man-5- other times the reason may appear eccentric; take the case of the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa, -6- wrote under 75 different names. The reason ?” When I use a

4、different name, I always write in a different way, he explained. In most cases,-7- ,the reason is for social, historical, political, or cultural reasons. Here are some of most -8-:The persons real name is jus -9- long and difficult to remember. Lets be honest, Madonna Louise Ciccone is not as 10- to

5、 remember as just plain Madonna. And short names are much easier to remember:William Bradley became Brad Pitt and Edson Arantes do Nascimento became PeleSometimes names are changed for marketing 11-For example,if a name sounds too foreign, it may be changed to something that is more recognizable in

6、a 12-. So in the film world, Ramon Estsvez adopted the name Martin Sheen. Or maybe the artists doesnt sound very attractive - Chad Everett does 13a lot better than Raymond Cramto.Artists sometimes -l 4- the name of someone they admire. Robert Zimmerman changed his name to Boo Dylan because of his ad

7、miration for the Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas.Another reason may be practicality: in the past, women found it very difficult to get publishedTo 15- this situation theys situation they sometimes gave themselves mens names, so the English author Mary Ann Evans became George Eliot, and she did get her book

8、s published!词汇:pseudonym n假名,笔名legally ad法律上,合法地eccentric adj古怪的,反常的Portuguese adj葡萄牙的,葡萄牙人的,葡萄牙语的 plain adj清楚的,明白的marketing n推销,营销recognizable adj可辨认的,可识别的attractive adj有吸引力的,引人注目的adopt v采取,采纳admire V赞赏,钦佩注释:Nobel Prize:诺贝尔奖练习:1A)as if B)as C)even if D)even2A)take B)make C)do D)have3A)private B)ind

9、ividual C)own D)personal4A)understand B)know C)recognize D)observe5A)At B)On C)In D)During6A)whom B)which C)who D)that7A)but B)although C)though D)however8A)popular B)common C)ordinary D)average9A)so B)too C)very D)much10A)easy B)short C)simple D)brief11A)aims B)ends C)goals D)purposes12A、)market B)

10、film C)country D)business1 3A、)look B)sound C)appear D)seem14A)choose B)give C)change D)get15A)admit B)assure C)avoid D)affect 答案与题解: 1C 本句前半句提到大多数人不会改名字,因此可以判断是选有让步转折意义的 even if,其他的选项都没有这个意思,尤其要注意even是副词,不可以这样用于句首引出从句。 2A 本句的意思是想说有些人,尤其是艺术家们,会更改名字。不过,本句没有直接说change their names而是说采取行动,那么只能用take与actio

11、n进行搭配,其他动词都不合适。 3D 根据后面such as后所举的例子知道,某些人改名字完全出于个人的原因,故选择personal。private是指与公众无关的,私隐的;individual是与集体对立而言,个体的;而own则必须放在物主代词的后面一起来表达属于某人的。 4B 本句是想说他改名字是为了不让父亲了解到他在写诗这件事,因此选know。understand 是理解的意思,recognize 是认出,observe 是察觉、观察到的意思。 5A 本句里的times是时机、场合的意思,at other times是表示“其他的情况”,还有其他的固定搭配也是用at这个介词,如at al

12、l times,at the best of time等等,其他介词无此搭配。 6C 本句是举葡萄牙人的例子来说明某些人更改名字的理由很奇怪,后半句是想说此人用过75个不同的名字。对本句结构做出分析后,应该是非限定性定语从句对此诗人做出补充解释,故用wh0。that不能用于非限定性定语从句,which则不能表示人,只能表示物,whom是用来做宾格形式只能作宾语不能作主语。7D 如果注意到了此空前后的逗号的话就应该知道需要填一个副词来表示转折了,四个选项中只有however是副词,所以其他的选项都不对。8B 前一句刚说到大家改名字有社会、历史、政治、文化等方面的原因,通过下面几段里所给出的例子可

13、以知道本句是想说“下面是几种常见的原因”,所以选common用于指常常发生的情况,而popular是指大家都喜欢的,ordinary和average则都是指没什么特别的。9B 根据后文,本句是想说某些人的名字太长、太难不好记住,是一个tooto的结构,表达“太而不能”的意思。10A根据上下文知道,本句是想说简单明了的Madonna更容易记住。从本句中的plain一词可以断定不是想说长短,所以short和brief都不对,而simple则是与复杂相对立的,因此选用easy一词与前句的difficult来对应,后一句话中的easier to remember也可以帮助我们选择easy。11D 此题

14、四个选项都能表示目的,但各有不同,aim是偏重于想要取得的目标;end往往表示最终目的,而且常常用于指与手段相对应的目的;goal则更多的是指个人或者某群体决心要达到的目标,通常指一般的趋势或方向而没有最终的具体目标;而purpose则主要是指所向往的结果,是行为、行动的缘由。12A根据前一句中的marketing purposes一词可以判断此旬是想说把名字改成在市场上更好识记的,因此选market,而不是在某个国家、某部电影或者是某笔生意里更容易辨识。 13B 根据前半句里的doesnt sound可以判断此处应该选用sound来表示听上去怎样,其他三个选项里的词意上不恰当。14A从后面一

15、句可以推断此句是想说艺术家有时候根据自己所欣赏的人的名字给自己取笔名或艺名。如果用give一词的话则必须有themselves来作间接宾语,不然就不是给他们自己取名字了。也不能用change,但如果是change into的话还可以表示把名字改成别的名字,而get则是“获得”、“得到”的意思,所以只能用choose来表示“选用”的意思了。15C 本句是想说为了不让作品得不到出版的情况出现而取个男子的名字,因此选avoid。admit是承认的意思,assure是确认的意思,affect则是影响的意思。*第十二篇Sport or Spectacle? Muhammad Ali1 is probab

16、ly the most famous sports figure on earth: he is recognized on every continent and by all generations, The diagnosis of his illness -lParlonsons disease2 after his retirement fuelled the debate about the dangers of boxing and criticism -2- the sport. That, plus his outspoken opposition -3womens boxi

17、ng, made people wonder how he would react when one of his daughters decided to take -4the sport. His presence at Lailas first professional fight, -5- , seemed to broadcast her fathers support. Of course Muhammad Ali wanted to watch his daughter fight. The ring announcer introduced him as the the gre

18、atest and as he sat down at the ringside the crowd chanted. Twenty-one-year-old Lailas debut fight was a huge success and there was as muchpublicity for the fight -6- her fathers fights once attracted. -7- , Lailas opponent was much weaker than she was and the fight lasted just 31 seconds. Since the

19、n. Laila has won most of her fights by knocking out3 her opponent. She knows -8- shes doing, all fight, said one referee about her. She knows about moving well. You can see some of her dads movesLaila Ali4 would rather not compare herself -9- her father. She prefers to make her own -10- . Her father

20、 supports her decision to enter the sport but he has not spared her the details of what can happenLaila realizes that her father wants her to understand the -11- possible scenario to see -l2- she still wants to go forward with it. She knows shes going to get hit hard at times, that she may get a bro

21、ken nose or a swollen face,but at least she is prepared for it.Lailas decision to start boxing -l3- her fathers struggle with the symptoms of Parkinsons disease has of course sparked a mixture of debate and -14-. But Laila is a feisty and determined individual and it is that as much as her famous la

22、st name that has made her a magnet for worldwide media attention. Of course, the -l5- on the boxing scene of a woman with her family history attracts even more questions about whether womens boxing is sport or spectacle.词汇:spectacle n场面;景象recognize vt赏识;认可 continent n洲,大陆diagnosis n(医学)诊断法retirement

23、 n退役;、退休fuel vt激起,加强,刺激debate n辩论;讨论,criticism n批评;批判;指责outspoken adj直言的opposition n反对react vi做出反应;回应presence n出席;到场broadcast vt传播(消息等)ring n拳击台chant vi(反复地、有节奏地)欢呼debut n(演员、运动员)首次亮相publicity n宣传;公众的注意attract vt吸引;引起注意opponent n对手;敌手referee n裁判员compare vt比较;对照spare vt省去,免除scenario n事态;局面swollen adj

24、肿起的;浮肿的symptom n症状spark vt导致,激起feisty adj个性强而好争辩的magnet n有吸引力的人注释:1Muhammad Ali:穆罕默德阿里,世界上最伟大的拳击运动员之一。1999年,他被体育画报杂志评为本世纪最佳运动员。退出拳坛后,阿里一直致力于宗教、慈善事业和维护世界和平的工作,受到许多国家上至总统下至普通百姓的拥戴。然而,职业拳击生涯中他头部受到的29000多次的重击,使阿里一直饱受帕金森综合症的困扰。2Parkinsons disease:帕金森综合症,又称震颤麻痹,是一种中枢神经系统变性疾病,临床表现有癫痫、偏瘫、头痛、共济失调、眼球运动障碍、言语不清

25、、体位性低血压、痴呆等。随着病情的发展,穿衣、洗脸、刷牙等日常生活活动都出现困难。3knock out:(拳击术语)一拳击倒4Laila Ali:莱拉阿里,拳王阿里与他第三任妻子的女儿,1999年9月进入女子职业拳坛,并很快取得了较好的成绩。他曾说:“我不像拿自己和父亲作比较,我们是完全不同的。但有一点,作为他的女儿,我自然会有一些独特的拳击技术,这是别人不可能具备的。在现阶段,我认为自己棒极了!一些商家看中了这对拳坛父女的商业价值,最近,一家运动品牌就利用电脑技术,让阿里父女在拳台上同场竞技。在这样的比赛中,我们看到的,并不是胜负,而是一种生命力的延续。练习: 1 A)with B)for

26、C)as D) 2 A)of B)on C)for D)at 3 A)on B)to C)with D)at 4 A)after B)over C)along D)up 5 A)therefore B)however C)accordingly D)whereas 6。A)as B)like C)for D)to 7 A)Luckily B)Similarly C)Undoubtedly D)Unfortunately 8 A)that B)what C)how D)why 9 A)as B)like C)to D)against 1 0A)fight B)name C)success D)i

27、mage 11A)better B)best C)worse D)worst 1 2A)if B)that C)what D)how 1 3A)in spite B)spite C)despite D)despite of 1 4A)argument B)criticism C)quarrel D)bickering 1 5A)arrival B)birth C)departure D)attention 答案与题解: 1C diagnosis ofas把某种疾病诊断为,类似的短语有regardas,consideras 和think ofas等。 2 A 此题是对语法的考查,criticiz

28、e由动词变为名词criticism,其逻辑上的宾语应由介词of引导。 3B考查介词短语搭配,be opposed to和opposition to,固定搭配。 4D take up是从事某种职业,take after是与某人长得相像,take over是接手,take along是随身携带。5B 根据上下文判断,前面讲拳王阿里反对女子从事拳击运动(his outspoken opposition womens boxing),随后又讲他亲自出席女儿的首场比赛,明显对比,故应选however。6A as muchas 属于固定搭配。7D 首场比赛,备受媒体关注,不了比赛仅持续了31秒,难免令人失

29、望,故应选unfortunately,因观众难以目睹拳王女儿的风采。8B she knows what shes doing,此句型口语中较为常见,如某人说I know what Im doing 或 I know what Im talking about,则表示说话者本人对自己的言行很有信心。9. C 对介词短语 compare A to B 的考查。前者有比作、比拟的意思,后者表示把A和B作比较的意思。 10B make ones own name 表示成功、成名的意思。其他表示成功的短语还有make it,口语中更常见。答案C make ones own success有中式英语Chi

30、nglish之嫌。11. D 考查上下文,下文中“a broken nose or a swollen face”暗示拳击运动员受伤病困扰的苦恼,更不要说拳王本身正受帕金森综合症的折磨。另外,possible 一词之前常出现形容词最高级。综合上文两处的解释,worst 是最佳答案。12A 拳王表明拳击运动可能会造成严重的后果,意欲让女儿白己决定“是否”继续从事这项危险的运动。13. C 此题考查易混淆短语 in spite of和介词despite,多一个of或少一个of,都不对。14. B对上下文的考查,文中第一段就有fuelled the debate about the dangers

31、of boxing and CRITICISM of the sport”。15. A 对上下文的考查,文中多次提及拳王女儿是初登拳坛,如第一段中“His presence at Lailas FIRST professional fight”,如第二段中的“Twenty-one-year-old Lailas DEBUT fight”,都是暗示莱拉“出现”在拳坛,故arrival最合适。答案B的搭配应该是the birth of ,而不是介词 on 。答案C的departure 是离开拳坛。答案D的attention 首先介词搭配应该是to,其次意思也不是甚为贴切。+第十五篇Life Expectancy in the Last Hundred Years A hundred years ago,life expectancy in developed countries was about 47: in the earl

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