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1、ChapterArticle冠词The police are looking for him.Chapter 1、Article冠词A. 不定冠词的意义:1.1)区别one 和a, a强调后面的名词,而one 强调本身个数:It will take us more than a year.It will take us more than one year.Can a boy do that? No, but a man can.Can one boy do that? No, but two boy can.2)不定冠词有时表the same/one and the sameThey are

2、 nearly of an age.Your shoes and mine anr a size.3) The indefinite article sometimes means “such a”(不定冠词有时表such a)He is a man that must be treated kindly.It was a sight that would attract a large number of visitors.2. The Repetition of Article:1) a black and a white doga black and white doga journal

3、ist and an authora journalist and authora German and an English Dictionarya German and English DictinaryHe became_husband and _father before he was out of his teens.A. a, a B. a, /C. /, a D. /, /2) When we regard two things as a whole, we used only one article:a watch and chaina neeld and threada cu

4、p and saucera carriage and foura rod and lineGive me a knife and fork, please.a king and queen(一对夫妇)a king and a queen(可能是两个国家的,没有关系的两个人)I saw a gentlman and lady walking together.A doctor and nurse were provide for them.(当用were时,两个人有合作关系,所以可省略一个冠词,当用was时,就是一个人(医生兼护士)B. The use of ArticleA cat likes

5、 fish.The cat likes fish.Cats likes fish.A sleeping fox counts hens in his dreams.Galileo claimed that he had invented the telescope.In winter, birds fly to the south.Man is the only creature that has developed the power of speech.The small shopkeeper is finding life in creasingly difficult.The wise

6、 look to the wiser for advice.(the+adj可指一类人,其中包括形容词的比较级)C.1. The use of the difinitive articleAnn is in the garden.(说话人与听话人都知道所指的)Please pass me the wine.His car struck a tree; you can still see the mark on the tree.2.表方位的名词前用定冠词The sun rises in the east.I am going to the south.I am going south.To t

7、he north of the town, there is a lake.North of the town, there is a lake.3.序数词1)当在名词前作定语时,前加the :The third room is much brighter than the fifth(room).Does our class come out first in the game?2)当在V. 后作状语时,前不加the:There are six men in the room. One is blind; another(or second) is a deaf; a third is da

8、mb; a fourth is lame the other(最后一个用)4. He was not in China in the fifties.I think hes somewhere in the thirties.5. 强调部位时用the:He seized the childs collar.He seized the child by the collar.The dog bit him in the leg.The dog licked his hand.The minister kissed_.A. the Queens handB. the Queen on the ha

9、ndHe kissed his son on the forehead.6.定冠词+普通名词,表抽象折概念The pen is mighter than the sword.(文胜于武)Peter is too fond of the bottle.He gave up the sword for the plough.(弃甲归田)He forgot the judge in the father.All the father rose in my heart.the head the heartthe stage7.形容词最高级前加定冠词That is the deepest part of

10、 the river.The river is deepest at this point.She is the busiest of the family.She was busiest last week.8.世界上独一无二的东西前用thethe sunthe moonD. The Omission of Articles:1. Before abstract nouns:(usually)Chinese historyEnglish literatureJacob is a man of great strength.ExceptionA knowledge of language is

11、 always useful.After a swim, she had a rest.He spoke with an enthusiasm which inspired all of us.He had an exciting experience.(=an adventure) last night.2. before material nouns(usually)Raw robber looks like milk.There was a heavy rain last night.She served each of us a coffee.She has built a fire

12、in the next room.When the sun or the moon is an the horizon, it looks bigger and more beautiful.A new moon is hanging high in the sky.Look? A big red sun is rising.3.He went to bed.He went to the bed.My son has gone to school.He comes to the school some times to speak to the head master.We returned

13、from work/school/market/church.They are at sea.(=in a ship, but not necessarily as sailors)They are at the sea.(=at the seaside)He goes to work.He goes to the in office = hold an official positionbe out of office = to be no longer in power4without difinite article:1).home, town2).church, pri

14、son, school, college, university, court, market, hospital3).bed, work(exception: cathedral, office)5with definite article:1). mass communication: the news, the radio, the press, the newspaper, the television etc.Whats in the paper(s)/on the radio/on (the) TV this evening?2). recreational places: the

15、 cinema, the theatre, the concert, the pictures etc.My sister goes to the theatre every month.3). Modern transport and communication: the bus, the train, the post(UK), the mail(US), the internet, the telephone etc.6. before names of meals:I was invited to dinner.(= at their house, in the ordinary wa

16、y)I was invited to a dinner given to welcome the new ambassdor.The dinner given in honour of the quests was magnificent.She arrived before supper.The supper was cold.7.Its very cold in winter.We play football in (the) winter.I went fishing during the summer.(When regarded as a part of the year, it u

17、sed the definitive article)Morning is the best time for work.8. Now he is manager of a bank.Who is monitor of your class.As a politician, I cannot accept your argument.As a chairman of the committee, I am not free to express my personal views.Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province, is a beautiful

18、city.Foshan, a city of Guangdong province, is a beautiful city.9. before proper nouns(专有名词):LuXun is the Groky(高尔基) of China.(比喻时+冠词)He is a(living) Leifeng.Hes a different John Smith form what he was ten years ago.The younger generation will find it hard to imagine a semi-feudal, semi-colonial Chin

19、a.两个或两个以上有关连的名词一起用时,往往不用冠词:from left to rightfrom beginning to endto live from hand to mouthfather and sondialogue between teacher and studentDoctor, nurse, and patients have become the best of friends.Chapter 2、 Noun 名词gender词的性; number词的数; case词的格一、gender词的性1. youthHalf a dozed youths were standin

20、g at the street corner.(用做可数名词时指男青年,当指男女青年都有时用不可数形式)The youth today dont know what they want.2. baby, infant, childThe baby was sleeping in its cot. (因baby较小,一般不用性别区分所以用it)Watch out! The baby is trying to put the toy watch into his mouth.(父母不愿意用it来指代baby,就用his or her)3.The ship struck an iceberg, wh

21、ich tore a huge hole in her side.Scotland lost many of her bravest men in tow great rebellious.Death will come when he is least expected.Is this you sport bike? How much is it?Is that your sports bike? Yes, shes lovely, isnt she?(当把看某物成宠物或宝贝时可用she or he)The cat is a useful animal because it eats rat

22、s.The cat leaped onto my bed and coiled herself here.二、number词的数He caught five fish.The cat like fish. (不强调种类时不可数)three fishes (强调不同种类时可数)salmon沙纹鱼/鲑鱼/大麻哈鱼, trout鲑鱼, cod鳕鱼等单数复数一样sheep, deer, aircraft, craft单数复数一样Enemy aircraft have seen over Londen.Craft of all types are taking part in the race.4. 没

23、有标志的复数名词的复数people, folk(人,人们), police, cattle, poultry(家禽), livestock(牲畜), vermin(害虫), offspring(子孙,后代)police:The police are looking for him.There are a few police on guard at the gate.Several hundred police guarded the palace(不可用five police,不可具体,但可模糊)cattle:Cattle were allowed to graze on the villa

24、ge common.He have 20 (head of) cattle on the farm. (head不+s)fruit:He doesnt eat much fruit.(范指不可数)The potato is a vegetable not a fruit.(指一种时可数)Greece has some wonderful fruits.(表种类,几种时可数)I hope the old man lives to enjoy the fruits of his labour.(表劳动成果时可数)hair:His black hair was going grey.(范指一个人的头

25、发时不可数)I found a hair(two hairs)in the soup.(用作一根根数时可数)5. 集体名词Audience, staff, family, public, committee, enemy, sheepfamilyMy family is ver large.(看做整体用做单数)His family are waiting for him.(做家庭成员时用做复数)public:The public was convinced fo his innocence.(公共整体做单数)The public now know the story.The public is

26、 (are) requested no to leave litter in the mitteeOur committee has considered your request.The committee are divided in their opinion.enemyThe enemy are in flight(逃跑). (逃跑时不是一个整体,所以用复数)The enemy is (are) retreating(撤退). (撤退时通常为一个整体,所以用单数)sheepA flock of sheep was grazing in the field.A flock of shee

27、p were straying all over the road and causing confusion among the traffic.总是用做单数的:a)抽象名词:advice, knowledge, informaitionb)集体名词:baggage, luggage, furniture, rubbish总是用做复数的:a)quarters(住处), premises(房屋)b)clothes, pajamas(睡衣), trousers, shorts(短裤), pants, scissors, chopsticks, pliers(钳子),etccf: clothes-

28、clothing, poem-poetry, novel-fiction三、case词的格1.a mans job the horses mouthwomens chothesa girls school the students hostelthe Smiths car*my aunts husbandsthe husbands of my aunts*my friends jewelsthe jewels of my friends2.Mr Joness (Mr Jones)houseYeatss (Yeats) Poems3. with classical names we just a

29、dd:Pythagoras TheoremArchimedes Law4. forsake:for goodness sakefor peace sakefor consceience sake5. with compounds:放在最后my brother-in-loaws guitarHenry the Eighths wivesthe Prince of Waless helicopterin a year or twos timeWe had an hour and a halfs talk.Adam and Eves children*Tom and his brothers chi

30、ldrenToms and his borthers childrenThe son of Pharaons daughter was the daughter of Pharaohs son4. use of the possessive case:所有格的用法1)Dr Arnolds pupils were always diligent. (指所有的学生)We were pupils of Dr Arnold.(并不是全部的学生)this doctors young wife=the young wife of this doctorwith some cases we can only

31、 use of +noun, eg:The boys ran about obeying the directions of a man with a whistle.(因有with a whistle或+定从就无法用s)I took the advice of a couple I met on the train and hired a car.2)History of England (common use)Englands historyNelsons life(的一生)the life of Nelson(传记,书名)todays(今天的)of today(当代的,当今的)the kings praise(别人表扬国王或国王表扬别人,主动也可被动)He was pleased by the k

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