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1、初中英语外研版九年级下册高效课堂资料八下一轮复习M34知识梳理初中英语外研版九年级下册高效课堂资料Module 3 Journey to space一、模块题目:Journey to space二、重点语法:现在完成时(2)三、重点单词:earth, news, planet, reach, yet, just, model, spaceship, project, latest, discover, astronaut, none, environment, solar, system, group, universe, impossible, communicate四、重点短语:no pr

2、oblem, space travel, solar system, be up to, none of, search for, in order to 五、词汇拓展:1reach, arrive, get to三者的区别2discover(同义词)3none,all, both, neither, every, each的用法和区别4impossible(反义词)possible5communicate(名词)communication6. have been to与have gone to的用法六、常考句型:1.What are you up to?你在忙什么呢?2 Ive just m

3、ade a model spaceship for our school project.我刚刚做了一个我们学校项目要求的宇宙飞船模型。3 I havent started yet because Im not sure how to make it. 我还没开始呢,因为我不确定怎么做。4 Sure,no problem. 当然可以, 没问题。5 Has it arrived yet? 它已经到达了吗?yet的用法6 Thats why its on the news. 这就是它在新闻中播放的原因。 (Thats why.)7 Astronauts have already been to t

4、he moon. 宇航员已经去过月球了。(have been to)8 However,we have not found life on any other planets yet.然而, 我们还没有在任何其他行星上发现生命。9 Scientists have also discovered many other galaxies in the universe.科学家们也已经在宇宙发现了许多其他星系。七、语法拓展:现在完成时(2)当表示动作已经完成并对现在有一定影响时,我们一般用现在完成时。同时,可分别用just, already或yet加以强调或说明。例如:I have just hea

5、rd the news我刚听到消息。Astronauts have already been to the moon宇航员已经去过月球了。We have iust started to explore other planets我们才刚刚开始探索其他行星。可以看出,just用来表示“刚刚”, already用来表示“已经”,两者都用于肯定句中,一般是置于 havehas之后。在否定句中则可用yet表示“还未”,有“以后可能会”的含义。例如:The scientists have not heard from it ye升学家还没有收到它发出的信息。Man has not discovered

6、any life in space yet人夹尚未在太空中发现任何生命。另外,在使用现在完成时的时候,要注意它与一般过去时的区别。现在完成时在表达经历时只表示该事件是在现在之前的某一个时间里发生的,重点在于已完成动作对现在的影响。而一般过去时则表示在过去某一具体时间发生的事情。例如:I have just been to London I went there last month我刚去过伦救,上个月去的。I have already finished my homework,I finished it an hour ago我已经完成家庭作业了,一小时前完成的。在没有明确的过去时间状语时,如

7、何判断该用现在完成时还是该用一般过去时呢?判断的标准是看该行为是否对现在有影响,也就是说该句所强调的是什么。试看以下对话:A: Where have you put my book?I cant find it你把我的书放哪儿去了?我找不到。B: I put it on your desk yesterday我昨天放在你桌上了。该对话中,当A问对方把自己的书放在何处时,A强调的是现在找不到了,因此用现在完成时。但是B回答时只是说明当时放的位置,所以用一般过去时。再看下面的对话:A: Would you like to go and see the film with me tonight?你今

8、晚想和我去看电影吗?B:Sorry,I have seen it already不好意思,我已经看过那部电影了。对话中的现在完成时表示对结果的强调:“电影看过了,所以不想再看了。中考链接:2014年中考题第27题: -Are Betty and Lingling still living in Beijing?-No.,they_to Qingdao.A.will move B.are moved C. have just moved D.move八、话题写作:如何写与太空旅行相关的文章(一)话题分析本模块主要学习有关太空的知识,培养学生对天文知识方面的兴趣和对未知事物的探索精神,要求学生会写

9、有关太空旅行的文章。(二)常用表达1.Scientists have sent spaceships to. 科学家已经发射宇宙飞船到.2.Scientists have discovered.科学家已经发现了.3.Scientists are working hard in order to. 为了.科学家们正在努力工作。4. The trees there are taller than ours. 那里的树比我们这里的要高。5.The flowers there are as beautiful as ours. 那里的花和我们这里的一样漂亮。6.The spaceships journ

10、ey to Mars can lay the foundation for our visit to other planets. 宇宙飞船的火星之旅可以为我们访问其他星球奠定基础。思路导引1.题目要求描述火星之旅,因此本文应用第一人称,时态以一般过去时为主。2.此类文章的写作可采用三段式:A第一段简单介绍旅行目的地和旅行方式等;B第二段详细叙述旅行中的所见所闻及活动内容等;C结尾描述自己的感受。写作模板引出话题:Our school had a great journey to Mars a great journey to Mars a few days ago.介绍火星:On Mars

11、we visited.The environment there was.We also had a party.we made a telephone call with aliens.表达希望:The journey was very interesting.I hope to travel to Mars again.Module 4 Seeing the doctor一、模块题目:Seeing the doctor二、重点语法:现在完成时(3)三、重点单词:cough, fever, headache, stomach, ache, toothache, since, take, he

12、alth, heart, active, pet, member, condition, sleepy, daily, weak, illness, awful, perhaps.四、重点短语:stomach ache, catch a cold, take sb.s temperature, fast food, take part in, in excellent condition, feel awful, all over.五、词汇拓展:1. sleep(形容词)sleepy2 health(形容词)healthy(反)unhealthy(副)healthily3day(形容词)dai

13、ly4ill(名词)illness六、常考句型:1.-How can I help you? 你哪里不舒服?-I feel ill.我感觉病了。2 .-How long have you been like this? 你这样有多长时间了? (how long 对一段时间进行提问)-Since Friday. Ive been ill for about three days!从星期五开始的。 我已经病了大约三天了!3. I havent done much exercise since I got my computer last year. 自从去年有了电脑, 我就没怎么运动过。 (sin

14、ce 引导时间状语从句)4. It can be very harmful to your health. 这可能对你的健康非常有害。5. I have had him for three months now and I feel really healthy. 现在我拥有他已经三个月了,我感觉真的很健康。6. Since then,it has become part of my life. 自那时起, 它成了我生活的一部分。7. Perhaps I am too weak to do any exercise. 也许我太虚弱而不能做任何运动。8.-How long have you ha

15、d your bike? 你买自行车多长时间了?-Ive had it for about two years. 我买了大约两年了。中考链接:2017年中考27题:_is it from your home to your school?It is about 10 minutes ride.A.How long B.How soon C.How far D.How soon重点语法:现在完成时(3)要表达某一行为或状态从过去某时间一直持续到现在,我们也可借助现在完成时。例如:I have been like this since Friday从周五开始我就一直这样。I have not do

16、ne much exercise since I got my computer last year自从去年有了电脑,我就没怎么锻炼了。l have had the dog for three months now这条狗我已经养了三个月了。We have played football for a year now. 我们已经踢了一年的足球了。从以上例句可以看出,在表示行为或状态从过去一直持续到现在时,通常要与表示一段间的时间状语连用,这类状语通常由for或 since 引导。需要注意的是,for后接一段时间,如for a long time, for five years等;而 since后

17、多接时间点,如 since August2003, since yesterday, since two clock等。在对现在完成时的时间状语进行提问时,我们常用 how long。例如:How long have you played football?你踢足球踢了多长时间了?How long have you been like this?你这个样子有多久了?How long have you had the dog?这条狗你养了多久了?注意,在表示某一行为或状态持续多长时间时,根据终止时间的不同,需要使用不同的时态。例如:I stayed in the hotel for a week

18、 last summer去年夏天我在这家酒店住了一周。I have stayed in the hotel for a week now迄今我已在这家酒店住了一周了。I will stay in the hotel for a week next month下个月我要在这家酒店住一周时间。同样表示“在某一酒店住一周”的概念,第一句讲述的是去年夏天的事情,故用一般过去时,第二句表示到现在为止已经住了一周,故用现在完成时:第三句讲述的是下个月的事情,故用一般将来时。注意,在现在完成时的句子中,表示持续的动作或状态时,动词通常与表示时间段的时间状语连用而表示动作已经完成时,动词不能与表示时间段的时间

19、状语连用。试比较Tom has been here for two hours汤姆已经来了两小时了。Tom has just come汤姆刚到。除表示经历、持续至今的行为或状态外,现在完成时还表示到目前为止量的累积。例如:I have learnt twenty English songs我已经学会了20首英文歌曲。I have collected300samp;我已经收集了300枚邮票。话题写作:(一)话题分析本模块以健康为话题,谈论了健康饮食和科学锻炼的重要性。 该话题在中考中比较 常见,同 学们平时要留意生活中关于健康的热点话题。(二)常用表达1.Its important for us

20、 to stay healthy. 对于我们来说保持健康是重要的。2.How to keep healthy? 怎么保持健康?3.Here are some ways to stay healthy. 这里有一些保持健康的方法。4.You should eat more vegetables and fruit,but less junk food.你应当多吃蔬菜和水果,少吃垃圾食品。5.Doing exercise can make us healthy and strong. 锻炼能使我们健康强壮。思路导引1.文章要求介绍如何保持健康,体裁应为说明文;2.人称以第一人称为主,时态采用一般现

21、在时;3.注意文章的条理性,可用first,second,finally等来分条给出建议。写作模板:引出话题Its very important for us to.But do you know how to.?提出建议:First,we need to.We can eat.,but wed better eat.Different kinds of foods are.Its important to.Second,doing exercise can.We can.After school,we can play.Finally,keeping happy is another way

22、 to.We should try吧to., because its a good way to.If we often.,we can also feel.佳作展示Good Ways to Keep HealthyIts very important for us to keep healthy. But do you know now to keep healthy?First,we need to have a healthy diet. We can eat vegetables and fresh fruit every day,but wed better eat less mea

23、t. Different kinds of foods are necessary. Its important to have a healthy diet.Second,doing exercise can make us healthy and strong. We can take a walk after dinner. After school, we can play basketball or soccer with our friends.Finally, keeping happy is another way to keep healthy.We should try to make friends, because its a good way to keep ls happy.If we often smile,we can also feel happy.

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