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1、过去分词作定语表语练习题含答案过去分词作定语表语练习题 ( 含) 答案过去分词专题练习 . 分析下列划线部分的用法 (过去分词做定语, 表语 以及被动) children are opening their Christmas presents. 1.The excited. 2. This supermarket is now closed by Tom. broken3. The blackboard wasShearelook on her face because she failed the exam. worried4. had ain the idea I put forward

2、.5.He looked interested(= which were produced last year) very expensive. produced last year6. The machine . Fill the form with proper form. 适当形式填空1.The animal and plants that they found there were (astonish)2.I was (astonish) to learn that his long lostchild had been found.3.The news made us .(disap

3、point)4.The mother went to visit Einstein. (puzzle)5.Madame Curie found husbands death .(shock)6.I saw the boy very (excite)7. (encourage), the girl was determined to studyharder and make greater progress.8.Be brave. You look like a bird (frighten)弓之鸟)9.The fierce lion looks (frighten). Keep away fr

4、omits cage or it will attack you.10.The look on her face was very (confuse) . . Fill the form with V-ed3.The problem (very difficult to solve.4.The window (is being repaired5.The children ( were seriously ill.6.The people ( 暴露在阳光下的 ) got sunburnt.7.The boy ( 受到老师严厉惩罚的 ) isnow a college student.8.The

5、 water ( 送到他家的水 ) carrieddisease.9.The English today is quite different from the English (300 年前所说的 ).10.Most of the artists ( 被邀请去参加聚会的 )were from South Africa.11.The students ( 受到老师鼓舞的 )workedharder than ever before. . 基础单选题1.Mary is a new nurse and her job is to take care of the soldiers.A.wound

6、B. wounded C. wounding D. being wounded2.tooLily seems very muchin the magazine, but I think its expensive.A. interested B. interesting C. to interest D. to be interesting3.All the passengers should remainwhen the plane is making a landing.A. seat B. seating C. to be seating D. seated 4. After her j

7、ourney from Australia, Sophie Armstrong returned home,exhausted their new album on time, the two famous singers worked far into the night e5.very day.A. Release B. Released C. To release D. Having released6.The meeting next Thursday mainly aims todeal with the problems related to teenagers mental he

8、alth.A. to be held B. held C. being held D. having been held 7. There is nothingto do but wait for my parents to come here.A. leave B. left C. to leave D. leaving good care of in the hospital.are now 8.A. The workers injured; takenB.The injured workers; being takenC.The injured workers; takenD.The w

9、orkers injured; being taken 9. All his fans areby Lionel Messis performance in F.C.BarcelonaA. inspire B. inspiring C. inspired D. being inspired . Choose the best answer.1.Most of the artists to the party were from SouthAfrica.A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. had been invited2.The comput

10、er center, last year, is very popular amongthe students in this school.A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened33.Cleaning women in big cities usually get by the hour.A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay4.How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers? The key the pro

11、blem is to meet the demand by the customers.A. to solving; making B. to solving; made C. to solve; making D. to solve; made5.Dont use words, expressions, or phrases only topeople with specific knowledge. A. being known B. having been known C. to be known D. known 6 English is different from English

12、in manyways.A. Spoken; written B. Speaking; written C. Spoken; writing D. Speak; write7 The woman there under the tree, in a blueshirt, is our headmaster.A. sitting; wearing B. sitting; dressed C. seating; dressed D. seated; dressing8 Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing Mining Company, as 3

13、M.A. knowing.B.known.C.being known.D. to beknown9 The disheslay on thefloor.A breaking.B. broken.C. broke. D. break10 the ship, by a huge piece of iceberg, cam to a suddenstop.A.hitting. B. hit. C. hitted. D. to hit.11 Sandy, hurry up. Im afraid you wont have time to before the party.A. get changed.

14、 B. get change. C. get changing. D. get to change.13he seems quite at the idea.A. pleasing. B. pleased. C. please. D. pleasant.14. She felt rather that she shouldnt drive the carat such a speed.A. frightening, frightening B. frightened, frightenedC. frightening, frightened D. frightened, frightening

15、15Tell Mary that theres someone for her at the door.A. waiting. B. waits. C. waited. D. to wait.16there is a big dog to a fence outside the house.A. tying. B. tied. C. to tie. D. ties.17The Olympic Games, _ in 776 B.C.did not include women players until 1912.A. first played B. to be first played C.

16、first playingD. to be first playing18.What he has done is really . Now his parents are him.A. disappointing; disappointed atB. disappointing;disappointed aboutC. disappointing; disappointed withD. disappointed;disappointing by19. Prices of dailygoods_ through a computer canbe lowerthan some store pr

17、ices.A. are bought B.bought C. been bought D.buying20. Mr Smith, of the _ speech, started to reada novel.A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired; boredD. tiring; boring21 As soon as she entered the room, the girl caught sight of the flowers by her mother. A. buying B. beingbought C. were bought D

18、. bought22. As we joined the big crowd I got from my friends.A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed23. The students, at the way the question was put, didntknow how to answer it.A being surprised B. surprising C. surprised D. having surprised24. The first textbooks forlanguage came out in the4teach

19、ingEnglishas a foreign16th century.A having written be written C.beingwritten D.written25. Look at the note _ to the door, you will see thatsomeone paid a visit when we are away.A. pinning B. pinnedC. being pinnedD. is pinned26. I was very to find allthe ticketshadbeen sold outwhen I got there.

20、A. disappoint B. to disappoint C. disappointing D. disappointed27. - A woman was killed. - Where is the body of the woman?A. murder B. murdered C. murdering D. having murdered28.The _ look on the girls face suggested that she _ such bad news.A. surprising, would expect B. surprised, shouldexpectC. s

21、urprising, shouldnt have been expected D. surprised, hadnt expected29. Youll find the word psychology_under P in your dictionary.A. have listed B. list C. listed D. listing30. From the date _ on the gold coin, we decided that itwas made five hundred yearsago. A.marking B.marked be marked D.havi

22、ngbeen marked31.There was a terrible noise the sudden burst of light.A. followed B. following C. to be followed D. being followed32.The Olympic Games, in 776 B. C., didnt include womenuntil 1912.A. first playing B. to be first played C. first playedD. to be playing33.Whats the language in Germany?A.

23、 speaking B. spoken C. be spoken D. to speakVI. Choose the best Australia international exchange students ( A. inspired inspiring B. inspired; inspired D. inspiring inspiring6.The glass cup was by John.A. breaking; broken B. breaking; breaking C. broken,broken D. broken; breaking7. Look! E

24、verything here is under construction. Oh, has the museum once for exhibiting kitesbeen pulled down ( 推倒) , 5too?A. having been built B built C been built D. being built8.The disco, in the radio, sounded good at the partythat night.A. recorded B. recording C. to be recorded D. having recorded9.Dont u

25、se words, ,expressions, or phrases only to people with specific knowledge.A. being known B. having been known C. to be known D. known10.The flowers sweet in the garden attract thevisitors.A. to smell B. smelling C. smelt D. to besmelt11.Did you go to the party on New Years Eve?A. held B. to be holdi

26、ng C. to be held D. being held12.The television is a machine.A. newly invented B. new invented C. newly inventD. new invention13.I dont know the girl in the snow storm.A. to catch B. caught C. catching D. to be catching14.Traveling is , but we often feel whenwe are back from travels.A. interesting,

27、tired B. interested, tiring C. interesting, tiring D. interested, tired15.The film was so that all of us were totears.A. are bought B. bought C. been bought D. buying19.Most of the people to the party were from SouthAfrica.A. invited B. to invite C. being invited D. had been invited20.The computer c

28、enter, last year, is very popular among the students in this school.A .open B. opening C. having opened D. opened 参考答案I. 1. 前置定语 2. 被动语态 3. 被动语态 4. 前置定语 5. 表语 6. 后置 定语II. 1. astonishing 2. astonished 3. disappointing; disappointed 4. puzzled 5.shocking6. excited 7. Encouraged 8. frightening 9. frigh

29、tening 10.confusingIII.1. written by a farmer 2. built last year at the meeting yesterday4. broken by the naughty boy 5. examined yesterday6. exposed to the sun 7. punished severely8. delivered to hishouse 9. spoken 300 years ago 10. invited to the party11. inspired by theteacherIV.1-5 BADCC 6-10 ABBCV.1-5 ADCBD 6-10 ADBBB 11-15 ABDA 16-20 BAABA21-25 DACDB 26-30 DBDCB 31-33 BCB6VI.3. discussed at the hospitalby the teacher1-5 CADCA 6-10 CBADB 11-15 AABAB 16-20 ABBAD

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