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1、九年级英语上册Unit6TVprogrammesReadingI教案新版牛津版Unit 6 TV programmesReading (I) I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. learn the skills of reading a TV guide;2. learn to choose the most suitable TV programmes for oneself;3. learn to develop reasonable

2、and moderate hobbies.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: round-up, up-to-date, fan, a number of, coming, cover, live, Asian, vote, music video, announce, text message, murder, murderer, horror, direct, director, wealthy, mystery, might, scared, unless, animal-lover, scene, latest, record.

3、2. New structures: This years Beijing Music Awards will be covered live this Saturday. In the film, a wealthy doctor is found dead in his house. You will not find out the answer until the very end. This one-hour documentary takes a close look at the life of tigers in India.III. Focus of the lesson a

4、nd predicted area of difficultyTeach the students how to use skimming or scanning to get the main ideas or the specific information.How to talk about their favourite TV programmes.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1. A game.T: I know you like watching TV very much. Now lets play a game. Watch a T

5、V programme collection and tell me how many kinds of TV programmes there are in it. What are they? S: .【设计意图:通过小游戏,让学生看视频,说出视频中的电视节目类型,复习上一课要点,同时自然导入新课。】2. Presentation of some new words.T: Do you watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV every year? It is covered live. What does “be covered live” mean?

6、Try to guess. It means that people can watch it on TV at the same time as it is happening. Of all the TV programmes we watched just now, I like watching news best. I can learn about the up-to-date information from it. What does “up-to-date” mean? Try to guess. It means that I can know the latest inf

7、ormation in the world. 【设计意图:在free talk中通过图片呈现两个新短语be covered live和up-to-date,训练学生的猜词能力,并为reading做好准备。】Step 2 Fast reading1. Introduce a TV guide to the students.T: If you want to find out when a TV programme will be shown and what it is about, what can you do? T: Yes, you can read a TV guide online

8、 or in the newspaper.Look, this is a TV guide. It can give you information about different TV programmes. 2. Read the two web pages quickly to get the main idea and complete the form.T: Millie is reading a TV guide online. First, read it by yourselves quickly. Can you help Millie complete the form?

9、T: Remember that when you are reading it, you only need to read the title, the main headings, the first and last paragraphs, and the first sentence of each paragraph. This will give you a good idea of what the text is about. programmeTV station about whattime【设计意图:第一遍快速阅读,完成填表任务,并指导学生在阅读中运用skimming的

10、阅读技巧。】Step 3 Careful readingSports World1. Read it carefully and answer some questions.T: Now lets take a close look at the information about Sports World. Read it carefully first. Millie is asking you for help. Can you answer her questions?T: Remember that while reading it, you do not need to read

11、every word. Just look for the key information that will answer the questions. Questions: a. Can people know the information about sports for the last two weeks? b. Is the weekly round-up in sport all about basketball?c. What is this weeks programme about? What other information can we get from it?【设

12、计意图:第二遍分段仔细阅读,指导学生在阅读中运用scanning的阅读技巧回答相关问题。】Beijing Music Awards1. Watch a short video about Grammy Music Awards. T: Now its time for music. Lets watch a short video first. Look, this video is about the famous Grammy Music Awards in the USA. After the two hosts announced the result, a young man jum

13、ped up. Why? Because he was the winner of the Best Song of the Year. All the people got excited at the news. What does “announce” mean? Try to guess. It means “to tell people about a decision or something that will happen”.2. Read it aloud and then answer Millies questions.T: In China, we have our o

14、wn music awards too, that is Beijing Music Awards. Read it aloud and then Millie has some questions for you.Questions: a. Who will attend the show?b. Do lots of fans vote online for their favourite film stars? c. How can people win free concert tickets?【设计意图:通过格莱美音乐节的视频,呈现单词announce,并引出北京音乐节。阅读并回答问题

15、。】Murder in a Country House1. Look at the picture and guess what happened in the film.T: Lets change the channel to Golden TV. Oh, its time for film now. Look at this picture. Can you guess what may happen in the film?S: Someone was killed.T: Who was killed, a rich man or a poor man?S: .2. Read and

16、complete the note.T: Read it silently by yourselves and answer the question. Who was killed?S: A wealthy doctor was killed. T: Yes. “Wealthy” means “rich”. A rich doctor was killed. Do you know who killed him?S: I dont know.T: If you want to know the answer, you should watch the film until the very

17、end. Read it again and help Millie complete the note. Murder in a Country House is a _ film. The director is _. In the film, a _ doctor is found _ in his house. But you wont find out if he was killed or he killed _ until the end of the film. The film is full of _ and _. Remember not to watch it if y

18、ou get _ easily. 【设计意图:读前先通过图片对电影内容进行猜测。呈现生词wealthy,阅读并完成填空。】Tiger Watch1. Watch a short video. T: Wow, the horror film is terrible. I dont like it because I get scared easily. Now lets watch a short video together. What kind of TV programme is it? S: Its a documentary. 2. Read and help Millie check

19、 the notes. T: Millie wanted to watch a documentary, so she made some notes. Can you help Millie check her notes? a. Tiger Watch lasts for two hours. Fb. In the documentary, we can see the tigers in the zoo in India. F c. If people keep hunting tigers for their fur and bones, these animals will be i

20、n danger. Td. This documentary won an award for its beautiful music. Fe. Animal lovers might find Tiger Watch a bit funny. F【设计意图:通过有关动物的纪录片导入,引导学生读后完成判断正误的任务。】Step 4 Practice1. Finish B3 on P83.T: After reading the TV guide, we have learned a lot about Saturdays TV programmes. Help Millie complete

21、the article with the information in the TV guide. Finish B3 on P83.2. Finish B4.T: Millie and her friends dont know how to choose the most suitable TV programmes for themselves. Can you help each of them make a good choice? Finish B4 on P83.【设计意图:通过完成书后B3部分的填空练习,巩固学生对于课文知识的理解。通过B4部分的练习,引导学生学会根据爱好和时间

22、选择合适的电视节目。】Step 5 Discussion1. T: After learning about the four TV programmes, we know that each TV programme is suitable for different kinds of people. Can you give me some advice? Which kind of people is each TV programme suitable for? Discuss with your partners and complete the form.TV programmep

23、eopleSports Worldfootball fans, sports fans .Beijing Music Awardsmusic fansMurder in a Country Housepeople who enjoy solving mysteriesTiger Watchanimal lovers, people who like photography【设计意图:通过小组讨论,在回顾课文内容的基础上,分析出每个电视节目的适宜人群,为接下去谈论自己最想要看的节目做好准备。】2. T: If you can only choose one of the four TV prog

24、rammes to watch, which one will you choose? Why? Work in groups of four and discuss with you group members. 3. T: Today we learned about four different TV programmes. Remember that you should learn to choose the most suitable TV programme for yourselves according to your hobbies and your timetable.【

25、设计意图:通过对自己最想观看的电视节目的选择,一方面复习四段课文中所学到的重点单词、短语和表达方式,另一方面引发学生对于如何选择最喜欢的电视节目的深层思考,引导他们培养合理的爱好。】V. Homework1. Read the TV guide fluently.2. Underline the words, phrases and sentences that you are not familiar with. 3. Write a short article about your favourite TV programme and the reasons why you like it

26、.中国书法艺术说课教案 今天我要说课的题目是中国书法艺术,下面我将从教材分析、教学方法、教学过程、课堂评价四个方面对这堂课进行设计。一、教材分析: 本节课讲的是中国书法艺术主要是为了提高学生对书法基础知识的掌握,让学生开始对书法的入门学习有一定了解。 书法作为中国特有的一门线条艺术,在书写中与笔、墨、纸、砚相得益彰,是中国人民勤劳智慧的结晶,是举世公认的艺术奇葩。早在5000年以前的甲骨文就初露端倪,书法从文字产生到形成文字的书写体系,几经变革创造了多种体式的书写艺术。1、教学目标: 使学生了解书法的发展史概况和特点及书法的总体情况,通过分析代表作品,获得如何欣赏书法作品的知识,并能作简单的书

27、法练习。2、教学重点与难点: (一)教学重点了解中国书法的基础知识,掌握其基本特点,进行大量的书法练习。(二)教学难点: 如何感受、认识书法作品中的线条美、结构美、气韵美。3、教具准备: 粉笔,钢笔,书写纸等。4、课时:一课时二、教学方法: 要让学生在教学过程中有所收获,并达到一定的教学目标,在本节课的教学中,我将采用欣赏法、讲授法、练习法来设计本节课。(1) 欣赏法:通过幻灯片让学生欣赏大量优秀的书法作品,使学生对书法产生浓厚的兴趣。(2) 讲授法:讲解书法文字的发展简史,和形式特征,让学生对书法作进一步的了解和认识,通过对书法理论的了解,更深刻的认识书法,从而为以后的书法练习作重要铺垫!(

28、3) 练习法:为了使学生充分了解、认识书法名家名作的书法功底和技巧,请学生进行局部临摹练习。三、教学过程: (一)组织教学 让学生准备好上课用的工具,如钢笔,书与纸等;做好上课准备,以便在以下的教学过程中有一个良好的学习气氛。 (二)引入新课,通过对上节课所学知识的总结,让学生认识到学习书法的意义和重要性! (三)讲授新课 1、在讲授新课之前,通过大量幻灯片让学生欣赏一些优秀的书法作品,使学生对书法产生浓厚的兴趣。 2、讲解书法文字的发展简史和形式特征,让学生对书法作品进一步的了解和认识通过对书法理论的了解,更深刻的认识书法,从而为以后的书法练习作重要铺垫! A书法文字发展简史:古文字系统 甲

29、古文钟鼎文篆书 早在5000年以前我们中华民族的祖先就在龟甲、兽骨上刻出了许多用于记载占卜、天文历法、医术的原始文字“甲骨文”;到了夏商周时期,由于生产力的发展,人们掌握了金属的治炼技术,便在金属器皿上铸上当时的一些天文,历法等情况,这就是“钟鼎文”(又名金文);秦统一全国以后为了方便政治、经济、文化的交流,便将各国纷杂的文字统一为“秦篆”,为了有别于以前的大篆又称小篆。(请学生讨论这几种字体的特点?)古文字是一种以象形为主的字体。今文字系统 隶书草书行书楷书 到了秦末、汉初这一时期,各地交流日见繁多而小篆书写较慢,不能满足需要,隶书便在这种情况下产生了,隶书另一层意思是平民使用,同时还出现了



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