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老友记 六人行 第九季第六集经典笔记.docx

1、老友记 六人行 第九季第六集经典笔记The One With The Male Nanny906 男保姆 六人行第200集!邀来FREDDIE PRINZE JR.助兴!饰演体贴的男保姆。瑞秋给爱玛挑选了一个过分多愁善感的男保姆(Sandy),罗斯对他极为不满,只因为自己的童年情结菲比和新欢(迈克)交换家门钥匙,却又陷入同旧爱(科学家大卫)的感情纠葛,左右为难;莫妮卡老是把一个男同事挂在嘴边,说他幽默感天下第一,钱德非常嫉妒。 9.06 The One With The Male Nanny (the 200th Episode)Monicas excitement about her new

2、 place of work doesnt really phase(vt.使一致) Chandler, until she mentions that one of her co-workers (Jeffery) is the funniest guy shes ever met. Chandler tries to prove hes funnier. Phoebe and Mike take the next step in their relationship, by exchanging apartment keys. Then Phoebes old flame(旧情人), Da

3、vid (The Scientist Guy), comes to town from Minsk for a few days, putting Phoebes emotions in conflict. Rachel and Ross hire a male nanny (Sandy) to care for Emma, but hes too sensitive for Rosss comfort. Joey learns life lessons from the nannys puppet shows(n.木偶剧). Scene:Chandlers hotel room in Tul

4、sa. Hes fast asleep when the telephone ringsbe fast asleep v.熟睡Chandler: (picking up the telephone, answering it with a frog in his throat) Hello? (he clears his throat, but he still has the same frog in his throat when he speaks again) Hello?a frog in the throat n.轻度喉咙沙哑Monica: (in her apartment, s

5、creaming) I LOVE MY NEW JOB!Chandler: Honey, youre screaming.Monica: YOU BET YOUR ASS I AM! I just had the best first day ever! The kitchen: twice as big as Allessandros.You bet:为什么当老美说,You bet. 的时候,就代表你说的一点也没错的意思呢?因为 bet 是下赌注的意思,所以 You bet. 就是指,You can bet money on that. (你可以把钱下注在上面),言下之意,就是说这件事百分之

6、百正确。例如别人问你,Is this is the way to High Tower Museum? 你就可以回答说,You bet. (一点也没错)有时候为了加强语气,连小屁屁 (ass) 都可以拿来当赌注喔!用来表示这件事是百分之两百地正确。例如电视影集 Friends 里面,Monica 有一次就说了一句让我至今都印象深刻的话,You bet your ass Im going to fire you. (你说得完全正确,我非把你开除不可。) 当然如果不是在跟人家吵架时我们最好还是不要拿小屁屁来当赌注吧! Chandler: (yawning) Oh, thats great.yawn

7、 v.打哈欠Monica: Yeah, a-a-and clean. Not just health department clean. Monica clean.Chandler: (clearly not so interested) Awesome.Monica: Oh, and the people are so nice. Theres this one guy, Geoffrey, hes the Matre d., Chandler, you will love him. He is without a doubt, the funniest guy I have ever me

8、t. (Chandler, who was almost asleep again, sits up straight in bed in an instant and cant believe what he just heard.)without a doubt adv.无疑地/Matre d总管 管家 服务生领班/in an instant adv.立即 马上OPENING CREDITSScene:Central Perk. Phoebe and Mike are on the couch, holding hands, while Phoebe puts milk in her co

9、ffeeMike: This is nice.Phoebe: I know! (Phoebe picks up a little packet of sugar, shakes it, and then realizes she cant open it with one hand, but doesnt want to let go of Mikes hand. She tries to tear open the packet with one hand.)packet n.小包裹/let go of v.放开 松开/tear v.撕破Mike: You need both hands f

10、or that?Phoebe: Yeah, I kinda do. (Mike lets go of her hand) Well, hows this? (she takes Mikes hand and puts it on her breast, she tears open the sugar and puts it into her coffee. Mike thinks it over and nods appreciative. After that, they hold hands again. Joey now enters, and sees the two sitting

11、 on the couch, holding hands.)appreciative adj.表示赞赏的 感谢的eg: She was deeply appreciative of your helpMike: Are you sure thats sweet enough?Joey: (in a very aaaaahhhhh sweeeeeet voice) Aaahhh, look at you two. holding hands. huh is this getting serious? (Phoebe and Mike, embarrassed, start babbling an

12、d look away.) Have you not talked about it yet? (They say nothing now, but smile) Am I making you uncomfortable? (smiles are becoming forced now, and he speaks to Mike) If you were bigger youd hit me, huh.? Aaaaaahhhhhh (he turns away to the bar)babble vt.模糊不清地说eg:She babbled a few words to him/look

13、 away v.把脸转过去/forced adj.不自然的Phoebe: Im sorry. Im sorry. Its obviously way too early for us to be having that conversation.Mike: Is it?Phoebe: (in a flash she answers) Maybe not, is it?in a flash adv.立刻 一瞬间Mike: Okay, when I got divorced, I didnt think Id feel this way about someone for a really lon

14、g time. Then again, I didnt think Id meet someone like you. and. this may be crazy soon, but. I want you to have this. (He tries to get something from his pocket, but its not that easy. Phoebe looks in a whats happening face to him. He finally has found something) No, not. thats gum. (He digs in a l

15、ittle more.) Ooh, five bucks. I love it when that happens, you know. Think no notes there.gum n.口香糖/note n.纸币 钞票Phoebe: (impatient) I know Mike, why dont you keep digging?Mike: Oh, sorry. (He digs in again and finally finds what hes been looking for. A key.)Phoebe: Oh, its a key. To be honest, I thi

16、nk Id prefer the five be honest adv.老实说Mike: Its to my apartment.Phoebe: (really surprised) Oh wow, ooh! Ooh, big step for Phoebe and Mike.Mike: Yeah, look, and I dont want you to feel like you have to give me your key just because.Phoebe: Oh no, I want to.Mike: Oh, thank God. (he laughs

17、nervously, and Phoebe gets her keychain from her bag.)keychainPhoebe: Yeah. ooh. wow. Even started to think Id never meet someone that, you know, I wanted to. do this with. Here you go. (Both Phoebe and Mike look really proud.)Mike: Is this cool, huh?Phoebe: It really is.Joey: (sitting at his table)

18、 Oh, I know it. It is amazing these little things open doors. huh! (mimes opening a door with his own keys, Phoebe looks at him in a yeah, yeah, yeah way.)mime v.模仿 Scene:Ross and Rachels apartment. Both of them sitting on the couch, interviewing a nanny candidatenanny n.保姆Rachel: So I dont go back

19、to work for another four weeks, but we would like our nanny to start right away, so that Emma could get a chance to know her.Nanny Candidate: (in a sweet, caring voice) I think thats really smart. The easier we can make the transition for her, the better. (Ross and Rachel seem pleased with the answe

20、r.)transition n.转变 过渡Rachel: Thats great, great. So do you have any questions for us?Nanny Candidate: Not really.Rachel: All right. Well thank you so much for coming. (theyre standing up and make their way to the door)Ross: Thank you.Rachel: Really nice to meet you. and well call you.Nanny Candidate

21、: Oh, you know, wait. I do have one question. (she starts playing with her hair) Do you guys do random drug testing?drug testing n.药物检查Ross: Boy, we uhm. hadnt really thought of that.Nanny Candidate: Thats cool. But. but if you do, Im gonna need three days notice.three days notice n.提前三天通知Rachel: Ok

22、ey-dokey! (and she slams the door in the nannys face while Ross crumples up the application form) Wow! Were never gonna find a nanny.crumple up v.捏皱/application form n.申请表/okey-dokey 跟我们平常口语上常用的 OK 是一模一样的, 但不知为什么理由, 或许是为了强调或是一种淘气的说法吧, 有些人就喜欢说成 okey-dokey. 另外有一点值得一提, 有些人觉的 OK 还不够省略, 它们就只说 K. 有一次在网路上跟

23、一个老美聊天, 他一直跟我说 K 我觉的很奇怪, 后来我问别人才知道 K 就是 OK. 的意思.Ross: Oh, come on Rach, we will. I promise. We have more interviews (They sit down and Rachel sighs) And worse comes to worst, we can always reconsider the uhm. the first one we met with.worse comes to worst adv.事情越来越糟 每况愈下Rachel: (indignant) What, the

24、 blonde with no bra?indignant adj.愤怒的Ross: She was blonde? (he looks surprised for a while, but then gets a gotcha expression on his face. Theres knocking at the door.) Just a sec.! Okay, okay. This ones name is Sandy. Shes got a degree in early childhood education, uhm. she worked for her last fami

25、ly for three years.Rachel: Okay. (Ross opens the door.)Sandy: (a guy) Hi. Im Sandy.Freddie James Prinze, Jr. (born March 8, 1976) is an American actor, perhaps best known for his leading roles in teen-oriented films.Ross: And shes a little mannish.mannish adj.似男人的 有男子特质的Scene: Phoebes apartment. The

26、res a knock on the door, and Phoebe opens itPhoebe: (gasps) Oh my God! David!David: Hi! I-i-is this a bad time?Phoebe: (excited) No! Its a great time, come in.! WOW, hi. Oh my gosh! What are you doing here? Are you back from Minsk?David: Well, just for a couple of days, uhm. Im here to explain to th

27、e people who gave us our grant, why its a positive thing that we spent all their money and uhm. accomplished uhm. nothing.grant n.授予物 助学金 补助金eg:Students in this country receive a grant from the governmentPhoebe: Who cares, it got you here.David: Well, it got me to New York anyway, and then I got on

28、a cab at the airport, and the guy said where to? and I just. gave him your address I. I. I didnt even think about it.think about v.考虑Phoebe: Wow. Where is your luggage? (David thinks for a while)David: Damn it!Phoebe: A-All right, well. Ill call the cab company.David: Wa. wa. wait! We can. call them

29、 later. Can you just. just stand there f-f-for a moment? Boy! Theres an old Russian expression, uhm. it goes: Schto ya ztez vigul. ui! Roughly translated that means uhm. This thing that Im looking at: wow!roughly adv.粗略地 大体上Phoebe: Thank you! God, no! You should see me when. Oh actually, no, I look

30、pretty good.David: Are. are you kidding? You know, when you dont see someone for a long time, a-a-and you kind of build them up in your head and you start thinking about: Come on, dont be crazy. Nobody is that beautiful, but. well, you are. (Phoebe seems very charmed) Well, so, uhm. are you seeing.

31、anyone? (Phoebe is still up on a cloud from what David just said)charmed adj.被迷住的/be upon a cloud 飘飘然Phoebe: No.Scene:Monica and Chandlers apartment. Monica sits on the couch and Phoebe is pacing up and down the room.pace up and down v.走来走去(尤指由于烦躁 焦虑等)Phoebe: Im. Im just. Im the worst person ever. How can I not tell David that Im seeing Mike?Monica: Maybe he didnt give you a chance.Phoebe: He said: Are you seeing someone? And I said no.Monica: Oh, well. That wouldve been your window.windowAn opportunity.When one d

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