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1、广东高考完形填空专项训练2009年广东高考完形填空专项训练(试题来源:广东各地月考题)一、六校联考(一) In 1162, deep in the heart of Asia, a child was born. He was holding a blood clot (血块) in his hand, a sign from 21 that he was bound to be a great warrior. His life was to become a 22 , his name - Genghis Knan.The boy, who would become Genghis Kha

2、n, was called Temujin. He was the son of a warrior. When he was only nine years old, he 23 news that was to change his life.Many believe that his story is simple, and that he was an evil, 24_ barbarian (野蛮人) who killed millions. But the real character of Genghis Khan is _25_ interesting. How did thi

3、s uneducated person 26 the separated tribes of Mongolia into a powerful nation and revolutionary weapons that finally 27 Europe? His troops _28_ from Chinas Pacific Coast to Europes Adriatic Sea, creating the _29_ for one of the greatest continental empires of all time. And why on his deathbed, did

4、he believe his 30 remained unfulfilled? Shortly after his death, his heirs gathered their memories into a poem to memorize and sing highly of his life. They called it the Secret History of the Mongols.21. A. sky B. space C. heaven D. future22. A. legend B. story C. novel D. tale23. A. gave B. receiv

5、ed C. heard D. sent24. A. cold B. cruel C. bad D. brave25. A. even so B. much too C. far more D. too much26. A. turn B. exchange C. make D. ride27. A. beat B. battled C. conquered D. won28. A. fought B. traveled C. rode D. passed29. A. regulation B. basis C. function D. ground30. A. job B. work C. m

6、ission D. wish二、六校联考(二) Harold Smith and George Price glanced down Clay Street as they traveled Calhoun Street. They noticed what they described as a plume (缕) of smoke and turned around to check on it. They found it beginning to stream from a house and jumped into _21_. At the back of the house, th

7、ey found flames pouring out of the back window. George Price knocked _22_ on the door and got no _23_ and went to the neighbors house just a few feet away to _24_ them. Harold Smith _25_ a garden hose (软管) and went to work. He had been a volunteer _26_ years ago so when he saw the fan in the back wi

8、ndow _27_ the flames, he turned the hose on it to short it out.As soon as he stopped the fan, he went down the side of the home next door to make sure it did not catch fire. Then he turned the hose back on the flames through the now _28_ back window. Public Safety Fire arrived a few minutes later. T

9、he fire was quickly brought under _29_. It appeared the fire started in the kitchen area. _30_, the family with 3 or 4 children, which had lived in the home only a few months, left the home just a little while before.21. A. behavior B. action C. appearance D. movement22. A. hard B. slightly C. happi

10、ly D. politely23. A. result B. answer C. voice D. flame24. A. communicate B. advise C. separate D. warn25. A. made up B. came up C. set up D. picked up26. A. firefighter B. officer C. teacher D. soldier27. A. crossing B. stopping C. feeding D. disturbing28. A. broken B. closed C. open D. fastened29.

11、 A. care B. influence C. control D. way30. A. Suddenly B. Surprisingly C. Luckily D. Hopefully三、湛江月考 The idea of the blood transfusion is very simple, but that idea has saved many thousands of lives over the past century. Often, if a person is in a(n) _21_ or has an operation, he will lose a lot of

12、blood and these are the times when a blood transfusion is needed. This _22_ means taking blood from another person and putting it into the body of the _23_. Doctors have been carrying out blood transfusions for _24_. There are several types of blood and that the correct type must always be used. So,

13、 you might be _25_ “What does this have to _26_ me?” Well, it has something to do with all of us. Hospitals need to keep back the blood ready for transfusions. The only way they can get that blood is from _27_ people like you. Every human body has five liters of blood and we take 0.25 liters from ea

14、ch person. This is completely _28_. In fact, your body will make enough blood to _29_ it after only a day. Giving blood only _30_ a short while and it doesnt hurt. It costs you nothing and it could save a life. So please blood. 21 A. hospital B. accident C. action D. treatment22 A. simply B. mainly

15、C. partly D. largely23 A. person B. man C. woman D. patient24 A. centuries B. months C. years D. weeks25 A. worrying B. considering C. thinking D. leaving26 A. deal with B. do with C. go with D. connect with27 A. common B. usual C. ordinary D. general28 A. safe B. unsafe C. good D. available29 A. re

16、cover B. return C. regain D. replace30 A. takes B. costs C. spends D. uses四、花都月考 In Glasgow, Scotland, a young lady, like a lot of teens today, got tired of home. The daughter objected to her familys 21 lifestyle and said,“I dont want your God. I am leaving!”She left home. Before long, she was disap

17、pointed and unable to find a job, so she tried to do everything she could to 22 . Many years passed by, her father died, her mother grew 23 , and the daughter became more and more entrenched(固执)in her way of life.No contact was made between mother and daughter during these years. The mother, having

18、24 her daughters whereabouts (去向,行踪), went to the poor part of the city in 25 of her daughter. She stopped at each of the rescue missions with a simple 26 ,“Would you allow me to 27 this picture?”It was a picture of the smiling, gray-haired mother with a handwritten 28 at the bottom:“I love you stil

19、lcome home!”One day the daughter wandered into a rescue mission for a hot meal. She sat 29 listening to the service, all the while letting her 30 wander over to the bulletin board. There she saw the picture and thought“Could that be my mother?”She couldnt wait until the service was over. She stood a

20、nd went to look. It was her mother, and there were those words,“I love you stillcome home!”As she stood in front of the picture, she wept. It was too good to be true. 21Amodern Breligious Cawful Dsimple22Aearn money Bhelp others Cfind job Dbecome famous23Alonelier Bslower Celder Dolder24Atold about

21、Bheard of Cwritten about Dtalked about25Asight Bcharge Csearch Dneed26Arequest Bremark Cquestion Dspeech27Aprint out Blook at Csend off Dput up28Arecord Border Cmessage Dnotice29Asensitively B.absent-mindedly Cdevotedly Dcarefully30Aeyes Bhands Cthoughts Dimaginations五、华师附中 A little while ago, I sta

22、rted to go out with another woman It was really my wifes idea. The woman that my wife wanted me to visit was my mother, who has been a widow(寡妇)for 19 years,but the 21 of my work and my three children had made it possible to visit her only occasionallyThat night I called to invite her to go out for

23、dinner and a 22 “Whats wrong, are you 23 ?she asked. My mother is the type of woman who suspect that a late night 24 or a surprise invitation is a sign of bad news “I thought that it would be pleasant to pass some time with you,” I answered “Just the two of us”She thought about it for a moment, and

24、then said, Id like. That very much” When I drove to call her up after work I noticed she, too,seemed;to be 25 about our date, just like meShe had curled hair and was waiting at the door, wearing the dress that she had worn only at the great celebration“Then its time you 26 and let me return the favo

25、r,” I saidDuring an agreeable conversation, we talked so much that we missed the movieAs we arrived at her house, she said,“I,II go out with you again,but only if you let me invite you”“How was your dinner date?” asked my wife when I got tome “Very niceMuch more than I could have 27 A few days later

26、 my mother died of aheart attackIt happened so suddenly that I didnt have a chance to do anything for herLater I received a restaurant receipt from the Same place where mother and I had dinedAn attached note said, “I paid this bill 28 1 was almost sure that I couldnt be there, 29 I still paid for tw

27、o platesone for you and the other for your wifeYou11 30 know what that nightMeant to meI love you”21Ademands Brequests Cproblems Dtroubles22Amovie, Bparty Ccelebration Dget-together23Afine Bwell Cmad Dhomesick24Avisit Bsleep Ccall Ddate25Aglad Bcrazy Canxious Dnervous26Adepended Brelaxed Cdined Denj

28、oyed27Aattended Bimagined Cmade Dhoped28Ain advance Bafterwards Cin time Dany way29Aso Band Cthen Dbut30Acertainly Bever Cnever Dalready六、广州六中 Have you ever heard the phrase, “Love is blind?” If so, you are already 21 with a type of mistake in our attempts to understand others: halo effect (光圈效应). T

29、his type of mistake 22 to the fact that once we form an overall impression of somebody, it could have strong effects on our 23 of his personality. 24 , halo effect is both common and powerful. For example, most organizations contain one or more “superstars”-people who have earned the reputation for being unusually 25 and capable. Once they have gained such a “halo”, everything they do receives good 26 . Ideas that would be regarded as just so-so if suggested by someone else are seen

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